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After a rough week, where the main event was Draghi’s dovish speech, the single currency has been trading on a firmer footing and erased partially losses. Since last Friday, EUR/USD rose more than 0.85%, from 1.1177 to 1.1276, as investors slowly digest the new outlook for interest rates...
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Jiming Huang, 12 March 2019, 13:06
Optimism takes over. Sterling is the big winner among G10 currencies as traders appear convinced that a breakthrough in Brexit talks is happening. EUR/GBP is trading at ranges not seen since May 2017 while the cable appreciated by 1.60% since the start of the week...
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Jiming Huang, 12 March 2019, 13:05
Despite notorious cryptocurrency hater Nouriel Roubini arguing the underlying technology of cryptocurrencies, blockchain, has “nothing to do with” the future of financial services, investment in the innovative tech is on the rise...
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Jiming Huang, 11 March 2019, 12:54
Despite poor payrolls data in the US and a drop in China’s auto sales, oil prices remain solid. US production is holding pace: current output of 12.1 million barrels per day could well rise to 13 million by year-end. We expect a spike in prices to be limited. Currently trading at 56...
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Jiming Huang, 11 March 2019, 12:53
Despite significant cost and hype, monetary policy has not driven growth and clearly driven asset bubbles. The relationship between markets and the real economy is loose at best, however, everyone is willing to overlook real weakness when stock prices are elevated...
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Jiming Huang, 11 March 2019, 12:52
Low interest rates, decent global growth, stable monetary policy from Europe and America and expansionary policy from Japan and China are all good for equities. Yet there might be overcorrection. The USA economy has slowed, so has the world’s, and the threat of recession has risen...
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Jiming Huang, 7 March 2019, 12:53
The single currency is under pressure: inflation stagnates while confidence indicators contract and January retail sales figures revised at 0.30% yearly and -1.40% monthly from initial estimates of 2.20% and 1.30...
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Jiming Huang, 7 March 2019, 12:51
The AUD/USD pair hit a two-month low as the Australian economy grew by 2.30% in December 2018, its weakest pace since June 2017. Expectations of 2.80% were greatly missed, suggesting the Reserve Bank of Australia’s growth outlook of 3% in 2019 should be downgraded soon...
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Jiming Huang, 6 March 2019, 13:01
On Wednesday morning, the US dollar was better bid against most of its peers despite the Fed dovish U-turn. The greenback rose the most against the Australian dollar, with AUD/USD down 0.72% to $0.7030, amid disappointing growth figures for the fourth quarter (2.3%y/y versus 2.6% exp. and 2...
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Jiming Huang, 6 March 2019, 13:00
The economies of France and Germany are slightly recovering. Italy’s annual GDP figures indicate a technical recession: mid-duration yields are starting to tick upwards with 10-years at 2.75%. That’s 1% below Greece (highest in EU), but Greek yields are falling while Italy’s are heading higher...
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Jiming Huang, 5 March 2019, 12:49
Today China’s National People’s Congress reduced its economic growth target to 6.00-6.50%, announced a policy of “easing for stability” and initiated meaningful tax cuts. Policy remains focused on fiscal stimulus over credit expansion...
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Jiming Huang, 5 March 2019, 12:48
The pound has staged a decent rally against the USD and EUR in the past weeks, and 1-month implied volatility has fallen further. But uncertainty on Brexit is extreme. Extension of Article 50, thus reducing the likelihood for UK crashing out of EU, is questionable...
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Jiming Huang, 4 March 2019, 13:48
Hurdles remain, but it looks like a Sino-American trade deal is on the way. China is offering reduction of restrictions, including tariffs on food, chemical and autos while the USA is reconsidering its sanctions on Chinese products in place since last year...
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Jiming Huang, 4 March 2019, 13:47
Asian stocks were higher across the board today as the MSC Index said it would increase weightings of Chinese mainland shares in its EM index, which is followed by over USD 2 trillion of assets. This is a meaningful shift: EM stocks and FX responds to flows...
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Jiming Huang, 1 March 2019, 13:49
The Bank of Japan says that inflation is accelerating and does not need expansive monetary policy, but the economy is expected to weaken further. GDP growth was 0% for 2018, including a contraction of -2.60% in Q3. Momentum is fading: the manufacturing PMI fell for the first time in 2.5 years...
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Jiming Huang, 1 March 2019, 13:48
Rising 30% since lows of December, crude oil has gained following the last OPEC meeting of last year. Production was curbed 1.53 million barrels per day in January, as Saudi Arabia cut supply, despite the USA production peak of 12 million bpd...
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Jiming Huang, 27 February 2019, 13:55
US Federal Reserve Bank Chairman Jerome Powell yesterday told the US Senate’s Banking Committee that the Fed has definitely changed its monetary policy: it will now be “data dependent” and “patient”...
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Jiming Huang, 27 February 2019, 13:54
GBP appreciated against G10 currencies and by 0.70% against both the greenback and EUR, with the pound highest against the single currency since May 2017. Currently trading at 1.3172, GBP/USD is heading along 1.32 short-term...
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Jiming Huang, 26 February 2019, 13:12
After six days of intensive trade discussions that extended over the weekend, the US and China appear to have made significant progress. President Donald Trump has announced that the US will delay imposing further trade tariffs on Chinese goods...
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Jiming Huang, 25 February 2019, 13:31
Global manufacturing and trade continue to show signs of weakness. Last week's Japanese balance of trade in goods for January showed a deficit, versus expectations for a surplus. The fall was caused by a sharp decline in nominal exports. Those to China dropped 17...
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Jiming Huang, 25 February 2019, 13:29