Live Testing reports - page 37



I have my doubts about the countertrend technique. There is no logical reason why selling on the rise and buying on the drop should make money. But I'm willing to test the hypothesis. Unfortunately results with 5.7.2 on most pairs are not terribly impressive thus far. I will wait and see.

Here is a chart showing 2 trades entered by Phoenix with default settings on GBPUSD, with ConsecSigs=20. By all appearances, the curve is about to turn up, but Phoenix decided to sell. We shall see what happens in the next 12 hours. Will these be winners or losers?

Phoenix win with the gbp news help...


Report of this week

1-Timeframe: M15

2- Broker: FXDD

3- Settings file: Defaults

4- Account : Demo

5- Version: 5.7.0

6- Mode : 3, full auto

7- Cur : $/JPY, GB/$, EUR/JPY, $/CHF

Comments : another Rock ' Roll week... I discover right now that I had no trades closed on $/CHF... Strange... Will check log files to see what happend...

Nice WE to all

Comments : another Rock ' Roll week... I discover right now that I had no trades closed on $/CHF... Strange... Will check log files to see what happend...

Bertbin, how's the island life? I'm already looking at property

please PM me with your email-address, i have so many questions...

i had no trades for the swissie either (FXDD account only). and again for the 4th week in a row (since start-up) a winning week for the USDJPY with 36:3 winning ratio.

the picture for my IBFX accounts has changed drasticly. if i was paranoid i could say that the broker is monitoring and manipulating my trades.



trading results

This weeks trading results

IBFX_0 -1080 pips

IBFX_1 -830 pips

IBFX_2 -314 pips

FXDD_3 129 pips

Account: IBFX_0

Setup: default / MM=true / Risk = 5% / SignalCount = 5, 15min. for all currency pairs

Mode: 3, full auto, look, but don't touch


Start 11/5/2006

Gain (%) 32.26% after 14 weeks

Gain ($$$) $15,068.21

Gain (pips) 2666

Account: IBFX_1

Setup: default / MM=true / Risk = 5% SignalCount = 5, 15min. for all currency pairs

Mode: 3, full auto, look, but don't touch


Start 12/19/2007

Loss (%) -22.36% after 8 weeks

Loss ($$$) -$11,179.88

Loss (pips) -805

Account: IBFX_2

Setup: default / MM=true / Risk = 5% SignalCount = 5, 15min. for all currency pairs

Mode: 1, full auto, look, but don't touch


Start 12/19/2007

Loss (%) -14.38% after 8 weeks

Loss ($$$) -$7,188.53

Loss (pips) -422

Account: FXDD_3

Setup: default / MM=true / Risk = 5% SignalCount = 5, 15min. for all currency pairs

Mode: 3, full auto, look, but don't touch


Start 1/14/2007

Gain (%) 16.80% after 4 weeks

Gain ($$$) $8,398.36 new high-mark

Gain (pips) 1354


Bertbin, how's the island life? I'm already looking at property

please PM me with your email-address, i have so many questions...

i had no trades for the swissie either (FXDD account only). and again for the 4th week in a row (since start-up) a winning week for the USDJPY with 36:3 winning ratio.

the picture for my IBFX accounts has changed drasticly. if i was paranoid i could say that the broker is monitoring and manipulating my trades.


Strange... I checked part of the day the logs file and I found nothing... I was a bit disapointed coz I would rather prefer to have made an own mistake (hope you understand my exotic english !!! ) but Phoenix did his job and found nothing on the swissie... And I am a bit happy that you got nothing too...

At last Yen went up... in the results !!!!

But the interesting thing that we got the SAME amount of pips in the 3 cur we have in common : same wins, same losses...

Interesting too that a guy in Venezuela and another one in States have the SAME results for a random EA as our friend CuckooBrainCowBoy said...

And interesting too suchs positive results for an "unaceptable EA".... as somebody said here in this thread...

Well, next week is another week : will see...

And about FXDD I am still waiting your adress to get there my beer !!!!

To day here in Celsius air : 29, water : 24 and wind 22 knots...

See you

NB your statements are great, if you need more things in the macro : tell me



I didn't open MT4 all day.When I sleep,I shut PC.

1-Timeframe: M15

2- Broker: Direct Forex

3- Settings file: Defaults

4- Account : Demo

5- Version: 5.7.2w

6- Mode : 3, full auto

7- Cur : GBP/$, EUR/$, GBP/JPY


1-Timeframe: H1

2- Broker: Direct Forex

3- Settings file: Changed TP,SL,P_Fast_Period,P_Slow_Period

4- Account : Demo

5- Version: 5.7.2a

6- Mode : 3, full auto

7- Cur : GBP/$, EUR/$, GBP/JPY


Strange... I checked part of the day the logs file and I found nothing... I was a bit disapointed coz I would rather prefer to have made an own mistake (hope you understand my exotic english !!! ) but Phoenix did his job and found nothing on the swissie... And I am a bit happy that you got nothing too...

At last Yen went up... in the results !!!!

But the interesting thing that we got the SAME amount of pips in the 3 cur we have in common : same wins, same losses...

Interesting too that a guy in Venezuela and another one in States have the SAME results for a random EA as our friend CuckooBrainCowBoy said...

And interesting too suchs positive results for an "unaceptable EA".... as somebody said here in this thread...

Well, next week is another week : will see...

And about FXDD I am still waiting your adress to get there my beer !!!!

To day here in Celsius air : 29, water : 24 and wind 22 knots...

See you

NB your statements are great, if you need more things in the macro : tell me

2Yr backtesting (90%) shows that the pref settings lost at least 50% of its initial capital before it starting making gains in 2006 in either modes. What if 2007 is like 2005. 50% capital loss BEFORE showing ANY Gains is "unacceptable" (You can use my name) to me. Thats what I am using to test for now as I am still learning to optimize as I have said.

I'm not like CockBrainCowboy dissin' this EA, Just making a pretty obvious statement. If I'm wrong, please do correct me.

2Yr backtesting (90%) shows that the pref settings lost at least 50% of its initial capital before it starting making gains in 2006 in either modes. What if 2007 is like 2005. 50% capital loss BEFORE showing ANY Gains is "unacceptable" (You can use my name) to me. Thats what I am using to test for now as I am still learning to optimize as I have said. I'm not like CockBrainCowboy dissin' this EA, Just making a pretty obvious statement.

Hi Kreeper.

Peace and love...

Sure you are not like Cockbrain... And was not my intention to put you in the same basket... I apologize if I hurt you...

BTW : backtesting is... backtesting with all we know about...

Past predict future ? I dont think so... It's only my opinion...

Especially in FX one of the craziest things in this world (they are much more and worst)

Forward is more real...

Will see next months if yours toughts are right...

See you


i have to agree with bertbin here.

backtesting is just what it is... backTESTING. there is no way that a 2 year run can give any clear results. 4 to 6 months maybe but certainly not 2 years.