HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 78

The hamapad is not a system from fxcruiser.

The the so called motor of the system was taken by fxcruiser from this topic.


So how can he say that one has to keep this system for himself.

Excuse me, Mr. Professional Trader Igor, where is the system in that thread. Those are indicators. I gave them the approach to trade the trend using those indicators combined - that's HAMA PAD Trading Approach.

Please read and understand before you get your quickie fingers on the keyboard. Paragraph 4 of Post #1 clearly stated “HA, as it is, already serves as a good tool for reducing the so-called market noise. Read more on it in link #3 below. But when raff1410 brought up the HA with the MA modification, it gives it a new look at market direction and market noise reduction. Lo and behold, the HAMA (see image #2) was born, I mean coined. Then, FX Sniper threw in the EMA channel (see image #3). WOW! Now, I saw the light at the end of the tunnel. There is the Price action, tradeable Area and Direction are easily identified (see image #4).” The indicators, the authors, etc., were fully disclosed. Yes, I could have kept the approach to myself, like some others may have done. I have chosen to share the approach as a trading suggestion; that much I owe this community, and now I have to put up with YOU and your #@$#%! That is not part of the deal!

Fxcruiser is doing everything to keep everything in a twilight zone, beeing misterious and giving the impression that with some studying on this system that oen can be profitable. Or one says: OK you can make money in trend but you can losse a lot of money in sideways markets. Or you say: this system can make you money in trending markets and in a sideways market this and this and this rules can keep you out of sideways markets.

Wait a second, here. Are you telling me that the people who have been using the original HAMA are not making money??? Why then are they looking for it? Now, you get my filter system?? Read again about the NTZ. You’re so freaking rules fanatic that in the absence of one you believe that you can do anything. That is exactly what you're doing here. Another thing, I have posted before that if HAMA is NOT helping you in your trading, dump it. It is not for everybody, definitely not for you. Either you get it or you don’t.

That is something I have or do with all of the systems I introduced.

Sir IGOR, yes, do that with your systems. This is NOT one of YOURS! But, please for the sake of everyone reading, HEEEEEEEEEEEEELP! Please PM me with you suggestions on what rules or anything you would like me to incorporate with this approach. I have been waiting for you to do that since your very first post. I NOW offer you the conference facility and let’s meet and talk some sense with this

You’re sooooo PERFECT IGOR! English may not be my native language. But if the rules you’re referring to is trade trending market. So be it, that’s the rule. Otherwise, it should say that one should be trading the sideways market, too.

I will reply to the second part of your post shortly.




That is the SPEECH!!

How come I missed that movie. I loved that speech; it was not about football it wat about LIVE. I go to trade, inch by inch, i mean pip by pip, making myself a better trader.Thank you ALL.


Listen to Al Pacino's famous locker room speech. It's just like trading, pips by pips. Here it is: http://www.spikedhumor.com/articles/24078/Any_Given_Sunday_Inches_Speech.html?autoplay=true


Don't know if you know the SBFX forum but there was a guy called strato (stratoblaster system). He promiced also to some people that if they continue with his system that they would meat eachother to have a cocktail on the waikiki bar on Hawai.

Well he opend a trading room were people have to pay a monthly fee of 70$.

Someone made a remark on one of the lat posting in his topic that he feels sad that he can not join his room because he can not pay that 70$ and he said he felt also sad because he was follwoing strato snce the very beginning.

I told the guy: open your eyes...if you are folowing strato from the beginning then you know he promised that you would al meet eachother in Hawai. How comes that at this present day you can still not afford 70$?...

You know what, my little English did not comprehend this one. But, let me give it a shot. Oh, I don’t know strato nor his stratoblaster system. But in reading your post I can conclude that strato was a terrible guy. Then, again, maybe it was not because the other guy cannot afford $70; he just did not want to pay even a penny. Yeah, he wants everything for free. Coz, if he wasn’t making any money, why would someone sane would even want to have the systems/indicators again and for heaven’s sake why even follow strato and his blaster into a trading room??? Did I write sane? Maybe, he is not.

Heck, you are NOT just telling us a story here, right?

Again, if the author of this topic wants to be correct, then he explains what happend whit his system or results the past week when most of the time after the morning UK move the market was in a strong consolidation periods.

Or he says..we have a lot of losses or he says NO to prevent those losses, if one stick to this and this rules you can prevent those losses.

Every possible profit he makes is explained by an other set up or indicator even on hamapad 1. One time he looks only to the channel to be as soon as possible in a trend. But he would do that every time then he gets wipsawed to dead in a consolidation market. And in other occasions he uses some filter to prevent him from the wipsaw elements, to explain an entry.Or explains set ups that are not possible to trade because only he has the set up to trade it.

If the author of this topic would be a litlle bit of consequent in his rules and in the actions he takes, it would make everything a lot more trustworthy.

Igor, let’s not be so formal with the author stuff. I don’t have to explain anything on the market conditions the past week. They have seen it with their own eyes. They have experienced it. Some traded it; some did not. Some made money; few did not.

It would not surpise me that in some time this topic will end as the stratoblaster topic on sbfx (completely moved to a privat room were one will pay to enter...AND one will pay for fryed air...)...

You have topic that did? How about we transition these HAMA thread followers to your threads, is it the TSR or the Breakout one? This one on TSD or T2W or SBFx? I don't have the energy nor the smarts to run more than one thread nor system, much more in more than one forum. Honestly, I can't even find time to support the HAMA v1 and this thread. I have a life outside of Forex trading.

Maybe threads do die because of people like you. Not necessarily because of the thread author. BTW, I will not let this one die before its time. I will ask the forum administrator to delete it in due time.

I am coming to a conclusion that you’ are putting down and belittling the ability and mentality of the people in this forum and specifically, this thread. They can make up their own mind, see what is good or bad, distinguish what can and can not help them become a successful trader. Most of them understand what value is all about.




hi, is that the HAMA pad has limited time to use? since my HAMA pad v1 is expired. can i extend the time pls?


A little clarification

I wanted to clarify one or two things... first of all, I hated reading threads where people who were involved in the thread from the beginning kissed the author's a$$ and tried to protect the author right or wrong, so I will not do that.

My opinion is that FXCruiser is a genuine guy, with genuine intentions to give something back to other traders. I have never felt awkward about giving him any information or $10 because I understand his intentions are to create something of value to those that seek it and shelter his method and the people who trade it from what we all know can happen in a thread on a forum... absolute chaos. That is the true value here, an environment and a method to trade. If I have reason to believe otherwise, I will post such.

The $10 is 10 stinkin dollars. FXCruiser is not a programmer and asked ahead of time if people would be wlling to pay $10 to help offset the cost of the additional programming that would be needed and the cost of webinars and building the community up. THE $10 IS NOT A MONTHLY FEE! He has been breaking his a$$ getting everything together for a bunch of people who have done nothing for him other than give him the benefit of doubt. This $10 seems perfectly reasonable to me and I would probably do the same thing, wouldn't everyone else? $10 doesn't even scratch the surface of the true costs (time away from family, stress, ungrateful takers making demands, lack of sleep, frustration and undue stress)!

It has always bothered me that these threads get too cluttered and complicated and that there must be a better way of doing it and I think FXCruiser has been able to accomplish this. There is a decent website with charts and other information, a Google group where members can contribute and access and share files and ideas, a nice chat room and webinars. It is a great beginning and the "facilities" are only getting better and being upgraded as we go. All of that without the distraction of thread wreckers (I am not referring to anyone in particular if at all because I think most of the criticism has been fairly tame and constuctive from an "outsiders" viewpoint looking in).... it's definitely worth the price of admission.

Debate is healthy, let's just keep it civil and remember that what may make one person a better trader may be a detriment to someone else's trading.

Happy trading


Paying $10 is nothing compared to the amount of money many of us have wasted on books, ebooks, systems, signals or whatever which have promised us the better way to forex trading. I believe that the average person here have spent hundreds to thousands of dollars for ideas and/or strategies which never materialized. Its why we are all here, to find something that will allow us to better identify opportunities to get in at the right time on the right side. I have tried many systems from this site and other sites, and I must say, fxcruiser's system is probably one of the most easiest one to understand and use. HAMA PAD is not flooded with tons of indicators and conditions that one does not know when to enter/exit a position.

Since my HAMA PAD version 1 have expired, I am now back to using my old method of trading which is looking at too many indicators. Not a fun way of trading, but it keeps the PIPs coming my way. Why don't I use HAMA PAD 2, its becuase the charts are presented during the time I am asleep. If not for that, I would gladly join the forum for $10, its worth it since HAMA PAD version 1 has proved itself in live trading for me. I can only imagine the power PAD 2 has to offer me.

And NO, I am no way affiliated with the HAMA PAD system or fxcrusier whatsoever.


keep up ur good works cruisecruise..just follow the trend and u will be fine...



What in the hell is that avatar Zeman?


Before anyone takes the $10 out of context, let me state here that it is not paying for any system nor indicator. There is no commercial products (systems/indicators) for sale here at this HAMA thread nor at the Traders Lounge.

It is for membership to the Traders Lounge to bring the HAMA family at the next level of trading success and to support the charitable and educational projects I may have. Oh, I forgot that's my breakfast money, too. Also to pay for a new FJ Cruiser. Kidding aside, the funds are still intact in the account. I have offered to refund the members on a couple of occassion due to some technical issues encountered with the release of H2. FYI, H2 has not been released yet to this date. Yet, the participants in the trading room are already benefiting from it and seeing the true value not just of H2 but the entire Traders Lounge concept. But with Mr. iGoR pushing me to the edge I may just refund everybody and forget about all this madness.

ET, carforum, and others who are still waiting for the HAMA PAD v.1, I will have a post on that shortly after I have taken my late breakfast. BTW, where is iGoR?




HAMA Pad - fuss about nothing

I agree with iGoR, post #768.

The system produces plenty of false signals and losses in sideways markets, like today.

Indicators are 'borrowed' from the site and re-named.

FXCruiser, by the way, have you got permission of those who wrote them?

Otherwise, you know how borrowing without permission is called...

FXCruiser is trying to present it as 'exclusive and elite', sorry but the 'system' is a lot of fuss about nothing.

Marketing and promoting is good though, as you need 'to sell sand to Arabs'.