Economic Calendar and indicators of the European Union


Indicator Last Reference Previous Frequency
GDP q/q 0.3% 1 Q 2024 0.3% Quarterly
Unemployment Rate 6.4% May 2024 6.4% Monthly
Core CPI y/y 2.9% Jun 2024 2.9% Monthly
ECB Interest Rate Decision 4.25% 4.25%
Trade Balance n.s.a. €​13.9 B May 2024 €​14.2 B Monthly

Economic Calendar

2024.07.22 00:00, EUR, Eurogroup Meeting
2024.07.23 00:00, EUR, Eurogroup Meeting
2024.07.23 14:00, EUR, Consumer Confidence Index, Forecast: -13.0, Previous: -14.0
2024.07.24 00:00, EUR, Eurogroup Meeting
2024.07.24 08:00, EUR, S&P Global Manufacturing PMI, Forecast: 45.3, Previous: 45.8
2024.07.24 08:00, EUR, S&P Global Services PMI, Forecast: 52.3, Previous: 52.8
2024.07.24 08:00, EUR, S&P Global Composite PMI, Forecast: 49.8, Previous: 50.9
2024.07.25 00:00, EUR, Eurogroup Meeting
2024.07.25 08:00, EUR, ECB M3 Money Supply y/y, Forecast: 2.4%, Previous: 1.6%
2024.07.25 08:00, EUR, ECB Households Loans y/y, Forecast: 0.3%, Previous: 0.3%
2024.07.25 08:00, EUR, ECB Non-Financial Corporations Loans y/y, Forecast: 0.7%, Previous: 0.3%
2024.07.25 08:00, EUR, ECB Private Sector Loans y/y, Forecast: 0.9%, Previous: 0.8%
2024.07.25 15:00, EUR, ECB President Lagarde Speech
2024.07.26 19:30, EUR, CFTC EUR Non-Commercial Net Positions, Previous: 24.7 K
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, GDP q/q, Forecast: 0.2%, Previous: 0.3%
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, GDP y/y, Forecast: 0.4%, Previous: 0.4%
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, Industrial Confidence Indicator, Forecast: -9.7, Previous: -10.1
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, Services Sentiment Indicator, Forecast: 8.3, Previous: 6.5
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, Economic Sentiment Indicator, Forecast: 95.3, Previous: 95.9
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, Consumer Confidence Index
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, Consumer Price Expectations, Forecast: 14.4, Previous: 13.1
2024.07.30 09:00, EUR, Industry Selling Price Expectations, Forecast: 6.3, Previous: 6.1

Economic indicators

Market Last Reference Previous Frequency
CFTC EUR Non-Commercial Net Positions 24.7 K 16 Jul 2024 3.6 K Weekly
GDP Last Reference Previous Frequency
GDP q/q 0.3% 1 Q 2024 0.3% Quarterly
GDP y/y 0.4% 1 Q 2024 0.4% Quarterly
Labor Last Reference Previous Frequency
Employment Change q/q 0.3% 1 Q 2024 0.3% Quarterly
Employment Change y/y 1.0% 1 Q 2024 1.0% Quarterly
Employment Level 169.861 M 1 Q 2024 169.842 M Quarterly
Labour Cost Index 5.1% 1 Q 2024 3.4% Quarterly
Unemployment Rate 6.4% May 2024 6.4% Monthly
Wage Costs y/y 5.3% 1 Q 2024 3.1% Quarterly
Prices Last Reference Previous Frequency
CPI 126.58 Jun 2024 126.58 Monthly
CPI excl. Energy and Unprocessed Food m/m 0.4% Jun 2024 0.4% Monthly
CPI excl. Energy and Unprocessed Food y/y 2.8% Jun 2024 2.8% Monthly
CPI excl. Tobacco m/m 0.2% Jun 2024 0.2% Monthly
CPI excl. Tobacco y/y 2.4% Jun 2024 2.5% Monthly
CPI m/m 0.2% Jun 2024 0.2% Monthly
CPI y/y 2.5% Jun 2024 2.5% Monthly
Core CPI 119.89 Jun 2024 119.88 Monthly
Core CPI m/m 0.4% Jun 2024 0.3% Monthly
Core CPI y/y 2.9% Jun 2024 2.9% Monthly
PPI m/m -0.2% May 2024 -1.0% Monthly
PPI y/y -4.2% May 2024 -5.7% Monthly
Money Last Reference Previous Frequency
ECB Deposit Facility Rate Decision 3.75% 3.75%
ECB Households Loans y/y 0.3% May 2024 0.2% Monthly
ECB Interest Rate Decision 4.25% 4.25%
ECB M3 Money Supply y/y 1.6% May 2024 1.3% Monthly
ECB Marginal Lending Facility Rate Decision 4.50% 4.50%
ECB Non-Financial Corporations Loans y/y 0.3% May 2024 0.2% Monthly
ECB Private Sector Loans y/y 0.8% May 2024 0.9% Monthly
ECB Targeted LTRO €​51.970 B €​97.570 B
Official Reserve Assets €​1267.630 B Jun 2024 €​1253.080 B Monthly
Trade Last Reference Previous Frequency
Current Account €​36.7 B May 2024 €​36.7 B Monthly
Current Account n.s.a. €​28.9 B Dec 2022 €​12.7 B Monthly
Trade Balance €​12.3 B May 2024 €​18.5 B Monthly
Trade Balance n.s.a. €​13.9 B May 2024 €​14.2 B Monthly
Business Last Reference Previous Frequency
Business Climate Indicator -0.27 Jan 2021 -0.40 Monthly
Construction Output m/m -0.9% May 2024 -0.4% Monthly
Construction Output y/y -2.4% May 2024 -1.5% Monthly
Economic Sentiment Indicator 95.9 Jun 2024 96.1 Monthly
Industrial Confidence Indicator -10.1 Jun 2024 -9.9 Monthly
Industrial Production m/m -0.6% May 2024 0.0% Monthly
Industrial Production y/y -2.9% May 2024 -3.1% Monthly
Industry Selling Price Expectations 6.1 Jun 2024 6.5 Monthly
S&P Global Composite PMI 50.9 Jun 2024 50.8 Monthly
S&P Global Construction PMI 41.8 Jun 2024 42.9 Monthly
S&P Global Manufacturing PMI 45.8 Jun 2024 45.6 Monthly
S&P Global Services PMI 52.8 Jun 2024 52.6 Monthly
Sentix Investor Confidence -73.0 Jul 2024 3.0 Monthly
Services Sentiment Indicator 6.5 Jun 2024 6.8 Monthly
ZEW Economic Sentiment Indicator 43.7 Jul 2024 51.3 Monthly
Consumer Last Reference Previous Frequency
Consumer Confidence Index -14.0 Jun 2024 -14.0 Monthly
Consumer Price Expectations 13.1 Jun 2024 12.5 Monthly
Retail Sales m/m 0.1% May 2024 -0.2% Monthly
Retail Sales y/y 0.3% May 2024 0.6% Monthly