Traders joking, the beginning - page 716

Researchers at Cornell University have invented a soft robot hand that can touch fragile items and even sense their shape and texture. When asked what they’ve used the hand for, researchers said, “That’s not important!”
The oldest living American, a New Jersey woman, has just turned 114. At her birthday party she said, “Why are we celebrating? I just spent 114 years in New Jersey.”
The dating app Tinder is now available on Apple TV. Tinder on television — so now a room full of people can judge you based solely on your looks.
I always like to see this thread as there are so many new jokes on Forex and makes me laugh.. :)

Me too. Conversation about Forex is pretty serious, this thread adds some levity to it.

Google released their list of the most-searched phrases of 2016. The top-trending search terms were Powerball, Prince, Hurricane Matthew, and Pokémon Go. I think that sums up our priorities as Americans: money, celebrities, the weather, and playing games on our phones.

There is nothing more awkward than the moment you realize you’re getting a double-cheek kiss.

Uber just rolled out a new regulation — you can now get banned from the ride-sharing service if you have sex in one of their cars. Cab drivers heard this and they were like, “We’re back, baby!”