Traders joking, the beginning - page 138


"Human kindness has never weakened anyone. You don't need cruelty to be tough."


Not a joke (thanks God) :

"On Monday, for the first time in living memory, New Yorkers passed an entire day without a single person being shot, stabbed or subjected to a violent crime."

New York's beautiful day as 24 hours pass without a single violent crime


if we add a plugin like that into the coding of this site

do you think the site could charge people to go into that page eventually and make the lottocrowd money

damn, this is how we loss our saving to forex anyway

woah, when compared wordpress to ---- which method is more clever ???? for coding a site


he is doing a REVIEW


got the broker demo MT4 screw up , so I did not watch much about euro and JPY last week and did not trade

watching this live now -- I have to thank you my cosmetic surgeon and star trek dancing choreographer

few hours live -- korean host in my city - it is called MAMA 2012 -- giving awards to musician this country and next -- claim to be 85 nations can watch it (not sure counting youtube nations or not)

is my others TRADER JOKE threads? insightful to our own trading habit and the perspective ?!!


Few years back it was fun to watch the news and see the impact on the market , it was easy to make few pips here and there trading the news.

Later on I started to see spikes during the news , then whiplash on both direction , then spread started to go crazy during the news and now when the news comes negative on a currency pair , you see that pair goes against the normal logic and starts to climbs and strength over other pairs.

Obviously someone don't want traders to trade the news , so why not declare the news a forex holiday or coffee break ?



It seems to be like a Pavlov's instinct

People expect changes at some time even if there is no reason for a change at all (that is happening even when there are no news at that time at all - the 8:30 US time (GMT -5) for example - even on days when there are no news at all at that time, see what happens) . I guess it is for the "thrill of it" already

Few years back it was fun to watch the news and see the impact on the market , it was easy to make few pips here and there trading the news.

Later on I started to see spikes during the news , then whiplash on both direction , then spread started to go crazy during the news and now when the news comes negative on a currency pair , you see that pair goes against the normal logic and starts to climbs and strength over other pairs.

Obviously someone don't want traders to trade the news , so why not declare the news a forex holiday or coffee break ?
Quote of the day : "To ensure that there are no more crises like last year’s impasse, Mr. Geithner proposed permanently ending Congressional purview over the federal borrowing limit, Republican aides said. He said that Congress could be allowed to pass a resolution blocking an increase in the debt limit, but that the president would be able to veto that resolution. Only if two-thirds of lawmakers overrode that veto could Congress block a higher borrowing limit.
Nailed it. This almost completely prevents a debt ceiling crisis ever again, while keeping the ceremonial aspect that people like. There would still be votes, but they'll mainly serve as a way to let politicians play politics, without putting anything at risk."
Tim Geithner's Brilliant Solution To The Debt Ceiling - Business Insider


"Democracy" at its best ...


This seem like something from the classic "it couldn't get worse" sketch.

In Salem, Massachusetts, a man named Brian Reynolds was driving when his pickup's brakes failed. So he tried to slow down by sticking out his foot and driving up hill. However, this caused him to fall out of the truck. The truck then drove over his left leg. Then it smashed into a fire hydrant.

And after all that, the police rewarded his efforts with a $35 ticket for driving with defective equipment.

It seems to be like a Pavlov's instinct People expect changes at some time even if there is no reason for a change at all (that is happening even when there are no news at that time at all - the 8:30 US time (GMT -5) for example - even on days when there are no news at all at that time, see what happens) . I guess it is for the "thrill of it" already

This reminds me with the 5 monkeys experiment , where at the end of the experiment when a new monkey try to get he banana he gets the beaten of his life by 4 other new monkeys who beat the poor monkey but they know they should do it .

Herd mentality, lets do it because someone else is doing it