need some help in gettin aroud this


Hi there, plz excuse my direct request, however... i do attach sample code of EA, there is also /on the top/ some code id like to incorporate to mentioned EA or any other, any one could give me an example of what should go where???

Someone STOLE someone's intellectual property by decompiling an executable. You violated his copyrghite by publishing the code. No one here should help you.
Someone STOLE someone's intellectual property by decompiling an executable. You violated his copyrghite by publishing the code. No one here should help you.

WOW.... hello.... who what where??????.... that code is from Expert Advisor Programming by Mr Young... A REAL BOOK I DO OWN, i paid for, it is an example, 1 of tenssss in there to use... all i need is a bit of help in a bit more advanced /FOR ME!/ case. i do understand most of the syntax just havin a trouble with combining some ideas into working code. ALL i do is LEARN here. rest code is again one on trillion available over the net, it irrelevant, a do analyse tens of such in order to understand logic. I can barley write few lines of code and what i hear, decompiling an executable... its to much for me... You no what... maybe i just stick to manual tradin as i do... forget it. thx any way
Nobody programs using variable names like
   int l_digits_8 = MarketInfo("EURUSD", MODE_DIGITS);  
   if (l_digits_8 > 4) 
   int l_ticket_0;
   double l_price_4;
   double l_price_12;

If Mr Young published that, then he could be sued by the real coder. But I doubt it.

Even if its "available over the net" does not make it right. It's still stolen code.

Nobody programs using variable names like

If Mr Young published that, then he could be sued by the real coder. But I doubt it.

Even if its "available over the net" does not make it right. It's still stolen code.

...... rest code is again one on trillion available over the net............. i wrote there.... i cant judge whether it was decompiled or named this way, the whole idea behind this is that, as i said b4, that code regardless where it was taken from is a just typical syntax of simple EA.

i do not care much about that code it could be 1000s other /apart of fact u arisen - might or is stolen/ all i need is a knowledge of correct placing the bits of code.

regarding code.... u mean that all that files let say on in open format often without a note about intellectual rights or bits of code in posts can not be reused????? mind that i do not wanna reuse that code, nothing worth looking at this particular ea. however i do spend quite a time on looking how some logic problem has been managed. i have no problem with writing a logic, the problem is syntax and sequence so mt4 could "understand" and do what intended by me.

any way any one offended... plz take my apology... for my unprofessional behaviour.

also request to MODERATOR plz remove that code from this post, sorry.

u see am in really pity position, have paid loads of $$$$, i mean loads,,, and i have been refused open code of my very own idea.... being said that coder is an owner of code.... hmmm i naively thought that by hiring a coder i will be given full right to the code.... now there is some issue with that particular EA and iam tight to that MAN f_%^%$#@%#$%$#^#$^$%^#$@_k...... sorry but now i feel like something was stolen from me..... and iam not talkin only about the code, this code locked in MY very UNIQUE method of trading... result of tens of tens cups of coffe sleepless nights.... i will never ever do it again... i do not know how long it takes to be confident mql coder but i did first stage,

plz mind today am askin tens of questions and am sort of pain in..... tomorrow however i might become great contributor.

Sorry again... and plz excuse my English.

regarding code.... u mean that all that files let say on in open format often without a note about intellectual rights or bits of code in posts can not be reused????? mind that i do not wanna

Completely different. If the writer of the code, publishes it here, like I did here, then it's available to all, he has abandoned the rights.

Your post, A writer gave, sold or leases a compiled EA, he did NOT give the code away. Whoever decompiled it, stole the code.


Completely different. If the writer of the code, publishes it here, like I did here, then it's available to all, he has abandoned the rights.

Your post, A writer gave, sold or leases a compiled EA, he did NOT give the code away. Whoever decompiled it, stole the code.

ok now i do understand fully... might sound naive but i really do. ty.

u see am in really pity position, have paid loads of $$$$, i mean loads,,, and i have been refused open code of my very own idea.... being said that coder is an owner of code.... hmmm i naively thought that by hiring a coder i will be given full right to the code.... now there is some issue with that particular EA and iam tight to that MAN f_%^%$#@%#$%$#^#$^$%^#$@_k...... sorry but now i feel like something was stolen from me..... and iam not talkin only about the code, this code locked in MY very UNIQUE method of trading... result of tens of tens cups of coffe sleepless nights.... i will never ever do it again... i do not know how long it takes to be confident mql coder but i did first stage,

plz mind today am askin tens of questions and am sort of pain in..... tomorrow however i might become great contributor.

Sorry again... and plz excuse my English.

Next time you hire a programmer make sure it is understood and in writing, the deal is to provide you with source code and the programmer relinquishes all rights to that source code if he accepts the job. But expect to pay a lot more than you would for just the ex4 executable.

I have read several comments and questions on this forum regarding who should own the source code when you hire a programmer.

I think some confusion has arisen over this, because some are likening it to buying a commercial software.

Sure when you buy Adobe Photoshop you dont expect to recieve the source code, but when you buy Adobe Photoshop you didn't hire a programmer to create your ideas, you just bought a commercially available pre designed software created from someone elses ideas.

This is very different from hiring a programmer to convert your own ideas into a program, the scenario can be likened to Adobe Photoshop in another way. Probably many hundreds of programmers were hired by Adobe to work on their software, none of them expect to retain ownership of their source code and in fact it automatically becomes the property of, and is copyrighted to, Adobe.

This is how you should make sure you own the rights to your ideas. When you hire a programmer to work for you, the source code becomes your property and is copyrighted to you as per a prior written and signed agreement, otherwise if you hire a programmer and allow him to retain rights to the source code, while just suppling you with the executable, you only have the rights of an end user, the same rights you have when you buy Adobe Photoshop and your programmer could, if he wanted to, sell the completed EA commercially and there would be nothing you could do about it.

I agree with SDC's premise. Why are some developers against providing the source code?
Hm. Not against it :) just expect to get paid more for it. After all it gives the owner some more options that he wouldn't have otherwise (or with just the executable).

If you provide the source, you have given away your idea, your method and your implementation. No one else will ever buy it from you, they'll just compile the code.

If someone hires you to code something for him, HE is the owner and has a right to the code.