CatFx50 - page 797


That new system and chart was a joke. But what it is not a joke is what the majority of wanna-be-traders-wanting-to-make-a-living do.

Never mind, you are not going to believe what I say. That's why bank traders and some brokers make money and you lose it. As real as I say it.

How many times you got in a trade cause your indicator told you to do so or because you though it was a good support that broke just to see the price go some pips in your favour and then reverse with fury?. And then, your stop of 30-34-50 pips got killed? Why do you think this happens again and again and again?

OK, no more about that. Do whatever you like with your money.

I agree with you Nina, indicators are only waste of time and money.

So which one is exactly your trading method right now ? It could be interesting to know something more about.



I agree with you Nina, indicators are only waste of time and money.

So which one is exactly your trading method right now ? It could be interesting to know something more about.




No need of any indicator, but Pivots and Fibos. I use too CatFX50 to know where we are.

Look, today EURUSD opened at 1.5647. Pivot at 1.5668.

At 01:00 CET it made a high at 1.5663. From there it has been going down to 1.5488 right now. At 07:00CET, it broke yesterday low, closing above. I went short at Europe session open at 08:00 CET when it broke 1.5603. I closed it with +30 and waited for EZ data at 09:15cet. I let it spike up above 5600 and I shorted it at 5603 again. I closed it at +35. No more trading.



A new month is here and we all are one month younger.

EURUSD has lost 223 pips this week and 69 pips for the whole month of April. It is moving within a range of 500-600 pips. The long trend is clearly bullish.

Again we are listening all those pundits saying EURUSD is going to drop hard and that 1.0000 will be seen. Good. Next week, if NFP is bad, they will say the opposite; meanwhile they get paid each month. No problem.

As you know, I live in Spain. CPI in Spain is at 4.7%. CPI is, in Spain and everywhere, wishful thinking. Real CPI is much, much higher. Could you imagine ECB cutting rates with that CPI?

Will they cut rates? Yes, it could be. But not now.

1.5463-60 is key now. While above, its way is up.



Hire a pundit or put a pundit in your trading and you'll be the richest man/woman in the world!!!

Oil at $138.36.

EURUSD at 1.5762.

Gold at 899.50.

Dow, - 321

S&P500, - 32

Nasdaq, -61.

Wasn't the worst over?



The price of oil is set to hit $150. Where it is now, $138, is not sustainable for any kind of economies. Soon we'll see riots and strikes in a lot of countries. The world leaders (?) should act soon to avoid heavy turbulence.

As you have seen, when USD goes down, oil goes up with EUR and gold. Gold is not the problem. The problem here is USD and oil. Do you know how many dollars Helicopter Ben has printed?

Do you know what happens to the value of $ when they print more USD?

When EURUSD made its top, 1.6019, oil was at $116. Now, EURUSD is at 1.5777 and oil is at $138. So, EURUSD is 240 pips below its all time high and oil is $22 above where it was when EURUSD topped. The law of supply and demand plus hedging activities plus speculative positions drive the price of oil. When USD find a real bottom, there will be a massive sell off on oil, but demand will keep high.

This week, some big players got badly hit when EURUSD reversed. Badly hit. Trichet and that awful 5.5% on unemployment made it all. But, you know that here, I've been saying that US economy hasn't seen its worst yet. Were the banks to say the truth, a lot of them would be closed already. But the system and its speakers like CNBC keep selling bull shit.

On Thursday, we'll have US Retail Sales. It is obvious that it should not be good data, but as I think gov data is cooked, whatever think could be. If data is not good, EURUSD could kiss its all time high again. We'll see.

Of course, do not forget that the big ones could make a coordinated intervention to stop the rocketing oil.

Very well paid pundits say the following now:

"We believe that as long as 71.30 holds on the U.S. dollar index, the greater the technical support for the notion that the dollar is bottoming."

Gorgeous. Now, look at U.S dollar index yourself. 4H time frame. Couldn't you be a very well paid pundit too? Then what on hell are you doing?


hasn't seen its worst yet

Hi everyone,

I think like Nina, US and EU economy hasn't seen its worst yet, I live in Spain (Cadiz) too and transport strike begin on monday here and France too.

We must ready to oportunity.

Be patient



Will EURUSD be able to sustain the gains on its way to 1.6000 again?

How will asian indices open in a few hours after the big drop in Wall Street indices on Friday?

Have Bernanke and others held phone calls this week end?

And oil, what will it do?

Look at 103,97 on USDJPY.

The levels are the same you know on EURUSD:

while above 1.5754 - 1.5549 - 1.5360, its way is to 1.5797 - 1.5840 - 1.5860.

Almost always, when the majority think green, the market turns red. So, take care. We need to see how central bankers handle this situation. Never, never take any long position on eurusd without a stop loss right now.


hi nina,

can u post your indicators and template pls again? because old links doesnt work...
