CatFx50 - page 30


indicator settings

Hello Nina!,

I have been following this thread since the start. Excellent work!

I have a question regarding the step indicator settings. I read in apost awhile back that you were changing to 10, 1.1 and 1, however the latest chart shows 10,1 and 0. What do you recommend?

Hello Nina!,

I have been following this thread since the start. Excellent work!

I have a question regarding the step indicator settings. I read in apost awhile back that you were changing to 10, 1.1 and 1, however the latest chart shows 10,1 and 0. What do you recommend?

Hi, WannaBeATrader!

Tweak it yourself. I keep default values.

BTW, I'm not at home this morning. But as far as I can see, some pips have already made. Right?



Bon treball Nina. Un sistema simple i efectiu. Salutacions desde la teva terra.



ok so far i have had 3 losing trades and followed the rules to the letter

is there some magic trick i am missing ??????

ok so far i have had 3 losing trades and followed the rules to the letter is there some magic trick i am missing ??????

Hi, Patrick!

Could you post a screenshot of EURUSD, GBPUSD and USDCHF with StepMA_Stoch?

I'm not at home and I do not have MT4 available.

Thank you!




As far as I can see, using, is that we have an opening bar at 1.2125 EURUSD at 08:00CET. Since then, EURUSD has made a low at 1.2063. That is +62 pips. As I do not have StepMa_Stoch right now, I do not know if the entry was here or at 1.2115 (08:30), at 1.2106 (09:00) or at 1.2105 (09:30). Or, if you want at 1.2086 (10:00).

So, when was the entry validated by StepMA_Stoch?




i am unsure of how to post charts with my forum reply ????


Here you are


As far as I can see, using, is that we have an opening bar at 1.2125 EURUSD at 08:00CET. Since then, EURUSD has made a low at 1.2063. That is +62 pips. As I do not have StepMa_Stoch right now, I do not know if the entry was here or at 1.2115 (08:30), at 1.2106 (09:00) or at 1.2105 (09:30). Or, if you want at 1.2086 (10:00).

So, when was the entry validated by StepMA_Stoch?


Here you are

Fibo group Broker


eurusd_1.jpg  163 kb
Here you are m217irr

Thank you, m217irr!

So, entry should've been at 1.2125. From there, EURUSD made a low at 1.2063. That is: +62 pips. And this trade is still on.

Patrick, what have you traded?
