Economic Calendar and indicators of Sweden


Indicator Last Reference Previous Frequency
GDP q/q 0.7% 1 Q 2024 -0.1% Quarterly
Unemployment Rate 8.7% May 2024 8.9% Monthly
CPI y/y 2.6% Jun 2024 3.7% Monthly
Riksbank Interest Rate Decision 3.75% 4.00%
Goods Trade Balance Kr​11.9 B May 2024 Kr​7.2 B Monthly

Economic Calendar

2024.07.25 06:00, SEK, PPI m/m, Forecast: 0.4%, Previous: 0.0%
2024.07.25 06:00, SEK, PPI y/y, Forecast: 5.4%, Previous: 2.6%
2024.07.25 06:00, SEK, Households Loans y/y, Forecast: 0.7%, Previous: 0.7%
2024.07.25 06:00, SEK, Non-Financial Corporations Loans y/y, Previous: -1.6%
2024.07.25 06:00, SEK, M3 Money Supply y/y, Previous: -1.0%
2024.07.26 06:00, SEK, Unemployment Rate, Forecast: 9.8%, Previous: 8.7%
2024.07.26 06:00, SEK, Goods Trade Balance, Forecast: Kr​2.2 B, Previous: Kr​11.9 B
2024.07.29 06:00, SEK, Retail Sales m/m, Forecast: -0.5%, Previous: 0.2%
2024.07.29 06:00, SEK, Retail Sales y/y, Forecast: -0.2%, Previous: 0.8%
2024.07.29 06:00, SEK, GDP q/q, Forecast: 0.3%, Previous: 0.7%
2024.07.29 06:00, SEK, GDP y/y, Forecast: 0.3%, Previous: 0.7%
2024.07.30 07:00, SEK, Business Confidence, Forecast: 95.5, Previous: 97.3
2024.07.30 07:00, SEK, Manufacturing Confidence, Forecast: 99.0, Previous: 99.2
2024.07.30 07:00, SEK, Consumer Confidence, Forecast: 95.3, Previous: 93.3
2024.07.30 07:00, SEK, Inflation Expectations, Forecast: 6.3%, Previous: 6.2%
2024.07.30 07:00, SEK, Economic Tendency Indicator, Forecast: 94.8, Previous: 96.3

Economic indicators

GDP Last Reference Previous Frequency
GDP q/q 0.7% 1 Q 2024 -0.1% Quarterly
GDP y/y 0.7% 1 Q 2024 -1.1% Quarterly
Labor Last Reference Previous Frequency
Registered Unemployment Rate 6.6% Jun 2024 6.5% Monthly
Unemployment Rate 8.7% May 2024 8.9% Monthly
Prices Last Reference Previous Frequency
CPI m/m -0.1% Jun 2024 0.2% Monthly
CPI y/y 2.6% Jun 2024 3.7% Monthly
CPIF m/m 0.0% Jun 2024 0.2% Monthly
CPIF y/y 1.3% Jun 2024 2.3% Monthly
HICP m/m -0.1% Jun 2024 0.2% Monthly
HICP y/y 1.4% Jun 2024 2.5% Monthly
PPI m/m 0.0% May 2024 0.5% Monthly
PPI y/y 2.6% May 2024 0.9% Monthly
Money Last Reference Previous Frequency
Households Loans y/y 0.7% May 2024 0.5% Monthly
M3 Money Supply y/y -1.0% May 2024 -0.7% Monthly
Non-Financial Corporations Loans y/y -1.6% May 2024 -1.2% Monthly
Riksbank Interest Rate Decision 3.75% 4.00%
Trade Last Reference Previous Frequency
Current Account Kr​115.9 B 1 Q 2024 Kr​116.7 B Quarterly
Goods Trade Balance Kr​11.9 B May 2024 Kr​7.2 B Monthly
Business Last Reference Previous Frequency
Business Confidence 97.3 Jun 2024 94.5 Monthly
Business Inventories Change Kr​-6.846 B 4 Q 2023 Kr​-7.693 B Quarterly
Business Inventories q/q -1.2% 4 Q 2023 -1.3% Quarterly
Capacity Utilization q/q 0.2% 1 Q 2024 -1.3% Quarterly
Economic Tendency Indicator 96.3 Jun 2024 94.1 Monthly
Industrial Inventories Change Kr​1.516 B 1 Q 2021 Kr​-5.775 B Quarterly
Industrial Inventories q/q 0.6% 1 Q 2021 -2.2% Quarterly
Industrial New Orders m/m -15.0% May 2024 7.8% Monthly
Industrial New Orders y/y -8.9% May 2024 -15.0% Monthly
Industrial Production m/m 1.2% May 2024 -2.5% Monthly
Industrial Production y/y -2.8% May 2024 -4.3% Monthly
Manufacturing Confidence 99.2 Jun 2024 98.6 Monthly
Private Sector Production m/m 0.6% May 2024 -0.5% Monthly
Private Sector Production y/y -0.2% May 2024 -1.6% Monthly
Silf/Swedbank Composite PMI 52.3 Jun 2024 51.0 Monthly
Silf/Swedbank Manufacturing PMI 53.6 Jun 2024 54.1 Monthly
Silf/Swedbank Services PMI 51.8 Jun 2024 49.8 Monthly
Consumer Last Reference Previous Frequency
Consumer Confidence 93.3 Jun 2024 91.3 Monthly
Household Consumption m/m -0.4% May 2024 -0.4% Monthly
Household Consumption y/y -0.9% May 2024 -0.8% Monthly
Inflation Expectations 6.2% Jun 2024 6.2% Monthly
Retail Sales m/m 0.2% May 2024 -0.1% Monthly
Retail Sales y/y 0.8% May 2024 0.7% Monthly