ISAKAS ashi by Kuskus_Osentogg - page 132


"setakat ni... aku gabungkan guna isakas versi lama + isakas rebirth + isakas cs + stoch + macd pun dah cukup bagus... masuk bila trend betul2 kuat sahaja.... dan masuk bila kesemua TF 15M / 30M / 1H / 4H / Daily semua dalam trend yang sama... dan aku pun gabungkan dengan FX Turning Point System yang aku beli... untuk check long term trend..."this from bro ssufian at nogold.can u help me find isakas cs,stoch and macd?

this blog is in make me more understand.i'm not good in english u know hehe


Kudos to Zeman, because he is the man! I am using Isakas II on my demo and hope to go live soon. Thanks.


I've been getting good result by using ISAKAS V2 from the first day using it. Kudos to Bro Zeman.

ada sapa2 blh tlg sy ni org br knl forex

baru 4ari kot knl forex.

knp org ckp forex ni 2hala mana hala nye?

xpaham r.

lagi satu bila main demo r perlu buy and sell je ke?

bila plak nk close.xphm r.tolong ajar skit

forex 2hala sbb leh berurusniaga dlm 2 jenis keadaan market, jual dan beli..

nk close tu ada butang dia.. jgn risau...dia xkan ilangkn butang tu..he..

err... ni kena study banyak lg nih...

rujuk site2 yg bekalkan info2 tentang basic forex...

Forex Education, Forex Training, Currency Trading, Beginner's Guide to Forex Trading, Learn Forex, Foreign Exchange -

Kudos to Zeman, because he is the man! I am using Isakas II on my demo and hope to go live soon. Thanks.
I've been getting good result by using ISAKAS V2 from the first day using it. Kudos to Bro Zeman.

thanks..but what kudos means..?

n thanks a lots for other users who reply our members question... hopes all the best for all.


Bro Zeman,

I've been using Isakasll for quite some times and the result as what you said "You win some, you lose some".

Now, I'm trying to use other indis, maybe Rebirth. I've dwnld it and used it!

Am I using the correct setting as per images here? Which one is good?

Another question is that what is the different between Isakas Rebirth & Isakas Rebirth (nonlagmA). And what about Isakas CS?

Just a brief basic explaination will do. Each is for what & maybe TF also.

Thank in advance! "Kudos" tu "Bravo" kot?

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Bro Zeman,

I've been using Isakasll for quite some times and the result as what you said "You win some, you lose some".

Now, I'm trying to use other indis, maybe Rebirth. I've dwnld it and used it!

Am I using the correct setting as per images here? Which one is good?

Another question is that what is the different between Isakas Rebirth & Isakas Rebirth (nonlagmA). And what about Isakas CS?

Just a brief basic explaination will do. Each is for what & maybe TF also.

Thanks in advance! "Kudos" tu "Bravo" kot?

I think above cannot open & don't know why.

I attached here again.

Thanks also to ur answer in my PM

gj_m15_1.jpg  68 kb
gj_m15_2.jpg  69 kb
I think above cannot open & don't know why.

I attached here again.

Thanks also to ur answer in my PM

kudos means bravo? owh.. i think that means "kueh raya "hehe..

ok...Refer to the image u attached above i think the isakas rebirth with fibopivot indicator much more simple n easier than isakas rebirth with nonlagMA..

Set ur TP and SL refers to the fibopivot lines..

both timeframe can be used... 15 or 30...

isakas CS for Tf4hour n daily trades...Combine with Stoch and Classic Pivot point.. Need a little knowledge bout candlestick and that could be more easier to identify the CS pattern soon without the indicator anymore after u used isakas CS for month or couple of weeks...

gud luck

kudos means bravo? owh.. i think that means "kueh raya "hehe..

ok...Refer to the image u attached above i think the isakas rebirth with fibopivot indicator much more simple n easier than isakas rebirth with nonlagMA..

Set ur TP and SL refers to the fibopivot lines..

both timeframe can be used... 15 or 30...

isakas CS for Tf4hour n daily trades...Combine with Stoch and Classic Pivot point.. Need a little knowledge bout candlestick and that could be more easier to identify the CS pattern soon without the indicator anymore after u used isakas CS for month or couple of weeks...

gud luck

long time no see masta...welcome back..

long time no see masta...welcome back..

thanks masta naima..err.. lalalaa...

thanks masta naima..err.. lalalaa...

adehh...kene perli aku di buat nyer...err.... who that pokemon...??? i'am confius masta...