HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 73


ehem ehem... i feel weird and smelly around here.. carefull my cous, cruise cruise.. haha i think u remember it..


hi fxcruiser

would you be able to post a chart of todays cable with H2 Hama details?

Also when are you going to accept new membership to your google group?

Thanks really appreciate all your work an help.



fx cruiser,

Where art thou?

45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX, by Jimmy Young



May I add that the other day, after the 30-40 pips move on cable, we have guys in the trade room having fun scalping it for 5-8-10-15 pips. Yet, they didn't even have the H2 System on hand. They just watched the live charts in the trading room. Mind you these were not all on demo account; some were on live funded account.

sound like mine with daily 20 target, I'm daily got it with the ancient HAMA H1, wanna prof sg1? yeah it's trully not so easy ride and sometimes full of bump, but now I know where the pip hidden palace with HAMA;)

sound like mine with daily 20 target, I'm daily got it with the ancient HAMA H1, wanna prof sg1? yeah it's trully not so easy ride and sometimes full of bump, but now I know where the pip hidden palace with HAMA;)

paijolopez, I am glad to read that you're now really consistent and confident with your trade setup executions. Congrats!




take it you will be moving to the commercial section now fxcrusier now you have went all "give me your money for my free stuff ....."

The PIPe PIPer:
fx cruiser,

Where art thou?

45 Ways to Avoid Losing Money Trading FOREX, by Jimmy Young


I was in the Trading Room most of the morning. We had great discussion on the nuances of some of the H2 indicators.

Well, your link is working OK now. Thanks.





Does anyone have the H2 indicators and template? Just want to know if I'm one of a few or many that has not received them yet.


Does anyone have the H2 indicators and template? Just want to know if I'm one of a few or many that has not received them yet. Thanks,

nobody has it yet. I don't...


First Things First in Your Trading


It's been said that if you don't know where you're going, you could wind up anywhere. The same is true in trading - if you don't know what it is you're trying to accomplish, you're not likely to accomplish much of anything. One of the biggest pitfalls we face as aggressive investors is a lack of a specific plan.

click on the title to continue reading the article


Although this article may seem conservative for the MT4 forex crowd, it is still a worthwhile transferable technique.

