Traders joking, the beginning - page 314




Yesterday, President Obama gave photographers a rare chance to take pictures of his weekly lunch with Joe Biden. Then Biden told his friends, 'Told you I knew the president.'


Chris Christie held a press conference to address the bridge scandal. He insisted that he is not a bully — and he will sit on anyone who says otherwise.






Chris Christie is embroiled in a scandal involving lane closures near the George Washington Bridge. The scandal could damage Christie's chances of getting nominated for president in 2016, but he'll probably bounce back. He seems like a pretty bouncy person.


Well...that put smile on my I can't take it off! Nanex ~ 10-Jan-2014 ~ Treasuries Halted During Employment Release





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''You know, I've always wondered about the taping equipment. But I'm damn glad we have it.''—President Richard Nixon to White House Chie of Staff H.R. Haldeman