Longmaster Information & Technology Company has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Baidu to establish an Internet medical platform

Longmaster Information & Technology Company has signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Baidu to establish an Internet medical platform

10 June 2015, 06:11
With the strategic partnership, the two parties will also strive to improve awareness of Internet hospital brands and explore the value of medical big data. Using data from the hospital resources, Longmaster and Baidu will rank and rate hospitals, while also provide consumers with the best medical choices.

On this new Internet hospital platform, Longmaster will integrate medical resources and set up a hierarchical Internet medical service capacity system. Meanwhile, Baidu will aid the platform construction, including building consumer-friendly PC and mobile interfaces, and provide expert resource sharing of the two parties via the platform.

Longmaster said that the cooperation will promote the rapid establishment of nationwide Internet hospital brands. It will help Internet hospitals break location limits and build high-end brands with nationwide awareness.