Search engine company Baidu to create online sports joint venture with U.K. digital sports media group

Search engine company Baidu to create online sports joint venture with U.K. digital sports media group

18 June 2015, 06:11
Perform's core business is purchasing digital copyrights of various high-level sports events, displaying those events on online with its powerful digital editing capacity, and attracting money with its traffic. In addition, Perform specializes in sports data consulting analysis and advertising sponsorship marketing.

If the two parties form a partnership, Baidu will be able to enter the live sporting events and sports marketing sectors.
At present, high-level live sporting events have become an important competitive field for Chinese Internet information and video companies. At the beginning of 2015, Tencent gained a five-year exclusive Internet broadcast rights for NBA games in China for USD500 million. Le Sports also gained Internet rights for F1 between 2014 and 2017.