RB26DETT-Skyline GTR - page 26

JoZo, good job exposing this testern dickhead.

testern, you are ....! So you could have made a quick $20, but you missed out on the hundreds, thousands, or may be even hundreds of thousands you could have made from using davidke's EA. Now that JoZo exposed you, you don't even have the $20. My god, dumb doesn't even begin to describe you.

Everyone here works hard and comes together in the spirit of sharing and helping each other, then you have people like testern ruining things for everyone. If we are to get rid of people like testern, we need to work together as a group. May be we should start a blacklist of some sort, keep track of all the despicable people on the forum.

I think there is allready a possibility to do that. In the "members list", there is a subject called "reputation". Different collors can be showed by the admin. for different confirmed infringements. That record can be useful to do recruitments and other tasks where trust and confidentiality is necessary.

I got this from my PM box. Thank you for informing me, and to say good bye and good luck to you guys. Please dont blame me, you guys should blame those who leak my EA out.



Hi David,

I hope you won't give up and deprived a lot of people of your knowledges just for one supid and untrustable guy, but I can understand you feel betrayed !

Anyway, thanks a lot for sharing your work.

Keep going



JoZo, good job exposing this testern dickhead.

testern, you are worthless! So you could have made a quick $20, but you missed out on the hundreds, thousands, or may be even hundreds of thousands you could have made from using davidke's EA. Now that JoZo exposed you, you don't even have the $20. My god, dumb doesn't even begin to describe you.

Everyone here works hard and comes together in the spirit of sharing and helping each other, then you have people like testern ruining things for everyone. If we are to get rid of people like testern, we need to work together as a group. May be we should start a blacklist of some sort, keep track of all the despicable people on the forum.


Wow newdigital, you are good man! caught my swearing words right away. Is there any place you're not at? Sorry about the bad words, I rephrased the post, anger got the best of me

I think there is allready a possibility to do that. In the "members list", there is a subject called "reputation". Different collors can be showed by the admin. for different confirmed infringements. That record can be useful to do recruitments and other tasks where trust and confidentiality is necessary.

It changes color? I didn't know that? I thought we all just start off with 1 green dot and it just goes from there. But the blacklist I was thinking of would be something that everyone can go to right away, sort of like a rap sheet for criminals.


hi david, I hope you continue to let us test this for you. Its too bad someone has to screw it up for everybody.

I hope that name matches someone in your list


JoZo, good job exposing this testern dickhead.

testern, you are worthless! So you could have made a quick $20, but you missed out on the hundreds, thousands, or may be even hundreds of thousands you could have made from using davidke's EA. Now that JoZo exposed you, you don't even have the $20. My god, dumb doesn't even begin to describe you.

Everyone here works hard and comes together in the spirit of sharing and helping each other, then you have people like testern ruining things for everyone. If we are to get rid of people like testern, we need to work together as a group. May be we should start a blacklist of some sort, keep track of all the despicable people on the forum.


Who are you to call anyone worthless? Don't define others by your own standards!

Next, I have not or ever try to sell David's EA to anyone.

Lastly, for your information I have far more than $20 belive it or not. Today I just transfered $1000 to Shenzhen in China.

Who was the idiot? seriously!

Clearly the EA was meant to be used by the person david sent it to and no one else. Who ever did this I hope you get Hemorrhoids.

Wow, those are strong words. You hope that someone else gets "Hemorrhoids"??

Hmmm, you must have alot of hate inside you. Maybe your username does not have the word "Killer" for nothing as in another life you would like to kill alot of people? FYI, I do not want to kill anybody, not even my worst enemy.

But, I am sure that if you was in front of me right now you would not have the courage to it to my face! It is easy for you to hide behind the anonymity of the internet.



take me off your list and please continue to share your ideas/EA with the other group members.

I am big enough to say that I made a mistake in giving your EA to JoZo without your permission. I sent it to him/her because I saw that they was a senior member on this forum with many contributions and wanted to test your EA. I also saw that he/she was from Croatia, a country that suffered war a few years ago. Obvioulsy, I let these thing cloud my judgement and was very stupid to email the EA to JoZo - he/she should have been left with their desires and nothing more!

Note, that I never at any point try to sell it to JoZo or anyone else. Selling EAs is not what I do.

