CatFx50 - page 807

Dear All & Dear Nina

I like many here have been on a quest and yes at times FX takes u for the most part through a set of failures that take you high and slam you get up dust your clothes and begin the process again and find again you have the same experience

The odds in FX are stacked up against us ... I have stuck every possible custom indicator out there on my charts for a long time.Neither the market knows you have stuck an indicator there neither does it know what time frame you are working on ...

It finally dawned on me how to see the market...Best way that comes to mind is the human body we have hands, feet, nose ,eyes etc...but each make cant say im in only my head or hands...I am all yet not one only

Point being forex markets are not to be viewed as one pair but all pairs that make the whole..My further reserach into fx points to the fact that even market like us wants to know wheres the high or low is.. we live in a relative reality that means I know i m tall when i meet someone shorter....i know i am small when i meet someone much taller....these are two opposite truths but can exist in the same time and space.....

FX like us is a relative reality and knows it has reached its high when the lows have been see saw....These high and lows are the opposite sides anyways i can go on i just hope i m not boring any of you guys

By the way i have been making 10% daily on autopilot ....the broker banned me saying i de stabilized their yes they r unethical and want us to working on anotehr great system based on market logic & timing, fundamentals and technicals to support the 1st two...but testing , testing fine tuning on one strategy and not giving up on it has not been easy

If you ever want to know you will succeed in anything you desire just close your eyes and see if YOUR WILL has reached there before you ...Make sense?

Nite guys


Let me explain what I do today or, if you want, my trading.

I do not day trade. This is a Casino and the shorter the time you choose to trade, the bigger is the Casino.

Happens that a friend of mine is a partner of a hedge fund. So, it is easy, he tells me when and what to buy or when and what to sell. It happens maybe 3 or 4 times yearly. It's enough for me. It gives me extra money. And I'm happy with what I get.

When I quitted day trading I did it cause I realized I was gambling. And I'm not a gambler. There are people here that spend 14 hours per day staring at their screens. OK, if they like that, let it be like this. I don't. It is not a matter of success or failure, it is a matter of the way of life you want to live.

Let me explain what I do today or, if you want, my trading.

I do not day trade. This is a Casino and the shorter the time you choose to trade, the bigger is the Casino.

Happens that a friend of mine is a partner of a hedge fund. So, it is easy, he tells me when and what to buy or when and what to sell. It happens maybe 3 or 4 times yearly. It's enough for me. It gives me extra money. And I'm happy with what I get.

When I quitted day trading I did it cause I realized I was gambling. And I'm not a gambler. There are people here that spend 14 hours per day staring at their screens. OK, if they like that, let it be like this. I don't. It is not a matter of success or failure, it is a matter of the way of life you want to live.

Do you have any good trading technique to share with us? Thank you

By the way i have been making 10% daily on autopilot ....the broker banned me saying i de stabilized their yes they r unethical and want us to working on anotehr great system based on market logic & timing, fundamentals and technicals to support the 1st two...but testing , testing fine tuning on one strategy and not giving up on it has not been ea Will you share it when done ????

Can u tell us the name of the broker that banned you so that we can avoid facing the same problem in the future. Thank you.

Let me explain what I do today or, if you want, my trading.

I do not day trade. This is a Casino and the shorter the time you choose to trade, the bigger is the Casino.

Happens that a friend of mine is a partner of a hedge fund. So, it is easy, he tells me when and what to buy or when and what to sell. It happens maybe 3 or 4 times yearly. It's enough for me. It gives me extra money. And I'm happy with what I get.

When I quitted day trading I did it cause I realized I was gambling. And I'm not a gambler. There are people here that spend 14 hours per day staring at their screens. OK, if they like that, let it be like this. I don't. It is not a matter of success or failure, it is a matter of the way of life you want to live.

I disagree whole-heartedly, the hourly candles can be traded with amazing accuracy, I trade only 2 - 3 hours a day max and I use H1 for direction, m5 and sometimes m1 for entries.

I trade the dealers games (reversals) between 6am and 9am GMT.

Many many traders I know do this.

Candlestick analysis and price action is king, I never stop learning and improving my methods, I trade with people that can add 2% - 10% a day to their accounts risking just 1% of their account per trade.

Never say never and learn to trade for yourself.

P.S. I like working max 3 hours a day, all done by 9am before most people get into the office for a full days work. Plus trading like this means I can miss a day or a week, sit down at my PC anywhere in the world and get 2 or 3 trades almost any morning I like. That is worth learning how to do believe me.


Very interesting

Thats really good info. Sparing use of indicators (if any) seems to be the way forward....


thank you nina .. a good theory .. I will try to practice in my trading


need inds

Hi nana

I am new please post ur recent indis


I disagree whole-heartedly, the hourly candles can be traded with amazing accuracy, I trade only 2 - 3 hours a day max and I use H1 for direction, m5 and sometimes m1 for entries.

I trade the dealers games (reversals) between 6am and 9am GMT.

Many many traders I know do this.

Candlestick analysis and price action is king, I never stop learning and improving my methods, I trade with people that can add 2% - 10% a day to their accounts risking just 1% of their account per trade.

Never say never and learn to trade for yourself.

P.S. I like working max 3 hours a day, all done by 9am before most people get into the office for a full days work. Plus trading like this means I can miss a day or a week, sit down at my PC anywhere in the world and get 2 or 3 trades almost any morning I like. That is worth learning how to do believe me.

we do it like this. EU before and after. It is NOT a casino.


xkr is right

we do it like this. EU before and after. It is NOT a casino.

There is a very big element of surprise , but hey , i`m using something similar as you do , just i`m using it all day long . It is my first post on this thread although i was watching the thread , not because of the cat system but because of the good information found around here . I am posting just because i am very sorry that nina has jumped to such a conclusion, after so long time.... I was expecting from her more and more good advices ...the last think i expected was quiting. Forex market is big , and fitts all of us , and we stand a chance as long as we learn from our mistakes and adapt . As well it is shifting a lot , rules that might have worked a year ago , don`t apply in today`s market , but , if you adapt that rules they will start working as well . I do only manual trading , but i will switch to a semi manual mode , because i have been testing now for a while a bunch of robots , even the worst ones work . But there is a glitch , you have to tell the robot just to go long , ore just to go short .... that is all . You have to be able to determine the longer trend, and tell the worst possible robot you have in ure arsenal to go just long, ore just short , according to the trend. You will be amased of the results.

As long as you really want it , and as long as you are not lazzy and adapt to new market conditions, you stand a chance. Money management . open minded , a strong psychosocial will .... well they will help a lot . As well , really , start trading with money that you really can afford to loose and not look back . It will help you a lot . And as soon as you double you`re initial deposit , take it out and play only with you`re profits. That is going to help as well . You might think and say that if you just play with the profits and dont care about the outcome , you will trade rekless. That is totally wrong . You will trade relaxed .

And another piece of information . Forex guru`s do not exist . And if they do exist , you have to get really lucky to know one of them and get his attention ore advice. A real forex guru will never share his trades ore his knowledge. That is that . What u are seeing today on the internet are forex gurus wanna be . If they would be that good as they say they are , they would make fortunes from trading , and they would`nt need youre 150 buckes per month


gurus do exist

There is a very big element of surprise , but hey , i`m using something similar as you do , just i`m using it all day long . It is my first post on this thread although i was watching the thread , not because of the cat system but because of the good information found around here . I am posting just because i am very sorry that nina has jumped to such a conclusion, after so long time.... I was expecting from her more and more good advices ...the last think i expected was quiting. Forex market is big , and fitts all of us , and we stand a chance as long as we learn from our mistakes and adapt . As well it is shifting a lot , rules that might have worked a year ago , don`t apply in today`s market , but , if you adapt that rules they will start working as well . I do only manual trading , but i will switch to a semi manual mode , because i have been testing now for a while a bunch of robots , even the worst ones work . But there is a glitch , you have to tell the robot just to go long , ore just to go short .... that is all . You have to be able to determine the longer trend, and tell the worst possible robot you have in ure arsenal to go just long, ore just short , according to the trend. You will be amased of the results.

As long as you really want it , and as long as you are not lazzy and adapt to new market conditions, you stand a chance. Money management . open minded , a strong psychosocial will .... well they will help a lot . As well , really , start trading with money that you really can afford to loose and not look back . It will help you a lot . And as soon as you double you`re initial deposit , take it out and play only with you`re profits. That is going to help as well . You might think and say that if you just play with the profits and dont care about the outcome , you will trade rekless. That is totally wrong . You will trade relaxed .

And another piece of information . Forex guru`s do not exist . And if they do exist , you have to get really lucky to know one of them and get his attention ore advice. A real forex guru will never share his trades ore his knowledge. That is that . What u are seeing today on the internet are forex gurus wanna be . If they would be that good as they say they are , they would make fortunes from trading , and they would`nt need youre 150 buckes per month

All good mihai27 except the comments about gurus. I agree with you that you have to be lucky to find a good one but they sure DO EXIST you just have to look very carefully.

I was very lucky I found a good guy right from the start, he spent a year showing a dozen or so of us how to trade, calling trades live whenever good setup arose (almost every day on the m15 time frame).

One important thing I have learned is that a bunch of people can be shown a perfectly good trading method and very few might actually be able to trade it profitably, that isn't the teachers fault or his method.

Another interesting thing I realised only recently is that a trader teacher may teach a perfectly profitable method that others will trade profitably but he cannot even trade it himself, how mad is that?

Look VERY carefully, there are definately people who can trade profitably and will mentor others, for whatever reason, boredom, karma, ego, whatever.