Traders joking, the beginning - page 315




Justin Bieber reportedly caused $20,000 in damage to his neighbor's home by egging it. It's being called the most pointless use of an egg since the fertilization of Justin Bieber.


The Labor Department reported that last month 347,000 people quit looking for work. And in New Jersey, 50,000 people quit DRIVING to work.


Just fire them all...(and replace them with sheep)

The rollout of the Affordable Care Act continues to be terrible. Now comes news that not enough young, healthy Americans are signing up. Did they expect young people to buy insurance the same time that Play Station 4 comes out?

People investigating the Chris Christie bridge scandal say the governor could be removed from office. Critics say moving Christie from office would involve a three-ton construction crane.




A new report found that more than half of the people who have signed up for Obamacare are older than 45. Which is no big deal until you find out they were 25 when they first tried to log onto the website.

President Obama laid out plans for creating what he called "promise zones" all across the county — spots that will receive extra financial and economic attention from the government. Don't confuse those areas with the rest of the country. Those are "broken promise" zones.
Health authorities say they're seeing a massive increase in antibiotic drug-resistant diseases and are predicting a worldwide epidemic of diseases we can no longer treat. That's great news, huh? We finally get healthcare and now we've got diseases you can't treat.