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MetaTrader 5Examples | 25 February 2010, 21:18
184 372 12

Welcome to developed by MetaQuotes Software Corp.!

You can now not only read articles and download MQL5 programs, but you can also join discussions on the forum, leave comments on articles and source codes, rate MQL5 programs and share your own developments in the Code Base, and even publish articles for a decent fee (see Become an Author at!). services are constantly advancing, so we hope you will become our regular visitor. In order for your communication to be useful and comfortable, we ask you to adhere to some basic rules.

1. Profile Setup
2. Messages Editor
3. Favorites
4. Personal Messages
5. Service Desk
6. Jobs and Payments
7. Market
8. Signals
9. RSS
10. Rating
11. MQL5 Storage

1. Profile Setup

Right after authorization at, go to your profile. To do this, simply click the Profile link in the upper-right corner.

User Profile

Here, in your profile, you can add your personal information as well as adjust security settings and appearance. Add your favorite avatar, and if this is not enough, you can also add a large picture or drawing that will highlight your personality.

Avatar and background image

In the Edit menu, in the About me section, you will find that you can add information about yourself in English, Russian and Chinese simultaneously, as these languages are officially supported in

About me in English

About me in Russian

About me in Chinese

Depending on the selected interface language of, other users will see this text in your profile in the corresponding language.

In the Contacts section, you can add your favorite instant messenger number (ICQ, Skype and so on), a hyperlink to your website or homepage, and your account in various social networking services. Also, specify your MetaQuotes ID used for receiving notifications from MetaQuotes services to your MetaTrader 5 mobile terminal. user contacts

Your contacts in the popular social networks, Twitter and Skype are displayed as handy button links in your profile.

Links to user profiles in social networks, Twitter and Skype

If your comments, articles or scripts are of interest to other visitors, they will definitely look at your profile and see the link to your website. Although, please note that posting links to your website in every comment as an advertisement is not welcomed. We may consider this as spam behavior, which is a violation of the rules.

Please, also be sure to check the Security section.

Security settings of profile

Here, you can adjust the following security settings of your profile.

  • Make your e-mail available as a picture (in order to protect it from "spambots"), since it is not visible to other visitors by default.

  • Add your mobile phone number that will be used for confirmation of important operations. (Other users will never see it.)

  • Specify your MetaQuotes ID to receive notifications on your mobile device. (You can read more about this technology in MetaQuotes ID in MetaTrader Mobile Terminal.)

    • Enable the Control session by IP option to take control over IP addresses during sessions.

    • Enable the Authorize from allowed static IP addresses only option to enable two-step authorization using notifications via MetaQuotes ID, as well as to specify the list of addresses which do not require confirmation via MetaQuotes ID for authorization purpose. If the list of trusted IP addresses is not filled out, you will always be prompted to confirm authorization. We also do not recommend you to add dynamic IP addresses in this list, because they will change often, and you still have to enter the verification code.

    • Enable the Notify about IP address changes via MetaQuotes ID option if you want to know about each authorization from a new IP address. If you do not need such a security level, you can disable this option.

  • Protect your profile from hacking by turning on Control session by IP.

  • Change your current password.

All changes in security settings must be confirmed with a password.

In the Interface section, you can adjust the look and feel of, as well as language of notifications.

Setting up the look and feel of

2. Messages Editor

All your texts in Forum, Articles and Code Base are edited in a single environment with a convenient and easy-to-use interface. Let us take a look at its capabilities.

  • You can switch between the visual and HTML text representations by clicking the HTML mode button. This button changes its name to Visual mode while viewing the HTML, and it returns you to the visual view of the text. This function allows you to make your text most structured and formalized.
  • The drop-down list where you can select one of the three languages ​​in which your message will be automatically translated by the Google Translate service.

    Automatic translation of a message

  • The Undo (Ctrl+Z) and Redo (Ctrl+Y) buttons are intended for canceling the last action and redoing the last canceled action, respectively.
  • The Bulleted list button is intended to make a bulleted list. (Every item in the list starts with a bullet.)
  • The Numbered list button is intended to make a numerical list. (Every item in the list has an index number.)
  • The Increase Indent button is intended to decrease the rank of the element in the list.
  • The Decrease indent button is intended to increase the rank of the element in the list.
  • The Horizontal Line button (Ctrl+H) is intended for inserting a horizontal line into text.
  • The Link button (Ctrl+K) is used for adding links into messages. The Link window appears as soon as you click this button (shown next).

    Inserting Hyperlink

    In the Link field, you should specify the address of the link and then click the Insert button.

  • The Link to a user button (Alt+U) is used for adding other users to join a discussion. It inserts a link to a user: "@name" to a message. The user receives an appropriate push notification on their mobile device.

    Mentioning a user in a message

  • The Image button (Ctrl+Alt+I) is used for inserting images into messages. When pressed, it opens the standard file selection window. Find a necessary file and click Open. In the Title field, you can specify a comment that will be displayed as a pop-up help if you move the mouse cursor over the image.

    Insert Image

    When you insert images, please stick to a few good rules:

    1. All figures should be of excellent quality, that is best ensured using the PNG format. You can also use the GIF format with an appropriate image quality. Do not use JPG format for your screenshots.

    2. All images must not exceed 750 pixels in width. If you insert an image of greater width, on saving it will be automatically reduced with significant loss of quality.

    3. Make screenshots immediately in the right size. Do not try to reduce size of large pictures in graphical editors. In almost all cases of resizing, image quality become worse.

    4. Figures should not contain anything extra and must be easily understood at a glance. Exclude from image everything that is not related to it directly - readers should immediately grasp the idea of image. Believe us, no one will study large block diagrams and charts clogged with icons.

  • In HTML mode, it is prohibited to insert external links to images (HTML tag "src"). It is also prohibited to insert text, containing such images.

    When you try to save text that contains external links to images, such links will be automatically deleted. This is done to ensure safety of members.

  • Using the Table button (Ctrl+Alt+T), one can add a table into a message text. The Table window will appear as soon as you the button (shown next).

    Insert Table

    In order to create a table, you should fill out the following fields.

    • Columns. The number of columns in the table.
    • Rows. The number of rows in the table.
    • Style. The type of the table. There are three options available: Standard, No Border and No Header. In order to choose the necessary one, left-click on the down-arrow button at the end of this field. Then, select the necessary option from the list.
    • Width. The width of the table measured in percentage to the width of the message window.
    • Height. The height of the table measured in pixels.
    • Cell padding. The distance between the text and the internal border of cells in the table.

    The table preview is located in the right part of the window, under the Style field. In order to add the table to the text of your message, click the Insert button. If you want to break adding the table, click the Cancel button.

  • The Code button of the object-insertion menu is intended to insert the source code into the text of the message. An empty window in which to paste the code appears as soon as you click this button. To finish adding the code, click the Insert button. To cancel the operation, you should click the Cancel button.

    Insert source code to a message

    A source code inserted this way will be nicely formatted using a monospace font that aids comprehension of this kind of information.

    Source code in the message text

    Formatting the code with bold in order to highlight the meaning of certain pieces is not recommended. The fact is that in different operating systems and browsers monospaced fonts are displayed differently. For example, Windows Vista uses the Consolas monospace font, of which the 10-point bold size can hardly be distinguished from the 10-point normal size.

  • The Video button of the object-insertion menu is used for adding a video to your message:

    Insert Video

  • The Style field (Normal text by default) is intended for changing the text style. The list of available styles will open as soon as you click the down-arrow button at the end of the field. The options are Normal text, Heading, Quotation, Warning, Code, Strikeout, Important and Small.
  • The Bold button (Ctrl+B) makes the selected text bold.
  • The Italics button (Ctrl+I) makes the selected text italic.
  • The Underline button (Ctrl+U) makes the selected text underlined.
  • The Text Color button changes the color of the font. In order to change the font color, you should click the down-arrow button located on the right side of the "Font color" button. The color-selection window will appear as soon as you click it. To choose the color, click the square with the necessary color in this window.
  • The Background Color button changes the background color of your message. Choose the background color scheme in the same manner as you select font color, described above.
  • The group of text-alignment buttons are left justify Left Justify (Ctrl+L), center justify Center Justify (Ctrl+E), right justify Right Justify (Ctrl+R) and block justify Block Justify (Ctrl+J). In order to align the text, select the necessary part of it and click one of the four buttons.
  • The Pocket button pastes content from "pocket". Pocket is a special clipboard that allows you to conveniently exchange data between different sections of the website: Forum, Signals, Market, Jobs, as well as Charts. You must first put some content into pocket using the contextual command "to pocket".
  • The Clear Styles button cancels text formatting with styles.

3. Favorites

In order to quickly view interesting forum topics you can add them to your favorites in your profile. Click the star icon to the right of topic title.

Add Forum topic to Favorites

Removing a topic from your favorites is also simple. Click the star icon again. Or, browse to your profile then to Main tab of Favorites section; in this case, you can cancel subscription from several topics simultaneously.

4. Personal Messages

At, you can privately communicate with other members via personal messages. If someone has sent a message to you, you will spot that by a blinking icon to the left of your profile.

New personal message

Click this icon to read the personal message addressed to you. All dialogues between users are gathered in a single window. It is impossible to create two, three or more different chats with one person; they will be automatically merged into one chain related to a particular user. Therefore, all your correspondence with John will be located in one place, while all your correspondence with Jack will be stored elsewhere. No "Inbox/Outbox" division, no chat subjects—everything is now structured in a more easy and convenient way, like in modern smartphones. chat window

Chat page comments are updated in real time. If you send a message to users, they can immediately see it if they are in the chat page at the moment. Otherwise, they are notified of the new chat comment. Everything is quite simple and clear.

The chat window allows you to type texts using the standard messages editor with the ability to preview and attach a file to a message. When you click on the cross in the upper right corner, a message is not deleted completely but relocated to the archive instead. You can restore archived messages at any time.

List of messages and friends list

All user profiles have the Add to friends field. The list of the community members who have become your friends is located to the right of the Messages section of your profile. Just select a user from the list, and the chat window will appear. The friends list also allows you to easily see their online status. If a person is online, a green circle is located near his/her name. Otherwise, no pointers are present.

The new messaging system is arranged as a chat window that can be opened by clicking the appropriate icon in the upper right corner. The chat window allows you to view and answer incoming messages without leaving regardless of your current location on the website.

Chat window

You can also set the timer for automatic deletion of old messages. Select the desired period, so that all older messages are deleted automatically.

Timer for automatic deletion of old messages

If the timer is enabled only by one of the dialog participants, the messages are hidden only for that user, while the second one can still see them.

If the timer is enabled by both participants, the messages are deleted beyond recovery.

If any of the dialog participants enables/disables the timer, an appropriate system notification appears in the chat. The timer helps you to dispose of old messages while keeping your correspondence privacy safe.

5. Service Desk

This profile section is intended for effective interaction with MetaQuotes Software Corp. professionals concerning found errors and resolutions. If you have found an error in MetaTrader programs, in the website or want to suggest developers to implement some desired functionality, go to the Service Desk section in your profile.

Service Desk

Click New request, enter the Title of your request, select the product to which your request refers.

  • MetaTrader 5 MQL - Select this if you have any questions about the MQL5 programming language.
  • MetaTrader 5 Client - Select this if you are facing difficulties working with MetaTrader 5 client terminal.
  • Finance - Select this if you have any questions about the internal payment system.
  • site - Select this if you have questions about the website.

Next, select the request category: choose Errors if you want to report about found error, or choose Suggestions if you want to suggest some functionality. For the Finance section, the categories are Complaint and Question.

New request in Service Desk

Once the category is selected, please describe your request in detail using the familiar WYSIWYG HTML editor. Screenshots and MQL4/MQL5 source codes are highly welcome, since they can help us to reproduce an error.

It is desirable that your request will clearly cover the following topics.

  1. Brief description of a problem.
  2. Description of user actions (clarifying screenshots, pieces of source code).
  3. Description of achieved result (if something goes wrong).
  4. Descriptions of desired result (the way you think it should work).
  5. Attached source code files.

This order of error description allows our developers to quickly process your request, locate the error in the source code and fix the problem.

Your request will arrive to the TeamWox groupware of MetaQuotes Software Corp., where it is always considered by competent professionals. After a while, you will get the answer on the service desk main page in your profile. If necessary, you can join the discussion with MetaQuotes Software Corp. experts by making full use of the Messages Editor possibilities.

Discussing request in the Service Desk section

6. Jobs and Payments

Do not miss the Jobs section. Using this service, you can order a program, that best fits your trading strategy. If you are an MQL programmer, you can also find profitable propositions for extra income. Both customer and programmer are secured from each other's possible negligent actions. You can find out in detail how the Jobs service works, by reading How to order a trading robot in MQL5 and MQL4.

The "Jobs" Service

All users registered at have the Payments section available in their profiles. Here, you can deposit to your account to be able to pay different services, or withdraw money that you have earned. Payment System describes in detail all aspects of our payment system: depositing and withdrawing money, as well as ways of earning and spending.


7. Market

Market is an app store for the MetaTrader 5 trading terminal that can be purchased or downloaded for free. All the products are divided into categories: experts, indicators, trade panels, various scripts and utilities. Among this variety of ready-made solutions, you will find a tool that meets your specific needs for trading in financial markets.

Market - app store at website

Market is also an opportunity for professional developers to make money by selling their own programs. For this you need to gain the "Seller" status by passing the special registration procedure.

Downloading an app from Market is easy: open an application page you're interested in, click the Download button if it is a free product or Demo for a paid application. Demo versions allow you to estimate the functionality of a paid MQL5 program on historical data in Strategy Tester.

After making sure that paid product is suitable for you, click Buy button. Money for purchase will be charged from your account in the payment system.

Free product  Paid product

When you download a free application or demo version of a paid product through the site, you will be prompted to either open it directly in the MetaTrader 5, or to download and install the terminal if you have not already done so.

Available options when downloading an application from Market

Before buying any apps, please carefully read the Rules of Using the Market Service which cover in details all the rights and obligations of Sellers, Buyers and service Administration.

After purchase, a secure version of the Product is automatically created, which allows using it only on the equipment (computer hardware and operating system), from which a purchase request was sent. The purchase of the Product is registered in your account. Additionally you can activate an application you've purchased on two other computers.

For your convenience, we have prepared a series of articles that cover in details all the questions on how to work with the Market service:

8. Signals

Signals is a service through which you can copy trades of other traders into your MetaTrader 4 and MetaTrader 5 trading terminals. Not all traders have the time to constantly monitor quotes, many newcomers feel insecure before making trading decisions. Signals offer another way to earn for those who invest and those who manage other people's capitals.

Trading Signals with Automatic Execution on Your Account

On the website select a signal you like and click Subscribe.

If a signal is a paid one, before you subscribe to it you must of course have sufficient funds in your account. You can read more about depositing to your account in the Payment System article. The subscription price will be blocked on your account and withdrawn at the end of the subscription period.

Next, you need to confirm the subscription. You can do it either in the trading terminal, or directly on the website.

Choose how you want to subscribe

In both cases, you have to specify your login and password on the Community tab of client terminal settings.

Specifying your login and password in client terminal settings

In the first case (via terminal) you need to confirm your subscription by entering the password of your account. Subscription via terminal by default is arranged for the period of one month starting from the current date.

Confirming your subscription via client terminal

In the second case (via the website) you need to specify your broker's server name and your trading account. When you subscribe through the site, you can specify the duration (month or week) and the start date of subscription for selected signal.

Confirming your subscription via website

All that is left to do is to enable copying of trades from signal provider to which you have successfully subscribed. Turn on the appropriate checkboxes in the terminal settings and adjust your money management.

Enable copying of trades from subscribed signal

That's it - you are now subscribed to the signal, trades are being successfully copied. As you can see, nothing complicated.

If the "Signals" tab does not appear in your MetaTrader terminal, ask your broker to enable it. It's completely free.

Signals is also an opportunity to make extra money for experienced traders. Register your trading account as a signal, set the subscription fee, make trades and get profit from your subscribers. To be able to create paid subscription, you need to gain the "Seller" status by passing the special registration procedure.

Before subscribing to any signal, please carefully read the Rules of Using the Signals Service which cover in details all the rights and obligations of Subscribers, Providers and service Administration.

For your convenience, we have prepared a series of articles that cover in details all the questions on how to work with the Signals service:

9. RSS

On, there is a handy feature that allows you to read news in RSS format. RSS is a way of representing information that allows you to read news of chosen websites in chronological order. One of the main differences between RSS and a newsletter is that, with RSS, news comes right after its publication. The power of RSS is that it allows you to aggregate desired news from different sites at once. So you can read news in one environment, thus saving your time.

On, the following RSS feeds are available.

To subscribe to these feeds, go to main page and click the RSS RSS icon. All modern browsers support this feature, and Google Chrome allows you to read RSS via the Google Reader service.

RSS at

10. Rating

Every member has a special criteria for their involvement in the development of the community called rating. Each new user's rating after registration at is equal to zero, and over time it can be increased (or decreased).

A user's rating is displayed in that user's profile as well as in all the user's messages on the website, beneath the avatar. Here is an example of newcomer's rating: the user has registered, filled out some fields in his profile and then read a few topics on the forum.

Rating of newcomer

And now, take a look at the advanced user profile with high rating.

Experienced user with high rating

Rating reflects the user activity on the website. Be sure to check out the Achievements section that shows the details of how rating is being composed. This information is public; if you want, you can see how other users earned their ratings.

User rating is detailed in the "Achievements" section

Why rating is so important? User rating has the following practical applications.

  • As soon as your rating becomes five or greater, you can post links to external resources in your messages.

  • As soon as your rating becomes 20 or greater, you can complain against another user whose behavior hurts you.

11. MQL5 Storage—Source Code Storage

Every registered user is given the opportunity to securely store MQL5 programs source codes on a remote server absolutely for free. This service, based on a free centralized version control system Subversion 1.7, has the following benefits.

  • Your source code is stored safely on a remote server. In case of hard disk or computer failure, your local copy of codes can be quickly restored from the storage.

  • You can access your storage from any computer. Simply authorize in the MetaEditor with your account.

  • Storage keeps track of every version of your MQL5 program files, and you can refer to any revision you want.

Getting started with MQL5 storage is very easy. First of all, go to the Storage section of your profile, and turn on the Use MQL5 Storage checkbox.

Connecting the Storage

Now, open the MetaEditor options and specify your login and password to authorize

Log in to in MetaEditor options

Now, you can add your source codes to the storage! To do this, use the Navigator context menu. Add \MQL5 directory subfolders you need, commit the changes, and now your source codes will be stored securely on a remote server.

Uploading files to the storage

In addition to the MetaEditor interface, you can access the latest version of any file in the storage via your profile, and as mentioned, from any computer, from anywhere in the world! To do this, in the Storage section, click Personal. After confirming authorization on the local computer, you will have access to your source code.

View storage contents

Your source codes uploaded to the storage are accessible only to you, the owner of profile. Neither administrators nor regular users have access to your personal storage.

You can find detailed information about how the MQL5 storage service works in the MetaEditor documentation in the MQL5 storage section.

New Features

We have described the key possibilities opened to you at, and this article will be augmented as the new services advance. In Docs, you will find MQL5 language reference information. In Code Base, you can download ready-to-use programs, and Articles will help you solve various problems.

We wish you good work!


Translated from Russian by MetaQuotes Ltd.
Original article:

Last comments | Go to discussion (12)
Fernando Carreiro
Fernando Carreiro | 22 Jun 2022 at 20:09
M M #: s withdraw my funds and close my account but I see nothing that allows that. I’m one location here I read only monies earned can be withdrawn but surely that’s not the case. This company is holding my $11,500 and is not providing a step by step process to withdraw all my funds and close the case. When I do get that far, it shows I have no money in my account!

Don't confuse "Trading account" with the "MQL5 Community account".

I will assume you are talking about a "trading account", so then contact your broker. Only they can provide you with details about withdrawing your funds.

Juvenille Emperor Limited
Eleni Anna Branou | 27 Jun 2023 at 12:19
Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "Off-topic posts".
Fernando Carreiro
Fernando Carreiro | 4 Feb 2024 at 20:10
Comments that do not relate to this topic, have been moved to "Off-topic posts".
Moazzam Iqbal
Moazzam Iqbal | 6 Feb 2024 at 13:35
i am not able to log in to MQL.Community on MT5, i want to install Indicators.
though i have changed my password but still login failed "incorrect login / password"
Fernando Carreiro
Fernando Carreiro | 6 Feb 2024 at 13:58
@Moazzam Iqbal #: i am not able to log in to MQL.Community on MT5, i want to install Indicators. though i have changed my password but still login failed "incorrect login / password"

Your username is "moazzamiqbal", not "Moazzam Iqbal".

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