Why not be fully trusted advisor?

2 December 2014, 13:36
Vasilii Apostolidi
Traders coming to the forex market, think that the accumulation of profits can be automated. Some people buy ready-automated systems, others develop their own avtosistemu trade.

With its arsenal allegedly quality forex advisor, my impression is that it was the days of bliss when all that is necessary - to have time to make a profit and withdraw money to your wallet. But is it really ?!

Difficult market activities

The market never changes. He had three as the direction of motion of a hundred years ago (bullish trend, bearish, sideways) and retained this focus on today's time. Changing market conditions only.

In its structure, market movement purports to allow more time to cheat, as many traders. Depending on this conjuncture changes of price movement that traders could not automate its approach. Yesterday's technique obsolete today, and tomorrow, and all can be detrimental to the trading account.

Building on the transience of changes in market structure, it is necessary to adjust its approach in the trading system, if it happens that something was wrong. As for advisers - they should be optimized or "tighten up" each week, month, quarter or six months.

Any automated system over manual trading method is less flexible. Stored properly optimize adviser to the ever-changing market, the trader reduce trade risks to self-destruction.

unforeseen circumstances

So it is accepted that the use of ATS full responsibility for the success of trade fully and completely shifted to the adviser. Sometimes, focusing all attention on the robot, the trader completely forgets about unforeseen circumstances. These circumstances should include the opening of the market with a gap (the gap), or the critical fundamental data.

Incorrect operations adviser to the unexpected and sharp price movement encouraged traders to disable the program and take the reins in their hands. Based on the available knowledge of the situation can develop if it is out of control. Otherwise, when the trader does not have the basic knowledge in the field of trading, things can turn for the worse.

Recently there has been a trend in which advisor opens orders, but because of the frequent occurrence of unforeseen events "taxi" the situation has to trader. To avoid such a situation happens as rarely as possible, it is recommended to use advisors forex signals as mining, and the rest of the work is to take in its management.

Through this approach, the trader will not have to miss the trading signals at night or during the absence of front of a computer monitor. But at the conclusion of the transaction, he will adjust the open position. So, for example, use a trailing stop or apply elements of technical analysis.

Facts on review

No matter how it was weird, but now automated trading system does not enrich the buyers and sellers. If the system is so profitable and good, then why sell it ?! Why not use it solely for their own purposes and to make it constantly and consistently? As a rule, this question is no single answer.

On the other hand, a person walking in step with the times, seek to automate the approach, relying on modern technologies. But, despite this, the airlines do not give up pilots using the autopilot. After all, with unexpected situations is able to cope only a man and not a programmed device.

What about councilors, the situation is similar. There is no printing press that without the intervention of the human factor will print money in the forex market. McAuley Artem HELIUM