Traders joking, the beginning - page 656

Apparently, Trump is trying to win the women's vote by marrying them all. If they get elected both the first and second lady will be the third lady.



That bumblee is the cutest thing I've ever seen.
The big Trump news today is this audio tape that resurfaced from 1991, where Donald Trump apparently posed as his own publicist during a phone call with People Magazine. People are saying it’s definitely him, but he’s saying it’s not. Hillary Clinton was like, "Isn't it annoying when people dig stuff up from the 90's and use it against you?”

A New York Times exposé on Donald Trump reveals some pretty questionable interactions with women. Including claims that when Trump ran the Miss USA Pageant, he would frequently rate women's appearances right to their faces while they just stood there. Which is really sexist. And also pretty much the definition of any beauty pageant.

Australian officials have announced that they are sending their Olympic athletes to the summer games in Rio with condoms that are resistant to Zika virus. Begging the question: What event is that?

Donald Trump's ex-girlfriend says her quotes in the New York Times expose this week were twisted to sound negative, but that she didn't have a negative experience with Trump. Then she said, “Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go drive the new Porsche I can suddenly afford.”