Traders joking, the beginning - page 145


By now it should have been finished already. I haven't noticed it though

This is the lamest end of the world ever.

A non-believer. Just you wait

By now it should have been finished already. I haven't noticed it though

the local store is still selling pumpitup WII

not the wii-u : Wii U - Official Site at Nintendo


You mean I should have been like these :)

A non-believer. Just you wait

Rather like this :):)


Waiting for the end of the world too?

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Not a joke (unfortunately) but very sad : Insight: Mass shootings tend to lift gun sales, data shows | Reuters

When will it end?


Hello to anyone thinking the world is going to end Today (or tomorrow).

Cos the world will end soon we have been thinking to open Elite section to thankfully anybody who trusted on TSD. But we discovered lot of people think it's not going.

We changed our minds, and now we want to donate the best amount of money to FAO (from believers to none believers).

So, Elite access will cost the most you can afford, no more, no less.

If you don't want Elite, just give us your credit card or bank account data. We will take care for god.

Because world is (you think) going to end, forget about money. Yu will not need it anymore.

But at least, let us to give an incredible gift to the people thinking the world is not going to end.

Please drop me a PM if you interested.



A Michigan lawyer has been arrested for manufacturing crystal meth in his office. I hope the fact that this guy's a lawyer doesn't send the message that somehow all meth dealers are sleaze balls.


Taming the bus

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