Traders joking, the beginning - page 150


Tickets to President Obama's inauguration have sold out. At least that's what the president is telling Joe Biden.



Sin_funny Trader System

Named for the combination of indicators used to determine tops and bottoms for placing entry orders and exit strategy to maximize profit. These four forces at work in the marketplace are: Greed, Last, Stupidity, and Alloftheabove and each one reinforces the other. The Sin_funny Trader System works together like the components of a Sin_funny. Alone each instrument has a weak sound, but; when put together the complete sin_funny makes beautiful music rich in sound and texture

Forex Fact...or "e"


According to a new poll, Congress is now less popular than head lice, Nickelback, and Donald Trump. In a related story, head lice is insulted that it's being lumped in with Donald Trump and Nickelback.



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The White House announced that the theme for President Obama’s inauguration will be “Faith in America’s Future.” Which is proof that no one in the White House has ever seen "Here Comes Honey Boo Boo.”


The name of the indicator (found the picture on a forum discussing grail indicators)

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It's being reported that Apple may be making a less-expensive version of their iPhone. They're calling it a Samsung.


Statement of the day (or maybe even longer period) :

Sitting onstage in Washington’s Ronald Reagan Building in July, Lloyd C. Blankfein said Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (GS) had stopped using its own money to make bets on the bank’s behalf.

Tickets to President Obama's inauguration have sold out. At least that's what the president is telling Joe Biden.