All (not yet) about Strategy Tester, Optimization and Cloud - page 13


Population optimization algorithms: Changing shape, shifting probability distributions and testing on Smart Cephalopod (SC)

Population optimization algorithms: Changing shape, shifting probability distributions and testing on Smart Cephalopod (SC)

In this article, we will look at various types of probability distributions, their properties and practical implementation in the form of corresponding functions in code. When generating random numbers with various types of distributions, you can encounter a large number of problems, such as infinite tail lengths or shifting probabilities when setting dispersion boundaries. When designing and creating optimization algorithms, there is often a need to shift probabilities relative to the mathematical expectation. The goal of this article is to solve these problems and create working functions for dealing with probabilities for their subsequent use in optimization algorithms.
Population optimization algorithms: Changing shape, shifting probability distributions and testing on Smart Cephalopod (SC)
Population optimization algorithms: Changing shape, shifting probability distributions and testing on Smart Cephalopod (SC)
The article examines the impact of changing the shape of probability distributions on the performance of optimization algorithms. We will conduct experiments using the Smart Cephalopod (SC) test algorithm to evaluate the efficiency of various probability distributions in the context of optimization problems.

Population optimization algorithms: Evolution Strategies, (μ,λ)-ES and (μ+λ)-ES

The name "Evolutionary Strategies" may be misleading, as researchers might think it is a general name for a class of evolutionary algorithms. However, this is not the case. In fact, it is a specific group of algorithms that use ideas of evolution to solve optimization problems.

Population optimization algorithms: Evolution Strategies, (μ,λ)-ES and (μ+λ)-ES
Population optimization algorithms: Evolution Strategies, (μ,λ)-ES and (μ+λ)-ES
The article considers a group of optimization algorithms known as Evolution Strategies (ES). They are among the very first population algorithms to use evolutionary principles for finding optimal solutions. We will implement changes to the conventional ES variants and revise the test function and test stand methodology for the algorithms.

Population optimization algorithms: Bacterial Foraging Optimization - Genetic Algorithm (BFO-GA)

Population optimization algorithms: Bacterial Foraging Optimization - Genetic Algorithm (BFO-GA)

The BFO-GA hybrid optimization algorithm combines two different optimization algorithms: the foraging optimization (BFO) algorithm and the genetic algorithm (GA). This hybrid algorithm was created to improve optimization efficiency and overcome some of the shortcomings of each of the individual algorithms.

BFO (Bacterial Foraging Optimization) is an optimization algorithm inspired by the foraging behavior of bacteria. It was proposed in 2002 by Rahul K. Kujur. BFO models bacterial movement using three main mechanisms: transitions, diffusion, and position update. Each bacterium in the algorithm represents a solution to the optimization problem, and food corresponds to the optimal solution. Bacteria move through search space to find the best food.

Genetic algorithm (GA) is an optimization algorithm inspired by the principles of natural selection and genetics. It was developed by John Holland in the 1970s. GA works with a population of individuals representing solutions to an optimization problem. Individuals undergo the operations of crossing (combining genetic information) and mutation (random changes in genetic information) to create new generations. After several generations, GA strives to find the optimal solution.

Population optimization algorithms: Bacterial Foraging Optimization - Genetic Algorithm (BFO-GA)
Population optimization algorithms: Bacterial Foraging Optimization - Genetic Algorithm (BFO-GA)
The article presents a new approach to solving optimization problems by combining ideas from bacterial foraging optimization (BFO) algorithms and techniques used in the genetic algorithm (GA) into a hybrid BFO-GA algorithm. It uses bacterial swarming to globally search for an optimal solution and genetic operators to refine local optima. Unlike the original BFO, bacteria can now mutate and inherit genes.

Population optimization algorithms: Micro Artificial immune system (Micro-AIS)

The immune system is an amazing mechanism that plays an important role in protecting our body from external threats. Like an invisible shield, it fights bacteria, viruses and fungi, keeping our body healthy. But what if we could use this powerful mechanism to solve complex optimization and learning problems? This is exactly the approach used in the Artificial Immune System (AIS) optimization method.

Artificial Immune System (AIS) optimization method was proposed in the 1990s. Early research on this method dates back to the mid-1980s, with significant contributions by Farmer, Packard, Perelson (1986) and Bersini and Varela (1990).

Population optimization algorithms: Micro Artificial immune system (Micro-AIS)
Population optimization algorithms: Micro Artificial immune system (Micro-AIS)
The article considers an optimization method based on the principles of the body's immune system - Micro Artificial Immune System (Micro-AIS) - a modification of AIS. Micro-AIS uses a simpler model of the immune system and simple immune information processing operations. The article also discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Micro-AIS compared to conventional AIS.

A Generic Optimization Formulation (GOF) to Implement Custom Max with Constraints

A Generic Optimization Formulation (GOF) to Implement Custom Max with Constraints

In general terms, there are two main types of optimization algorithms. The first type is the more classical, based on the calculation of gradients of all functions involved in the optimization problem (this dates back to Isaac Newton’s times). The second type is more recent (since the ~1970’s) that does not use gradient information at all. In between, there may be algorithms that combine the two approaches mentioned, but we don’t need to address them here. The MetaTrader 5 algorithm called “Fast Genetic based Algorithm”---in the MetaTrader 5 terminal Settings tab---belongs to the second type. This allows us to skip the need for the computation gradients for objective and constraint functions. Even more, thanks to the gradient-less nature of the MetaTrader 5 algorithm, we were able to account for constraints functions that would not had been appropriate with gradient-based algorithms. More on this will be discussed below.

One important point is that the MetaTrader 5 algorithm called “Slow Complete Algorithm” is not actually an optimization algorithm but a brute force, exhaustive evaluation of all possible combinations of values for all the input variables within the side constraints.

A Generic Optimization Formulation (GOF) to Implement Custom Max with Constraints
A Generic Optimization Formulation (GOF) to Implement Custom Max with Constraints
In this article we will present a way to implement optimization problems with multiple objectives and constraints when selecting "Custom Max" in the Setting tab of the MetaTrader 5 terminal. As an example, the optimization problem could be: Maximize Profit Factor, Net Profit, and Recovery Factor, such that the Draw Down is less than 10%, the number of consecutive losses is less than 5, and the number of trades per week is more than 5.

Population optimization algorithms: Evolution of Social Groups (ESG)

In this article, we will consider the multi-population ESG algorithm that I created specifically for this article. We will look at the basic principles of such algorithms. In addition, we will consider the results of comparative studies that will allow us to evaluate the effectiveness of these algorithms in comparison with mono-population optimization methods.
Population optimization algorithms: Evolution of Social Groups (ESG)
Population optimization algorithms: Evolution of Social Groups (ESG)
We will consider the principle of constructing multi-population algorithms. As an example of this type of algorithm, we will have a look at the new custom algorithm - Evolution of Social Groups (ESG). We will analyze the basic concepts, population interaction mechanisms and advantages of this algorithm, as well as examine its performance in optimization problems.

Population optimization algorithms: Artificial Multi-Social Search Objects (MSO)

In the previous article, we considered the evolution of social groups where they moved freely in the search space. However, here I propose that we change this concept and assume that groups move between sectors, jumping from one to another. All groups have their own centers, which are updated at each iteration of the algorithm. In addition, we introduce the concept of memory both for the group as a whole and for each individual particle in it. Using these changes, our algorithm now allows groups to move from sector to sector based on information about the best solutions.

In this article, we will conduct a series of experiments to explore how these new concepts affect the search performance of an algorithm. We will analyze the interaction between groups, their ability to cooperate and coordinate, and their ability to learn and adapt. Our findings may shed light on the evolution of social systems and help better understand how groups form, evolve and adapt to changing environments.
Population optimization algorithms: Artificial Multi-Social Search Objects (MSO)
Population optimization algorithms: Artificial Multi-Social Search Objects (MSO)
This is a continuation of the previous article considering the idea of social groups. The article explores the evolution of social groups using movement and memory algorithms. The results will help to understand the evolution of social systems and apply them in optimization and search for solutions.

Using optimization algorithms to configure EA parameters on the fly

Using optimization algorithms to configure EA parameters on the fly

For novice traders, understanding the basic principles of optimization algorithms can be a powerful tool in finding profitable trades and minimizing risks. For seasoned professionals, deep knowledge in this area can open up new horizons and help create sophisticated trading strategies that exceed expectations.
Using optimization algorithms to configure EA parameters on the fly
Using optimization algorithms to configure EA parameters on the fly
The article discusses the practical aspects of using optimization algorithms to find the best EA parameters on the fly, as well as virtualization of trading operations and EA logic. The article can be used as an instruction for implementing optimization algorithms into an EA.

Population optimization algorithms: Resistance to getting stuck in local extrema (Part I)

Population optimization algorithms: Resistance to getting stuck in local extrema (Part I)

This is a unique research, the idea for which came to me while answering questions that arose during the discussion of one of my articles. I am hopeful that readers will appreciate the value and originality of this work.

To carry out the experiment, we need to first initialize the coordinates of the agents forcibly outside the algorithm, using the coordinates of the global minimum, before measuring the fitness function at the first epoch.

Such an experiment will allow us to evaluate resistance to extremely difficult conditions and the ability to overcome limitations.

Population optimization algorithms: Resistance to getting stuck in local extrema (Part I)
Population optimization algorithms: Resistance to getting stuck in local extrema (Part I)
This article presents a unique experiment that aims to examine the behavior of population optimization algorithms in the context of their ability to efficiently escape local minima when population diversity is low and reach global maxima. Working in this direction will provide further insight into which specific algorithms can successfully continue their search using coordinates set by the user as a starting point, and what factors influence their success.

Automated Parameter Optimization for Trading Strategies Using Python and MQL5

Readers will understand the importance of auto-optimization, different algorithms used, and see practical examples in Python and Expert Advisor (EA) scripts. They’ll learn how to set up auto-optimization, compare results, and properly configure parameter optimization, enhancing their trading strategy efficiency.

Self-optimization algorithms for trading strategies include parameter optimization, evolutionary algorithms, heuristic methods, gradient-based techniques, machine learning, and simulation-based optimization. Each has unique pros and cons, tailored for different trading needs and market conditions.

Automated Parameter Optimization for Trading Strategies Using Python and MQL5

Python programs are an excellent tool to try ideas, create graphics quickly and confirm theoretical statements with historical trading data. Python allows to develop and adjust models agilely, which facilitates experimentation with different strategies and parameters. Its ability to generate detailed graphs and visualizations helps interpret the results more intuitively. In addition, the possibility of integrating historical data allows verifying how strategies would have worked in past scenarios, providing practical validation to the theories raised. This combination of speed, flexibility and analytical capacity makes Python an invaluable tool for any trader that seeks to optimize their strategies and better understand financial markets.
Automated Parameter Optimization for Trading Strategies Using Python and MQL5
Automated Parameter Optimization for Trading Strategies Using Python and MQL5
There are several types of algorithms for self-optimization of trading strategies and parameters. These algorithms are used to automatically improve trading strategies based on historical and current market data. In this article we will look at one of them with python and MQL5 examples.