Japan Adjusted Current Account
Medium | ¥1937.5 B | ¥2440.1 B |
¥2731.6 B
Last release | Importance | Actual | Forecast |
¥2624.2 B |
¥1937.5 B
Next release | Actual | Forecast |
Japan's Adjusted Current Account shows the difference between the reported monthly exports and the imports of goods, services and interest payment amounts. The index is seasonally adjusted.
Foreigners need to buy yen in order to pay for nation's products and domestics obligations.
The current account measures the difference between the import and export amount of goods and services and the payment of profits (the amount of export minus the amount of import). Export statistics reflect Japan's economic growth. Import value shows domestic demand. The selection of goods is the same as in the trade balance figures.
The index growth can have a positive effect on yen.
Last values:
actual data
The chart of the entire available history of the "Japan Adjusted Current Account" macroeconomic indicator. The dashed line shows the forecast values of the economic indicator for the specified dates.
A significant deviation of a real value from a forecast one may cause a short-term strengthening or weakening of a national currency in the Forex market. The threshold values of the indicators signaling the approach of the critical state of the national (local) economy occupy a special place.