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Technische Indikatoren für den MetaTrader 5 - 52

icon Signale von technischen Indikatoren spielen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Eröffnen und Schließen von Geschäften auf den Aktien- und Devisenmärkten. Das Wesen von Indikatoren ist eine mathematische Transformation der Preise eines finanziellen Symbols, die darauf abzielt, zukünftige Preisänderungen vorherzusagen. Testen Sie technische Indikatoren, um das Marktverhalten besser vorherzusagen und davon zu profitieren.
ichimoku indicator with alert; audible alert, email alert, push alert you can enable or disable the settings as you wish When there is a crossing of tenkansen and kijun you will get an alert When there is a cross between Senkouspan A and Senkouspan B you will get an alert Affordable sound settings possibility to modify the parameters of the ichimoku indicator
The Trend Rendezvous indicator searches for and displays pivot points on the price chart. The goal, which was pursued during its creation, is to obtain signals that will produce less noise and respond more quickly to price changes. The Trend Rendezvous indicator is a trend indicator that is used to search for reversals in the breakdown of its borders. The indicator is its signal and has one interesting property. It is necessary to take into account that this indicator reflects extrema and shoul
The implementation of the   Trend Self   trend indicator is simple - in the form of two-color lines. The indicator will help users determine the direction of the trend. It will also become an indispensable adviser for entering the market or for closing a position. The indicator algorithm is based on standard indicators as well as their own mathematical calculations. How to read information from the indicator. We buy when the color of the indicator line changes from pink to green. Hold a long p
Distance from the Average
Luis Paulo Rodrigues Pastor
Indikator zur Messung des Abstands zum Preis bei einem gegebenen gleitenden Durchschnitt. Der Indikator zeigt nicht nur den Wert des Abstands an, sondern enthält auch einen Mittelwert des Abstands selbst, um Analysen zu unterstützen und zu bestätigen. Sowohl die Art des Mittelwertes und der Mittelwert, auf dem der Abstandswert berechnet wird, als auch der Abstandsmittelwert sind parametrisierbar. Wenn die Option "AUTOMATISCHE STUFE EINSTELLEN UND SIGNALE ANZEIGEN" aktiviert ist, zeigt die A
Tim Trend
Oleksii Ferbei
Due to the fact that at each separate period of time, trading and exchange platforms from different parts of the planet are connected to the trading process, the Forex market operates around the clock. Depending on which continent trading activity takes place during a certain period, the entire daily routine is divided into several trading sessions. There are 4 main trading sessions: Pacific. European. American Asian This indicator allows you to see the session on the price chart. You can also
Spike Detector
Tete Adate Adjete
dieser Indikator ist ein Spike-Detektor-Indikator, es wurde speziell für den Handel mit Boom 1000, Boom 500, Crash 1000 und Crash 500 entwickelt Wir empfehlen, es nur für Derivat Boom- und Crash-Indizes zu verwenden Die Einstellung ist intuitiv, vertraut und einfach zu bedienen es hat Benachrichtigungsfunktionen; akustische Benachrichtigungen und Push-Benachrichtigungen. Dieses Tool ist einfach zu bedienen, einfach zu handhaben Dieses Update basiert auf verschiedenen Strategien für Spikes
Setup 92 Larry Williams
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on Larry Williams's exponential moving average strategy Setup 9.2 for trend continuation. How does it work? The indicator activates the buy signal when a candle closes below the previous low while maintaining the 9 period EMA's upwards.  For a sell signal, we need a candle closing above the previous high while maintaining the 9 period EMA's downwards. How to use it? One way of using it, proposed by Larry Williams, is to enter a trade with a buy stop order one tick
Setup 93 Larry Williams
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on Larry Williams's exponential moving average strategy 9.3 for trend continuation. Who is he? Larry Williams is an American stock and commodity trader, author of 11 books and creator of indicators such as the "Williams%R" and the "Ultimate Oscillator", with over 60 years of trading experience. Won the 1987 World Cup Championship of Futures Trading, turning $10,000 to over $1,100,000 in 12 months with real money. Ten years later, his daughter Michelle Williams won th
Это простой индикатор, показывающий формирование свечей харами. Входные параметры: Min % - минимальный процент харами Before - количество свечей до сигнала Invert - инвертировать сигналы No Body - свечи без тела Length - настройка для отображения сигналов В индикаторе есть встроенный фильтр по количеству свечей до сигнала и минимальному проценту харами. Более подробно о настройках индикатора можно прочитать на моем сайте.
Setup 94 Larry Williams
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on Larry Williams's exponential moving average strategy 9.4 for failed reversals and trend continuation. How does it work? For an uptrend, we need a candle turning the 9 period EMA down and closing below it, followed by a candle turning the 9 period EMA up and closing above it, with a low higher than the previous candle's low.  For a downtrend, we need a candle turning the 9 period EMA up and closing above it, followed by a candle turning the 9 period EMA down and cl
MTF MA2 for MT5
Koji Kobayashi
3 (1)
MTF-MA2 for MT5 特徴: MTF Moving Averageを8本一気に表示してくれるインジケータになります。 8本も必要ない場合にももちろん非表示にできます。 パフォーマンスを考慮しているのでチャートが重くなるようなことは 無いはずになります。どの通貨でも使用可能になります。 それぞれのMTF Moving Averageの色や太さを変更できます。 各パラメータの説明: Method:MAの種類設定をします。 Applied price:MAで使用する価格を設定をします。 TimeFrame M5:使用するMAの時間足を設定します。 Period M5:使用するMAの期間を設定します。 ※ラベルに関係なく8本のMTF MAはどの時間足でも期間設定可能になります。 Limited bar?:表示に使用するバーを制限するかどうかを設定します。 ※ここをFalseにするとすべてのバーを読み込むことになるのでチャートが重く なるかもしれません。ご注意ください。 Max bars:使用するバーの本数を設定します。過去検証をする場合にはここの値を増やしてくだ
MTF-Candlestick (Traders Club) 特徴: このインジケータは上位足のローソク足を表示します。 この上位足のローソク足を表示のインジケータは特に1分足や 5分足トレーダ用に開発されたものになります。 現在のローソク足で上位足のローソク足を作成する部分 と過去の上位足のローソク足を作成する部分を 分けています。また、更新はティックごとではなく 指定した時間ごとになるので急な価格変動があった場合でも チャートがフリーズした状態には非常になりにくいということになります。 陽線や陰線の色を変更出来たり髭の太さを変更できるので非常に 見やすと思います。 各パラメータの説明: Indicator No:インジケータNoを設定します。もし同じチャートに複数適用したい場合には個々の数字を変更してください。 TimeFrame:表示する時間足を設定します。 Bullish candlestick color:陽線のローソク足の色の指定します。 Bearish candlestick color:陰線のローソク足の色の指定します。 Doji candles
Currency Strength Meter is the easiest way to identify strong and weak currencies.   The   indicator shows the relative strength of 8 major currencies: AUD, CAD, CHF, EUR, GBP, JPY, NZD, USD. By default the strength value is normalised to the range from 0 to 100 for RSI algorithm: The value above 60 means strong currency; The value below 40 means weak currency; The indicator is created and optimized for using it externally at an Expert Advisors or as a Custom Indicator inside your programs. F
Fast Trend MT5
Mikhail Nazarenko
4 (1)
Fast trend  - профессиональная версия индикатора определения направления тренда и точек входа. Индикатор с высокой вероятностью определяет направление тренда на любых валютных парах, акциях, криптовалюте без перерисовки результата.   Для определения тренда использует Price action и авторский уникальный алгоритм фильтрации.     Подходит для всех видов торговли, как для скальпинга так и для  долгосрочной торговли. Данная версия индикатора это другая ветка эволюции алгоритма индикатора Simple Trend
Join Deriv link on profile>>> The best time to trade Using this Indicator is when the time reach exactly hour,half,45 minutes,15 minutes and sometimes 5 minutes.. This indicators is helpful to those who trade boom and crash indecies.How to read this indicator first you'll see Blue allow and Red allow all these allows used to indicate or to detect the spike which will happen so the allow happens soon before the spike happen.This indicator works properly only in boom and crash trading thing wh
Dragon SuperTrend OB
Fabio Oliveira Magalhaes
Dragon SuperTrend OB indicator  he Dragon was an indicator developed to capture a new beginning of the trend, it is excellent in Binary Options and Forex and even B3 in the Mini Index and Mini Dolar. It has 4 trend levels in 4 different Times Frames, so you can be sure that you are on the right side of the trend! It is very simple and easy to use, in the end I explain how we will operate with the indicator! Confirmation modes First Line Trend Confirmations: Green Square Upward Trend. Red Squar
An algorithm to detect a spike instantly with zero lag.. Use default settings for "Crash And Boom" This smart algorithm detects a spike, which can be use to filter out market spikes, give entry signals with exit. Trading:-  Booming for Boom and Crashing for Crash Spike Signal:- The less you decrease the more signals Multiplier:- This multiplies the Signal Time Ratio:- For adjusting the Signal AlertProperties = "====== Alert Properties ======"; SendAlertViaAlertWindow:- if set to true it will mak
Darstellung des Schnittwerts der linearen Regression und der mittleren absoluten Abweichung symmetrisch zum Schnittwert. PARAMETER     • Periods: Anzahl der Perioden zur Berechnung der linearen Regression     • Amplitude: Multiplikator der absoluten mittleren Abweichung zur Definition der Bänder     • Displacement: Verschiebung um die horizontale Achse     • AppliedPrice: Preis, zu dem die Berechnungen durchgeführt werden     • MainPlot: Anzeige des Hauptplots     • UpperPlot: Anzeige des ober
Darstellung des Steigungswertes der linearen Regression. Es verfügt über ein Referenzdiagramm zur visuellen Bestimmung von Änderungen des Steigungswerts (Beschleunigung / Verzögerung des Preises). PARAMETER     • Periods: Anzahl der Perioden zur Berechnung der linearen Regression     • PeriodsReference: Anzahl der Perioden für die Berechnung des gleitenden Durchschnitts für die Werte des Hauptplots     • Displacement: Verschiebung um die horizontale Achse     • AppliedPrice: Preis, zu dem die
Create and trade timeframes in seconds. The bar time duration is freely adjustable from 1 second and up. The chart is accurately constructed using real ticks from the broker's server. Main characteristics The indicator is an overlay on the main chart, making it possible to utilize one-click trading and on-chart order manipulation. History calculated using real tick data. Built-in technical studies: 4 moving averages (Simple, Exponential, Smooth, Linear-weighted, Volume-weighted using tick or rea
Der Indikator verfolgt den Trend in 5 verschiedenen Chartzeiten für dasselbe Asset, basierend auf 6 Signalen für jede Chartzeit. Das Hauptziel des Indikators besteht darin, uns den Mehrheitstrend des finanziellen Vermögenswerts zu zeigen, in den er platziert wurde. Das System überträgt die Informationen der Trends in mehreren grafischen Zeiten. Auf diese Weise hat der Benutzer einen umfassenden Überblick über die Bewegung des Assets. Diese Art von Tool ermöglicht dem Benutzer eine höhere Treff
Candle Zones PRO
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
You probably heard about Candlesticks behaviors, which in most of the times could denote and trace Volume behaviors even if you are not watching Volume itself... Well, this indicator will do this. Naked traders love to rely solely on candlesticks patterns and with Candle Zones you can trap special patterns and DRAW THEM on your chart. As simple as that. There are several filters you can tweak in order to achieve the analysis you want. Just give it a try. After several months of testing, we think
AKT for MT5 (Traders Club)  機能: MAゴールデンクロスで買いサイン、デットクロスで売りサインを表示します。 MAの期間は短期足と長期足を入力できます。 MAの種類を選択できます。(SMA、EMA、SMMA、LWMA) 適用する価格を選べます。(CLOSE,OPEN,LOW,HIGH,MEDIAN,TYPICAL,WEIGHTED) サインをアラートで通知します。 サイン発生をE-mailやSNSで通知します。 表示するサインを変更することが出来ます。 サインの色を変更することが出来ます。 サインの表示された時間と価格が表示されます。 ※価格は終値になります。 Indicator Noを変えることによるこのインジケータを複数適用することができます。 これにより違う MAの期間による ゴールデンクロスと  デットクロスのサインを 表示できます。
Very special indicator of Joe Dinapoli which is a derivative from traditional MACD indicator. It shows the precise price, at which MACD will show line crossing and trend shifting. Also, this level is known one period ahead of time.You can constantly reassess your current position by looking at this studying a variety of timeframes. When you are in a trade, you have a feel for how much time you have for the trade to go your way by looking at the distance between the MACD Predictor line and the l
Very special indicator of Joe Dinapoli which is a derivative  of a Detrended Oscillator. Through a set of parametric equations, a predicting oscillator is created that forecasts, one period ahead of time, overbought and oversold conditions. The resulting predictor values are expressed as bands on the bar chart, both above and below the market. It may be mistaken as a Bollinger Band but has no resemblance to it whatsoever. The Predictor bands may be used in a variety of ways to aid in entering an
Introduction to Fibonacci Volatility Indicator Volatility indicator can help you to detect any statistical advantage for your trading. Especially, if you are trading with Price Action and Price Patterns, then we recommend to use the Volatility indicator together with your strategy. Especically, Fibonacci Volatility indicator combines the market volatiltiy with Fibonacci Analysis to provide you more advanced volatiltiy indicator. Main Features Fibonacci Volatility in Z score Configuration Mode Fi
Andrei Sabitov
Индикатор построен на основе индикаторов VIX и RSI. Комбинация двух указанных индикаторов позволяет обнаруживать зоны крайней перепроданности, где цена с большой долей вероятности изменит направление. Наиболее сильные сигналы дает в периоды слабого тренда. Сигналом индикатора является изменение направления гистограммы (с роста на снижение) выше заданного (сигнального) уровня. В индикаторе задан широкий спектр параметров, который позволяет оптимизировать индикатор для торговли любыми активами: П
The intention of the dashboard is to provide a quick overview of the daily, weekly and monthly range of configured assets. In "single asset mode" the dashboard shows you possible reversal points directly in the chart, thus making statistics directly tradable. If a configured threshold is exceeded, the dashboard can send a screen alert, a notification (to the mobile MT5) or an email.  There are various ways of using this information. One approach is that an asset that has completed nearly 100%
The indicator determines a special pattern of Joe Dinapoli. It gives very high probability buy and sell signals. Indicator does not repaint. Indicator Usage Buy Signal ''B'' Entry : Market buy order at signal bar close Stop : Low of signal bar Take Profit : First swing high Sell Signal ''S'' Entry : Market sell order at signal bar close Stop : High of signal bar Take Profit : First swing low Indicator Parameters Fast EMA : External Parameter (should be kept as default) Slow EMA: External Param
The Squat is a function of the range of a given price bar and the volume, or TIC volume, that occurs while that range is being created. The basic idea is that high volume and little price movement indicate substantial support or resistance. The idea behind the approach to this indicator is to first look for likely Fibonacci support and resistance and then see if Squat manifests when that point is reached. The indicator determines one of the high probability patterns of DiNapoli. It does not re
This indicator is powerful for detecting the trend. The crossing between to line is the entry signal. Buffer 0 is UP line. Buffer 1 is DOWN line. Note: 1. Aroon is great tool for trending detecting. Please try to select the best period for each instrument. Input   AroonPeriod =14- Aroon period   MailAlert =false- Send email when entry signals appeared.   SoundAlert =false- Notify on MT5 platform.
The indicator scans for Dinapoli thrust pattern in multiple timeframes for a specific market. Key Features Indicator can be used for all markets It can scan for thrust pattern on W1, D1, H4, H1, M30, M15 and M5 timeframes Ability to choose number of bars required above/below displaced moving average to define thrust Able to move display label on chart by single click Parameters Minimum Bars: Least amount of bars to account for Thrust DMA Period: Moving average period DMA Shift: Number or bars re
The indicator scans for Dinapoli thrust pattern in multiple timeframes for the all markets filtered and shows the results on Dashboard. Key Features Dashboard can be used for all markets It can scan for thrust pattern on MN1, W1, D1, H4, H1, M30, M15 ,M5, M1 timeframes Ability to choose number of bars required above/below displaced moving average to define thrust Parameters UseMarketWatch: Set true to copy all symbols available in market watch MarketWatchCount : Set the number of symbols that
The indicator is the advanced form of the MetaTrader 4 standard Fibonacci tool. It is unique and very reasonable for serious Fibonacci traders. Key Features Drawing of Fibonacci retracement and expansion levels in a few seconds by using hotkeys. Auto adjusting of retracement levels once the market makes new highs/lows. Ability to edit/remove any retracement & expansion levels on chart. Auto snap to exact high and low of bars while plotting on chart. Getting very clear charts even though many ret
Douglas Lucio De Araujo
Indicator with 3 features - Clock : Clock independent of the chart, counting continues even when the market is closed. - Template : After setting up a configuration in any graphic, be it color patterns, indicators, zoom ... The configuration will be copied to all active graphics. - TimeFrame : Set the TimeFrame on a chart, and with just one click all the active charts will be changed to the same TimeFrame.
Setups 9 Larry Williams
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on Larry Williams's exponential moving average strategies 9.1, 9.2, 9.3 and 9.4 for trend reversals and continuations. To understand the logic and how to trade the signals, please check: Setup 9.1:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/50986 Setup 9.2:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/52268 Setup 9.3:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/52269 Setup 9.4:  https://www.mql5.com/pt/market/product/52273 Notices:  - This indicator displays a lot of signals. B
Setup PC
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on the Continuous Point Setup for trend continuation, popularized in Brazil by Stormer and Palex. How does it work? The indicator activates the buy signal when we have prices above the ascending 21-period Simple Moving Average (SMA21) followed by a pullback and a touch on it.  For a sell signal we need the prices below the descending SMA21 followed by a pullback and a touch on it. How to use it? One way of using it, as suggested by Stormer, is to enter the trade
Limitless MT5
Dmitriy Kashevich
Limitless MT5 is a universal indicator suitable for every beginner and experienced trader. works on all currency pairs, cryptocurrencies, raw stocks Limitless MT5 - already configured and does not require additional configuration And now the main thing Why Limitless MT5? 1 complete lack of redrawing 2 two years of testing by the best specialists in trading 3 the accuracy of correct signals exceeds 80% 4 performed well in trading during news releases Trading rules 1 buy signal - the ap
Joe DiNapoli
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on Joe DiNapoli's shifted 3 period exponential moving average strategy for trend reversals. Who is he? Joe DiNapoli is a professional trader and author that has been involved in the markets for more than 38 years. He is also a registered Commodity Trading Advisor (C.T.A.) for over 15 years and has taught his techniques in the major financial capitals of Europe, Asia, South Africa, the Middle East, Russia and in the United States. How does the indicator work? The ind
Volume Speedometer
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
Imagine the ability to have Volume Speed second by second presented to you in the form of a speedometer... Well, imagine no more... Welcome to the new Minions Labs creation: Volume Speedometer . Volume Speedometer is a Minions Labs idea that was born trying to show in realtime what is happening with the Volume Flow of orders (or Ticks, if you don't have that) during the day. This indicator was created to be used in Intraday trading and the goal is to give you a "heads up" when the Volume flow is
Vitalii Zakharuk
The fundamental technical indicator Ripple, allows you to assess the current market situation in order to enter the market of the selected currency pair in the trend and with minimal risk. It uses in its basis the process of identifying the rate of change in price growth and allows you to find points of entry and exit from the market. This indicator was created on the basis of the original indicators of the search for extremes, the indicator is well suited for detecting a reversal or a large s
Vitalii Zakharuk
It is very easy to use the Fibrillar indicator, since the simplest is to look at the chart and act according to the indications of the colored arrows. The algorithm takes into account the measurement of prices, and this method also focuses on measuring each of the price drops (H / C, H / O, LC, LO) - which gives more detailed information, but also more averaged. When calculating this indicator, logarithmic gains are first calculated at the closing price, which allows you to filter out the tren
Trend Power for MT5
5 (1)
Trend Power Indicator is an indicator which helps to identify trend direction and its power by using moving averages ZigZag pattern and correlations of tradable instruments. It provides trend power data with user-friendly interface which can be read easily and fast.   This indicator by default is configured for trading of   Adam Khoo's   ( Piranhaprofit ) strategies. It saves mass of time for searching of tradable pairs by his strategies. It indicates when all required moving averages are align
Description: Never guess again which currency pairs are trending and which ones are not! This indicator shows exactly which currencies are gaining strength and which currencies are losing strength. The indicator can be used to very quickly determine which currency pairs are trending and which currency pairs are in a sideways motion. When one currency is gaining strength and another is losing strength, the corresponding currency pair is trending. Its as easy as that! For instance, if EUR is showi
FXC iCorrelatioN MT5 Indicator (Specialized for DAX - DowJones) The indicator shows the correlation soefficient between two assets. Correlations are useful because they can indicate a predictive relationship that can be exploited in practice. The correlation coefficient shows the relationship between the two symbols. When the correlation is near 1.0, the symbols are moving togerhet in the same direction. When the correlation is near -1.0, the symbols are moving in opposite direction. Main featur
Vwap Freeze
Ricardo Almeida Branco
5 (1)
The previous day's vwap is used by some traders as a support and resistance point, after all it is one of the ways to consider the fair price of that asset or that pair the day before. Possible defenses can occur in this region indicating a reversal, or triggering stops starting a new, more directional movement. It is a matter of analyzing how it will add to your operational. To avoid manually drawing the previous day's vwaps and saving time for your analysis, use the Vwap Freeze indicator, as
FXC iRSI-DivergencE MT5 Indicator This is an advanced RSI indicator that finds trend-turn divergences on the current symbol. The indicator detects divergence between the RSI and the price movements as a strong trend-turn pattern. Main features: Advanced divergence settings Price based on Close, Open or High/Low prices Give Buy/Sell open signals PUSH notifications E-mail sending Pop-up alert Customizeable Information panel Input parameters: RSI Period: The Period size of the RSI indicator. RSI Ap
VolumeDeltaScanner is a volume delta monitor for multiple (up to 10) time scopes. It works by online ticks or history ticks. Indicator monitors tick volumes for buys and sells separately, and find their delta on every bar and larger scopes, then displays the volume deltas for all the scopes. Every scope is presented by its own buffer/line. The smallest scope is the current timeframe. It's required. All other scopes should be multiples of it. For example, if placed on a M5 chart, it can calculat
The indicator identifies two most important patterns of technical analysis - Pin Bar and Engulfing. MT4-version:    https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/53591 Settings: Mincandle size for PinBar   - The minimum size of the Pin-Bar candlestick; Percentage of candle body on size   - The percentage of the candle body in relation to its length; PinBar Alert   - Alert when a Pin-Bar is detected; PinBar Mail   - Sends an email when a Pin Bar is found; PinBar Notification   - Sends a push notificati
HiLo Points
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
This Indicator is based on the high's moving average and the low's moving average for trend following and/or trailing stops. How does the indicator work? The indicator plots the uptrend dots until there is a close below the moving average of the lows. When this happens, a downtrend begins and is plotted until there is a close above the moving average of the highs. When this happens, another uptrend begins. And so it goes. How to use it? - Trend following: You can use it as buy signals when th
The indicator can be used in several ways. The simplest is to buy when the SCM Trends Profit Run  line is painted green and sell when it is red. This indicator that allows you to detect several changes and dynamics in price that many traders can’t estimate or see without an indicator, which highlights its essence and usage. Accordingly, traders can draw conclusions and make estimates about how the prices will change based on the information they have and then they can modify their strategy for
Z Energy MT5
Dariel Iserne Carrera
Der neue Indikator ist ein Trendvorhersager für das aktuelle Diagramm sowie andere Symbole und Zeitrahmen. Jeder Knopf auf dem Board ist interaktiv. Standardmäßig haben Sie 20 Währungspaare in der Merkliste und drei Zeitrahmen (M5, H1, D1), aber Sie können die Punkte und Symbole auswählen, die Sie im Menü anzeigen möchten. Wenn der Indikator blau ist, zeigt er den Beginn eines Aufwärtstrends an. Wenn es rot ist, zeigt es den Beginn eines Abwärtstrends an. In der Erfassung Nr. 3 (Tageslichtmodus)
Smoothing Candles Pro
Francisco De Biaso Neto
It is a Graphical  and Trend  indicator that brings several advantages.      Eliminates noise. Facilitates the identification of the trends. Can be used as directional force indicator. Identify lateralization: candles with close and open price closer. Identifies high volatility: candles with shadows larger than the body. Attention!!!   Works on any asset and any time frame.   Easy setup Symbol:   anyone Time frame:  anyone  Parameters: Indicator  Period  Recommended Period : between
Hello This Indicator will draw Green (Up) and Red (Down) small arrows from Multi TimeFrames based in ( MACD ) to help you to take decision to buy or sell or waiting If there 4 green arrows in same vertical line that's mean (Up) and If there 4 Red arrows in same vertical line that's mean (Down)  and the options contain (Alert , Mobile and Mail Notifications). Please watch our video for more details https://youtu.be/MVzDbFYPw1M and these is EA for it https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/59092 G
Volume Speed
Flavio Javier Jarabeck
For those traders who really care about Volume as an important vector information on Price Action, here is an exclusive idea & creation from Minions Labs: Volume Speed . The Volume Speed indicator shows you visually how much time (in seconds, minutes, hours, you choose) the Volume took to reach the Average Volume of the past bars. This way you can have the exact idea of "what is happening right now with the Volume of the current bar..." and take action accordingly with your strategy, having even
Hello This Indicator will draw Green (Up) and Red (Down) small arrows from Multi TimeFrames based in ( Ichimoku ) to help you to take decision to buy or sell or waiting If there 4 green arrows in same vertical line that's mean (Up) and If there 4 Red arrows in same vertical line that's mean (Down)  and the options contain (Alert and Mobile , Mail Notifications). Please watch our video for more details https://youtu.be/MVzDbFYPw1M and these is EA for it https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/590
Vasilii Luchnikov
Anzeige VolumeTick https://youtu.be/tmHZKdMCMGo hergestellt für präventive Ermittlung der möglichen Pivot-Punkte, bei den Bedingungen der Konsolidierung und multidirektionale Handel Händler, Anzahl der Bände die sich im Markt stark erhöht, was zeigt das Interesse der Teilnehmer ändern Sie die Richtung der werkzeugbewegung auf dem Markt und zählt die Anzahl der Zecken auf jede Bar, ist in der Form eines Oszillators. Auf diese Weise erhalten wir die Möglichkeit, den Handel zu stoppen oder in die
The indicator is based on a proven successful strategy. It shows buys and sello signals with suggested stop and target. In the same way, it calculates the essential trading analysis statistics as successful and profit ratio. KEY LINKS:  Indicator Manual  –  How to Install  -  Frequent Questions  -  All Products  Indicator features Effective and understandable signals. It can be used as a complete trading strategy. Complete trading statistics to evaluate the indicator performance. It shows exact
SR Breakup
Francisco De Biaso Neto
SR Breakup Indicator   it is an indicator based on support and resistance . It makes price breakout levels visible by opening the trader's mind to spot market opportunities.  Attention!!!   This Indicator can be used in any time frame. Suggestion of use Wait until the support and resistance lines are horizontal and closer. Do Trade (BUY):  if price breakout resistance level (outside line). Do Trade (SELL):  if price breakout support level (outside line). Use internal lines as StopLo
Trend Quality
Alex Rodin De Sousa E Silva
The Trend Quality Indicator  (by David Sepiashvili) is intended to measure trend activity. Some benchmarks can be used to determine the strength of a trend.  In the range of values from -1 to +1 ( Ignored zone parameter) ,  the trend is buried beneath noise. It is preferable to stay out of this zone.  The greater the value, the less the risk of trading with a trend, and the more reliable the trading opportunity.  The range from +1 to +2, or from -1 to -2, may be treated as zone of weak trend
WT Vwap 5 Bands
Ricardo Almeida Branco
WT Vwap 5 Bands The WT Vwap Bands indicator is an indicator that combines price and volume, helping to show whether the price is within the "fair price", overbought or oversold. The indicator code was designed for performance and has already been tested in a real trading account. In addition to the visual inputs (color, thickness and line style), the user can define a% value that depends on the price. The default values work with the most distant band at 1% of the price and then dividing
Victory Price Direction    I'm glad to present you my new indicator. This indicator includes all the best strategies that I have researched. When developing and optimizing, I used ML algorithms. The indicator is very easy to use. Now the indicator has 3 basic strategies and the ability to customize your own strategy. I am constantly looking for better strategies. You get: A simple and effective indicator of reversals. The indicator will help you place Take Profit correctly. It will
This indicator is an extended implementation of Weis waves. It builds Weis waves on absolute volumes (which is the classical approach) or delta of volumes (unique feature) using different methods of wave formation and visualization. It works with real volumes, if available, or with tick volumes otherwise, but also provides an option to use so called "true volume surrogates", as an artificial substitution for missing real volumes (for example, for Forex symbols), which was introduced in correspo
Setup da Onda
Luigi Nunes Labigalini
Buy and sell signals based on the Wave Setup strategy for entering a trade on the pullback after a reversal. How does the indicator work? The indicator activates the buy and sell signal when their respective conditions are met.  For an uptrend, we need a reversal up on the EMA9 followed by prices above the ascending SMA21 making a pullback and a touch on it.  For a downtrend, we need a reversal down on the EMA9 followed by prices below the descending SMA21 making a pullback and a touch on it.
Indicator summary   Индикатор информационная панель отображает значения и торговые действия, а так же выводит сводную информацию о торговых действиях, основанных на 11 встроенных индикаторах. Встроенные индикаторы: RSI (Relative Strength Index )- пересечение зоны перекупленности сверху вниз - сигнал на продажу. Пересечение зоны перепроданности снизу вверх - сигнал на покупку. При колебаниях в зоне между перекупленостью и перепроданостью сигнал формируется в зависимости от нахождения значения от
Carlos Andrés Moya Erazo
3 (2)
The indicator shows when there are overpricing and divergences over a normalized MACD Plus, it displays signals with configurable alerts, self-regulating dynamic overprice levels, and a simple setup and interface. The indicator that automatically calculates overprices ranges! MACDmaxmin is an indicator based on the MACD oscillator that effectively identifies trend changes in price, as it is a momentum indicator that captures the trend and shows the relationship between two moving averages of th
Rafil Nurmukhametov
Indicator of the colour display of the zones of buyers and sellers in the bar with a change of colour as the volume increases. From bar maximum to bar closing - this is the sellers' zone. From bar closing to bar minimum - this is the buyers area. As the bar volume increases in comparison to the previous bar, the respective zones are coloured in a different colour. Input parameters volumes  (tick or real)
Der analytische Indikator BodySizeHistogram wurde entwickelt, um die tatsächliche Bewegung des Wechselkurses entlang des Körpers der Kerze zu beobachten. Der Körper der Kerze ist ein universelles Werkzeug für die Analyse des kursdiagramms ohne die Verwendung von Indikatoren, die mathematische Formeln verwenden. In meiner Vorstellung ist der Körper der Kerze fast alles, was Sie brauchen, um das Ereignis mit dem Preis zu verstehen. In diesem Indikator werden Histogramme von kerzenkörpern in Punkte
CandleStick MT5
Du Zhi Shan Tian
5 (1)
What you can do with CandleStick CandleStick is a useful indicator for doing MTF analysis. This indicator displays the CandleStick of another time frame on the chart . By understanding the information in multiple time charts at the same time, it is easier to understand the overall market view. It is also a useful tool for validating and studying past quotes and trades. There are similar products made by others, but I designed and developed it so that it is easy for me to use. Features of Candle
Geleg Faktor MT5
Dariel Iserne Carrera
Dies ist die MT5-Version. Holen Sie sich MT4-Version hier → https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/52923 Im dritten Screenshot (Tageslichtmodus) habe ich 7 Elemente markiert, die wir Schritt für Schritt erklären werden. 1 Drei Tasten. a) Nachtmodus b) Tageslichtmodus c) Fixskala / Angepasste Skala 2 Vier Tasten. a) Zeichnen Sie einen Kaufpfeil, Kauflinie und den entsprechenden Stop-Loss basierend auf ATR. b) Schließen Sie den zuvor gezogenen Kauf und verzieht ein Häkchen. c) Zeich

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