Frequently Asked Questions about the Signals service - page 134

Giovanni Midali:

But inside MT4 I can't find the signal, why?

Post a screenshot of your search in MT4.

Sergey Golubev :

Si consiglia di iscriversi direttamente da Metatrader.
Se non hai trovato il segnale nella scheda Segnale in Metatrader, usa la funzione di ricerca nell'angolo in alto a destra di Metatrader per trovare questo segnale (nel tuo Metatrader).

Si prega di trovare le istruzioni su come iscriversi:

Come iscriversi a MT4 / MT5 Signal - nuove istruzioni

Thanks for your help, unfortunately I can't find anything in the search function, not even other signals. It seems that the function does not find anything, on any MT4 that I have installed.

I don't understand why, I registered regularly.

Eleni Anna Branou :

Post a screenshot of your search in MT4.

Now I can't put the screeshot, however it doesn't find anything, no signal, the search remains empty!

Giovanni Midali:

Now I can't put the screeshot, however it doesn't find anything, no signal, the search remains empty!

  • Do you have Internet Explorer installed on your computer by tghe latest version (I am having version 11)?
  • Did you fill Community tab with your forum login and forum password (your forum login is forex-forever)?
    The sucessful Community login should be confirmed by Metatrader journal:

Forum on trading, automated trading systems and testing trading strategies

Why my purchased EAs can not be downloaded, installed and updated, while in the mean time it is OK when login with other account???

Sergey Golubev, 2020.09.16 15:42


Example with Community tab.
I filled Community tab with my forum login and forum password, and I can check/prove it by reading the logs/journal.
It is from my MT5:

It is from my MT4:



Because it is impossible to help without any screenshots and any technical information from you about what you did and what you are trying to do.
So, the only way you can fix it is the following: you read some posts/answers on this thread once again and try to fo understand the reason to fix it.

Sergey Golubev :
  • Hai Internet Explorer installato sul tuo computer dall'ultima versione di tghe (ho la versione 11)?
  • Hai riempito la scheda Community con il login e la password del forum (il tuo login al forum è forex-forever)?
    L'accesso alla community riuscito dovrebbe essere confermato dalla rivista Metatrader:


Perché è impossibile aiutare senza screenshot e informazioni tecniche da parte tua su ciò che hai fatto e su ciò che stai cercando di fare.
Quindi, l'unico modo per risolverlo è il seguente: leggi ancora una volta alcuni post / risposte su questo thread e cerchi di capire il motivo per risolverlo.

This is the diary of MT4, I am regularly connected, but the problem is with the signals.

2021-01-04.png  110 kb
Giovanni Midali:

This is the diary of MT4, I am regularly connected, but the problem is with the signals.

You should search the signal (search by signal name) here:

Your Community login is forex-forever (not Forex-Forever; because it is important to some case to use exact forum login):

If your metatrader can not connect with server so it may be something with the setting of your Internet Explorer, or anti-virus or firewall for example (something with your computer anyway).

You can try to use chat here (if it is impossible for you so it is related to your Internet Explorer, or anti-virus or firewall):

Sergey Golubev :

Dovresti cercare il segnale (ricerca per nome del segnale) qui:

Il tuo accesso alla community è forex-forever (non Forex-Forever; perché in alcuni casi è importante utilizzare il login esatto del forum):

Se il tuo metatrader non riesce a connettersi con il server, potrebbe essere qualcosa con l'impostazione del tuo Internet Explorer, o antivirus o firewall per esempio (qualcosa con il tuo computer comunque).

Puoi provare a usare la chat qui (se è impossibile per te quindi è correlato al tuo Internet Explorer, o all'antivirus o al firewall):

Many thanks, it was the firewall that was causing problems. Signal subscribe, Thanks again for your help.

Giovanni Midali:

Many thanks, it was the firewall that was causing problems. Signal subscribe, Thanks again for your help.

No, it was a technical problem that it was just solved.

Eleni Anna Branou :

No, it was a technical problem that it was just solved.

Thanks for the information. In fact I have re-enabled the firewall and it works. Thanks to everyone for the help.

I subscribed to the MQL5 VPS from the computer for $ 15 and also subscribed to the copy service and copied a suitable trader for my capital, and I am currently following my account from my personal phone, but the problem is, come, a trader opened  5 trades and did not open any deal with me.  What is the solution, please can you help me?