RB26DETT-Skyline GTR - page 27


Who are you to call anyone worthless? Don't define others by your own standards!

Next, I have not or ever try to sell David's EA to anyone.

Lastly, for your information I have far more than $20 belive it or not. Today I just transfered $1000 to Shenzhen in China.

He's nobody to call you worthless, but you're nobody to share my EA.

Wow, those are strong words. You hope that someone else gets "Hemorrhoids"?? Hmmm, you must have alot of hate inside you. Maybe your username does not have the word "Killer" for nothing as in another life you would like to kill alot of people? FYI, I do not want to kill anybody, not even my worst enemy.

He's just another bad like me, which our mouth cant be shut without super glue, please forgive him.

But, I am sure that if you was in front of me right now you would not have the courage to it to my face! It is easy for you to hide behind the anonymity of the internet.

You bet, I'm sure its easy to hide behind the anonymity of the internet to share other's piece of work with other members prior to my permission.


take me off your list and please continue to share your ideas/EA with the other group members.

I am big enough to say that I made a mistake in giving your EA to JoZo without your permission. I sent it to him/her because I saw that they was a senior member on this forum with many contributions and wanted to test your EA. I also saw that he/she was from Croatia, a country that suffered war a few years ago. Obvioulsy, I let these thing cloud my judgement and was very stupid to email the EA to JoZo - he/she should have been left with their desires and nothing more!

Note, that I never at any point try to sell it to JoZo or anyone else. Selling EAs is not what I do.

Yes I know, and I accept your apology. Let me give you a clearer explaination, why I rejected a senior member's application.

1) You have to take the queue! Just like everyone else here awaitted since V12

2) If I can allow him to cut the queue in the middle, I will have to make another exception if another senior member ask my permission to join the group

3) Someone who really interested on 1 EA, he/she should probably will follow the thread until we do another recruitment, just like you did before.

Now, about sharing my EA. Okay. JoZo live in the bad environment, he/she could desperately need my help from my EA, and you're a good man who shared the EA with him/her and see whether can help - now, you're doing it on your own discretion. You're trying to decompile EA here! And you ask for merely 20 bucks of decompilation fee's sharing. I live in the country with full of pirated property issue. When I see the message from JoZo, that he/she said that you wanted to decompile my EA, I feels like getting rape!!! And you're asking JoZo wanna take a fuck on me by paying you 20 bucks?! Cool, that makes me more like a sex slave! I continue to worked out EA, you guys decompile, you guys share it with your own discretion, and I'm the only fucker who keep getting fuck at the back for 20 bucks exchange without knowing it though. Brilliant!


I am big enough to say...

You're not big at all to say anything, since you're charged by other people, you could have told me the incident before you get pointing out by someone. Besides, I really wanna listen to the explaination of the decompilation incident(if it is a incident, not conspiracy) The reason I pick you up in my team because I've been seeing you doing testing on 10point3, and you did deliver a lot of promises on some other threads. You're senior enough to answer me infront of my face. If you think I'm a yahoos that cant understand of any situations, then you're wrong. I will make exception under certain circumstances. When people slap my left face, I wouldn't let them slap my right, but I'll ask WHY. Cheers



First, I offered to try to get the EA decompiled because JoZo sent me 3 seperate messages about the expiration date in the EA, which I did not know. This was like parnoai.

I did not tell you those people who continue contribute and helping me test my EA will get the update? Whats the paranoid issue here? After participating with the development of 10point3, we've comming out with V12, then now RB26, am I that kind of person who leave you a expiration date EA dn walk away?


Second, I have no interest in decompiling the EA myself otherwise I would have done it already. Think about it, actions speak louder than words.

Third, it would cost alot more than $20 to get an EA decompiled. I was going to contribute myself with my own funds the full cost. I merely told JoZo that he/she would have to contribute because I didn't see why I should pay for it all myself especially considering that I do not have any desire to see the code.

Yes, if somebody would take Bag-it and decompile it, I will be more then happy to take a look at it. Ofcourse, I would be glad that someone who share to cost for the decompilation procedure. When you speak louder then words, which makes me think you're going to collect 20 bucks from JoZo and walk away without deliver the source code. You're making contradiction here. Think about it and answer it again.

As, I have stated before - I was wrong to send anything to JoZo. Even though JoZo has literally stabbed me in the back I would not wish that he/she has Hemorrhoids.

I like your explaination that JoZo might urgently need my EA to help him build some wealth, but he chooses honesty. Do you expect him to shut the f*ck up and decompile my EA with you? Weird, you're making another contradiction again.


It is clear that you view decompilation as a bad thing, but it is not in all cases. Take one example on this forum - the EuroX2 EA that was being sold. Now, it was not until someone posted the decompiled file of that EA that people saw that it was 99% the 10Point3 EA. Now, some people due to this posted decompiled EA have modified the EA in an attempt to make it better to use with real money. Now you will find the EA EURO_X2 with SL .

Futhermore, I can see that the original author of the 10Point3 EA, Alejandro Galindo, has looked at the decompiled EuroX2 EA and even modified it himself with his eurox2 sl v 1.2 EA.

So people are assuming that I wanted to get the EA decompiled for bad reasons like selling the EA on eBay. I have no interest in trying to make money from selling EAs, others may do and that is their choice. I seek to make money from actual forex trading.

hmm, decompiling EuroX2 is a good case. AND, decompiling my EA is not a bad case neither, sounds like it. Why not I post the code here? For you convenience, no need to go through some other people to decompile it. You spent a few PM to obtain a copy of my EA for TESTING, and now you're my GURU to look into my EA to improve it? What a suprise...

I stated that:

"Someone who really interested on 1 EA, he/she should probably will follow the thread until we do another recruitment, just like you did before."

And your reply is


Well, this is not always true and is more easier said than done because there are so many threads on this forum and so many systems to try to investigate. So, some people may not have had the time or opportunity to follow the thread....I assumed this was true in JoZo's case, which was with hindsight wrong. He/she should have waited just like everyone else.

So, please do not stop sharing your work with the other members because of this error on my part.

JoZo did agreed to wait for the next recruitment. This proved that you're not following the thread. He/She did agreed and make a post here. This is the EA that you're testing and we're working on, and you're not reading the post as everybody do. Guess what, newdigital reading every single post here in TSD. Each and every F*CK word that comming from my keyboard, he's counting. I BET HE DID:D So, what's wrong if I ask for a little more focus from those who tend to join in the group? JoZo PMed me before he/she make a post on the thread, I decided to reject him from the team at the moment, because everybody has to wait for my new project to participate in the team. testern, we're both joining TSD for about half a year. We're almost from the same batch. You're hurting my feelings by asking others to share the decompilation of my EA. I think that you owe us an apology. Tell me if I'm wrong. Please... You know I'm not those kind of people whose with bad intension. You know my mouth is full of bad words, but I have a good heart. I've been getting hurt many times. When you're calling that JoZo is stabbing you, I even have people stab me from out of TSD forum, even seeing a TSD member saying that I'm a bloody anal that I'm not sharing my EA with him in the yahoo group. I know who he is, and actually when he send in requesition about RB26, I pretended I dont know anything about it, its his turn to join the group.



p/s: I hope we can end it here. I just wanted to hear 1 apology from you about decompiling my EA. I hope you dont do it again, because that will spoil our moment here. We just started to see some pips now, and I'm making 3 rubbish posts on this thread. I sincerely hope you understand how desperate I am wanting to get a complete EA, just like you do.



these is my firts 6 level on live

i think close it when i was loss -$54 but i wait and i finish on positive litlle +2.39

we need trust on the EA

you know its different run a demo or a live


muchas gracias


Great Ea!

Hello David

I am using 8 max trades which took care of a big move in the EUR/AUD over the past few days.

I am using this on a real account but decreased risk factor like you suggested. The EA handled it all with money in the bank.

Notice on the chart, the EUR/AUD moved 81pips on the sells, then shot up 130 pips straight up then later on the buys it fell 130 pips when it was buying but the EA took care of it all.

It looks like it can handle some big moves.



You say that JoZo agreed to wait for the next recruitment, but when I sent him a pm asking if he/she still wanted the EA now he/she decided to send me his/her email address to send it to them. You see actions truely indeed speak louder than words. If JoZo really wanted to wait then he/she would have simply ignored my PM or they would have sent a response back saying something like, "I have agreed to wait for the next recriutment, thanks for your offer to send me the EA", but he/she did not! Judge people by what they do not what they say. Anybody of any sense will be able to see the type of person JoZo is, the type of person who you would seek to avoid in real life if you met them face to face.

As from your response above I know that you can see that decompilation is not simply a black and white issue.

I will not comment any more on this subject.

Can you please post the evidence? May be a screenshot? I would like to see what happen and see both of you debate on this issue. I'm not judging, I'm just assuming what happen. And who knows what you're thinking? And whats with JoZo? Please, both of you guys try to clarify it, before I start working again.




these is my firts 6 level on live

i think close it when i was loss -$54 but i wait and i finish on positive litlle +2.39

we need trust on the EA

you know its different run a demo or a live


muchas gracias
Hello David

I am using 8 max trades which took care of a big move in the EUR/AUD over the past few days.

I am using this on a real account but decreased risk factor like you suggested. The EA handled it all with money in the bank.

Notice on the chart, the EUR/AUD moved 81pips on the sells, then shot up 130 pips straight up then later on the buys it fell 130 pips when it was buying but the EA took care of it all.

It looks like it can handle some big moves.


Great to see the survivors. By any time should you have doubt about the trades, please close them manually.

By the way, buko, the higher max trade can sustain a little big move, but it also mean that it could lead you to margin call. Its a give and take situation. And I strongly recommended you to trade with EURUSD only on live account. I have no experience with other pairs on live trading with this EA. Wish you good luck with the high max trade. Stay safe trading and god bless.




I have been away today because I had to work!

I have read some posts of testernand want to say a few things.

David recruited me after I said that you were the person that gave me the EA not before you have sent me the EA.

I didn't read all your posts because I'm really tired, gone to work at 6AM and come at 16pm, maybe I shouldn't say nothing to davidke20 but I'm a honest person...

I only sent to him a MSG because you asked me If I want to contribute to decompile the EA, and that made me SO SO MAD

That's all from my side, the screenshots will talk for me. I really don't want to argue or something like that.

By the way, I'm not a looser. Sorry but I will never be a looser.

Attached the pics

UPDATED and EDITED: Sorry, didn't attach the pics

If David wants I can give him my password so he can verify directly from my account, I don't have nothing to hide...

Thanks for the continuos supportive and honesty. However, to be fair to other members, I'll only allow you to join the group on the next recruitment. But you're already on the waitting list, which I dont do it oftenly.

Testern, anything from your side? I'm not going to accuse you, its time for you to prove me and JoZo's wrong. And I have to agree with you under certain circumstances.



You say that JoZo agreed to wait for the next recruitment, but when I sent him a pm asking if he/she still wanted the EA now he/she decided to send me his/her email address to send it to them. You see actions truely indeed speak louder than words. If JoZo really wanted to wait then he/she would have simply ignored my PM or they would have sent a response back saying something like, "I have agreed to wait for the next recriutment, thanks for your offer to send me the EA", but he/she did not! Judge people by what they do not what they say. Anybody of any sense will be able to see the type of person JoZo is, the type of person who you would seek to avoid in real life if you met them face to face.

Like I said in the post before. David asked me after that to wait the next recruitment not before you sent me the PM.

And one more thing. I have sent you totally 3 PMS.

1st was the answer to your 1st PM!

2nd was a question after I have seen the 2nd PM by you and didn't look in my email yet

3rd was my PM to you to confirm that I have received the email and that I know the expiration date.

This is paranoic??

And one more thing. I don't think you are a bad person, just made a mistake like everybody do.


And I forget to say

The name in the email "James Starks" is my "ART name" in Italian "Nome d'arte"...

Have a nice day guys!