HAMA PAD - A Simple Trading Approach - page 132

But Mr. 4xHome, I do think a SIMPLE APOLOGY online here as to postings that have been there online in the thread for quite some time showing losses and breakevens ... which it seems you never even looked for -- I think a simple online apology to Mr. FxCruiser for your saying these things would be in order. * What do you think?

what can I say !! you did the same mistake ... spend time to prepare your post and didn't read mine, read the post just above yours.

it takes a man to stand and admit he did a mistake, and that's what I did.

I have no interest in this thread or the system, I saw a screen shot and made my judgment without reading the post, as simple as that.

I hope the other guys understand that.

good trading for everybody


4XHome: I made the same mistake? my post got there almost simultaneously with yours


* I think some kind of apology was proper, and I am glad you did something, even such as it was. But no, I did not see your post till later. I am not like you at all.

* and by the way, slick, your "very respected site" you put the link for, has evidently gone BUST -- see its screenshot below -- but you wrote: "colllective2.com is a very respected site, traded by 1000s of traders, and I don’t own that site"

* those "1000's of traders" you speak of on that "very respected site" -- I don't know what internet you're using, but you seem to now be seeing things that are not there -- you need to talk to somebody and quit harassing people

* Sorry, FXC; some sites bounce people like this


Alpha1000 & 4xHome,

I would really appreciate it if you please read and take heed of post 1310. Let this issue rest; it's done and over with.

Just enjoy the ticks and pips. All these squablling and finger pointing won't serve us well. Not in my thread; honestly, not even in this forum either.




Aove the website...

Ummm....is it just me or did anyone notice the missplelling of "collective" in the above web address...

The word is "collective" not "colllective" (there are three "L"s; it's spelled with only two "L"s)


I look forward to your update!



Hello, I am new here and I would like to know what is the procedure in order to access to the atp and pac arrow indicators, also a question, do this arrows get printed and dont disspear later ?, how many bars later it takes to print the arows...? thanks fxcruiser for so nice work.... thanks in advance Dan.


Subscription Update

Those who will eventually be joining the HAMA Traders Lounge, I hope to have the subscription link for you, one way or another, within 24 hours. I appreciate your patience.




BullsEye. You can't beat a bit of bully !