Economic Calendar and indicators for Australia


Indicator Last Reference Previous Frequency
GDP q/q 0.1% 1 Q 2024 0.3% Quarterly
Unemployment Rate 4.1% Jun 2024 4.0% Monthly
CPI y/y 3.6% 1 Q 2024 4.1% Quarterly
RBA Interest Rate Decision 4.35% 4.35%
Trade Balance $​9.640 B Aug 2023 $​7.324 B Monthly

Economic Calendar

2024.07.26 19:30, AUD, CFTC AUD Non-Commercial Net Positions, Previous: 11.1 K
2024.07.30 01:30, AUD, Building Approvals m/m, Forecast: -0.9%, Previous: 5.5%
2024.07.30 01:30, AUD, Private House Approvals m/m, Previous: 2.1%

Economic indicators

Market Last Reference Previous Frequency
CFTC AUD Non-Commercial Net Positions 11.1 K 16 Jul 2024 2.4 K Weekly
GDP Last Reference Previous Frequency
Final Consumption Expenditure q/q 0.6% 1 Q 2024 0.5% Quarterly
GDP Chain Price Index q/q 0.8% 1 Q 2024 2.0% Quarterly
GDP q/q 0.1% 1 Q 2024 0.3% Quarterly
GDP y/y 1.1% 1 Q 2024 1.6% Quarterly
Gross Fixed Capital Formation q/q -0.9% 1 Q 2024 -0.2% Quarterly
Labor Last Reference Previous Frequency
ANZ Job Advertisements m/m -2.2% Jun 2024 -1.9% Monthly
Employment Change 50.2 K Jun 2024 39.5 K Monthly
Full-Time Employment Change 43.3 K Jun 2024 41.3 K Monthly
Participation Rate 66.9% Jun 2024 66.8% Monthly
Unemployment Rate 4.1% Jun 2024 4.0% Monthly
Prices Last Reference Previous Frequency
CPI 137.4 1 Q 2024 136.1 Quarterly
CPI q/q 1.0% 1 Q 2024 0.6% Quarterly
CPI y/y 3.6% 1 Q 2024 4.1% Quarterly
Export Price Index q/q -2.1% 1 Q 2024 5.6% Quarterly
Import Price Index q/q -1.8% 1 Q 2024 1.1% Quarterly
MI Inflation Expectations 4.3% Jul 2024 4.4% Monthly
PPI q/q 0.9% 1 Q 2024 0.9% Quarterly
PPI y/y 4.3% 1 Q 2024 4.1% Quarterly
RBA Index of Commodity Prices y/y -4.1% Jun 2024 -6.0% Monthly
RBA Trimmed Mean CPI q/q 1.0% 1 Q 2024 0.8% Quarterly
RBA Trimmed Mean CPI y/y 4.0% 1 Q 2024 4.2% Quarterly
RBA Weighted Median CPI q/q 1.1% 1 Q 2024 0.9% Quarterly
RBA Weighted Median CPI y/y 4.4% 1 Q 2024 4.4% Quarterly
Wage Price Index q/q 0.8% 1 Q 2024 1.0% Quarterly
Wage Price Index y/y 4.1% 1 Q 2024 4.2% Quarterly
Money Last Reference Previous Frequency
RBA Housing Credit m/m 0.4% May 2024 0.5% Monthly
RBA Interest Rate Decision 4.35% 4.35%
RBA Private Sector Credit m/m 0.4% May 2024 0.5% Monthly
Trade Last Reference Previous Frequency
Current Account $​-4.896 B 1 Q 2024 $​2.667 B Quarterly
Exports m/m 4.0% Aug 2023 -1.8% Monthly
Imports m/m -0.4% Aug 2023 3.4% Monthly
Net Exports Contribution -0.9% 1 Q 2024 0.6% Quarterly
Trade Balance $​9.640 B Aug 2023 $​7.324 B Monthly
Business Last Reference Previous Frequency
AIG Construction Index 48.2 Nov 2022 43.3 Monthly
AIG Manufacturing Index 44.7 Nov 2022 49.6 Monthly
AIG Services Index 45.6 Nov 2022 47.7 Monthly
Ai Group Construction Index -23.2 Jun 2024 -68.1 Monthly
Ai Group Industry Index -25.6 Jun 2024 -40.3 Monthly
Ai Group Manufacturing Index -26.5 Jun 2024 -31.1 Monthly
Building Approvals m/m 5.5% May 2024 1.9% Monthly
Building Capital Expenditure q/q -0.9% 1 Q 2024 1.3% Quarterly
Business Inventories q/q 1.3% 1 Q 2024 -1.6% Quarterly
Company Gross Operating Profits q/q -2.5% 1 Q 2024 7.1% Quarterly
Company Profits Before Income Tax q/q -8.4% 1 Q 2024 8.3% Quarterly
Construction Work Done q/q -2.9% 1 Q 2024 1.8% Quarterly
Equipment, Plant and Machinery Capital Expenditure q/q 3.3% 1 Q 2024 0.4% Quarterly
NAB Business Conditions 4 Jun 2024 6 Monthly
NAB Business Confidence 4 Jun 2024 -2 Monthly
NAB Quarterly Business Confidence -1 2 Q 2024 -2 Quarterly
New Motor Vehicle Sales m/m 4.5% Dec 2017 0.2% Monthly
Private House Approvals m/m 2.1% May 2024 -0.3% Monthly
Private New Capital Expenditure q/q 1.0% 1 Q 2024 0.9% Quarterly
S&P Global Composite PMI 50.7 Jun 2024 52.1 Monthly
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI 47.2 Jun 2024 49.7 Monthly
S&P Global Services PMI 51.2 Jun 2024 52.5 Monthly
Consumer Last Reference Previous Frequency
Retail Sales m/m 0.6% May 2024 0.1% Monthly
Retail Sales q/q -0.4% 1 Q 2024 0.4% Quarterly
Westpac-MI Consumer Sentiment m/m -1.1% Jul 2024 1.7% Monthly
Housing Last Reference Previous Frequency
HIA New Home Sales 12-months m/m 7.3% Aug 2019 -12.8% Monthly
HIA New Home Sales m/m -69.4% Jan 2021 32.5% Monthly
HPI q/q 4.7% 4 Q 2021 5.0% Quarterly
Home Loans m/m -1.6% May 2024 2.6% Monthly
Investment Housing Loans m/m -1.3% May 2024 5.3% Monthly