Traders joking, the beginning - page 141



I guess he had nice place to hide that position...I wonder where?... CFTC: Goldman Trader Hit $8.3 BILLION Trading Position, Caused Loss Of More Than $100 Million


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The statement of the day :

"There was a wide discussion but, in the end, the prevailing consensus was to leave the rates unchanged," Draghi said in the press briefing that followed the meeting.

the "prevailing consensus" is :

The source said that along with Draghi and Weidmann, Board members Joerg Asmussen and Benoit Coeure also opposed cutting rates. The other 18 members of the Council either favored easing interest rates or at least refrained from actively opposing such a move.

scuttled ecb rate cut



"Board members Jerk Amusement and Annoyed Career draghi their feet along with Weirdmann" do you change "0" or how to change "stupid"?...


The truth shall torture you before setting you free.



Russian prime minister 'jokes' about secret files on aliens :

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, former president of Russia, "joked” after a TV interview while cameras were still rolling that Russian leaders get two top secret folders about aliens that have landed and are still living on Earth, but he couldn't reveal how many "because it may cause panic" and then smoothly said more details could be found in the "Men in Black" films. What do you think, is that a "ha ha" moment or an "ah HA!" moment?

Russian prime minister jokes about secret files on aliens


In my attempt to understand astrology I looked into my birth asto wheel , its looks like a chart from earlier trading days, full of colourful indicators .


The market is building up for a decent breakout , this is happening on most pairs including commodities . The break might happen between this month and mid of Jan 2013

Such a break may results in a whiplash that cleans both sides of the break, although the market is quite good these days for martingale and grid methods but soon it wont

Cup and handle , head and shoulder or pennant however you look at it , its going to be a big one


Men socialize by insulting each other but don't really mean it .....

Women socialize by complimenting each other and don't really mean it ...



"I do not fear the world will end, I fear it will continue without changing".