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Kostenpflichtige Expert Advisors für den MetaTrader 5 - 71

icon Expert Advisor analysieren die Kurse von Finanzinstrumenten und führen Handelsoperationen auf dem Forex- und Aktienmarkt durch. Testen Sie kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Expert Advisors, um Ihren Handel zu automatisieren und profitabler zu machen.
RSI Grid Trader Pro
Vladimir Shumikhin
RSI Grid Trader Pro – Professioneller Berater für den Handel basierend auf RSI und Grid-Strategie Berater-Typ: Grid mit RSI-Indikator Handel: Beidseitig (Kauf und Verkauf) oder einseitig (nur Kauf oder nur Verkauf) Zeitrahmen: Kompatibel mit den meisten Zeitrahmen RSI Grid Trader Pro ist ein leistungsstarker und flexibler Handelsberater, der entwickelt wurde, um eine profitable Grid-Handelsstrategie mit dem RSI-Indikator (Relative Strength Index) umzusetzen. Der völlig einzigartige Ansatz
Trawler MT5
Agus Santoso
MT4-Version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/129161 MT5-Version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/129162 Wir stellen Trawler EA vor, einen Expert Advisor, der Händler bei der Navigation auf dem Devisenmarkt mit einem intelligenten Hedging-Grid-Ansatz unterstützt. Trawler EA hilft bei der effizienten Verwaltung von Trades durch die Verwendung von Pending Orders und dynamischen Strategien, die an die Marktbedingungen anpassbar sind. Hauptfunktionen: Hedging-Grid-Strategie: Traw
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
Overview The Gradale EA is a sophisticated Expert Advisor designed for traders who prefer a strategy based purely on price action and trend momentum. Developed over seven years of meticulous fine-tuning, this EA delivers optimal performance, particularly in high-volatility currency pairs like GBP/JPY. Extensively tested and optimized for the M5 (5-minute) timeframe, the Gradale EA offers robust and dynamic trading capabilities. Key Highlights Dynamic Lot Sizing: Adjusts lot size based on account
Sibusiso Nyoni
this robot works in all time frames. "---------- General ----------" Commentar Start trade End trade Prder is closed  "---------- Risk- and Moneymanagement ----------" Lots Limit of open positions for each symbol Daily limit for the number of deals for every symbol Test was carried out with standard settings. Account 10 000 dollars and with a leverage of 100. Symbol US30.
️ Bollinger Grid Scalper ️ — Ein fortschrittlicher Handelsberater für hochgradig effizientes Scalping mit einer Gitterstrategie und dem Bollinger-Band-Indikator ️ Beschreibung: Der Bollinger Grid Scalper ist ein leistungsstarker Handelsberater, der die Gitterhandelsstrategie mit dem Bollinger-Band-Indikator kombiniert, um stabile Gewinne auf volatilen Märkten zu erzielen. Dieses Tool ist ideal für Händler, die ihren Handel automatisieren, Risiken minimieren und maximalen Nutzen aus den Prei
Rule Breaker works with reversal strategy, it looks for a suitable entry point on higher time frames and places an order.  If this order is executed and the market moves against our trade, Rule Breaker checks the lower time frames for a possible further entry point and places another order (martingale).  The target of the open trade is automatically adjusted. When a position is opened via the Trade Panel, it is automatically controlled by the EA Settings find you  here   (UPDATE FROM 01/15/202
MA Cross Grid
Vladimir Shumikhin
MA Cross Grid: Moderner Handelsberater auf der Grundlage von Moving Average Crossovers und Grid-Strategien Überblick MA Cross Grid ist ein automatisierter Handelsberater, der die Strategie der Kreuzungen von zwei Moving Averages (MA) mit einer Grid-Handelsstrategie kombiniert. Der Berater eröffnet Aufträge mit festgelegten Abständen und verwaltet sie mithilfe von dynamischen Stop-Loss und Take-Profit-Levels. Dies ist die ideale Wahl für Händler, die ihre Handelsstrategie automatisie
Mary Wambui Waweru
Hello, SSscalp is a fairly aggressive scalping bot. Applicable currency pairs in this case include GBPUSD, USDJPY, and EURUSD. You are welcome to optimize the strategy to your liking, but the default settings are still okay. The attached historical modelling is based on EVERY TICK model though if you have good quality custom symbols feel free to use them for back testing. 
VIX75 Killer
Omega J Msigwa
Der Kern der Kraft von Vix75 Killer Die Verschmelzung innovativer KI-Strategien Im Herzen von Vix75 Killer befindet sich ein fortschrittliches maschinelles Lernmodell, das die Stärken von CatBoost und LightGBM kombiniert. Diese hochentwickelten KI-gesteuerten Algorithmen verbessern die Vorhersagegenauigkeit und optimieren die Entscheidungsfindung beim Handel mit dem Volatility Index 75 (VIX75). Durch die Nutzung der einzigartigen Fähigkeiten des Gradienten-Boostings passt sich Vix75 Killer dyna
ATR Grid Scalper Pro
Vladimir Shumikhin
ATR Grid Scalper Pro – Ihr perfekter Handelsberater für MetaTrader 5 Entdecken Sie neue Horizonte des automatisierten Handels mit ATR Grid Scalper Pro! Dieser leistungsstarke Handelsberater ist perfekt für Trader, die die Grid-Strategie (Grid) oder Scalping unter Verwendung des ATR-Indikators (Average True Range) anwenden möchten, um dynamische Stop-Losses zu berechnen, die an die Marktvolatilität angepasst sind. Mit diesem Tool können Sie den Handel automatisieren und sowohl in eine R
EMA Cross Auto Trade can adjust by yourself. It is an automatic trading system that mainly uses EMA signals and can adjust [ EMA , lots value, Trading time , Stop loss and Take profit value] by the user. The user can customize the values ​​to suit different situations appropriately to reduce losses and make profits in all assets. And I hope that the user will be successful in trading with this system.
DYJ BoS EA uses the DYJ BoS indicator as a fundamental strategy to identify changes in market structure trends. Once the upward and downward trend lines break through these UN or DN lines, the corresponding varieties will be automatically opened from the market. Usually, in order to improve the accuracy of closing, it is recommended not to set stop loss and take profit. The end position is usually closed at the next breakthrough point in the same direction, or at the breakthrough point in the o
Lek Super Trade ONE MT5
Yoothana Worawongwattana
This program is designed for both semi-automatic and automatic trading. It can adjust the variable values   ​​ in the TakeProfit and StopLoss sections at any time. There is a system to close orders when EQUITY is HIGH. There are various tools in this program,   such as CCI, RSI, EMA, VOLUME, TREND. You can set orders to prevent trading risks and manage your investments. There is a system to notify you when you decide to exit orders. This program does not perform a BLACK TEST because the variabl
Telsa Striker
Itumeleng Mohlouwa Kgotso Tladi
Tesla Striker Tesla Striker is a cutting-edge expert advisor designed for the MQL5 trading platform. It's tailored for traders who want to harness the power of trend following to achieve consistent results in the market. Here are some of its standout features and advantages: Key Features 1. Advanced Trend Detection: Tesla Striker leverages sophisticated algorithms to identify and follow market trends with high accuracy, ensuring you capitalize on the most profitable market movements. 2. Automa
EA Reversion Precio
Luigi Salvatores Buigues Morillo
La estrategia de reversión del precio (o mean reversion ) se basa en la idea de que los precios de los activos financieros tienden a regresar a su promedio o valor "normal" después de desviarse significativamente. Esta desviación puede ocurrir por factores externos, emociones del mercado o movimientos inesperados. La estrategia busca aprovechar esos momentos de desviación para entrar al mercado, esperando el retorno del precio a su media. Componentes clave de una estrategia de reversión del prec
Double MACD
Daksh Ojha Kumar
Im Gegensatz zu vielen anderen Handelsrobotern, die in einer kurzen Backtest-Periode beeindruckende Ergebnisse zeigen oder Kurvenanpassungstechniken verwenden, wurde dieser Roboter über einen langen Zeitraum von 3 Jahren getestet. Die Backtest-Ergebnisse sind realistisch und zeigen, dass der Roboter sich an verschiedene Marktumgebungen anpassen kann und langfristig profitabel bleibt. Dieser Forex-Handelsroboter wurde entwickelt, um Privatanlegern eine leistungsstarke und risikoarme Lösung zu bie
Kostiantyn Lytvyn
ReversiLot is a powerful automated trading tool on the MetaTrader 5 platform, created for professional traders and investors. This advisor is based on a money management strategy using Martingale and can adapt to market conditions. Key Features: Dynamic Lot Management: The initial lot size is calculated based on the risk percentage of the deposit. The ability to increase the lot size by multiplying after each losing trade. Flexible Parameter Settings: RiskPercentage – the risk percentage for ca
Stochastic Grid Scalper Stochastic Grid Scalper ist ein fortschrittlicher Handelsberater, der den Stochastic-Indikator und die Grid-Trading-Strategie nutzt, um es den Händlern zu ermöglichen, ihren Handel an alle Marktbedingungen anzupassen. Er eignet sich sowohl für Scalping als auch für Grid-Trading und bietet eine hohe Flexibilität bei der Wahl der Strategie. Hauptmerkmale Stochastic-Indikator : Der Berater verwendet den Stochastic-Indikator , um die Überkauft- und Überverk
ArcturusFX MT5
Fernando Jose Anton
ArcturusFX-Handbuch: https ://www .mql5 .com /en /blogs /post /760580 Empfohlenes Asset: GBPUSD - Zeitfenster: 5M Handelskonfigurationen: Konservative Konfiguration – Hedge-Handel: https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /Conservative_Hedge_Setup_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini Mittel-aggressive Konfiguration – Hedge-Handel: https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /Medium_Aggressive_Setup_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini Hoch-aggressive Konfiguration – Hedge-Handel: https ://c .mql5 .com /6 /965 /High_Aggressive_Setup_- GBPUSD -_5M .ini K
ATR Scalper Pro
Vladimir Shumikhin
ATR Scalper Pro — Leistungsstarker Berater für Scalping und Grid-Trading auf Basis von ATR Beschreibung : ATR Scalper Pro ist ein professioneller Handelsberater, der den Average True Range (ATR)-Indikator nutzt, um Handelsstrategien für Scalping und Grid-Trading umzusetzen. Ideal für Händler, die Marktbewegungen nutzen möchten, um Gewinne zu erzielen, während sie Risiken durch fortschrittliche Ordermanagement-Funktionen minimieren ️. Der Berater bietet zwei Haupthandelsmodi: Scalp
Jose Arranz Becerril
Bot specifically tailored for the NASDAQ 100, designed to detect key range breakouts and capitalize on market opportunities. Long Entry Signal : Detects bullish breakouts when the high of a previous range is below the closing price, and the daily low breaks below the lowest point of a defined range. Short Entry Signal : Identifies bearish breakouts when the high of a defined range crosses below the daily low. This bot is designed to be combined with my other products: H1NqAAAB (Mean Reversion)
Jose Arranz Becerril
Bot specifically tailored for the NASDAQ 100 , built to identify high-probability turning points in the market. This bot utilizes advanced logic to capture opportunities when prices revert to key levels, ensuring precision and adaptability. Long Entry Signal : Triggers when the daily low crosses above the closing price, combined with the Average True Range (ATR) shifting upwards, signaling potential bullish reversals. Short Entry Signal : Activates when the daily high crosses below the closing p
Jose Arranz Becerril
Bot specifically tailored for the NASDAQ 100, Designed exclusively for bearish trades, this bot leverages precise signals to capitalize on overextended price movements.  Short Entry Signal : Activates when the bar closes above the upper band of the Keltner Channel, indicating a potential overbought condition and a high-probability shorting opportunity. This bot is designed to be combined with my other products: H1NqAAAA (Breakout) and H1NqAAAB (Mean Reversion). Combining all three provides a div
Die professionelle Edition unseres Expert Advisors Auf Vertrauen aufgebaut, für Exzellenz verfeinert Als wir unsere ursprüngliche Expert Advisor im September 2023 veröffentlicht haben, hatten wir ein Ziel: ein zuverlässiges, benutzerfreundliches Trading-Tool zu bieten, das echten Mehrwert liefert. Seitdem haben wir dank des Feedbacks von hunderten von Tradern aus der ganzen Welt mehr als 500 Downloads erreicht und eine 4,5-Sterne-Bewertung in der Community erhalten. Wir haben zugehört. Wir ha
Beyignin Derrick N Tcha M Po
TRADE CLOSER ist ein Expert Advisor, der Ihre manuellen Trades verwaltet. Ein Klick und alle Ihre manuellen Trades werden abgewickelt, der Expert Advisor führt keine Trades durch. Der Fachberater kann: ALLE GESCHÄFTE SCHLIESSEN AUSSTEHENDE BESTELLUNGEN SCHLIESSEN  NUR PROFITABLE TRADES ABSCHLIESSEN  NUR VERLOSLICHE TRADES SCHLIESSEN SCHLIESSEN SIE DIE PROFITABLESTEN UND VERLUSTBARSTEN GESCHÄFTE AB  CLOSE PAIR ON PROFIT, Sie geben den Betrag an und das Zielpaar schließt den Gewinn ab KONTO BE
Moving Regression Bands EA  Description The Moving Regression Bands EA is a robust automated trading system that uses polynomial regression analysis to identify market opportunities. Based on moving regression bands, this EA offers a mathematical and statistical approach to trading. Key Features Advanced Analysis : Uses polynomial regression to calculate trends and volatility bands Operational Flexibility : Normal and Inverse modes for different market strategies Risk Management : Configurable S
Moving Average Breakout
Sylvestre Setufa Djagbavi
INTRODUCTION Please, even if you already have a lot of trading knowledge, take the time to read before paying bots. Whether it's mine, or for someone else. You can't know everything. Trading is a business of probability. No matter what type of strategy, robot or analysis (technical or fundamental) you use, you can never know for sure, if your next trade will win or lose, you can never know for sure if your next month will be a gain or a loss. All you can be sure of is that, if you have done a go
Marcos Maia
Domine o Mini Índice com Inteligência e Agilidade! O que é o TrendWIN? O TrendWIN é um robô de trading avançado, projetado para operar no mini índice do mercado brasileiro (WIN) utilizando uma estratégia de seguimento de tendência de curto prazo . Ele foi desenvolvido para traders que buscam aproveitar movimentos rápidos do mercado com precisão e eficiência. Características Principais: Estratégia de Seguimento de Tendência O TrendWIN identifica e acompanha tendências de curto prazo, maximizan
BTC Reversal Zone Expert Advisor Elevate your trading game with the BTC Reversal Zone EA! Versatile Performance: Optimized for   Bitcoin ,   Gold ,   Indices , and major   Forex pairs. Smart Entry System: Detects breakouts and reversals, focusing on pullbacks for precise entries. Dynamic Market Adaptation: Adjusts seamlessly to changing conditions for consistent results. Advanced Risk Management: Built-in stop loss, take profit, and trailing stop for ultimate control. Customizable & U
Itumeleng Mohlouwa Kgotso Tladi
Got it! Here's the updated description with the added emphasis on user-friendliness and the extensive backtesting results : NeuraTrend Expert Advisor  Maximizing Profits with Precision Trading Unlock the potential of consistent, low-risk trading with NeuraTrend —an advanced Expert Advisor (EA) designed for high-performance trading on the 1-minute chart. With a proven strategy that focuses on precision, minimal drawdown, and exceptional profitability, NeuraTrend offers a cutting-edge solution fo
GoldGlimmer MT5
Sifiso Rick Nhlapo
# GoldGlimmer MT5 Expert Advisor MT4 Version https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/122403?source=Site +Market+My+Products+Page # Overview GoldGlimmer MT5 is a sophisticated automated trading system designed for MetaTrader 5 platform. This Expert Advisor combines multiple technical indicators to identify high-probability trading opportunities while maintaining strict risk management protocols. Perfect for traders seeking a balanced approach to automated trading with comprehensive safety features
Red Cross
Calvin Andile Mahlangu
Introducing  Red Cross, a great tool for harnessing the dynamic movements of the USDJPY pair! The algorithm behind The Red Cross EA capitalizes on the inherent volatility of the market, strategically pinpointing the early morning breakout within the trading range. Once identified, it seamlessly rides the trend wave until the optimal exit time is reached, all without requiring a single manual input. Born from a battle-tested strategy that has stood the test of time on live trading accounts. Wit
Money Flow Index. MFI EA Atomated Trading Bot MFI bots can be valuable tools for automating trading s trategies based on market momentum. However, it's crucial to understand their functionality, monitor their performance, and use them as part of a comprehensive trading plan. The Money Flow Index (MFI) is a technical analysis tool that combines price and volume to assess the buying and selling pressure of an asset. In cryptocurrency trading, MFI bots utilize this indicator to automate trading d
MACD Divergence Expert Advisor (EA) Overview The MACD Divergence Expert Advisor (EA) automates the MACD Divergence Trading Strategy , identifying and trading both the validation and invalidation of divergence patterns . The EA utilizes the Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD) indicator to detect price-momentum discrepancies, providing early signals for potential trend reversals. With customizable thresholds, trendline visualization, flexible entry mechanisms, and risk management feature
Gap Candle Pro
Daksh Ojha Kumar
Vorstellung des GapCandle Pro Trading-Bots – Ein professionelles Tool, um von Preis-Rückbewegungen zu profitieren! Wenn Sie auf der Suche nach einem intelligenten und zuverlässigen Trading-Bot sind, der mit einer einfachen, aber äußerst effektiven Strategie entwickelt wurde, dann ist der GapCandle Pro die beste Wahl für Sie! Dieser Bot basiert auf Preis-Gaps und der Rückkehr des Preises zu den Schlüsselbereichen großer Kerzen und hilft Ihnen, das Rückkehrverhalten des Marktes optimal zu nu
The Kraken
Chimdike Obinna Nkwo
KRAKEN wird Forex, Gold und Bitcoin für Sie schürfen. Dieser EA ist ein Scalper. Er nutzt Unterstützungs- und Widerstandsniveaus; Hoch- und Tiefststände, um Orders zu platzieren. Wenn die Orders ausgeführt werden, wird er Ihren Stop-Loss nachziehen, um Verlustpositionen zu vermeiden. MIETEN SIE IHN FÜR 6 MONATE. IHR GEWINN INNERHALB VON SECHS MONATEN ERMÖGLICHT IHNEN DEN KAUF DES BOTS. HINWEIS: Verwenden Sie einen Broker mit sehr niedrigen oder keinen Spreads. Konto ohne Provisionen (EMPFOHLEN).
Super 2Macd
Daksh Ojha Kumar
Super 2 MACD – Der professionelle Trading-Roboter, speziell optimiert für GBPUSD im 15-Minuten-Chart! Suchen Sie einen intelligenten, schnellen und zuverlässigen Trading-Roboter? Super 2 MACD ist das perfekte Tool, um profitables Trading zu erreichen! Warum Super 2 MACD wählen? 1️⃣ Fortschrittliche Dual-MACD-Strategie: Perfekte Kombination aus schnellem MACD und langsamem MACD für präzise und zuverlässige Signale. Optimiert für die Preisbewegungen im 15-Minuten-Chart von GBPUSD. 2️⃣ He
Your First Chance EA MT5
Dilipbhai Mavjibhai Makwana
Your First Chance EA MT5   Is an innovative advisor based on newly strategy, indicator and unique algorithm. This Advisor Working On Trend Following and multiple Unique algorithm indicator. This Advisor Strategy Not Available in this Platform that we used in This Unique EA. All Type Of Indicator Added in Internet Code, So Don't Need To Change Anything In Ea Parameters, Using This Algorithm Advisor detect trend and take trade on the market side movement.  When market goes in opposite directions
Moving Averages Bot EA with ATR – A Comprehensive Trading Tool .     Very RARE POWERFUL AND UNIQUE moving averages BOT that incorporate ATR with Stop Loss, Take Profit Multiplier. Multiple Time Frames and a lot more.     This Bot is an impressive automated trading system that combines the simplicity of moving averages with the dynamic adaptability of the Average True Range (ATR).     Designed to enhance trading strategies by offering a balanced mix of trend-following techniques and risk man
Guilherme Pereira De Lima
Dieser Roboter wurde sorgfältig entwickelt, um autonom auf den Forex-Märkten und mit den Paaren XAU/USD und XAU/GBP zu operieren, Ihre Gewinne zu maximieren und Ihr Kapital zu schützen. Durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Echtzeit-Trendanalyse identifiziert der Roboter hochpräzise Einstiegsmöglichkeiten und führt Trades vollautomatisch aus. Intelligente und adaptive Strategie: Der Roboter beschränkt sich nicht nur darauf, Trends zu folgen. Er verfügt über ein ausgeklügeltes System zur Erkennung
Tomasz Marek Cieckiewicz
Hello all traders :) 1k$ to hundreds of $ in couple months. Here is my EA on which I was working quite long time. This EA is designed specially for Gold - using many strategies like support level, resistance levels, price calculation, candle analysis, indicators and many more . Also optimised in terms of calculations to allows you perform easy back testing and optimisation to your funds and risk management. Since my Expert Advisor is new on the market, I would like to reward the first buyers wi
WinnerMind 4o
Canberk Dogan Denizli
WINNERMIND MT5 — Redefining Trading Excellence Step into the future of trading with WINNERMIND MT5, a groundbreaking trading tool engineered for exceptional performance in both Forex and Stock markets. Developed by a team of seasoned professionals with over 7 years of fund management and algorithmic expertise, this Expert Advisor (EA) integrates cutting-edge proprietary algorithms, deep mathematical foundations, and advanced risk management strategies to deliver unmatched results. Key Features
CryptoTrendX EA
Sanjay Gnanasekaran
CryptoTrendX EA CryptoTrendX EA is a MetaTrader 5 Expert Advisor designed to assist traders in implementing a trend-following strategy within the cryptocurrency market, specifically optimized for Bitcoin (BTC). Additionally, it maintains moderate performance across various other financial instruments. The EA utilizes Moving Average crossovers and the Relative Strength Index (RSI) to identify and confirm trading signals, facilitating disciplined and systematic trading operations. Key Features Tre
AuroraGold Prime EA
Sanjay Gnanasekaran
AuroraGold Prime EA is a sophisticated trading algorithm designed exclusively for the XAUUSD (gold) market. The Expert Advisor employs a methodical approach to identify and trade price trends using a combination of moving average crossovers and RSI-based filtering. Its objective is to analyze market movements and execute trades based on predefined conditions while adhering to strict risk management principles. Features: Optimized for Gold Trading : AuroraGold Prime EA focuses on XAUUSD, leverag
Multi Symbol Comet EA
Ahmed Mohamed Ahmed Elaroussi
In addition to all  Comet EA Support Resistance Entries Exits  features, this version can trade, back test and optimize multiple symbols simultaneously . It's a great advantage to back test, observe and analyze the account behavior/performance while trading multiple symbols simultaneously, which is the real-life case. Furthermore , after optimization, a detailed OptimizationResults csv-file will be generated in the \MQL5\Files folder, which contains the main performance metrics for each optimiza
FxMiner EA
Dorian Paul James Letien
FxMiner brings advanced, adaptive strategies to maximize trading opportunities on the forex market. Real-time signals : Live real account 1 Live real account 2 The core of the model is the unique combination of mathematical formulas and AI-driven optimization , designed to develop a truly robust trading strategy. This approach ensures that FxMiner remains adaptable to the changing market dynamics, offering precise entries and effective risk management . By analyzing the stability of the
False Break Portfolio MT5
Norman Andres Martinez Bravo
Niedrigrisikoprotfolio – Expert Advisor False Break Strategy Diese vollständig automatisierte Strategie wurde entwickelt, um Kaufgelegenheiten bei USDJPY und GBPJPY zu identifizieren. Sie kombiniert fortschrittliche technische Analyse mit Risikokontrolle und konzentriert sich auf die Erzielung einer konsistenten langfristigen Rentabilität. Hauptmerkmale: Logik des falschen Ausbruchs: Die Strategie erkennt Bereiche, die in den Sitzungen vor New York und London gebildet wurden. Während dieser wic
MACD all
Cristian Alexander Aravena Danin
MACD ALL is a project where i want to create an EA that can trade every strategy of the MACD indicator, an EA where you can customize every aspect of the trades, such as using filters for the entry signal, the stoploss placement, risk management, trail stoploss, etc. currently working on: Making a news filter. It works on any symbol , but in the developing of the EA i encountered some profitable setups that look promising, on the US100 symbol and the US500 symbol, both using the 4H timeframe, I
Pivot Fade
Garfield Heron
FadePivot2_v1 is an Expert Advisor (EA) designed for MetaTrader 5 that leverages classic daily pivot levels to place strategic fade orders at the start of each new trading day. By default, it retrieves high, low, and close data from the previous day’s daily candle, uses them to compute the traditional pivot (P), plus support (S1, S2) and resistance (R1, R2) lines, and then issues pending limit orders to fade price action around these critical areas. More specifically, the EA places a Sell Limit
This strategy continuously monitors changes in price action, consuming all the liquidity in the market. It doesn't care where the asset's price goes; as long as there are price fluctuations, it will keep absorbing liquidity. Yes, it's that incredible.        The strategy performs better on gold.        When running on non-gold assets, the parameters need to be adjusted. Time: Best 5 minute Fixed stop loss: 300  point Fixed profit: 300  points Applied to markets with high liquidity Maximum capi
MA Fibo Retracement
Sylvestre Setufa Djagbavi
INTRODUCTION Please, even if you already have a lot of trading knowledge, take the time to read before paying bots. Whether it's mine, or for someone else. You can't know everything. Trading is a business of probability. No matter what type of strategy, robot or analysis (technical or fundamental) you use, you can never know for sure, if your next trade will win or lose, you can never know for sure if your next month will be a gain or a loss. All you can be sure of is that, if you have done a go
Phoenix Ultimate USDJPY
Nuno M Rocha Dos Reis Tavares
What is Phoenix Ultimate Project? Phoenix Ultimate is a Risk Diversification Project which was meticulously engineered to maximize portfolio equity throught a specific custom engineered set of Expert Advisors (EAs), each meticulously crafted to provide unmatched risk diversification in dynamic trading environments to be used on MT5 trading client. When you buy with us a specific product we make available to you the MT5 version. Phoenix Ultimate is the culmination of years of dedicated coding,
Seguimiento de Tendencia
Luigi Salvatores Buigues Morillo
. Indicadores Se utilizan varios indicadores técnicos. Algunos destacados incluyen: SqParabolicSAR : Indicador basado en el SAR parabólico. Métodos personalizados para comparar valores de indicadores ( sqIsGreaterCount , sqIsLowerCount ). Indicadores relacionados con rangos porcentuales y ATR ( sqSRPercRankAboveLevelXBars , sqSRPercRankBelowLevelXBars ). 2. Reglas de Entrada Las entradas parecen depender de condiciones lógicas complejas, como: Verificaciones con indicadores ( sqGetExpressionById
Scalping bot for the gold/dollar pair (XAU/USD) — a powerful and versatile solution for traders, designed to deliver maximum efficiency in a dynamic market. This bot is specifically engineered for scalping: it analyzes price changes and places trades even before significant market movements begin. This allows it to secure advantageous positions early and capitalize on even the smallest market fluctuations. Key Features: Flexibility: Adapts to any market conditions and suits your trading strategy
Sniper Pro Max
Emmanuel Moreira Moinho Peres
Sniper Forex Pro Max - The Powerful Forex Robot Maximize your profits with our advanced moving averages, RSI, and dynamic grid strategy. The Sniper Eurusd Pro Max is a revolutionary trading robot designed to dominate the Forex market with proven strategies and cutting-edge technology. It combines the precision of moving averages, the intelligence of the Relative Strength Index (RSI), and the efficiency of an adaptive grid strategy. Perfect for traders seeking consistent results and secure operat
Ebrahim Mohamed Ahmed Maiyas
The robot uses two moving averages of the same period to build a channel and then trade when the price breakouts out of it. This expert advisor sets up two   pending orders  — one (a buy stop order) at near the EMA calculated over the High prices and one (a sell stop order) near the EMA calculated over the Low prices. Both entries use a buffer above and below the moving averages. The stop-loss is set at the opposite EMA level while the take-profit is some fixed number of pips (set by the trade
Willkommen beim König der MT5 EAs , dem ultimativen Trading-Werkzeug für die MetaTrader 5 Plattform! Dieser außergewöhnliche Expert Advisor (EA) ist für Trader konzipiert, die Exzellenz verlangen und einen Vorteil auf den Finanzmärkten suchen. Mit seinen unvergleichlichen Funktionen und modernster Technologie ist der König der MT5 EAs Ihr perfekter Trading-Begleiter. Hauptmerkmale: Intelligente Entscheidungsengine : Ausgestattet mit einem leistungsstarken KI-Entscheidungssystem, das Marktdyna
Matrix EA minus
Mario Bellanco Vaquero
Matrix EA: Intelligent Trading at Your Fingertips If have troubles ask me your set file by DM Seeking an Expert Advisor to maximize your results and minimize risks? Matrix EA is a cutting-edge solution developed with our unique correlation formula. This EA offers intelligent trading that adapts seamlessly to any market. What sets Matrix EA apart? ·       Intelligent Correlation: Identifies prime trading opportunities by analyzing correlations between multiple currency pairs. ·       Advanced H
Monex Scalp
Behzad Shadfar
Monex Scalp is an intelligent trading robot designed for 1-minute time frames, offering simplicity and efficiency for traders. Key Features: • User-Friendly Settings: Monex Scalp offers straightforward settings, making it accessible for traders of all experience levels. • Session Scheduling: Customize trading sessions to align with various market hours, enhancing strategy execution. • Adjustable Stop-Loss: Set personalized stop-loss levels to effectively manage risk according to your trading pl
The    Quantum shift gold ultra Bot is an advanced automated trading system designed specifically for trading gold (XAU/USD) in the financial markets. Utilizing sophisticated algorithms and real-time market analysis, this bot identifies optimal entry and exit points to maximize profit while minimizing risk. Because this strategy is so unique, I only want to sell a limited number of licenses. Therefore, the price will steadily increase to limit sales. Next price is 190 USD. Broker - Any Broker,
Lion Heart
Andrey Dubeiko
Der "Lion Heart" roboter ist ein vollautomatischer algorithmus, der momentumanalyse und trendbewertung für den handel mit den indizes NASDAQ 100, SP 500 und DJ 30 verwendet. Transaktionen werden selten durchgeführt, meist 1 transaktion pro tag, wenn alle bedingungen für die eröffnung erfüllt sind. Die strategie hängt nicht entscheidend von der geschwindigkeit der auftragsausführung ab ihr makler. Der roboter verfügt über einen integrierten risikomanager, der so konfiguriert werden kann, dass er
Mini Sniper EA
Tomasz Marek Cieckiewicz
Mini Sniper EA for XAUUSD – Your Path to Consistent Gold Profits! Take your XAUUSD trading to the next level with our powerful Expert Advisor (EA)! This EA is designed exclusively for XAUUSD and works seamlessly across all timeframes , thanks to its built-in advanced calculations and precise algorithms. Whether you're a scalping enthusiast or prefer to adjust your take profit (TP) for a more custom trading experience, this EA has you covered! Key Features: Universal Timeframe Compatibility: No
Aroon EA
Introducing the Aroon EA The Aroon EA is a powerful trading robot designed to leverage the Aroon Indicator for automated trading. This EA identifies trend strength, direction, and potential reversals, helping you execute trades with precision. Remember, this EA is not optimized and is crafted for you to fine-tune according to your unique trading preferences. How It Works The Aroon EA automates trades based on the Aroon Indicator, which calculates the time since the highest high and lowest
Maximize Your Trading with Controlled Volatility and Continuous Optimization This EA has been specifically designed to take advantage of trends and range breakouts using advanced indicators such as SuperTrend and ATR , with an ideal configuration for trading on the M3 timeframe . Optimized to provide secure entries and strategic exits, this EA adapts to both high-volatility and low-volatility markets. Additionally, we have included baseline models for future optimizations , offering flexibility
Pip Titan Gold Trader Pro
Gabriel Oreoluwa James
Pip Titan Gold Trader Pro 2.0 is an advanced expert advisor (EA) specifically designed for trading XAU/USD (Gold). Combining cutting-edge algorithms with robust risk management tools, this EA enables precision, safety, and adaptability for traders in volatile gold markets. Key Features : Optimized for XAU/USD : Tailored to capitalize on gold's high volatility and strong trends. News Filter : Protects your account by avoiding trades during high-impact news events. Entry Protections : Maximum Spr
Pip Titan Gold Trader
Gabriel Oreoluwa James
Pip Titan Gold Trader 2.0 is an advanced expert advisor (EA) specifically designed for trading XAU/USD (Gold). Combining cutting-edge algorithms with robust risk management tools, this EA enables precision, safety, and adaptability for traders in volatile gold markets. Key Features : Optimized for XAU/USD : Tailored to capitalize on gold's high volatility and strong trends. Entry Protections : Maximum Spread Control for cost-efficient trades. Maximum Open Positions and Lots to prevent overexpos
Pip Titan Euro Swinger Pro
Gabriel Oreoluwa James
Pip Titan   Euro Swinger Pro 2.0   is a powerful expert advisor (EA) designed for   EUR/USD   swing traders. Combining advanced algorithms with robust protection features, this EA delivers precision, safety, and adaptability to dynamic forex markets. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, Euro Swinger Pro empowers you to take full control of your trading journey. Key Features : Optimized for EUR/USD : Tailored to capture high-probability swing trading opportunities on the Euro/Dollar pair
Pip Titan Euro Swinger
Gabriel Oreoluwa James
Pip Titan Euro Swinger 2.0 is a powerful expert advisor (EA) designed for EUR/USD swing traders. Combining advanced algorithms with robust protection features, this EA delivers precision, safety, and adaptability to dynamic forex markets. Whether you're a professional or a beginner, Euro Swinger empowers you to take full control of your trading journey. Key Features : Optimized for EUR/USD : Tailored to capture high-probability swing trading opportunities on the Euro/Dollar pair. Entry Protecti
LevelXpertPro v1
Mindaugas Platkevicius
MT5 Trading Bot: Transforming $1,000 into $100,000 in One Year This powerful MT5 trading bot is designed for exceptional growth and consistent performance. Over the course of one year, it demonstrated the ability to transform an initial investment of $1,000 into $100,000, proving its effectiveness in dynamic market conditions. Key Features: Advanced Algorithmic Trading: Utilizes cutting-edge algorithms to identify high-probability trade setups. Optimized Risk Management: Smart stop-loss, take-p
Supergold XAUUSD h1
Raphael Schwietering
Unlock Your Trading Potential with SuperGold Step into the future of trading with SuperGold , the revolutionary Expert Advisor (EA) designed to deliver consistent results, secure profits, and help you dominate the markets. Engineered with cutting-edge technology and AI-driven strategies, SuperGold is the ultimate companion for traders seeking success, whether on personal accounts or prop firm challenges. Why Choose SuperGold ? SuperGold is not just an EA; it’s a trading powerhouse. With advanced

Erfahren Sie, wie man einen Handelsroboter im MetaTrader AppStore, dem Shop für Applikationen für die MetaTrader Handelsplattform, kaufen kann.

Das Zahlungssystem der MQL5.community ermöglicht Zahlungen mit PayPal, Kreditkarten und den gängigen Zahlungssystemen. Wir empfehlen Ihnen eindringlich, Handelsroboter vor dem Kauf zu testen, um eine bessere Vorstellung von dem Produkt zu bekommen.