Foreign Securities Purchases by Canadians

CAD, Canadian dollar
Low $​16.352 B
$​3.758 B
Last release Importance Actual Forecast
$​16.352 B
Next release Actual Forecast
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Foreign Securities Purchases by Canadians reflect the total value of shares, bonds and money market securities, issued outside of Canada and purchased by Canadian residents in the given month.

The statistics of international transactions covers operations between all participants of international security purchases. The transactors can be businesses, governments, non-profit organizations and individuals.

Data for statistics calculation are collected from questionnaires. Information is collected from intermediaries who act as brokers or agents for those trading securities. In some cases, transactors (for example, large institutional investors, such as pension funds) engage for their own account, without going through an intermediary. Such transactors are surveyed directly. At the moment, there are approximately 25 such large transactors, who are surveyed on a monthly basis. Also 15 transactors who trade for their own account, but on a smaller scale, are surveyed directly on a quarterly basis (the data are then extrapolated). Also, 55 investment intermediaries are surveyed.

On the one hand, foreign securities purchases by Canadians increase the participation of residents of Canada in the international investment exchange and indicate the development of international economic relations. On the other hand, this actually means capital outflows. Canadian residents need to purchase foreign currency in order to pay for foreign securities. Therefore, an increase in foreign securities purchases by Canadians may have a negative impact on the Canadian dollar quotes.

Last values:

actual data

The chart of the entire available history of the "Foreign Securities Purchases by Canadians" macroeconomic indicator.

Date (GMT)
Jun 2024
$​16.352 B
$​3.758 B
May 2024
$​3.857 B
$​0.675 B
Apr 2024
$​0.002 B
$​35.612 B
Mar 2024
$​35.612 B
$​24.157 B
Feb 2024
$​24.189 B
$​-7.606 B
Jan 2024
$​-7.594 B
$​29.399 B
Dec 2023
$​29.399 B
$​12.381 B
Nov 2023
$​12.525 B
$​-8.203 B
Oct 2023
$​-8.202 B
$​9.604 B
Sep 2023
$​11.604 B
$​14.753 B
Aug 2023
$​14.943 B
$​5.117 B
Jul 2023
$​2.614 B
$​14.443 B
Jun 2023
$​14.443 B
$​-1.710 B
May 2023
$​-2.780 B
$​2.372 B
Apr 2023
$​2.367 B
$​-5.589 B
Mar 2023
$​-5.589 B
$​-1.618 B
Feb 2023
$​-1.606 B
$​-16.178 B
Jan 2023
$​-16.178 B
$​-2.287 B
Dec 2022
$​-2.287 B
$​14.659 B
Nov 2022
$​14.125 B
$​-1.674 B
Oct 2022
$​-1.674 B
$​10.402 B
Sep 2022
$​9.564 B
$​-1.482 B
Aug 2022
$​-1.407 B
$​4.286 B
Jul 2022
$​4.303 B
$​-14.573 B
Jun 2022
$​-12.301 B
$​0.832 B
May 2022
$​0.573 B
$​29.204 B
Apr 2022
$​29.204 B
$​-25.184 B
Mar 2022
$​-23.983 B
$​-9.914 B
Feb 2022
$​-9.681 B
$​-11.441 B
Jan 2022
$​-14.417 B
$​21.285 B
Dec 2021
$​21.285 B
$​17.614 B
Nov 2021
$​17.518 B
$​5.408 B
Oct 2021
$​5.410 B
$​17.160 B
Sep 2021
$​17.185 B
$​15.164 B
Aug 2021
$​15.173 B
$​-4.689 B
Jul 2021
$​-4.689 B
$​27.998 B
Jun 2021
$​28.104 B
$​10.530 B
May 2021
$​10.651 B
$​18.627 B
Apr 2021
$​18.627 B
$​20.764 B
Mar 2021
$​21.223 B
$​13.116 B
Feb 2021
$​10.543 B
$​3.351 B
Jan 2021
$​3.538 B
$​26.915 B
Dec 2020
$​26.941 B
$​7.562 B
Nov 2020
$​7.576 B
$​7.975 B
Oct 2020
$​7.958 B
$​11.341 B
Sep 2020
$​11.170 B
$​5.865 B
Aug 2020
$​5.736 B
$​1.310 B
Jul 2020
$​1.293 B
$​10.616 B
Jun 2020
$​10.598 B
$​13.521 B
May 2020
$​13.371 B
$​-0.134 B

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