How wealthy you are?


All the cars in this video belong to one man in UAE , he is the son of Dubai ruler ( I am not 100% sure )

I could not help but posting this video on

Dream on guys, Dream on



All the cars in this video belong to one man in UAE , he is the sun of Dubai ruler ( I am not 100% sure )

I could not help but posting this video on

Dream on guys, Dream on

How wealthy you are ? same as him.........................I wish


Forex Indicators Collection


Another way of phrasing it would be - How Poor Are You?

I am not ashamed to say I am dirt poor.

I have a 1990 Toyota Camry with 450,000 Kilometers on it.


Actually, in reality check, Im broke. LoL


It might take a longer than I thought.....I'm still crawlling.

I'm long YEN @ 118.56

short GBP @ 0022

short AUS @ 8333

short EUR @ 3588

long CHF @ 2018 & 2030

.....all trades Open target....and no I hedge most of the time.

Is there any quick method of making millions.....?



Join a good affiliate program and invest your money to promore.

Example : SFI (Six Figure Income )- many people who joined it since a few years ago has been receiveing money more than 50K / month.



sounds like your promotting a MLM scam

Join a good affiliate program and invest your money to promore.

Example : SFI (Six Figure Income )- many people who joined it since a few years ago has been receiveing money more than 50K / month.


Example : SFI (Six Figure Income )- many people who joined it since a few years ago has been receiveing money more than 50K / month.

Nic you have more info.

Mis B. Havin'......what's an MLM scam....?


MLM - multi level marketing. Basically it is like that: send some $ to a guy on top of the list, put your name in the bottom, and find more idiots to push this idea forward. If you are that desperate for cash, better use HYIPs (high yield investment programmes) - you can find some that gives +100% in a week (is there enough ferraris and tropical islands for all of us? )

MLM - multi level marketing. Basically it is like that: send some $ to a guy on top of the list, put your name in the bottom, and find more idiots to push this idea forward. If you are that desperate for cash, better use HYIPs (high yield investment programmes) - you can find some that gives +100% in a week (is there enough ferraris and tropical islands for all of us? )

May I correct you a little bit? MLM is about marketing, you need to sell a goods through your network, they get a comission from their omzet/month. What you mention above is simply money game, there's no goods, what you need is only stupid greed people(s) to send you money.


I'm long YEN @ 118.56 & 118.31

short GBP @ 0022............Closed @ 19990 Prfts Bokked

short AUS @ 8333

short EUR @ 3588

long CHF @ 2018 & 2030

short GBP @ 20000

I dont like multi level Marketing.

I'd rather stay here and trade 24/7