ISAKAS ashi by Kuskus_Osentogg - page 137


as'kum bro zeman.... i'm lie from msia....saya skrg tgh berdemo 500 usd mic ac di fxdd utk pasangan eur/usd...kalau semua biru... kita buy...kalau semua merah kita sell...jadi apakah tf yg sesuai saya perlu gunakan....saya bru belaja pasal forex...dan saya tahu pasal bro dr cg...maaf saya x beli kuasafx.. tp terus refer pada thread ini... dengan menggunakan indikator nie utk live....berapa peratuskah perolehan boleh dibuat dalam sebulan??...bagaimana saya nak install semua indikator bro ke dalam mt v.4.0...saya juga memerlukan idYM bro zeman utk belajar trade dan memahami semua perkara berkaitan indikator bro...saya berniat...tma ksh.....


Bro dumbtrader (kenapa pakai ID ni? lama2 pandai jugak, so kena tukar id smarttrader pulak )

TF yang sesuai: 30M

indicator ni sesuai untuk EUR/JPY n GBP/JPY. pair lain pun boleh jugak.

Cuba bro ke post ni:

Ada cara2 nak install indicator ni dalam metatrader, dan cara nak pakai.

Bro dumbtrader (kenapa pakai ID ni? lama2 pandai jugak, so kena tukar id smarttrader pulak )

TF yang sesuai: 30M

indicator ni sesuai untuk EUR/JPY n GBP/JPY. pair lain pun boleh jugak.

Cuba bro ke post ni:

Ada cara2 nak install indicator ni dalam metatrader, dan cara nak pakai.

tma ksh kilo...dumb sb x tatau pe2 lam fx nie... ape pndpt msg2 utk live...platfrm ne bgus?? n modal rendah??lifefx ke fxdd ke oanandas ker or cm nerr

bro zeman... indikator ni sesuai ker utk live modal kecil??


u r the man ..

forward live testing for EJ + GJ using isakas II ... 3 day .. very88x profitable ...

I love ur indicator .. i mix urs with Elliot wave forecasting ... really2 profitable ..

Even isakas II alone i can make a lots of money ..

isakas II remind me trackntrade bears n bulls indicator. They charge u almost $1000 .. but this one is free ..

God bless u man ...

Syabas ...

Dear Zeman,

Since your systems are really great , i think an EA would fit the bill and bring this system to a whole new level. Has anyone created an EA for your system yet ? Coz many of us cant be in front of the comp 24/7 and many of the best entry signals are missed.

BTW , which part of Malaysia are you from ? I am from NSDK but studying at Bukit Jalil. I semangat la when see a Malaysian like you achieve soo much in the Forex market. LoL .. I dream to be like you one day, Insyallah Good Job Bro ! Keep up the good work and may God Bless You

sure im glad if u try to created this... I tried to created isakas EA before, but still not good enough for run it and still have an error ..maybe i should learn more bout EA...

im from still not pro trader yet...still young in this arena...need to learn more about forex..pray for me

Tq zemang..... (mu memang behh) many system was created by super inteligent person like u. I used 2 @ 3 manual trading system before this... but its so "sakit kepala bohh".. so many indicator on the platform. But... (bukang nok jekk ni) with ISAKAS ASHI.. its so simple.. and not to "sakit kepala" to monitor the movement of CS. .. By the way, I'm curious about ISAKAS ASHI?? what is that mean? (mcm nama jepung jer).. heehe.. p.s tak join MV dah ker

Sometimes people just look down with one eyes for this system coz its look so childish ( colourful ) and not too pro.. them talk about it..

We can win all the time but we need to win more than losses.. ( beh dop skiping? ) isakas ashi is not tepung name or delicious like budu, itss one knows..

Hi Zeman

Saya sudah mehadapi masala yang sangat teluk...sila tengok gambar

kadangkala sudah ada 3 biru atau 3 mereh pun akan jadi macam gamba ini.

Bra Zeman ada apa cara tak?

hi cik longshefook

ni sya xpaham masalah apa pun..sila terangkan detail lg..takder flattrend MACD or masalah signal false? kalu false biasa la..bisnes..ada rugi ada untung.. berusaha lagi Ok..

tma ksh kilo...dumb sb x tatau pe2 lam fx nie... ape pndpt msg2 utk live...platfrm ne bgus?? n modal rendah??lifefx ke fxdd ke oanandas ker or cm nerr bro zeman... indikator ni sesuai ker utk live modal kecil??


My opinion..NF, MIG, MV and FXDD is recommended broker.

For me, i think, u r not ready yet for live trading... Still need a lot of practice in virtual/demo account... Do not satisfied and confident 100% when u win 4-5 times at the beginning...Practice bout 1 month first, then decide urself, if this system is suitable for u or not...check ur inbox bro...

by the way..thanks for kilokahn and fising for answer others question..

isakas is not belong and suitable for who want to win all of the time..

u r the man ..

forward live testing for EJ + GJ using isakas II ... 3 day .. very88x profitable ...

I love ur indicator .. i mix urs with Elliot wave forecasting ... really2 profitable ..

Even isakas II alone i can make a lots of money ..

isakas II remind me trackntrade bears n bulls indicator. They charge u almost $1000 .. but this one is free ..

God bless u man ...

Syabas ...

yeah..good for u man...but be carefull...the day is not shining always... ready for down and steady when u at the top..

yeah..good for u man...but be carefull...the day is not shining always... ready for down and steady when u at the top..

ok noted


To bro Zeman,.


I'm newbie and from my.

Would like to use ur isakas rebirth(nonlagma)

Well,if u make them audible when nonlagma change colour from red/blue to yellow,then it' wonderful.

wish ur all the best, and thank u.



See the GBP/JPY this week result....

This indicator is so good when the market going up and down trend....but if flat market the result show that no good and losing....

May i know who can inprove it?

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Salam again.

(where r u?on vacation?good 4 u man.)

Would like to ask about isakas cs-

Using tf 4h(or daily)-if the primary entry is meet, then set po on the top/buy, or bottom/sell.But for this entry(the best) which tf we must look at ?tf 15min or still the general 4h/daily.

As reference to Avril L - I think the use of this system is mainly for trendingmarket.(That's why bband stop n flat trend w macd) is one of the resources-to make sure that we're entering in trending market.

Is that right guru?