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Luxembourg's foregin minister Jean Asselborn quoted in Tagesspiegel am Sonntag today 19 June 2016 historic mistake from PM Cameron to even think about calling a referendum on EU membership "It can not be ruled out that Brexit leads to a domino effect in Eastern Europe...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 10:39
Andrea Enria head of the European Banking Authority published in Welt am Sonntag today 19 June 2016 "If the British should decide to leave the EU, we actually would have to move to another European capital...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 10:38
China has released its latest house price data 19 June 2016 The figures were published yesterday in fact, but posting here now as a heads up. yy +6.9% vs +6.2% prev The HPI is based on transactions involving conventional and conforming mortgages - only on single-family properties...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 08:30
Stickers and leaflets are seen on a table ahead of a Vote Remain event at Manchester Metropolitan University's student Union in Manchester, northern England June 16, 2016...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 07:36
A vote ''Leave'' sticker is seen on a car parked in London, Britain June 14, 2016...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 07:30
Branded merchandise is seen in the office of pro-Brexit group pressure group '' in London, Britain February 12, 2016...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 07:25
If you can't get enough Brexit polls ahead of the June 23 referendum, you're in luck...
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Sherif Hasan, 19 June 2016, 07:10
Both sides suspended campaigning on whether Britain should leave the European Union after a lawmaker was attacked in her district...
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Francis Dogbe, 18 June 2016, 20:10
Credit Agricole on the week ahead After several months of market volatility and anxious observation of the pre-referendum polls, FX investors will finally have an answer to the question: Brexit or Bremain? Our central case still is that a Brexit will be avoided...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 18:50
French economy minister Emmanuel Macron speaking in Le Monde 18 June 2016 "Leaving the EU would mean the Guernseyfication of the UK which would then be a little country on the world scale...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 18:49
Reuters reporting comments from the Reserve Bank of India governor 18 June 2016 Raghuram Rajan, a former chief economist at the IMF, says he will be standing down on 4 September after one term and returning to academia...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 18:47
BMG Research have published their final EU Referendum poll results 18 June 2016 I gave the heads up to watch out for this delayed poll result yesterday and as JG points out in the comments section ,it may well have been leaked and had some impact late in NY trading...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 18:45
Nasdaq hit hardest. The US major stock indices or ending down on the day and down on the week. The hardest hit was the NASDAQ composite index, which was down by my 0.92% in trading today and -1.92% for the trading week. The S&P 500 index fell by my 0.33% in trading today and was down -1...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 11:38 #Nasdaq
Analysts at JPMorgan attempt to sift through the polls Cable squeezed higher late in trading on Friday but sank a half-cent from the highs, in part because JPMorgan analysts released a report arguing that the 'leave' side truly is ahead...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 11:37
Weekly positioning data from the CFTC for Forex futures as of the close on June14 EUR 56K short vs. 67K short prior week. GBP 37K short vs. 66K short prior week JPY 56K long vs. 43K long prior week CAD 18K long vs. 22K long prior week...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 11:34
S&P down -0.36%. Nasdaq the dog -0.82% the US stock market is down on the day, but off the session lows. The S&P 500 index is down 6.5 points were my 0.31%. It was down about 14-15 points at the lows. The high was near unchanged to +1. So current prices are near the midpoint...
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Sherif Hasan, 18 June 2016, 11:33
This is the 3rd increase in a row Oil rigs up to 337 from 328 last week Gas rigs up to 86 from 85 last week Miscellaneous rigs remained at 1. Texas rigs were the bid gainer rising from 178 to 191. Of course Texas accounts for - not the majority - but 45% of the total...
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Sherif Hasan, 17 June 2016, 19:40 #crude oil
The latest tea-leaf reading from the Atlanta Fed Broadly speaking there's not been much from the data this week to change it. Now we wait in anticipation for the NY Fed, GDP Nowcast. They took a week off last week due to the FOMC blackout period. The June 3rd number stood at 2.0% for Q2...
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Sherif Hasan, 17 June 2016, 17:06 #GDP
Exchanges battening down the hatches Will have special measures in place from June 20-27th due to referendum Cash markets will operate as normal and circuit breakers will remain "Fast market" will be declared in index and equity option contracts The term "fast markets" means that quotes and price...
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Sherif Hasan, 17 June 2016, 16:33
Moving from chat up lines to business In the short term, Brexit would be a problem for all but above all, Britain Believes the remain camp will win If UK leaves there will be financial tensions Either way the EU needs to rethink itself...
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Sherif Hasan, 17 June 2016, 16:06