Arturo Lopez Perez
Arturo Lopez Perez
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11+ 年
Did you know that 90% of traders end up losing money?

It's not just a coincidence. The markets are incredibly tough to navigate and fiercely competitive. When you step into the market, you're going head-to-head with some of the sharpest minds on the planet, ready to take your money without a second thought, devour you like a chicken in a stew, and leave your bones bare on the plate.

We've all lost money in the markets. Every single one of us. Anyone who says they've never lost money in the markets is lying. Even me. I've lost astronomical amounts of money trading. I've lost more money than I'm willing to admit.

You're not alone.

I've lost money I could afford to part with, but also money I desperately needed. I've lost money to the point where I couldn't buy Christmas gifts for my family. I've lost money to the point of eating rice and canned meat until the end of the month. I've lost money to the point of selling stuff just to make ends meet. I've lost money to the point of biking to save on gas.

The markets have made me experience frustration, anxiety, sadness, anger, and shame. In that order. I've seen my dreams shatter overnight. The markets have beaten my ego like a piñata, reducing it to pulp repeatedly. The market has shaped my personality like a psychopath ex-wife.

The emotional rollercoaster of trading can either make you or break you; the choice is yours. Traders, by necessity, must develop impeccable emotional control. If you develop it, you can recover from setbacks. If not, you'll leave the markets with your tail between your legs, never to return.

The world is full of novice and undisciplined traders who venture into the markets without proper knowledge, abuse leverage, lose everything, and proceed to cry, complain to regulators, or jump out the window.

I've been trading successfully for over fifteen years, and I can confidently say that the difference between a successful trader and a loser lies in their ability to control themselves. In their ability to keep a cool head and maintain ironclad discipline when others opt for madness or despair. A successful trader must treat profits and losses as the impostors they are.

The irony of trading is that to succeed and amass wealth, you must first conquer yourself, control your ego, and learn to put the value of money in perspective. A good trader must keep their head on their shoulders while simultaneously being able to doubt themselves. They must trust their knowledge but keep learning. They must act decisively but not irresponsibly. They must respect money but not obsess over it.

Choosing trading setups, entries, exits, and managing risk is easy.

What's truly difficult is controlling yourself.

To make things worse, the financial industry is designed for you to lose money.

Numerous studies show that the emotional impact of losing 10% of your money is equivalent to the joy of winning 25%, and the financial industry capitalizes on that. Financial institutions make money when you open a new position or close an existing one. Your broker makes money when you change your mind. If you have no positions, your broker will send you optimistic news to buy. If you have positions, your broker will send you pessimistic news to sell. The broker's interface is filled with flashing colors like stuttering traffic lights, intending to cause you anxiety and encourage repetitive transactions.

I'll be brutally honest with you, in case you just fell off the turnip truck.

Financial entities are not your friends. No matter how many years you've been working with them, whether they're regulated and have prestigious awards. The broker's success lies in making you lose discipline to take money out of your pocket and put it in theirs.

Your success, on the other hand, lies in keeping a cool head.

Now, I'm going to say something that might surprise you.

After many years of profitable trading, I've come to the conclusion that to be a successful trader, you only need three things. Just three. The right mindset, understanding the markets, and having the right technical tools. That's it. Nothing more. Everything else is bells and whistles. The first two will allow you to control yourself, choose instruments, and structure your operations, and the third will give you an edge to exploit systematically against other participants.

The mindset is the most important thing for successful trading.

It's impossible to make money in the markets with the mindset of an employee, civil servant, or retiree. Thriving in the markets doesn't require great intelligence, but it does require the right mindset. In trading, like in life, you're your own worst enemy. You come to the markets pre-cursed, and if you're seeking income stability, the markets aren't for you.

Discipline will be your best friend in the markets, and the lack of it will be a terrible curse. Without discipline, the markets will turn your money into carrion for vultures. It's imperative that you develop your discipline before trading, and the best way to do that is outside of the markets, where the price for faltering is modest. The markets, on the other hand, will make you pay the highest price for your weaknesses. If you can't live a disciplined and systematic life before trading in the markets, you’ll send your money to money heaven.

You can start developing your discipline by waking up early and exercising in the morning. Join a crossfit gym, go for a bike ride, or swim fifteen hundred meters. It doesn't matter what, just do it. Whether it's cold or hot, snowing or raining, whether you feel like it or not. Implement a healthy diet and follow it with the systematic approach of a soldier. Throw the TV in the trash and acquire the habit of reading regularly on any topic that interests you: investments, trading, gardening, or philosophy, whatever floats your boat.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in. Don't try trading until you've developed discipline.

Next, you need to understand what markets are and how they work.

You must understand that the markets are an efficient information-discounting machine with a three-year time horizon, and the shorter the time horizon, the more efficient the market is at assigning prices.

This means that any publicly available information has already been discounted by the market before you can do anything about it: I don't care where it comes from. It doesn't matter what specialized media you read, what news sources you follow, or how many newsletters you're subscribed to: you won't be able to consistently extract money from the market using public domain information.

The markets are the great humiliator. The market's mission is to drive you crazy, make you make mistakes, snatch your money, and destroy your self-esteem. The markets enjoy doing what others don't expect and emptying the pockets of all those foolish enough to try to take theirs. The markets are a wealth transmission vehicle from the patient to the impatient and from the educated to the ignorant.

To make money in the short term in the markets, you must know things that others don't, have tools that others don't, and be more disciplined than your adversaries. If you want to make money in the short term, you must turn volatility into your best friend because it's the worst enemy of long-term holders.

The directionality of prices matters, but for a trader, volatility matters more.

Volatility is the nemesis of ignorant investors because it robs them of sleep and drives them to make all sorts of counterproductive decisions. You must understand that in the markets, other participants are your enemies, and volatility increases the probability that they will make mistakes due to anxiety or fear.

Volatility is your adversary's enemy and therefore, your best friend. The more long-term holders there are in a particular asset, the more lucrative it will be for a trader to operate it. You need victims from whom to mercilessly take money when negative emotions invade them. When long-term holders panic and sell valuable assets out of fear of price fluctuations, you must be there to take their money with a smile on your face.

The world is full of investors who are unable to accept market volatility and consequently make colossal mistakes time and time again. When volatility comes into play, investors stampede like frightened buffalo and throw their money off a cliff.

The best traders in the world are dedicated to picking up the money that long-term investors lose due to fear of volatility. In this sense, what instruments to trade matters much more than how you decide to trade them. Most traders don't understand this and fail miserably. You need to trade assets with many fearful long-term holders whom you can empty when they make mistakes and throw their money off the cliff, prey to panic.

The number of long-term holders in a particular asset indicates how attractive it is to trade, and volatility indicates when it's most profitable to do so. The more volatility there is, the more ignorant investors there will be making mistakes and generously donating their money to you.

Most investors lose money in the market for fear of losing money, which is the height of stupidity. They're undisciplined people or gamblers who haven't done their homework and therefore deserve to be stripped of their money mercilessly. He who is about to fall deserves to be pushed, as Nietzsche said.

If you understand the markets and choose what to trade wisely, you'll make fortunes.

Fortunes that others lose.

And finally, you need the right tools.

This is where I come into play. The tools of a good trader are technical indicators and robots. A good technical indicator will allow you to see things that others don't and take full advantage of situations that cause panic and despair to everyone else, as well as improve the timing of your trades.

On the other hand, trading robots will lighten your workload and allow you to focus on the discretionary aspects of trading, delegating order management, exit strategy, and countless other things.

If you trade the right markets, at the right time, and with the right tools, you'll crush it. You'll clean up. You'll be able to take a dump on top of your boss's desk. You'll be able wipe your butt with hundred-dollar bills. You'll feel like you've broken the bank at the Monte Carlo casino every year. You won't distinguish between Tuesdays and Saturdays. You'll have an irresistible conversation for the opposite sex. You'll go to the grocery store in a Ferrari. You'll be able to rent a yacht in the summer and fill it with naked chicks. You'll triple your dating game. You'll extend your sex life beyond fifty…

You get the idea.

If you have discipline and understand the markets, my indicators and robots can make you a fortune because they offer you a statistical edge that you can exploit systematically against your adversaries.

Let me repeat that so it sinks in. My trading tools can make you a boatload of money.

The good news is that most of my trading tools are completely free.

That means you'll get them free of charge. In exchange for nothing. For zero dollars. Zip. Nil. On the house. All you have to do to get them is enter your email, and I'll send them to your inbox faster than you can say "bull market".

Plain and simple. No nonsense. No bullshit. No strings attached.

People tend to dismiss everything free, assuming it has no value, but when it comes to my indicators and robots, you'd be mistaken to do so. On my website, you'll find high-quality free tools, better than the vast majority of paid alternatives you'll find online.

Now, I could brag about my experience as a programmer, the quality and uniqueness of my tools, how robust they are, the flexibility they offer, and the honesty with which I present them, but I'm not going to do that because that's what everyone else does. Instead of that, I prefer you download them and see for yourself.

But I can't give away all my work.

I'd love to offer all my indicators and robots completely free of charge, but it turns out that keeping them updated and answering your burning questions requires some effort and dedication.

Therefore, you should know that I also offer premium tools and I'm going to try to sell them to you because it's my duty. That's how it is. If I didn't, I'd be irresponsible and throwing my only talent down the drain.

I'm not going to beat around the bush.

The market wants your money, the broker wants your money, and I want your money.

But at least I'm being upfront with you and willing to play fair. I won't subject you to sophisticated conversion tunnels, unfulfillable promises, recurring charges, upsells, downsells, or relentless phone calls. There are no rags-to-riches tales here, no reels, shorts, or tweets designed to awaken your greed and urge you to buy something you don't need. What you see is what you get.

If you like my free tools or you've enjoyed my rant, consider the possibility of buying some of my indicators or robots. I'll be eternally grateful, and it will allow me to keep the show running, instead of just lounging around in my penthouse overlooking the ski slopes or chilling in the spa.

I'm aware that if I didn't give away most of my tools, but instead wrapped them in colorful paper and promoted them tirelessly on social media without rocking the boat, I would make much more money than I do now. But to be honest, all of that feels like too much effort to me.

I wish you the best of luck in your trading.
Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

该指标同时评估波动率和价格方向性,从而发现以下事件。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 决定性和突然的价格变动 大锤子/流星图案 大多数市场参与者都支持强劲的突破 犹豫不决但动荡的市场形势 这是一个非常易于使用的指标... 蓝色直方图代表看涨的冲动 红色直方图代表看跌冲动 灰色直方图表示当前的波动率 移动平均线是平均波动率 该指标实施各种警报 指示器不重涂或重涂 ...具有直接的交易含义。 当看涨冲动超过平均波动率时,您可以购买 当看跌冲动超过平均波动率时,您可以卖出 该指标跟踪市场波动以及每个单个柱的看涨和看跌冲动。如果看涨的冲动超过平均波动率,那可能是做多空头的好机会。这些强劲的价格走势是可靠的,因为其他市场参与者可能会补仓。如果使用得当,此指示器功能非常强大。 作者 ArturoLópezPérez,私人投资者和投机者,软件工程师和Point Zero Trading Solutions的创始人。

Raimon163 2014.06.07
Отличный индикатор!!! =)) спасибо большое за такую полезную бесплатную вещь!! как только заработаю сразу куплю что нибудь по серьёзнее )))
Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

该专家顾问实施了最初的丹尼斯和埃克哈特交易系统,通常被称为“乌龟交易者”。它的交易方式与原始海龟完全一样,并且可以由经验丰富的交易者使用以捕获向上或向下市场中的趋势。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 易于使用和监督 完全可配置的策略设置 完全可配置的交易设置 适用于ECN /非ECN经纪人和2-3-4-5数字符号 适用于差价合约和外汇工具 该策略交易两个互补系统,一个主系统和一个故障安全系统: 系统一交易20天突破,并在10天突破完成交易 系统2交易55天突破,并在20天突破完成交易 该策略的基本原则如下: 根据最后一个信号的结果过滤交易 交易以ATR(30)/ 2的时间间隔最多可进行4笔交易 跟踪止损适用于所有使用卖/买+/- ATR(30)* 2的交易 每减少20%,每笔交易的风险就会降低10% 该EA实现了原始乌龟交易者的默认设置,但此后在金融市场发生了很大变化。为了获得利润,交易者将必须对交易内容做出最佳判断,并优化策略测试器中的设置。 设置

Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
Find out which trading tool is right for you!
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This indicator analyzes price action patterns and helps you to make positive equity decisions in the binary options market. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to trade Trade both call and put options No crystal ball and no predictions The indicator is non-repainting The only strategy suitable for binary options is applying a mathematical approach, like professional gamblers do. It is based on the following principles: Every binary option represents

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

This indicator analyzes price action patterns and helps you to make positive equity decisions in the binary options market. [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] Easy to trade Trade both call and put options No crystal ball and no predictions The indicator is non-repainting The only strategy suitable for binary options is applying a mathematical approach, like professional gamblers do. It is based on the following principles: Every binary option represents

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 7
30.00 USD

这是我著名的剥头皮机Goldfinch EA的最新版本,它是十年前首次发布。它以短期内突然出现的波动性扩张为市场提供了头条:它假设并试图在突然的价格加速后利用价格变动的惯性。这个新版本已经过简化,使交易者可以轻松使用测试仪的优化功能来找到最佳交易参数。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 简单的输入参数可简化优化 可定制的贸易管理设置 交易时段选择 工作日选择 金钱管理 谨防... ick牛黄牛是危险的,因为许多因素都会破坏收益。可变的点差和滑点降低了交易的数学期望,经纪人的低报价密度可能导致幻像交易,止损位破坏了您获取利润的能力,并且网络滞后意味着重新报价。建议注意。 回溯测试 EA交易仅使用报价数据。请以“每笔交易”模式回测。 它根本不使用HLOC(高-低-开-关)数据 交易时间无关紧要 为了获得更好的性能,请为您希望在每个刻度线模式下交易的每个交易品种运行云优化。稍后分享! 输入参数 触发点:触发点差所需的价格变动。 (预设= 10) 最小时间窗口:价格波动发生的最短时间。 (默认= 3) 最长时间窗口:价格波动发生的最长时间。 (预设=

reforef 2015.02.12
не работает ссылка на данный советник
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评论: 3
128.00 USD

Swing Trading 是第一个旨在检测趋势方向的波动和可能的反转波动的指标。它使用在交易文献中广泛描述的基准摆动交易方法。该指标研究多个价格和时间向量,以追踪总体趋势方向,并检测市场超卖或超买并准备好进行修正的情况。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 市场波动的利润不会被窃取 指示器始终显示趋势方向 彩色价格带代表机会基准 彩色虚线表示可能的反转波动 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 可定制的趋势和波动周期 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为非重涂或重涂 什么是摇摆交易 摇摆交易是一种尝试在一天到一周内从证券中获得收益的交易方式,尽管某些交易最终可以保持更长的寿命。摇摆交易者使用技术分析来买入弱点和卖出力量,并有耐心等待这些机会的发生,因为在发生一波抛售浪潮之后购买证券而不是陷入抛售更有意义。 机会基准

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 7
153.00 USD

可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 7
153.00 USD

可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 3
30.00 USD

海龟交易指标实现了原始的 Dennis Richards 和 Bill Eckhart 的交易系统, 俗称海龟交易法。这个趋势跟踪系统依据突破历史高点和低点来下单或平仓: 它与“低买高卖”方式完全相反。主要规则是 "在 N-日突破时下单,并在 M-日的高点或低点突破时获利了结 (N 必须在 M 之上)"。 介绍 海龟交易法的传奇始于美国千万富翁、大宗商品交易商 Richard Dennis,和他的商业伙伴 William Eckhardt 之间的赌局。Dennis 相信交易者可以通过培养而成功; Eckhardt 不认可这种主张,他认为遗传是决定因素,而娴熟的交易者对于明晰市场趋势拥有与生俱来的敏锐感觉。而在 1983-1984 发生的事件,成为交易史上的著名实验之一。平均每年 80%,计划成功,表明任何人如果具有良好的规则和足够的资金,都可以成功。 在 1983 中期,Richard Dennis 开始在华尔街日报上刊登广告,他征求申请者参加他自己的交易理念培训,无须任何经验。他最终召集了具有不同背景的约 21

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 5
125.00 USD

许多盈利交易者不仅知道如何识别市场趋势,而且也能把握趋势建立后的交易机会。 Pz 趋势交易 指标设计用来在趋势行情中尽可能的赚取利润。 已建立的趋势提供了一揽子交易机会,但大多数趋势交易指标完全忽视了它们,让交易者在趋势行情时完全不知道该如何做!一般趋势指标只通知有关的趋势变化,但根本不足以得到卓越的回报. Pz 趋势交易 指标比一般趋势指标显示多达 20 倍的交易 , 因为它注重所谓的市场时机。它不仅显示当前的市场趋势,也有回调,内柱线的突破和调整。它令您在趋势回调之后介入,安全的柱线内突破金字塔加仓,以及发现潜在的反转,和已知的调整。 趋势改变 一个趋势改变在市场方向变化时发生。趋势变化在图表上用带数字的彩色圆圈显示。蓝色 (1) 信号为上涨开始, 而红色 (1) 信号为下跌开始。趋势变化并非评估当前价格动作的结果, 它意味着交易设置是不定时地。如果您正确使用本指标, 在趋势变化时, 您将将已经入场 (参看下面的调整)。 回调 但凡趋势在运动中,行情上下抖动,盈利者收割利润,且其它参与者入场。趋势回调代表好的买入机会,通常是由主力获利离场导致。如果行情在回调后回归上行

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评论: 3
128.00 USD

Swing Trading 是第一个旨在检测趋势方向的波动和可能的反转波动的指标。它使用在交易文献中广泛描述的基准摆动交易方法。该指标研究多个价格和时间向量,以追踪总体趋势方向,并检测市场超卖或超买并准备好进行修正的情况。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 市场波动的利润不会被窃取 指示器始终显示趋势方向 彩色价格带代表机会基准 彩色虚线表示可能的反转波动 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 可定制的趋势和波动周期 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为非重涂或重涂 什么是摇摆交易 摇摆交易是一种尝试在一天到一周内从证券中获得收益的交易方式,尽管某些交易最终可以保持更长的寿命。摇摆交易者使用技术分析来买入弱点和卖出力量,并有耐心等待这些机会的发生,因为在发生一波抛售浪潮之后购买证券而不是陷入抛售更有意义。 机会基准

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

该指标可识别30多种日本烛台图案,并在图表上突出显示它们。这只是价格行为交易者不能没有的那些指标之一。 一夜之间增强您的技术分析 轻松检测日本烛台图案 交易可靠且通用的反转模式 使用延续模式安全跳入已建立的趋势 指示器不重涂并实施警报 该指标实现了一个多时间框架 仪表板 它检测到的模式太多,以至于图表看起来非常混乱,难以阅读。交易者可能需要禁用指标输入中的不良图案,以使图表更具可读性。 它检测1条,2条,3条和多条样式 它检测逆转,持续和弱点模式 模式可以启用或禁用 看涨模式用 蓝色 标记,空头模式用 红色 标记,中性模式用 灰色 标记。 检测到的烛台模式列表 从1到5小节的突破距离(又名线罢工) 法基(又名Hikkake) 反间隙 三名士兵/三只乌鸦 锤子/流星/吊人 吞没 外上/外下 Harami 由上至下 晨星/晚星 踢球者 刺穿/乌云 皮带托 从1到5小条上升三分/下降三分 田木峡 并排间隙 视窗 前进块/下降块 审议 Marubozu 挤压警报(又称主蜡烛) Dojis 设置 PaintBars 使用条形的颜色打开/关闭图案的突出显示。 DisplayLabels

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 1
126.00 USD

Wolfe Waves是所有金融市场中自然发生的交易模式,代表着争取均衡价格的斗争。这些模式可以在短期和长期时间内发展,并且是存在的最可靠的预测反转模式之一,通常早于强劲和长期的价格波动。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 清除交易信号 极易交易 可自定义的颜色和尺寸 实施绩效统计 显示适当的止损和获利水平 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 指示器同时绘制图案和突破箭头,以防止指示器在展开时重新绘制图案。但是,如果输入突破发生多次,则可能会少量重绘(不是很频繁),从而导致指示器重新绘制。该指示器为非底漆。 狼波的定义 沃尔夫波必须具有以下特征。 波浪3-4必须停留在1-2创建的通道内 波浪4在波浪1-2产生的通道内 波动5超出了波动1和3所创建的趋势线 输入参数 幅度-幅度表示替代价格点之间的最小柱线量。要找到大图案,请增加幅度参数。要查找较小的模式,请减小幅度参数。您可以在图表中多次加载指标,以查找不同大小的重叠图案。 突破期-可选的Donchian突破期,用于确认Wolfe Wave。零表示未使用。

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 4
101.00 USD

厌倦了绘制支撑线和阻力线? 支撑阻力 是一个多时间指标,可以自动检测并绘制图表中的支撑线和阻力线,并具有非常有趣的变化:随着时间的推移测试价格水平及其重要性的提高,线变得越来越粗。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 一夜之间增强您的技术分析 无需浏览图表即可检测重要的价格水平 一目了然地识别所有价格水平的相对优势 每次交易最多可节省半小时的绘图线 指标显示所有价格水平的期限 指示器不重涂 过去和现在的价格水平因接近程度而崩溃,并根据当前的市场行为进行了调整。在动作发生的地方绘制了线条,而不一定在峰值处绘制了线条。 价格水平随着时间的推移而被拒绝,变得越来越暗 定期清除不重要的价格水平以避免噪音 可自定义的时间范围选择和崩溃因子 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报的突破 输入参数 指标设置:指标将从当前时间段读取价格,但您可以选择另一个。例如,您可以在H4图表中显示D1支撑线和阻力线。您还可以使用 价格水平密度 参数选择在图表上显示多少价格水平。 颜色设置:根据重要性输入所需的支撑线和阻力线颜色。

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

30.00 USD

该 Pz 振荡器 是一款非常平稳和灵敏的加速计,它提供了很多有用的信息,并自动检测背离。它可以用来识别趋势的方向和强度,以及确认。它被设计用于我们的交易工具的补充。 趋势方向 该振荡器绘制两条均线来显示趋势的方向。如果快速均线上穿慢速均线, 市场行情处于涨势,并且多头交易可下单。同样地,如果快速均线下穿慢速均线,市场行情处于跌势,空头交易可下单。 其它识别市场行情趋势的方式是通过直方图的绝对值。如果直方图的值高于零轴, 市场行情为涨势。如果直方图的值低于零轴, 市场行情为跌势。 趋势强度 趋势强度 (或速度) 由直方图描述。一根蓝色柱线代表多头冲量,而红色柱线代表空头冲量。如何处理这些任意给定时刻的信息,取决于市场的趋势。如果在跌势当中出现多头冲量,它意味着跌势衰竭,并且停止加速。同样地,如果在涨势当中出现空头冲量,它意味着涨势衰竭,并且停止加速。 背离 该指标自动检测并绘制常规和隐藏的背离, 并在它们出现时可用于交易, 但并非意味着 立即 交易。若要背离交易成功,您必须一并考虑趋势方向和强度,解释如上所述。以下是一个空头背离的完美情况: 振荡器的快速均线高于零轴 振荡器显示涨势

Arturo Lopez Perez - PZ TRADING SLU
Arturo Lopez Perez
I have created a short-video tutorial about how to use the market
Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 5
49.00 USD

该专家顾问实施了最初的丹尼斯和埃克哈特交易系统,通常被称为“乌龟交易者”。它的交易方式与原始海龟完全一样,并且可以由经验丰富的交易者使用以捕获向上或向下市场中的趋势。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 易于使用和监督 完全可配置的策略设置 完全可配置的交易设置 适用于ECN /非ECN经纪人和2-3-4-5数字符号 适用于差价合约和外汇工具 该策略交易两个互补系统,一个主系统和一个故障安全系统: 系统一交易20天突破,并在10天突破完成交易 系统2交易55天突破,并在20天突破完成交易 该策略的基本原则如下: 根据最后一个信号的结果过滤交易 交易以ATR(30)/ 2的时间间隔最多可进行4笔交易 跟踪止损适用于所有使用卖/买+/- ATR(30)* 2的交易 每减少20%,每笔交易的风险就会降低10% 该EA实现了原始乌龟交易者的默认设置,但此后在金融市场发生了很大变化。为了获得利润,交易者将必须对交易内容做出最佳判断,并优化策略测试器中的设置。 设置

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品
评论: 2
30.00 USD

这是我著名的剥头皮机Goldfinch EA的最新版本,它是十年前首次发布。它以短期内突然出现的波动性扩张为市场提供了头条:它假设并试图在突然的价格加速后利用价格变动的惯性。这个新版本已经过简化,使交易者可以轻松使用测试仪的优化功能来找到最佳交易参数。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 简单的输入参数可简化优化 可定制的贸易管理设置 交易时段选择 工作日选择 金钱管理 谨防... ick牛黄牛是危险的,因为许多因素都会破坏收益。可变的点差和滑点降低了交易的数学期望,经纪人的低报价密度可能导致幻像交易,止损位破坏了您获取利润的能力,并且网络滞后意味着重新报价。建议注意。 回溯测试 EA交易仅使用报价数据。请以“每笔交易”模式回测。 它根本不使用HLOC(高-低-开-关)数据 交易时间无关紧要 为了获得更好的性能,请为您希望在每个刻度线模式下交易的每个交易品种运行云优化。稍后分享! 输入参数 触发点:触发点差所需的价格变动。 (预设= 10) 最小时间窗口:价格波动发生的最短时间。 (默认= 3) 最长时间窗口:价格波动发生的最长时间。 (预设=

Arturo Lopez Perez 已发布产品

该指标通过忽略突然的波动和市场噪音,以无与伦比的可靠性跟踪市场趋势。它被设计用于趋势交易日内图表和较小的时间范围。其获胜率约为85%。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 极易交易 查找超卖/超买情况 随时享受无噪音交易 避免在盘中图表中被鞭打 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 该指标适用于低时限交易,因为它通过降低平均价格周围的市场噪音而忽略了突然的价格飙升或修正。 该指标根本不需要优化 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为不可重涂和不可重涂 该指标实现了适合于较小时间范围的趋势跟踪方向,该趋势可以渗透到较高时间范围内的非常长的趋势中,从而扩大了您的收益。 指标剖析 指标显示一条彩色的线,周围环绕着一个价格带。彩色线是有价证券的平均价格,而价格带表示超买/超卖水平。如果平均价格为蓝色,则您应该在市场没有超买的情况下寻找多头交易;如果平均价格为红色,则应该在市场没有超卖的情况下寻找空头交易。 指标的趋势变化并不表示立即进行交易或完成相反交易的信号!这些频段用于计时。 技术信息

mokka44 2013.10.23
Could PZ Lopez trend indicator be used for daily time frame?
mokka44 2013.10.23
When will the mt4 versions of indicators be released to the mt4 AppStore?