Traders joking, the beginning - page 416


Wow! I must be REALLY stressed



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A 14-year-old Texas boy lived in a Wal-Mart for four days before he was discovered. Employees got suspicious when they noticed something in a Wal-Mart that was made in America.
This week a town in Minnesota elected a dog named Duke as its mayor. Yeah, they elected a mayor that pees on the street, sleeps on the floor, and eats out of the garbage. Then Toronto said, "Been there!”

another "knock-out" game fatality..... Africa’s Only Polar Bear Dies | World | RIA Novosti





The Kardashians are outraged that they've been robbed three times this year but the police have not caught the culprits. Kim Kardashian said, "We just want back what's wrongfully ours. We didn't earn that money and we should get to keep it."
