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Kostenpflichtige technische Indikatoren für den MetaTrader 5 - 53

icon Signale von technischen Indikatoren spielen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Eröffnen und Schließen von Geschäften auf den Aktien- und Devisenmärkten. Das Wesen von Indikatoren ist eine mathematische Transformation der Preise eines finanziellen Symbols, die darauf abzielt, zukünftige Preisänderungen vorherzusagen. Testen Sie technische Indikatoren, um das Marktverhalten besser vorherzusagen und davon zu profitieren.
UT Bot Simple
Bartlomiej Tadeusz Tomaja
**Features:** 1. **Innovative Trend Tracking:** The UT BOT Simple Indicator leverages the power of the Average True Range (ATR), a renowned volatility measure, to calculate precise trailing stop values, providing unparalleled insights into market trends. 2. **Customizable Settings:** Flexibility is paramount in any trading strategy. With this in mind, our indicator allows you to adjust the ATR periods and other key parameters to tailor the tool to your trading style and strategy. 3. **Real-t
Was ist der Currency Magician Matrix Indikator? Der Currency Magician Matrix Indikator ist ein grafisches Tool, das die Stärke einer Währung anzeigt. Gewöhnliche Indikatoren zeigen normalerweise die Stärke einer Währung im Verhältnis zu einer anderen Währung an. Mit einigen Berechnungen ist es jedoch möglich, die absolute Stärke jeder einzelnen Währung zu ermitteln. Ein Currency Magician Matrix Indikator (oder Meter) ist also ein Tool, das versucht, die absolute Stärke einer Währung auszudrücken
Average Levels
Makarii Gubaydullin
5 (1)
The average Entry, SL and TP levels of all trades on the Symbol. The levels can be calculated together, or separately for Buy and Sell trades. You can optionally display additional info: Level price, total Lot size, floating P/L. The styles and colors of the levels are customizable. My  #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |  MT4 version In the settings of the indicator, you can configure: Average Entry level: on/off; Average SL level: on/off; Average
Volume Profile Pro
Makarii Gubaydullin
5 (1)
Visualization of the trade deals, distributed by price levels. You can set any period for calculation: between 2 vertical lines, or set a fixed time interval. The histogram levels are relative: a wider bar means more trading volume. Distribution extremes can be used as a support and resistance levels. All styles, sizes and colors are customizable. My  #1 Utility : includes 65+ functions  |   Contact me  if you have any questions  |  MT4 version In the settings of the indicator, you can configu
MT5インジケータ TC-Alerts 開発経緯: 実はFXで簡単に勝てる手法があるんです。 それは。。。 主要な(4時間足以上、4時間足、日足、週足)のレジスタンスとサポートラインの反発を狙う FXは一方向には進まず90%以上で 必ず、必ずと言っていいほど、 どこかで反発します 。そこは大抵主要なレジスタンスとサポートラインまたは主要なフィボナッチラインなのです。 なのでそこに水平線を引いて ただ待つ のです。そこに到達したら、1分足や5分足に落として 長いヒゲ、ダブルボトム、ダブルヘッド、トリプルボトム、トリプルヘッド、三尊、逆三尊などの反転の形成を確認してエントリーする。 または、こちらを使用して https://www.mql5.com/ja/market/product/53987 強弱が弱くなってきたのを確認してエントリーすればいいのです。 これだけです。シンプルです!! うまく行くと、長期足レベルでレジスタンスとサポートライン間、つまり頭から尻尾まで取れる可能性もありますし、リスクリワードが異常にいいです。 そのためには、チャートに主要なレジスタンスとサポートラインに
This Indicator breaks down the movement into 3 waves: The primary wave suitable for long-term trading The intermediate wave suitable for intraday trading The minor wave for short-term trading Supports and resistances: Each wave is defined by major highs and minor lows. According to Dow's theory, an uptrend will be defined by minor lows higher and higher and a downtrend by major highs lower and lower.The indicator plots the next supports and resistances for each wave. Trend channels (primary wa
Entry Pro
Bartlomiej Tadeusz Tomaja
Entry Pro Indicator is a powerful multi-functional trading tool designed to increase your market entry accuracy. It combines the power of several key market trend indicators, including ATR Trailing Stop and both fast and slow EMA, to provide comprehensive market insight. It offers easy-to-interpret market entry signals represented by colored arrows. Also, it's fully customizable, allowing you to adjust ATR and EMA periods to suit your trading strategy. Trend filters and alerts can be toggled on
Meet the Tweezer Hunter, an essential tool for every Forex trader looking to make accurate, trend-following trades. This powerful, intuitive indicator helps traders spot potential trend reversals before they happen, providing a significant advantage in the fast-paced world of Forex trading. The Tweezer Hunter is more than your average tweezer candle indicator; it's designed with a built-in trend identification feature that accurately detects whether the market is bearish or bullish. By integrat
Man Trend
Ivan Simonika
Man Trend uses at its core the process of identifying the rate of change in price growth and allows you to find entry and exit points from the market. The indicator was created on the basis of the original indicators for searching for extreme points, the indicator is well suited for determining a reversal or a large sharp jerk to one of the sides, thanks to it you will know when this happens, it will notify you with the appearance of a blue dot to buy red to sell. This is a fundamental techni
Mussadiq Abdul Rahim
Über uns Wir präsentieren unseren hochmodernen technischen Analyseindikator, der mithilfe mehrerer Quellen von technischen Charts Trends vorhersagt und speziell auf die Forex-Paare EURUSD, EURJPY und EURGBP zugeschnitten ist. Dieses innovative Werkzeug soll Tradern genaue und zuverlässige Einblicke in potenzielle Markttrends und Preisbewegungen bieten, um fundierte Entscheidungen über ihre Trades treffen zu können. Unser Indikator analysiert eine Reihe von Schlüsselindikatoren, darunter Preisbew
Gold PL MTF - this is a fine stock technical indicator. The indicator algorithm analyzes the movement of the asset price and automatically reflects the important Pivot Levels of the specified timeframe (TF) using the Fibonacci method (golden section). The indicator perfectly describes the price trajectory of the selected timeframe (day, week, month, year), determines the beginning of a trend and the beginning of a correction, which may develop into an opposite trend. The indicator also shows th
ICT Zone Alert MT5
Prafull Manohar Nikam
This indicator uses candlesticks with large real bodies to predict possible market structure shift. Displacement is a very powerful move in price action resulting in strong selling or buying pressure. Generally speaking, displacement will appear as a single or a group of candles that are all positioned in the same direction. These candles typically have large real bodies and very short wicks, suggesting very little disagreement between buyers and sellers. Often, a displacement will occur just af
To get access to MT4 version please click here . - This is the exact conversion from TradingView: "CM Super Guppy" by "FritzMurphy" - This is a light-load processing indicator. - This is a non-repaint indicator. - This is not a multi time frame indicator. - Buffers are available for the lines on chart. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need. Thanks for downloading
Didi Index Volume
Thalles Nascimento De Carvalho
Wir stellen Ihnen den Didi Index Volume vor, einen technischen Analyseindikator, der vom brasilianischen Trader Odir Aguiar entwickelt wurde und sich durch einen fortgeschrittenen und leistungsstarken Ansatz zur Identifizierung von Chancen auf dem Finanzmarkt auszeichnet. Der Didi Index Volume ist auf verschiedenen Plattformen verfügbar und hat sich zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für Trader entwickelt, die präzise Einblicke und wertvolle Informationen für ihre Handelsstrategien suchen. Der I
SMC Unmitigated Finding is a indicator for find unmitigated supply and demand in previous legs of price Settings Zigzag Settings ZZDepth - by Default is 12. ZZDeviation - by Default is 5. ZZBackStep - by Default is 3. Horizontal Line Settings SupportColor-  color for Support line.  ResistanceColor  -  color for Resistance line. Settings Num of Show -  Number of Support & Resistance Show.
Andriy Sydoruk
The DVV indicator is a multifaceted informative indicator for the Forex market or the Cryptocurrency market . The indicator gives clear and reliable signals without redrawin g. The indicator can be used in bots by taking readings from its zero buffer. Please note that for different currency pairs, the settings must be selected separately, this is not difficult. Changing the input parameters greatly affects the display. I will show four options for using the indicator. The indicator has only o
C300 SYNTHETIC INDICATOR 1MIN CHART Update V2 No repaint  *The indicator will not give a sell sign if the market conditions are not in place.  *With all 3 strategy criteria in place the strategy based indicator signals 1-3 trades per day. *The drawdown can range to very high you need to place your own target profit and stop loss according to your risk management system .  *The indicator is designed for only C300 and the 1min chart .  NB :Note this strategy based indicator will be free only for
Gioteen Volatility Index (GVI) - your ultimate solution to overcoming market unpredictability and maximizing trading opportunities. This revolutionary indicator helps you in lowering your losing trades due to choppy market movements. The GVI is designed to measure market volatility, providing you with valuable insights to identify the most favorable trading prospects. Its intuitive interface consists of a dynamic red line representing the volatility index, accompanied by blue line that indicate
3 candel indicator in 1 !!! The 3 most important candel indicator in 1 packadge. Help trader in chart visualisation, prevent reversal !!! Doji : Gravestone Doji, Long Legged Doji, Dragonfly Doji. Engulfing : Bullish, Bearish. Hammer : red hammer, green hammer. Fully parametrable indicator icon color config and alarm. Free life time update !!! Just try our demo for free.
C500 Spirit Breaker
Norman Thomas Celliers
Crash 500  indicator Update V2 No Repaint This indicator works with a custom build in strategy  The indicator will only give a sell sign when market conditions are in place. Only for sell. Apply own risk management target profit and stoploss. When market conditions are met the sell sign will indicate you to enter a sell position and you will have to apply your risk management system accordingly. This is only for Crash 500 market and only 1min chart   NB: Please note this indicator will be free
Pavel Krysanov
Der Hauptzweck des Indikators besteht darin, die Zeitpunkte von Ein- und Ausstiegen aus Transaktionen zu bestimmen. Daher zeichnet ExactArrow nichts anderes als Pfeile, die die Orte für den Ein- und Ausstieg in den Markt anzeigen. Trotz der scheinbaren Einfachheit des Indikators verfügt er in seinem Inneren über komplexe Analysealgorithmen, mit deren Hilfe das System die Zeitpunkte der Ein- und Ausstiege bestimmt. Der Indikator gibt genaue und zeitnahe Signale zum Ein- und Ausstieg aus einem
Make Sure to Read the Description! UT Bot Plus contains free EA! The EA can be downloaded from telegram channel:  https://t.me/ +NSOJTvH39fNhZmU0 Unlock the Power of Automated Trading with UT BOT Indicator, Integrated with a FREE EA! ( Limited time offer ) This version has been expanded to include multiple additional filtering options. These options are fully configurable and can be switched on and off. This versatile UT BOT indicator is crafted and optimized to work seamlessly with the FRE
Multicurrency indicator in table format. Signals appear with confirmation, no repaints. Works on the current (open) timeframe. Notifications come for an open instrument. In the indicator settings, you can choose 1 of 4 Moving Average strategies. Strategies (represented in screenshots): Classic fast and slow moving average crossover Reverse signal of classic crossing (used for flat/sideways movement) Classic crossover relative to a slower moving average (Trend MA in settings) Price touching the f
ボリンジャーバンドは、価格変動を分析するためのテクニカル分析の1つのツールになります。 ボリンジャーバンドには、中心線と2つのバンドがあります。 中心線は、一般的には移動平均線(通常は20日間の単純移動平均)として計算されます。この中心線は、一定期間の価格の平均値を表しています。 ボリンジャーバンドのバンドは、中心線の上と下に等間隔で配置されます。通常は中心線から2つの標準偏差分だけ離れた位置に設定されます。 拡大(Expansion)とは、ボリンジャーバンドが広がる状態を指します。 つまり、上下のバンドが中心線から離れ、価格の変動範囲が広がっていることを示します。拡大は、相場が活発になり、価格の大幅な変動が起こりやすいことを示すことがあります。 収縮(Contraction)とは、ボリンジャーバンドが狭くなる状態を指します。 つまり、上下のバンドが中心線に近づき、価格の変動範囲が狭まっていることを示し、相場が方向感を失い、一時的に価格変動が鈍化していることを示すことがあります。 ボリンジャーバンドの収縮と拡大は、価格変動のパターンや相場の特徴を捉えるために重要な指標になり
Market Sentiment MT5
Flora Rosa Seeholzer
MT4 Version Understanding market sentiment is a critical aspect of successful trading. Market sentiment refers to the overall feeling or attitude of traders and investors towards a particular financial instrument, such as a stock, currency pair, or cryptocurrency. It is a collective perception of market participants' emotions and beliefs about the asset's future price direction. Market sentiment can be bullish (positive), bearish (negative), or neutral (sideways). Knowing the market sentiment ca
Control Candle is the candlestick which holds multiple inside bars and are in control until its high low range is broken by close of any candlestick. When control candle is broken, price may act on these control candle as support and resistance. This indicator create rectangles on chart which will help you find control candles fast. Control candle indicator box is customizable by color, style, width and other options in indicator settings.
Super Trend Master
Ronald Moses Mawanda
Wie der Name schon sagt, gibt es die Richtung der Preisbewegung in einem Markt an, der im Trend liegt und einem bestimmten Weg folgt. Es wird in Aktienkursdiagrammen dargestellt, damit Anleger einen deutlichen aktuellen Trend erkennen können, der rot angezeigt wird, wenn die Preise gesunken sind, und grün, wenn die Preise gestiegen sind. Eingabeparameter: CCI-Indikatorzeitraum ATR-Indikatorzeitraum CCI-Aktivierungsebene Horizontale Verschiebung der Anzeigebalken Ansonsten ; Sie können die St
KT Triple Top Bottom MT5
KT Triple Top-Bottom identifies the triple top/bottom pattern with a breakout signal in the opposite direction. It is used to identify potential trend reversals. A Triple Top pattern is formed when the price reaches a high point three times, while a Triple Bottom pattern occurs when the price comes to a low point three times. Features The indicator detects the triple top/bottom pattern with high precision and accuracy. The indicator suggests a shift in momentum, with sellers or buyers taking
Aroon Precision Trends MT5
Maestri Investment Group Ltd.
Introducing the Aroon Indicator - Your Ultimate Trend Analysis Tool! Are you looking to take your trading game to the next level? Want to identify lucrative entry and exit points in the financial markets with ease? Look no further! The Aroon Indicator is here to revolutionize your trading strategy and help you make informed decisions like never before. Developed by the brilliant mind of Tushar Chande, the Aroon Indicator is a powerful technical analysis tool designed to measure the strength a
KT DMA is a modified and advanced version of the classic Displaced Moving Averages with buy/sell crossover alerts and a Multi-Timeframe scanner that shows DMA's direction across each real-time time frame. A Displaced Moving Average is a simple moving average that moves ahead or backward in a time frame (either short-term or long-term). It also allows you to predict price movement more accurately. Features Depicts the trend direction using the alignment of three moving averages. Buy/Sell signals
KT All In One Divergence MT5
The KT All-In-One Divergence is designed to identify regular and hidden divergences between the price and 11 widely recognized oscillators. This powerful tool is indispensable for swiftly and accurately spotting market reversals. Its a must-have tool in any trader's arsenal, providing clear and accurate divergence patterns. Its accuracy and speed in identifying market reversals are remarkable, allowing traders to seize profitable opportunities confidently. Features No Interference:   You can ad
The indicator is a bundle of EIGHT different fundamental functions required for a trader: 1] Forex Session where you can determine your own timings/highlights. 2] High low marking from 1H to 1M 3] Sweetspot 4] Spread and Candle Stick Timer 5] Background logo for branding- You can place the images at any zone of the chart you want 6] Profit and Loss 7] Days names (SUN MON TUE…) on the chart 8] High/low break notification
RSI Color Candles
Cleverson Junior Rosa
This indicator can be very important in any trading system. The Indicator colors candles above or below the 50 level of the RSI, which is a widely used indicator in technical analysis. With this indicator it is much easier to identify trends, helping with the entry and exit points of negotiations. It is a fact that in the financial market, simple things work.   Este indicador pode ser muito importante em qualquer sistema de negociação. O Indicador colore as velas acima ou abaixo do nível 50 do
Hello There, Today I want to show you my new researchable fore BUY SELL indicator, it work all asset, and also work Derive Volatility asset! it work all time frame, but i recommend start 5 minute to H1 when you receive a signal just take trade and stay wait for your take profit asset All Major Pair And minor IT WORK ALSO XAUUSD Fantastic results,  for more info,,, message us thank you   
Introducing the 'Global Forex Session Highlighter' , a powerful tool designed to enhance your trading strategy by providing a visual representation of the Three major Forex trading sessions: Tokyo, London, and New York. This indicator is designed to help traders understand the dynamics of the global Forex market by highlighting the trading sessions directly on your MT5 chart. It provides a clear view of when each session starts and ends, allowing you to strategize your trades around the most act
KT ATR Bands MT5
KT ATR Bands draws the volatility envelops and bands using a combination of Average True Range and Moving average. They are typically used to identify the potential reversal points and the periods of high and low volatility. Features Multi-Timeframe Ability: For example, you can have the atr bands from the daily timeframe on the H1 timeframe. Smart Alerts: You can turn on/off alerts for each band separately. Also, you can choose a minimum time interval between each alert to stop unnecessary, an
NAS30 Scalper
Ronald Moses Mawanda
Der NAS30 Scalper-Indikator ist ein hochmodernes Tool, das präzise Kauf- und Verkaufssignale für Scalping-Tradingstrategien auf den Märkten NAS100 und US30 liefert. Dieser Indikator nutzt fortschrittliche Algorithmen, um kurzfristige Markttrends zu identifizieren und von schnellen Preisbewegungen zu profitieren, was ihn ideal für Trader macht, die schnelle Gewinnmöglichkeiten nutzen möchten. Hauptmerkmale: Echtzeit-Signale: Erhalten Sie sofortige Benachrichtigungen, wenn der Indikator optimal
Draga 13
Yriy Doronin
The indicator is created using a unique algorithm that has no analogues. Based on the calculations, the contract price itself and the percentages displayed in it are calculated, which are displayed in the indicator in the form of histograms in two drawing options, as well as in six options for displaying prices on a chart in various combinations, which allows you to accurately see the interest of all trading participants in the form of drawing levels support and resistance. Trading decisions can
Alright. This indicator works on MT5 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle. A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that? The indicator cost $500. We release new updates of the indicator every month and the updates are for free once you bought the indicator first time. This indicator was de
Candle Scanner Dashboard is an incredibly powerful tool in the financial markets. It excels at detecting market reversals, trend changes, and retracements. The dashboard displays patterns as they are identified, and with a simple click on each pattern, you can view them on their dedicated charts to precisely locate their occurrences. With its capability to detect 11 popular bullish and 11 bearish patterns, you can trust the dashboard to handle pattern identification effortlessly. It provides an
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE TREND RENEWAL INDICATOR The Trend Renewal Indicator (TRI) is a simple yet very powerful trend-following indicator that works on the MT5 trading platform of MetaQoutes (MLQ5). The TRI indicator suits small and large accounts, and is ideal for very large accounts. It has been used for decades by fund managers and institutional traders, but never offered to retail traders. The TRI works with any instrument, including currencies, crypto currencies, metals, hard and soft
GaussChannelPro MT5
Flora Rosa Seeholzer
MT4 Version GaussChannelPro is a powerful and innovative trading indicator designed to enhance your trading strategy with the precision of Gaussian-based channels. Leveraging the principles of Gaussian (normal) distribution, this indicator creates a unique channel on your price chart, offering valuable insights into market trends and potential turning points. Utilizing advanced statistical analysis, GaussChannelPro calculates the optimal channel boundaries based on historical price data, present
Introducing the Order Block Indicator , the pinnacle of trading technology. Order blocks, the large cluster of buy or sell orders placed by institutional traders, significantly influence market direction. They form at critical price levels and can act as robust support and resistance zones. Our cutting-edge indicator allows you to harness the full potential of these influential market dynamics, providing a never-before-seen level of precision and customization. Here's why this tool stands apart:
Candlestick pattern indicator - display found candlestick patterns on the chart. MT4-version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/103345 Bearish patterns: Bearish Pattern Designations Pattern name SS Shooting   Star STR(S) Evening   Star DJ(E)   Evening   Doji Star DC Dark Cloud   Veil BEP Bearish Engulfing Bullish patterns: Designation of bullish patterns Pattern name HMR Hammer pattern STR(M) Morning   Star DJ(M) Morning   Doji   Star PRL Piercing   Line BEP Bullish   Engulfing The Shoo
Ali Levels Pro is an indicator designed to identify and draw levels of interest including: Opening Range High/Low with seconds precision,  Previous Session High/Low (if you are a Intraday trader who trades Indices or Commodities maybe you want to know yesterday New York Session high and low),  Overnight Session High/Low,  Previous Day High/Low,  Previous Week High/Low, and  Previous Month High/Low. Traders use this levels as support and resistance levels.  By searching for confluences between
【SuperStep Line】Indicator Introduction : The color of the SuperStep line which is green and climbing up means that the price trend is going up.The color of the SuperStep  line is purple and going down means that the price trend is going down. It is very simple to use it to judge the market trend! What's even better is that the open parameters of the indicators allow investors to adjust. You can adjust 【SuperStep Line】 according to your needs. Adjust it faster to be closer to short-term market
【Super Scanner】Indicator Introduction : The color of the Super Scanner which is green and climbing up means that the price trend is going up.The color of the Super Scanner is red and going down means that the price trend is going down. It is very simple to use it to judge the market trend! What's even better is that the open parameters of the indicators allow investors to adjust. You can adjust【Super Scanner】according to your needs. Adjust it faster to be closer to short-term market fluctuatio
The Binary Tend Follower indicator has been designed especially for Binary options trading. The best time frame to use the indicator on is a 1M chart with 1Min expiry's as soon as the signal candle closes. There is no need to over complicate your trading as all the thinking has been done for you. The indicator was designed as simple as possible to take out all the subjectivity of trying to follow a complicated strategy, and allowing the trader to focus on extremely simple entry's.  Buy: When the
This indicator uses a mathematical calculation algorithm . This algorithm calculates the remainder between the updated model and the actual values and produces the possible progress of the graph on the graph. It is not a super prophet in trading, but it is very good for the trader when entering the market and to analyze it before entering. Applicable for all currencies. Данный индикатор использует алгоритм математических вычислений . Данный алгоритм вычисляет остаток между обновленной моделью и
Indicator Description: FVG Imbalance Zones The FVG Imbalance Zones indicator is a powerful tool designed to identify potential price imbalances on financial charts. Developed by Pierre-Alexis Blond, this innovative indicator marks regions where significant price shifts may occur, offering traders valuable insights into potential market turning points. Key Features: Imbalance Detection: FVG Imbalance Zones identifies potential price imbalances in the market, pinpointing areas where supply and de
Turpial Pullback
Arlos Elias Rivas Romero
Indicator Type Strategy (Pullback) for all Symbols and Periodicity, Preferably from 30M periodicity. Can be used for manual trading. Its workspace corresponds to channel of 3 bars of Bill Willians. Also relies on the indicator Rsi and Atr. BUY when: There is a Green Arrow STOPLOSS to buy, below the bottom line of the channel (red line)" SELL when: There is a Red Arrow. STOPLOSS to sell, above the upper line of the channel (blue line)
Description:  First of all Its worth emphasizing here that the Trend Breakout Catcher is  Non-Repainting,  Non-Redrawing    and  Non-Lagging  Indicator, Which makes it ideal from both manual and robot trading. The Trend Breakout Catcher Indicator employs a sophisticated algorithm designed to predict trends early and generate timely Buy and Sell signals at the onset of a breakout. Utilizing a smart calculation based on numerous elements, the indicator forms a robust and redundant system to detec
The Visual Result Calculator Indicator is a powerful tool designed to enhance your trading experience on the MetaTrader platform. This intuitive and user-friendly indicator allows you to visualize potential profits or losses on a trading chart, helping you make better-informed decisions and manage your trades with precision.  The Indicator displays a dynamic line on the trading chart, representing the potential profit or loss of a trade based on the start and end of the line.    Simply click and
King Binary Profit System 1 minute candle 3-4 minute expire Alright. This indicator works on MT5 and is very easy to use. When you receive a signal from it, you wait for that candle with the signal to close and you enter your trade at the beginning of the next new candle. A red arrow means sell and a green arrow means buy. All arrows comes with a long dotted like for easy identification of trade signal. Are you okay with that?
Presenting breakout strategy indicator, influenced by the insightful Smart Money Concept. This sophisticated tool aims to assist traders in spotting potential trading opportunities characterized by breakouts in the market. The foundation of the Smart Money Concept lies in the actions of seasoned investors and astute market participants. It's important to clarify that this indicator does not guarantee profits; rather, it's designed to empower traders with valuable insights into
Auto Anchored VWAPs
Francisco Gomes Da Silva
Ergründen Sie Handels-Einblicke mit Auto Anchored VWAPs: Auto Anchored VWAPs dienen als Ihr leitender Begleiter in der Welt des Handels. Diese Indikatoren ermitteln entscheidende Wendepunkte im Markt und veranschaulichen sie auf Ihrem Chart mit VWAP-Linien. Dies ist ein Game-Changer für Händler, die verankerte VWAP-Strategien verwenden. Wie funktioniert es? Identifizieren von Hochpunkten: Wenn der Höchstkurs der aktuellen Kerze niedriger ist als der Höchstkurs der vorherigen, Und der vorherige H
Einführung: Die „Turning Zone“ ist ein hochentwickelter und innovativer MQL5-Marktindikator, der Händlern ein leistungsstarkes Tool zur Erkennung potenzieller Trendumkehrungen auf den Finanzmärkten bietet. Durch die Nutzung des zeitlosen Konzepts der Pitchfork-Analyse identifiziert der Turning Zone-Indikator wichtige Umkehrzonen, in denen sich die Marktstimmung wahrscheinlich ändern wird, und bietet Händlern wertvolle Einblicke, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. MT4-Version:   WH Turning Z
Wir stellen den revolutionären MT5-Indikator DARWIN Assistant   vor – Ihr ultimativer Zugang zur Welt des erfolgreichen Handels! DARWIN Assistant   wurde mit Präzision und Fachwissen entwickelt und verfolgt eine spezielle Strategie, die die Leistungsfähigkeit fortschrittlicher technischer Indikatoren – RSI, Stochastik, CCI und Trends – über alle Zeitrahmen hinweg nutzt. Machen Sie sich auf ein außergewöhnliches Handelserlebnis gefasst, denn dieser hochmoderne Indikator bietet Ihnen die genauest
Hidden Gap by MMD MT5
Mariusz Maciej Drozdowski
Hidden Gap by MMD Hidden Gap by MMD is a unique indicator that detects hidden gaps between three consecutive candles. This observation isn't my own, but in the MMD methodology, it has its application alongside other original indicators. You can apply this indicator to the chart multiple times and set the interval from which you want to see the hidden gaps. You can show or hide these gaps as needed. For example, you can view the chart at an M5 interval and see hidden gaps from an M15 chart, etc.
25% off. Original price: $40 Stochastic Scanner is a multi symbol multi timeframe Stochastic dashboard that monitors the indicator for price entering and exiting overbought and oversold in up to 28 symbols and 9 timeframes. Download Demo here  (Scans only M1, M5 and M10) Settings description   here MT4 version   here Stochastic Scanner features: Signals price entering and exiting the overbought and oversold zones. Monitors up to 28 customizable instruments and 9 timeframes at the same time. S
The indicator is designed for index trading mainly for Boom Crash Well detects long movements You can open trades from signal to signal against surges on long movements It can also be configured to detect surges, but for this it is recommended to use additional filters such as support and resistance levels, it goes well with them This indicator is well suited as a basis for creating a good trading strategy for indices.
Silver Bullet Indicator
Odaine Ramon Mcmillan
1 (1)
Introducing the revolutionary ICT Silver Bullet Strategy Indicator for MT5, a groundbreaking tool designed to usher in a new era of trading for beginners and experienced traders alike. This advanced indicator seamlessly translates the intricate ICT Silver Bullet strategy into a simplified visual representation on your charts, offering not just comprehension but a path to profitable trading. A Strategy Simplified: Navigating the complexities of the ICT Silver Bullet strategy has never been easie
Neural Bar Impulse is an indicator based on a neural network created and specially trained to predict the potential impulse of each next market bar. By bar impulse we mean the tendency of the market price to update the maximum or minimum of the bar relative to its opening price. We chose this particular feature of market bars because, based on our own research, we discovered an interesting feature of bar impulses to be harbingers of a change in price trend movements. The neural network we cre
Smart Trend Cloud Indicator, Forex Trend Cloud, Trend Confirmation Tool, Cloud-based Trend Detection, Forex Cloud Pattern, Trend Analysis Cloud, Smart Cloud Trading, Cloud Trend Signals, Trend Identification Cloud, Dynamic Trend Cloud, Cloud-Based Price Trend, Smart Cloud Indicator, Trend Direction Cloud, Cloud Trend Confirmation, Trend-Following Cloud, Forex Cloud Strategy, Cloud Trend Analysis, Smart Trend Cloud Pattern, Cloud Trend Recognition, Forex Cloud Indicator, Trend Reversal Cloud, Cl
Smart Trend Reversal Zone Indicator, Reversal Bands, Forex Pairs, Reversal Points, Reversal Levels, Pullback Detection, Trend Confirmation, Trade Entry and Exit, Trend Reversal Analysis, Reversal Zone Identification, Trend Pullback Strategy, Trading Tool, Price Action, Technical Analysis, Trend Reversal Confirmation, Trend Reversal Signals, Trend Reversal Timing, Reversal Band Alerts, Smart Reversal Levels, Forex Trading, Trend Analysis, Trading Indicator, Market Signals, Trend Pullback Entry,
Spike Oscillator
Vitalii Kondratiuk
Indicator for searching for price reversals Works well on commodity indices and currency pairs On charts such as Boom Cash, it shows the beginning of a protracted movement well. You can also catch splashes. The indicator uses algorithms, an oscillator and a trend indicator that work together. The indicator shows a candle opening signal (does not disappear, does not redraw and does not recalculate its readings) A good quality tool that can become the basis for creating your own trading system.
Sessions by LUX in MT5
Minh Truong Pham
5 (1)
This indicator shows when user set sessions are active and returns various tools + metrics using the closing price within active sessions as an input. Users have the option to change up to 4 session times. The indicator will increasingly lack accuracy when the chart timeframe is higher than 1 hour. Settings Sessions Enable Session: Allows to enable or disable all associated elements with a specific user set session. Session Time: Opening and closing times of the user set session in the  
White Light POC
Ricardo Almeida Branco
White Light POC (WLP) Experience precision in trading analysis with White Light POC (WLP), a meticulously designed powerful tool for traders seeking accurate Point of Control (POC) calculations. This advanced indicator has been crafted with a focus on efficiency and adaptability, ensuring seamless integration into Expert Advisors or other indicators through a convenient copybuffer interface. Features: Lightweight Efficiency: White Light POC (WLP) offers a streamlined solution that provides POC
Based on the trading model/strategy/system of gold double-position hedging and arbitrage launched by Goodtrade Brokers, problems encountered in daily operations: 1. Account B immediately places an order immediately following account A. 2: After account A places an order, account B will automatically copy the stop loss and take profit. 3: Account A closes the position of Account B and closes the position at the same time. 4: When account B closes the position, account A also closes the position.
Levels Mult OHLC
Cinthia Regina De Moraes
Considerando que os preços de OHLC de períodos anteriores são regiões importantes de negociação, criei um indicador que traça linhas de Open, High, Low e Close do dia, semana ou mês anterior no gráfico atual. Além de marcar essas regiões, linhas extras foram inseridas como opção que marcam os MEIOS (50%) dessas regiões e uma linha que marca a ABERTURA do dia. O usuário pode configurar a exibição das linhas que achar mais expressivas. Configurações: PERIOD RANGE Timeframe = Período de referência

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