**Steinitz** Method Revealed Here - page 83


Okay, I will download all indicators from page 1 in this thread, and start trading this method. I will do a lot of testing. Can someone give me the latest rules for this method?Or is it the same from the first page 1? Thanks Guys.



The EA is completed! The results are in. The first maiden voyage test showed me something that was always in the back of my mind and was proven by the backtest. I resolved that issue and the code will be fixed rather quickly.

I will get into this more when I return but for now what I can tell you is the method looks very promising. In fact with this sample their was no losers. The last one was due to stopping the EA physically.

Take a look at the statement and graph. I will answer questions later when I return. I am excited to say the least. My manual method of no losses is being echoed with the EA. Look how the first trade toook 10 days to close. This is the key to my methods 100% success rate.

Don't worry I will test all 10 currencies and with longer look back data. I don't know about you guys but I am going to have a wonderful vacation especially getting these results as expected......


wow great result pal...congratulation !


Forex Indicators Collection


no missing data from Jan 24th to Apr 13th/ the EA needs a stop loss

There is no missing data from Jan 24th to Apr 13th, in this back test the EA traded without a stop loss and the EA must close its open trade before opening another trade in the opposite direction. With only a hit of the target to close the trade it took until the April 13th for price to reach the target of 1.9853. The EA bought at 1.9833 and high for Jan 24th was 1.9835ish. The low for the period from Jan 24 to Apr 13 was 1.9182, so the EA had a draw a down of 651 pips. If the back test had not closed the last trade, today it would be over 200 pips in the hole also. Obviously, any trader monitoring his trades would have closed these trades when the long term trend changed or just based on time in trade. The loss would have easy been recovered by allowing the EA to short after closing those long trades. A stop loss of some sort needs to be added to allow the EA to close a bad trade, otherwise it will forever trade only in direction of its first trade and spend long periods long at a high or short at a low.


The results look good - but be careful, there appears to be missing data between Jan 24th to Apr 13th since no trades were taken.

Time Frame ?

I have been using the enclosed EA created by 4xMaster for Steinze HAS system. I'm not exactly sure if I found it on ForexFactory or here. Results have been pretty good so far. Although I have not yet put it through full testing.

I'm placing it here to get some input from the rest of the group. It could be a possible functional EA for this method.

As in any free market economy competition can be a good thing. Looking forward to seeing what Steinze has come up with as well.


Hi Yezbick,

Just wanted to confirm - what TF this EA must be Run on ?



Hi Yezbick,

Just wanted to confirm - what TF this EA must be Run on ?



I've run it on all TF's from M5 up


4xMasterHAS-Ver2.2 EA

I have been using the enclosed EA created by 4xMaster for Steinitz HAS system. I'm not exactly sure if I found it on ForexFactory or here. Results have been pretty good so far. Although I have not yet put it through full testing.

I'm placing it here to get some input from the rest of the group. It could be a possible functional EA for this method.

As in any free market economy competition can be a good thing. Looking forward to seeing what Steinze has come up with as well.



Manual Trading ?

QUADRUPLE Money in Just ONE Day!!! Possible??? Hmmm, IF ........ the Broker(s) or what they called "their Bank(s)" will allow this Trader for Christ's "Style" of trading......But so far, this broker won't allow this style, tsk, tsk, NOT so good....... .......I just want to drop by and say "Hello!"...hope all of you are having a great time, for all those bashers out here, don't pile garbage of posts if you didn't say anything good. The purpose of the forum is to help each other improve their trading and to help people who are doing the EA for this Great System that Mr. Steinitz OPENLY share to people here....

I'm very new in Trading, don't know much of programming but I'd just like to share these report......If you believe, fine, if NOT......still ok, NOT here for self-popularity, I'm here FIRST, to promote Jesus Christ(and His Blessings to me as a Currency Trader)....... and to help the BEST I can the people that is really making this EA works BEST. Truly, we should NOT be here for self-popularity, we're here to share knowledge, good feedbacks, infos., etc.also.....we should make this EA work, and if MOST people here are cooperating well then for sure most of us here would be very successful traders......

Instead of Criticize, CORRECT, IMPROVE and share what you've got that you think would contribute good for the Great FOREX system here.......

This report was from a certain broker who did NOT like my style of trading,......My goodness, I ONLY knew that they don't like my style of trading.......AFTER I called them (after I did this Demo Account) and ask about this Style of Trading......

Do anyone knew brokers who will ALLOW this style of trading??? Thanks, your answers will be appreciated....

God Bless Us All.......

"GIVE and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be mesured to you again."......

---Luke 6:38

Dear Trader_for_Christ,

Are you trading manually ? or have the EA Ready ?




Steinitz EA - great news!

Hi Don.....great news about the EA and it is bang on schedule. Looking forward to more test results when you are ready. All credit to you and Lee - keep up the good work.


Hi Don.....great news about the EA and it is bang on schedule. Looking forward to more test results when you are ready. All credit to you and Lee - keep up the good work. johnny

......and I should have said for you and your family to enjoy your no doubt well-deserved vacation. Relax and try to forget about trading for a while!


There is no missing data from Jan 24th to Apr 13th, in this back test the EA traded without a stop loss and the EA must close its open trade before opening another trade in the opposite direction. With only a hit of the target to close the trade it took until the April 13th for price to reach the target of 1.9853. The EA bought at 1.9833 and high for Jan 24th was 1.9835ish. The low for the period from Jan 24 to Apr 13 was 1.9182, so the EA had a draw a down of 651 pips. If the back test had not closed the last trade, today it would be over 200 pips in the hole also. Obviously, any trader monitoring his trades would have closed these trades when the long term trend changed or just based on time in trade. The loss would have easy been recovered by allowing the EA to short after closing those long trades. A stop loss of some sort needs to be added to allow the EA to close a bad trade, otherwise it will forever trade only in direction of its first trade and spend long periods long at a high or short at a low. Redleg

I must say that he is exactly right. I have been testing this EA through MSN messenger with Lee and it looked good. But upon further testing on his side he told me the same thing that is being said here. Yes the results look good but our problem we have is the floating drawdown.

Probably shouldn't have said anything until I had a chance to play with all the exit strategies that are available on the EA. I just thought people would like to know as soon as I new what the results were like.

I need to come up with a plan that does indeed eliminate the long holdings of a bad trade but at the same time allow some wiggle room and not get out too quickly. No doubt this will be the biggest challenge I will be faced with on this method .

There are plenty of exit strategies that were programmed and not used in testing yet. So Lee and I will need to test many ideas. No I will not be curve fitting this. It will be some setting that if works will need to prove itself across all currencies and back data.

Lastly, there are some people on here that are quick to make trouble. I made a statement that Bluto is not part of this development. I understand many of you like his contributions. I can see he is an asset to the community. In fact I like him not only as a friend from a far but as a fellow trader. What I said is accurate.

We agreed from the near beginning to go our separate ways as I had Lee already doing my programming. No hard feelings and a mutual admiration for each others work. So as Nevada Power says "call before you dig". If you don't understand my humor that's ok.

I will be testing this a lot more soon. I will always be disclosing the basics of the trades even it that means potential drawdown. Again, if you want to suggest something by all means. If not I will be trying all sorts of combinations.

Good standard deviations to all!