need some help in gettin aroud this - page 4


I disagree about the part of you being his employee as the person who ordered the coding is not your employer (well i hope :P) rather he is your customer.

As such he does not take any and none steps to your well being (secure work area), does not pay for your health care, does not pay towards your pension, does not take care for the tools of the work that you're supposed to do, does not pay for your daily meal and does not pay for your internet connection as it's his only means to his programmer and it substitutes the fare. All these things should and are paid for ( in my country) and taken care of by your employer.

As customer, he takes care of his wishes and the changes to his wishes only. He is usually only obliged to pay once the work has been completed. Again not like an employer behaves, as employer needs to pay for your time regardless of end results (even though he can decide for bonuses or penalties) - again it's how it works in my country.

The person who orders coding from you takes care of none of that, unless you price your work highly enough so that you pay for that yourself, but if that's the case, you probably take care also of the small print about source code.


I disagree. When you hire a programmer, he is your employee. All work he generates is for you, you are the owner, you get the source code, you paid for it and he must not publish it because it's not his.

If I write an EA, I own the code. If I sell the EA to people, they don't get the source because I still own it, they only bought the EA.

The 20 bucks is irrelevant unless there is a prior agreement between the two parties, such as 20 down, you get the EA and verify, pay the rest and get the code.

Well what I meant was, as a developer you could offer a two level service to clients, for instance if all they want is a cheap EA to test a theory they may not care about owning source code etc, and be quite content to be an end user purchasing software to which they had some input as per the trade criteria and indicators used, and as a developer you might create such EA's from templates and the price could be kept low for this kind of service.

For that kind of service you would sell the EA in the same manner as any other commerical EA, the customer is the end user buying an EA as an executable which you have pre written and you just customise its trade criteria function on a per customer basis depending on which indicators/levels etc they wish to use as trade criteria. Obviously if you gave a customer the source code to that you would be giving away your livelyhood as they and anyone else could easily set up their own company doing the same thing using your pre written EA

The other kind of service would be where the client is like the project manager and you are working for him and he owns the final work.

Really it is all up for negotiation I was just trying to give some pointers to those wishing to keep full ownership of their ideas and the project when they hire a programmer but obviously not everyone falls into that catagory.