CatFx50 - page 682


There are false signal today.

I bought usdchf in 12447 but the market don t move enough.when i bought i saw i signal but the market was down with 12438.i decided to finish my position based of price action.


Where can I find a description of the working of Hist_StepMa_stoch ?

Does anybody know ?


Hi !

I think some time ago (a long time ago) Igor made description of this indicator here in this thread. I found this in my notes:


Formula of Stochastic or WPR is used in this undicator:

Stofast = (Price1 - DnBorder)/(UpBorder-DnBorder)

Stoslow = (Price2 - DnBorder)/(UpBorder-DnBorder),


Price1 = StepMAmin for Stepmin = Kwatr * minimum of Volatility or WATR(PeriodWATR);

Price2 = StepMAmid for Stepmid = Kwatr * middle of Volatility or WATR(PeriodWATR);

Kwatr - sensitivity ratio;

UpBorder, DnBorder - up & down borders of Step Channel:

UpBorder = StepMAmax + Stepmax

DnBorder = StepMAmax - Stepmax,


StepMAmax for Stepmax = Kwatr * maximum of Volatility or WATR(PeriodWATR);

Stepmid = (Stepmax+Stepmin)/2



Hi Kalenzo,

I found that also. But it is not clear to me.

'WPR' probably means : 'Williams Percentage Range" . That is an indicator, once invented by Larry Williams, which is indeed similar to the formula for Stofast and Stoslow.

But the meaning of the line " price1 = ....... " is completely unclear to me.

What means :

a) StepMAmax, StepMAmin, Stepmin

b) Kwatr

c) Watr

d) Stepmax

and how is he doing a calculation there ?

Kwatr seems to be equal to 1 in the MT4 indicator and periodWatr = 10.

But for the rest ?

Trading was very difficult today. Eurusd went to look everywhere.



EURUSD, level 1 sell (11:00cet) @ 1,2812 stop 1,2830 +26

Hi Nina,

You've been a great help all this time since you started posting about CatFx50. You've tirelessly answered all the questions put forward by the newbies and the pros. I and i'm sure everyone here respect your decision of not posting the Recaps once the limit is hit, however i on behalf of every one here request that you do not abandon us alltogether. If there is any one who's come up with a suggestion or a question which may not have been answered by you earlier, please be kind enough to acknowledge and reply.

I'm sure all these posts and replies and discussions here on the forum must have made you addicted and it won't be easy to just vanish all of a sudden

Wish you all the best in life.



THX, Azfar, for your kindly words.

I'll keep looking at each new post, of course. But I can not keep doing what I've been doing for a long time. I have a lot of engagements and I need to trade too to make some extra money.

If anyone wants to make the recaps, you are free to do whatever you want.



thanks and congrate to NINA

hello dear NINa/ all

i have followed some pages of your thread and i believe that this is an unique strategy....

as iam new to your system,its impossible for me to read all the post,..i appreciate you if you answer my questions

1-how do you find the min or max of the price on current day??for using level 4??

2-what is the instruction of the optional indicators such as TSR, MAX moving avarage,snipers,camarilladt,...........

as you know this topic has lots of pages,so its impossible for new ones to look for the correct usage of the indicators...

i have finished about +100 pages today,,but iam tired now and i cant go i appreciate it to give a link about how to use the each optional indicators...

if you make a topic and explain your system and also each indicators,it will be more helpfull for newbies like me...

thank you

congratulations to you about your unique system


finally time to blow taps

hello dear NINa/ all

i have followed some pages of your thread and i believe that this is an unique strategy....

as iam new to your system,its impossible for me to read all the post,..i appreciate you if you answer my questions

1-how do you find the min or max of the price on current day??for using level 4??

2-what is the instruction of the optional indicators such as TSR, MAX moving avarage,snipers,camarilladt,...........

as you know this topic has lots of pages,so its impossible for new ones to look for the correct usage of the indicators...

i have finished about +100 pages today,,but iam tired now and i cant go i appreciate it to give a link about how to use the each optional indicators...

if you make a topic and explain your system and also each indicators,it will be more helpfull for newbies like me...

thank you

congratulations to you about your unique system


You have all you need in post 1. Read the document. About the TSR, you will find what it is in the last 100 pages.



where indicators nina plz