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Kostenpflichtige Expert Advisors für den MetaTrader 5 - 64

icon Expert Advisor analysieren die Kurse von Finanzinstrumenten und führen Handelsoperationen auf dem Forex- und Aktienmarkt durch. Testen Sie kostenlose und kostenpflichtige Expert Advisors, um Ihren Handel zu automatisieren und profitabler zu machen.
Viop EA
Ahmet Gokcen Sirma
** VIOP EA - Advanced Trade Roboter für Futures und Optionsmarkt ** VIOP EA ist ein speziell entwickelter Handelsroboter für Futures and Option Markets (VIOP) in Borsa Istanbul. Dieser Roboter optimiert Prozessstrategien und bietet Benutzern ein effektiveres Handelserlebnis unter Berücksichtigung der Dynamik des Marktes. 6 verschiedene Kerzenformationen wurden als Kaufstrategie verwendet, und der Benutzer kann jede einzelne aktivieren. Daher wird Flexibilität bereitgestellt, in denen Formation
Automatic advisor for the   GBPJPY   currency pair.  Timeframe   H1. MT5 Hedging accounts only I created this advisor specifically for prop company. All the efforts of five years went into creating a safe product.  The Advisor consists of 22 small advisors and is a ready-made Portfolio. I also use the advisor in my portfolio trading: Live trading of my portfolio Attention:   The advisor uses three large trading strategies (!): Trend trading; Reverse trading (on the reverse price movement); Trad
Gold Momentum Accelerator System Description Long-term growth with low risk. The system primarily uses daily timeframe statistics to generate levels suitable for entry when all conditions are met. A new level is created each day, determining the threshold above which there is a high probability of an uptrend continuing. System is not sensitive to high slippage and latency. Market cycle and seasonality. As it has been proven that in certain periods the system is less effective due to the cycle an
Forex Bacteria
Kaloyan Ivanov
Forex Bacteria Expert Advisor für MetaTrader 5 Forex Bacteria ist ein automatisierter Expert Advisor (EA) für MetaTrader 5. So wie nützliche Bakterien symbiotisch mit uns in der Natur koexistieren, streben wir danach, harmonisch und symbiotisch mit den Märkten zu koexistieren. Es ist ein Plug-and-Play-EA, bei dem Sie nur Ihre Risikomanagement-Präferenzen einstellen und die Wochentage auswählen müssen, an denen Sie handeln möchten. In den letzten 12 Jahren primär fokussiert und optimiert, arbeite
Lockheed Booster MT5
Ivan Isern Puyuelo
Advanced Trading Bot for MetaTrader 5 This trading bot is tailored for markets with intrinsic bullish trends, such as NASDAQ or the SP, delivering excellent performance with fairly high Sharpe ratio when used above the H4 periods. It isn't a system that uses grid or martingale. I've personally used this bot for over a year with great results. It has undergone extensive backtesting with high-quality data and has passed rigorous overfitting tests, including Monte Carlo permutations and parameter s
"Positions Manager" für MetaTrader 5 ist ein unverzichtbares Tool für Trader, die ihre Positionen effizient und automatisch verwalten möchten. Dieses fortschrittliche Tool wurde entwickelt, um Trader bei der Kontrolle ihrer Operationen zu unterstützen, das Risikomanagement zu verbessern und potenzielle Gewinne mit Funktionen wie Break Even und Trailing Stop zu maximieren. Hauptfunktionen: Automatisches Break Even: Mit der Option, Break Even zu aktivieren, ermöglicht der "Positions Manager" den S
GOLD Buzz – Advanced Daily Breakout EA GOLD Buzz is a sophisticated Expert Advisor engineered for the MQL5 market, designed to capture daily breakout opportunities with precision and robust risk management. Below is an overview of its standout features: //----Update these Input parameters input bool   EnableTrading              = true ;    // Global on/off switch for trading input int    MarketOpenHour             = 18 ;      // Market open hour (server time) input int    MarketOpenMinute   
Marouane Benhmidane
This trading robot is based on a strategy that combines the Exponential Moving Average (EMA50), volume analysis, and specific US market entry hours. It is specifically designed for the Nasdaq 100, optimizing trades by focusing on precise trading signals. Usage Recommendations: Recommended Timeframe: 2 minutes. Recommended Asset: Nasdaq 100. Trading Conditions: Activate the robot only when the market is above the 200-day moving average on the Daily chart. Parameters: Volume Multiplier: Keep the d
WuKong EA
Xiaoyu Huang
Dies ist ein langfristig stabiler und profitabler Handels-EA mit sehr geringem Risiko. Er verwendet traditionelle technische Indikatoren für adaptive EA. Dieser EA ist hauptsächlich eine Algorithmusoptimierung und keine Parameteroptimierung. Unser Ziel ist ein langfristig stabiler Gewinn. Stabiles Geldverdienen ist das Wichtigste. Aktionspreis für neuen EA: $199   → $299 Funktionen Eine Order nach der anderen, kein Martingale, kein Raster Profitabel nach Langzeitüberprüfung Fester, adaptiver
Turtle Soup Daily Open: A Daily Market Opening Strategy Introducing "Turtle Soup Daily Open" - an Expert Advisor designed to operate during the daily market openings. This automated trading system is inspired by the classic "Turtle Trading" concept but applies a unique approach to the start of each trading day. Key Features: Market Opening Focus : Operates during the initial moments of daily price action. Dual Risk Settings : Offers Normal Risk and Low Risk presets to suit different trading appr
Agendador de trades
Rodrigo Oliveira Malaquias
The trade scheduler is an ideal robot for trading news and performing scheduled trades, with the Trader Scheduler you can specify the exact time that the order will be sent to the broker and all the conditions for sending the order to the broker. Furthermore, if you can control the withdrawal of your order if it is not executed, is the market going in the opposite direction of your expectations or if it is too long since the order placement is passing and your order has not yet been executed. Th
Sinaleiro Trader
Renato Takahashi
O Sinaleiro Trader é o robô de daytrade que usa multiníveis de acordo com a abertura do dia. Assim, a cada rompimento dos níveis, o robô emite ordens de compra ou venda, de acordo com a tendência. Os stops podem ser fixos ou dinâmicos de acordo com os níveis. É possível configurar a distância do sinaleiro, bem como horários de trades e dias da semana. Alterar o parâmetro BR1 para BR.
[ Die „Last Call“-Aktion bietet 45 % Rabatt, bevor der Preis wieder auf 345 $ zurückfällt ] For those of you who don't have enough time to attend expensive courses and intensive training, what if all these steps could be completed even with the support of a practical real-time personal assistant?! Vorschlag: Dieses Produkt ist sorgfältig auf praktische Anwendbarkeit ausgelegt, verzichtet auf theoretische Komplexität und verlässt sich ausschließlich auf das Unterbewusstsein als Beobachtungsreflex
Lacuna Coil SS
Davindra Adrian Pyankaroo
Lacuna Coil SS1.0 The Lacuna Coil Star* Shooter 1.0 represents an Expert Advisor not yet experienced by the trading world. Using pure mathematics, the strategy is primarily presented as an algorithm which results in a 100% win in completion of a well calculated series of trades. The method is somewhat similar to a martingale style incorporation expressed within a reverberation band as opposed to linearity. The input settings are simplified as follows... Settings Lot Call The Opening Lot S
Quantum Pip MT5
Lo Thi Mai Loan
5 (3)
Willkommen bei Quantum PIP Dies ist ein EA (Expert Advisor), der zu 100 % auf Preisaktionen basiert und sich an der Preisspanne des Vortages orientiert. Er führt am nächsten Tag einen einzigen Trade aus, und zwar nur einen Trade pro Tag. Der EA respektiert die Preisbewegungen des Marktes, analysiert nicht zu weit in die Vergangenheit, da dies ineffektiv ist, und verwendet keine Martingale- oder Grid-Strategien. Jeder Trade ist durch einen klaren Stop-Loss abgesichert. Der EA bietet klare Live-S
Neural Transformer
Evgeniy Scherbina
The "Neural Transformer" expert is a fully automated expert which is ready to trade on the daily timeframe with 2 symbols: GBPUSD and USDCAD. In addition to this, you can train the expert to trade on any timeframe with any symbol. The expert will automatically pick up the files of your new customized neural network. The "Neural Transformer" has made training neural networks for Forex an easy and exciting process! Currently, I am offering one type of network - LSTM. It is the most popular neural
SynAIpse EA  takes your trading to the next level with this advanced financial AI trading tool designed to strategically trade key currency pairs with a mix of AI and complementary recovery techniques. Powered by cutting-edge Smart Fully Automated Trading Technology,  SynAIpse EA  incorporates a fully API independent  AI Decision Engine  coupled with sophisticated filters and recovery technology to maximize profitability and enhance performance. The  SynAIpse EA  analyzes multiple entry pattern
NeonRectangle EA – Hochmoderner Preisaktionsalgorithmus für maximale Gewinne NeonRectangle ist ein einzigartiger, vollautomatischer Expert Advisor (EA), der entwickelt wurde, um durch den Einsatz fortschrittlicher Preisaktionsanalyse konsistent hohe Renditen zu erzielen. Dieser EA basiert auf über 10 Jahren realer Markterfahrung und ist das Ergebnis meines tiefen Verständnisses für Marktverhalten und Handelsdynamik. Echtzeit-Kontomonitoring: NeonRectangle v230401:  https://www.mql5.com/en/sign
Quantum Break EA
Dinh Duong Luong
NO MARTINGALE, NO HEDGE, NO GRID, NO SCALP,  YES TP/SL , YES Pending Order, Easy to install This is a 2 in 1 EA, you can choose the trading method at will This EA takes 200-300 Trades per year Best results are on Low Spread ECN Broker ( Important )  In this version, you can find advance settings for time filter.  It also has an equity protection and margin protection for when trading. This robot works best in a low spread pair with a low slippage.  It works best on H1 timeframe. This version s
BTC Trade Master Pro is a powerful EA designed to operate on the MetaTrader 5 (MT5) platform, offering a range of features tailored for traders seeking risk control and flexibility in various market conditions. Key Features: No Risk-Amplifying Strategies: BTC Trade Master Pro does not use risky methods like Martingale or Grid strategies. Each trade is a single transaction with predefined stop-loss and take-profit levels. Built-in Stop-Loss and Take-Profit: Every trade is equipped with both stop-
Marco Resseghini
Stärken Sie Ihr Portfolio mit EquityEngine: dem automatisierten Handelsbot, der das Beste von NASDAQ nutzt! EquityEngine ist Ihr neuer Verbündeter in der Welt des Handels. Dieser fortschrittliche Bot wurde für den Handel an der NASDAQ entwickelt und verwendet modernste Algorithmen, um die besten Marktchancen zu identifizieren und zu nutzen und Ihre Trades ohne Unterbrechung zu optimieren. Intelligenter automatisierter Handel: EquityEngine analysiert Tausende von Datenpunkten in Echtzeit, um Tra
TEVOL Trailer
Marcus Vinicius
TEVOL-Trailer kombiniert Bollinger-Bänder und MACD , um Trends und Rücksetzer zu identifizieren und eine robuste Handelsstrategie zu bieten. Mit dynamischen Lots kann der Benutzer den Prozentsatz des zu riskierenden Kapitals festlegen, und der EA berechnet automatisch die optimale Lotgröße. Der Trailing Stop passt sich dynamisch mithilfe des Parabolic SAR an und schützt die Gewinne präzise. Der EA enthält auch ein dynamisches Dashboard, das einen Überblick über die aktuellen Marktbedingungen, di
Alpha Razer
Wilfred Rivalani Ndobe
Introducing Alpha Razer: The Pinnacle of Trend Trading Excellence Welcome to the next evolution in automated trading with Alpha Razer – your ultimate trend trading companion on MetaTrader 5. Designed for traders who demand precision, flexibility, and power, Alpha Razer harnesses advanced algorithms and cutting-edge technology to deliver a trading experience that is both intuitive and highly effective. No Grid, No MartinGale.  ALPHA RAZER focuses on five Major Foreign exchange financial instrumen
MT4-Version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/122732 MT5-Version: https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/122733 Correlation Master – Expert Advisor mit negativer Korrelation und automatisches Hedging Beschreibung Correlation Master ist ein automatisierter Expert Advisor (EA), der die Strategie der negativen Korrelation zwischen Währungspaaren nutzt. Dieser EA eröffnet automatisch Kaufpositionen für ein Paar und verkauft für negativ korrelierte Paare, um Gewinne zu optimieren und gleichze
Live signal  https://www.mql5.com/ru/signals/2255827 FixTrader Pro: Your Key to Successful Trading on Key Levels! FixTrader Pro is a powerful expert advisor designed to automate trading around key levels such as Tokyo Fix , London Fix , and Gold Fix . Ideal for traders seeking reliable signals with minimal manual involvement, this EA is optimized for key market moments. Key Features and Benefits of FixTrader Pro: Automated Trading on Key Levels: Set a candle price to act as your take profit, a
Marco Resseghini
ForexFusion: Ihr Verbündeter im GBP/USD-Handel! ForexFusion ist ein leistungsstarker automatisierter Handelsbot, der für den Handel mit GBP/USD in einem Zeitrahmen von einer Stunde entwickelt wurde. Dank seiner fortschrittlichen Algorithmen und intelligenten Strategien identifiziert ForexFusion präzise und schnell profitable Handelsmöglichkeiten. Erweiterte Analyse: Beobachten Sie den Markt ständig, um wichtige Signale und Trendumkehrungen zu finden. Schnelle Ausführung: Trades zum richtigen Ze
MartiMax Pro
Dorian Okan Froissart
Take Control with a Versatile and Effective Expert Advisor MartiMax Pro stands out for its elaborate trading strategy and extensive backtesting history. Indeed, the backtests show a very promising growth curve with well-controlled drawdowns. One of the key elements that makes MartiMax Pro unique is its integrated martingale system. Unlike traditional martingales, which are often criticized for their risky management, our system has been specially designed to enhance risk management. By intellig
StatRev Pro EA : Precision Scalping with Statistical Reversal Analysis Live Signal Rannforex Live Signal Roboforex StatRev Pro is a sophisticated Expert Advisor designed for precise scalping operations, leveraging statistical reversal patterns in the forex market. This EA employs a unique algorithm optimized for short-term price movements on the EURUSD pair. Key Features: Specialized for EURUSD pair on M1 timeframe Advanced statistical reversal detection algorithm Pure scalping strategy - no mar
Marco Resseghini
Bring dein S&P500-Trading mit Alpha500, dem Bot, der speziell entwickelt wurde, um deine Entscheidungen auf einem 1-Stunden-Zeitrahmen zu optimieren, auf das nächste Level! Alpha500 ist ein fortschrittlicher Trading-Bot, der speziell für den Handel mit dem S&P500-Index entwickelt wurde und den Markt in einem 1-Stunden-Zeitrahmen analysiert. Entwickelt, um Gewinne zu maximieren und Risiken zu minimieren, ermöglicht dir Alpha500, wichtige Marktbewegungen präzise und schnell zu nutzen. Fortschrittl
Stefano Padovano
Vi Presento NOLOSS   un Ea complesso creato e testato su EURUSD (si puo' cmq usare su altre coppie forex basso spread). La sua caratterista è di equilibrare i lotti in base al capitale disponibile . time frame  M5 Coppia consigliata EURUSD CAPITLE MINIMO 500€  Consigliato Conto  ecn . ATTENZIONE PRIMA DI FARE IL TEST modificate questo dato : >Capitale incremento lotti<  se fate il test su 500$\€ mettete 500 $\€ lottagio iniziale consiglio 0.01 conservativo 0.02 Medio  0.03 spinto  A CHI LASCI
Klu Gold
Patience Dede Klu
This Expert Advisor is a powerful trading tool designed to help traders capture profitable opportunities by leveraging Exponential Moving Averages (EMAs) and other Moving Averages (MAs) to detect market trends. The EA works by carefully analyzing the trend direction and volatility to generate precise entry points for trades, ensuring you enter the market at the most optimal moments. Risk management is a key feature of this EA, offering several built-in tools to protect your capital. It include
First Minute Balance  Rate Prop FTMO Broker. Only for DE40, US100, US30. This Version works with fixed Lot. Automatic add London and US Session. One Trade a Day when SL and TP on 10k pip. Robot Strategy: Trade open = First Tick in Direction. TP and SL can be 10k pips for a different Balance Strategy. Write me a Message of a few Questions when you are undecided. Ex4 Code by Request.
Manager PRO
Piotr Stepien
Manager PRO is an advanced tool for automated position management in the Forex market, designed to optimize profits and minimize losses. The EA automatically closes positions when a specified profit or loss threshold is reached, enabling precise risk management across multiple symbols simultaneously. This tool is ideal for prop firms, where controlling daily loss limits is crucial. Key Features: Profit and Loss Management: Automatically closes positions when profit or loss reaches the specified
Marouane Benhmidane
BollingerPro - Your Complete Solution for Leveraging Bollinger Bands and Volume BollingerPro is a sophisticated Expert Advisor (EA) designed for traders who want to capitalize on Bollinger Bands, volume, and ATR (Average True Range). This robot is ideal for traders looking to use an automated strategy based on reversal signals, incorporating proven technical indicators to maximize potential gains while controlling risk. Key Data Utilized: Bollinger Bands : to identify dynamic support and resista
GSFX Vortex Gold Trader
Geoff Tobia Antoine Waye-hive
Launch Promo: Limited Offer! Be one of the first 100 people to get GSFX VORTEX GOLD TRADER at a special launch price! Secure your copy now and take advantage of this incredible deal before the price goes up. Hurry! Once 100 spots are filled, the price will be raised! Don't miss out—get your edge in Gold trading today! GSFX VORTEX GOLD TRADER Maximize your Gold trading potential with GSFX VORTEX GOLD TRADER, designed for precision and optimal performance. Powerful Bollinger Bands Stra
BlLLionaire Ea
Stefano Padovano
Billionaire Ea  Studiato nei minimi Particolari    Grossa percentuale di profitti! NUOVO SET PER PIU' COPPIE INSIEME BASSO SPREAD TIME FRAME M5 SET NEI COMMENTI Time Frame H1   (M5 PER PIU' COPPIE INSIEME  SU 500€ LOTTO 0.01  ANCHE 4 COPPIE ALTERNATE ESEMPIO EURUSD , USDCHF Ecc) Capitale minimo 500€$\$ LOTTO  =0.10 - 1000€$ = 0.35 Coppie( XAUSUSD /EURUSD /EURAUD principalI) e su tutte le altre basso spread  Conti ECN  (consigliato) SE VOLETE FAR MOLTI PIU' PROFITTI POTRETE METTERE LE 3 CO
Boom 500 Deluxe
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Hello community, on this occasion I present to you Boom 500 Deluxe It is a bot programmed for the Boom 500 pair, adapting to what Prop Firms are. Funding accounts. where he works with a simple and effective strategy, hunting SPIKES trends works in purchasing, accompanying it the Stochastic indicator with its already modified parameters It is adapted with a minimum capital of 1000usd or if it is for funding accounts with 5000usd which would be the minimum for prop firms. It can be used with a max
Marco Resseghini
EuroScout: Ihr strategischer Partner für langfristigen Erfolg im Forex! Maximieren Sie Ihre Gewinne mit EuroScout, dem Trading-Bot, der für EUR/USD im H1-Zeitrahmen entwickelt wurde und auf nachhaltige Ergebnisse über einen längeren Zeitraum optimiert ist. Was macht EuroScout einzigartig: Für H1 optimiert: Präzision und Zuverlässigkeit für den Intraday-Handel mit EUR/USD. Risikomanagement: EuroScout minimiert die Exposition durch fortschrittliche Risikomanagement-Strategien. Langfristige Strateg
Mad Panda Bot MT5
William Mitzlaff
Mad Panda Bot MT5 is  a powerful expert advisor that utilizes a basic, scale-in drawdown grid formula. Widen or tighten the grid for the ultimate risk management tool, creating infinite possibilities for low to high risk. This EA can trade any market. Choose between trend, hedge, martingale or single sided (long/short) trading.  Hello, my name is Bill Mitzlaff. I started building this strategy in 2016. I spent two years optimizing in a demo account. I started trading live with this strategy in 2
Autoclose Position
Eduard-mihai Hucai
Expert Advisor Overview: This Expert Advisor (EA) is specifically crafted for traders who want to efficiently manage their open trades on a specific symbol by ensuring that all positions are closed once a predefined profit target is achieved. Whether you are trading forex, stocks, or commodities, this tool offers a streamlined and automated way to lock in profits, minimizing risk and maximizing control. Key Features: Profit Target Control: The EA monitors the total net profit of all open positio
Dragan Drenjanin
AlphaStrike EA is an advanced automated trading system designed for the MetaTrader 5 platform, utilizing a combination of technical indicators and sophisticated risk management strategies to identify and execute trading opportunities in the forex market. This robot is optimized to operate across multiple symbols simultaneously, offering flexibility to apply various strategies on different instruments. By default, AlphaStrike is configured to trade on EURUSD, GBPUSD, and EURGBP pairs on the M15
Price Action Sniper Expert Price action Sniper is the EA that trades with accuracy of market structure , price action movements with hidden SL/TP and neural algorithmic entries,This Forex (EA) Is Based On Price Action movements based on candles and volume identification. Also enters on RSI Levels for a sniper entry on overbrought and oversold levels" #property version     "1.5"  strategies are Based on order flow Pairs Forex Metals Stocks Timeframes 15 Minutes 30 Minutes 1 Hour 
PipBandit Pro - Scalper Edition   ist ein hochmodernes Expert Advisor (EA)-System, das für Händler entwickelt wurde, die von kurzfristigen Marktbewegungen profitieren möchten. Dieser EA ist für sowohl Swing-Trading- als auch Scalping-Strategien optimiert, was ihn ideal für Händler macht, die schnelle, hochfrequente Trades mit engen Stop-Loss- und Take-Profit-Niveaus bevorzugen. Der EA wurde entwickelt, um effizient in schnelllebigen Märkten zu arbeiten, und stellt sicher, dass Sie selbst die kle
Marco Resseghini
Entdecken Sie GBPCrasher: der Bot, der für diejenigen entwickelt wurde, die ihre Forex-Handelsoperationen mit Sorgfalt und Strategie optimieren möchten! GBPCrasher ist ein algorithmischer Handelsbot, der für den Handel auf dem GBP-Markt mit einem M15-Zeitrahmen entwickelt wurde. Er ist für diejenigen gedacht, die eine langfristige, automatisierte Lösung suchen und darauf abzielen, Marktschwankungen mit einem vorsichtigen Ansatz und dem Fokus auf stetiges Kapitalwachstum zu nutzen. Strategie basi
AI forex robot is an advanced trading tool that utilizes sophisticated algorithms and machine learning techniques to analyze market data and make informed trading decisions. One of the key indicators it uses is the envelopes indicator, which plots a pair of parallel lines, usually representing a standard deviation away from a moving average. This indicator helps the robot to identify potential trend reversals or breakouts by highlighting areas of support and resistance. By continuously monitorin
If you like my EA Free Version, you should like this also with advance feature upgraded :D This Basic strategy is same with free version. Here is some advance setting Disable/Enable,  closed order time Risk Management Option,  Fix Lot Money, you can chose amount of money that risk. It's very usefull for PropFirm that we need to control Risk Management Balance, Auto Lot based on your Balance Entry FVG, set where FVG you want to entry. 1 - Most Last Gap, 0.5 - Middle of FVG , 0 - Last Candle High/
Attention! Contact me immediately after purchase to receive setup instructions! The Energy of Daria MT5 Expert Advisor is a reliable assistant for Forex traders. It uses key market patterns, such as price reversals after sharp movements in any direction. This is a fully automated trading system that requires no special skills from you. Simply launch the advisor and enjoy your free time — it will handle all settings and operations for you. The advisor was developed using the Tickmill MT5 quotes
Cogo Hunter Gold
Mr Anucha Maneeyotin
COGO Hunter Gold is a fully automatic Expert Advisor for Trend, News filter          Strategy Trade Base On Machine learning and Stochastic Oscillator          Stochastic Main Line And Signal Line Use For Open Pending Order Buy Or Sell          COGO Hunter Gold can work on a VPS          Supported timeframes  H1          CoGo Hunter Gold support machine learning          CoGo Hunter support Gold only Features          No martingale          Hard stop loss and take profit for each posi
Crossover Killer
Gamaliel Ndara Nyakundi
Introducing Crossover Killer Trading Bot – Precision, Reliability, and Consistent Performance Our Advanced Trend-Following Trading Bot is designed to leverage the power of proven technical indicators while employing sound risk management principles to help traders optimize their strategies. Key Features: - Moving Average Crossover Strategy : The bot identifies trend changes through the use of a dual moving average crossover system, generating precise buy and sell signals based on market mome
First Order  Robot Strategy =over OR under  Last Minute open Set1: TP 2K / SL1K Set2: TP 1K / SL 1 K Rate Prop FTMO Broker.  Or Real Account with 200$. Only Pair DE40, US100, US30. Automatic added London Session. This Version works fixed Lot buy/ sell. Write me privat Message of Questions, when undecided. Ex4 Code by Request. inp1_TimeStart= Robot Worktime Start inp1_TimeEnd  = Robot Worktime Ende inp8_TimeStart= Time to Robot Reboot inp8_TimeEnd  = Time to Robot Reboot
Brian Kairu Nganga
Megatron scalp is a time range breakout EA with a combination of a scalping trail stop that minimalizes drawdowns. The inputs are fairly simple to use and are easy to understand. You can use the default settings on USDJPY or any currency pairs with tight spreads. Also, ensure your broker allows scalping manipulation prior to use or testing. Warm regards as you try or use my bot
Proitpulse MT5
Dominic Gabriel Isele
ProItPulse Expert Advisor – MT5 Version Dieser EA basiert auf einer innovativen Grid-Strategie, die sowohl bei Drawdowns als auch im Gewinn Positionen eröffnet, um maximale Profite zu erzielen. Über 5 Jahre Entwicklungszeit flossen in die Optimierung dieser Strategie, um höchste Effizienz und Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Live Signal Link LIVE SIGNAL: HIER KLICKEN NUR NOCH 3 VON 10 EXEMPLAREN FÜR 49,99 $! Danach wird der Preis auf 99,99 $ erhöht.     Einfach auf EUR/USD H1 anwenden und loslegen
Trend Roc Waves Robot
Ekaterina Saltykova
Looking for EA to automate your trading strategy on the Forex market? TrendRocWaves Robot — your faithful companion in the world of trading! This 100% automated EA offers unique features: - works exclusively on high timeframes (H1,H2,H3,H4) for confirmed response to market changes. - uses the most popular and liquid currency pairs such as EURUSD,GBPUSD with minimal spreads and fast transaction execution. - applies a scalping method based on a medium-term trend to achieve local goals and reduce
The adviser uses a strategy based on trading in the daily interval of the chart using the M1, M5, M15, M30 timeframe. Advisers calculates the signal using technical indicators and only on the daily time intervals. The EA uses an intelligent algorithm for partial closing of an order in profit, thereby minimizing the lot size and in case of a price reversal, the loss will be small. Each position is strictly protected by stop loss. A multi-currency adviser trades in 26 currency pairs. Use multicurr
The adviser uses a strategy based on trading in the daily interval of the chart using the M1, M5, M15, M30 timeframe before US Figures announced. Advisers calculates the signal using technical indicators and only on the daily time intervals. The EA uses an intelligent algorithm for partial closing of an order in profit, thereby minimizing the lot size and in case of a price reversal, the loss will be small. Each position is strictly protected by stop loss. A multi-currency adviser trades in 26 c
The adviser uses a strategy based on trading in the daily interval of the chart using the M1, M5, M15, M30 timeframe on Monday Open. Advisers calculates the signal using technical indicators and only on the daily time intervals. The EA uses an intelligent algorithm for partial closing of an order in profit, thereby minimizing the lot size and in case of a price reversal, the loss will be small. Each position is strictly protected by stop loss. A multi-currency adviser trades in 26 currency pairs
Subscribe to the MA7 Trading channel to receive notifications about new programs, updates and other information. Ask questions in the profile on the MQL5 . Description of work The MA7 Viola C2 expert advisor is based on the MA7 Viola indicator. When a signal appears, the expert advisor opens a position, sets a stoploss and takeprofit, and after opening the position, accompanies it until it is closed. After receiving a loss, the expert advisor increases the volume. Detailed information about th
The TrendSync Strategy is a comprehensive trend-following tool designed to help traders capture high-probability trades by aligning trends across multiple timeframes. The strategy leverages the Average Directional Movement Index (ADX), Simple Moving Average (SMA), and Fractals indicators to provide precise entry and exit points. The strategy includes robust risk management features, making it suitable for both novice and experienced traders looking for a reliable and systematic approach. This st
Disruptive Edge
Jarmin Jamike Ugorji
Disruptive Edge EA is an innovative Expert Advisor developed from the concept of disruptive technology. It incorporates technical analysis strategy based on the various price movements, patterns, trends, retrenchments and reversals which are carefully coded into the system. It use s a flexible and dynamic execution trading algorithm which depends on price action/ movement to execute very high precision trades. All trades are protected with a hard stop loss. Very good risk management is an integr
Attention! Contact us immediately after purchase to receive setup instructions! Princess of Milana MT5 Advisor is your reliable partner in the Forex market. It utilizes key market patterns, such as price reversals after sharp movements in any direction. This is a fully automated trading system that requires no special skills from you. Simply launch the advisor and enjoy your free time — the setup is already done! Your EA will handle everything for you. The advisor has undergone successful testi
Patient Rocket EA
Patience Dede Klu
Patient Rocket utilizes bollinger bands and alligator to guide the EA to make trades based on the parameters set . its a slow moving train. Dont over risk and you will earn a good fortune. Great EA for people who need a constant smaller profits while minimizing risk. It trades trend and you will love it. Do try it before buying....  Also; Please Note  Futures and forex trading contains substantial risk and is not for every investor.  An investor could potentially lose all or more than the initi
Gold PA MT5
Giordan Cogotti
Introducing Gold PA MT5: The Revolution in Gold Trading BEST SET LINK - XAUUSD M1 CHART  (The published tests were conducted from 2022 to the present using real tick/each tick modeling and 1-minute OHLC.) Make sure to have at least 99% modeling quality during the tests. Welcome to the era of precision trading with Gold PA MT5, the cutting-edge Expert Advisor designed to dominate the gold market on the 1-minute timeframe. This masterpiece of financial engineering represents the culmination of yea
Top Loss
Habib Jafari
ea use AI for Tranding  please use ea M1 time  symbol : US30  type account : Raw sperad Volume : 0.01 in 100$ Balance There is no requirement for complexity, for proper transactions and a regular profit routine, the best results can be obtained by observing the basic principles and not getting confused in unnecessary complications. The best strategy for you is the strategy that you understand and feel comfortable with
Osama Echchakery
Discover the full potential of automated trading with RSI PROject, our cutting-edge MT5 Expert Advisor (EA). This sophisticated tool is designed to streamline your trading journey, offering a user-friendly interface combined with powerful filters and in-depth customization options. Whether you're a novice or an experienced trader, RSI PROject adapts to your needs, helping you optimize strategies and make informed decisions with confidence. $32  (3 copy left) next price $99 Key Features and Benef
Smart OCO FrodoTrader
Thiago Teixeira Guimaraes
Smart OCO FrodoTrader is a tool that allows traders to open smart OCO Orders in MT5 without having to worry about calculating lots, StopLoss and TakeProfit levels. No more entering trades "at market price" without knowing exactly how much % of your capital you are risking. With Smart OCO FrodoTrader you can: 1 - Insert OCO orders from the chart with one click: Ex: When clicking on a point on the chart, the price of the clicked point will be used as the entry point and the StopLoss will autom
Subscribe to the MA7 Trading channel to receive notifications about new programs, updates and other information. Ask questions in the profile on the MQL5 . Description of work The MA7 Agave C1 expert advisor is based on the MA7 Agave indicator. When a signal appears, the expert advisor opens a position, sets a stoploss and takeprofit, and after opening the position, accompanies it until it is closed. Detailed information about the MA7 Agave indicator. Features of work Designed to work on hedg
Nanthachak Khamhung
MA and MACD EA (MAXD) , a powerful and reliable trading tool designed for traders who want to enhance their trading strategy using a combination of Moving Average (MA) and MACD indicators. MAXD offers customizable settings that can be adapted to any asset, ensuring flexibility across various market conditions. With built-in risk management features, MAXD allows traders to set precise Stop Loss and Take Profit levels, control daily positions, and adjust lot sizes based on account growth. Whether
Crash Deluxe
Ignacio Agustin Mene Franco
Hello community, on this occasion I present to you Crash 1000 Deluxe it is a bot programmed for the Crash 1000 pair adapting to what Prop Firms are. Funding accounts. where it works with a simple and effective strategy, hunting Trend candle trends it works in buying, accompanying it with the Stochastic indicator with its already modified parameters and with 2 Emas one of 100 periods and another of 8 periods it adapts with a minimum capital of 1000usd or if it is for funding accounts with 5000usd
BullStreet AI
Marco Resseghini
BullStreet AI: The Future of US30 Trading BullStreet AI is the advanced trading bot designed to trade US30 with precision and intelligence, working on a H1 timeframe. Its goal is to maximize capital in the long term, using strategies based on technical analysis and artificial intelligence to make informed trading decisions. H1 timeframe analysis to identify significant trends Long-term strategy with disciplined approach Fully automated to reduce emotion in trading decisions Trust technology to
Super Mario FVG
Nasreddine Larouci
The Super Mario FVG Recovery EA is an expert advisor that Has no relation with the market conditions , it is based on pure mathematics and it's depeneding on the account size and leverage.Smallest Lot size with a considerable account size and levrage will lead to consistent profits for a long period of time. This ea works in any market conditions perfectly , it wroks perfectly in the News release , it dosen't take in consideration the Price gaps. The entery logic of any type of trade is based on

Der MetaTrader Market ist eine einzigartige Plattform für den Verkauf von Robotern und technischen Indikatoren.

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