Traders joking, the beginning - page 359

Today is the 50th anniversary of the first Rolling Stones album. The band is still going strong. Thanks, drugs.

Every year, the IRS collects over $950 billion in taxes. There's more money coming at them than a stripper at Charlie Sheen's house.



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Chelsea Clinton is pregnant. There is another one coming. A little baby Clinton. People are already wondering, is the baby a girl? Is it a boy? Is it going to run for president in 2016?
According to a new survey, being a mathematician is the best job in America. So congratulations, nerds.


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A new report claims that posing with a dog in your online dating profile makes you more desirable — and posing with a cat means you're going to die alone.

After handling the bumpy rollout of the Obamacare site, Kathleen Sebelius announced that she is resigning. Which explains why being thrown under a bus is now covered by Obamacare.