Traders joking, the beginning - page 133


something I don't understand

-- in europe and airport, there is still something called INFORMATION

those are usually old ladies stand by , with a computer and some paper map to give away

why don't they just put a student in skype and let the student do a google search on your question

in the internet era, online is still expensive and not-accessible to tourist, why the younger student, in the dorm room can't use the google search to give you the information , direction, hotel that you want -- and no one need to sit there and use phone and old guide to search for tourist information, some with huge glasses, guess they can't read properly too


"Some more good news — the president announced today he is not going to raise taxes on the entire 1 percent, just Donald Trump."


"Trump is not giving up. When it was announced that President Obama easily won the Electoral College, Trump demanded to see Obama's Electoral College records."



"Turns out this is the finest era to be an idiot."





the way that they sell thing -- is just like a buffet

Pricing -

click the middle pic repetitively == keep on pressing DEMO


"If you judge people by how much money they have, you're the one who is poor"


I always carry condoms in case i meet a nice lady.

So i can impress her with my balloon animal making skills.



again...basic mistake on Yahoo...






My broker and I are working on a retirement plan. Unfortunately, it's his!