
Data Science and ML (Part 27): Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) in MetaTrader 5 Trading Bots — Are They Worth It? MetaTrader 5

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are renowned for their prowess in detecting patterns in images and videos, with applications spanning diverse fields. In this article, we explore the potential of CNNs to identify valuable patterns in financial markets and generate effective trading signals for

Data Science and ML (Part 26): The Ultimate Battle in Time Series Forecasting — LSTM vs GRU Neural Networks MetaTrader 5

In the previous article, we discussed a simple RNN which despite its inability to understand long-term dependencies in the data, was able to make a profitable strategy. In this article, we are discussing both the Long-Short Term Memory(LSTM) and the Gated Recurrent Unit(GRU). These two were

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 25): Forex Timeseries Forecasting Using a Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) MetaTrader 5

Recurrent neural networks (RNNs) excel at leveraging past information to predict future events. Their remarkable predictive capabilities have been applied across various domains with great success. In this article, we will deploy RNN models to predict trends in the forex market, demonstrating their

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 24): Forex Time series Forecasting Using Regular AI Models MetaTrader 5

In the forex markets It is very challenging to predict the future trend without having an idea of the past, Very few machine learning models are capable of making the future predictions by considering past values. In this article, we are going to discuss how we can use classical(Non-time series)

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 23): Why LightGBM and XGBoost outperform a lot of AI models? MetaTrader 5

These advanced gradient-boosted decision tree techniques offer superior performance and flexibility, making them ideal for financial modeling and algorithmic trading. Learn how to leverage these tools to optimize your trading strategies, improve predictive accuracy, and gain a competitive edge in

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 22): Leveraging Autoencoders Neural Networks for Smarter Trades by Moving from Noise to Signal MetaTrader 5

In the fast-paced world of financial markets, separating meaningful signals from the noise is crucial for successful trading. By employing sophisticated neural network architectures, autoencoders excel at uncovering hidden patterns within market data, transforming noisy input into actionable

Overcoming ONNX Integration Challenges MetaTrader 5

ONNX is a great tool for integrating complex AI code between different platforms, it is a great tool that comes with some challenges that one must address to get the most out of it, In this article we discuss the common issues you might face and how to mitigate them

Data Science and Machine Learning(Part 21): Unlocking Neural Networks, Optimization algorithms demystified MetaTrader 5

Dive into the heart of neural networks as we demystify the optimization algorithms used inside the neural network. In this article, discover the key techniques that unlock the full potential of neural networks, propelling your models to new heights of accuracy and efficiency

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 20): Algorithmic Trading Insights, A Faceoff Between LDA and PCA in MQL5 MetaTrader 5

Uncover the secrets behind these powerful dimensionality reduction techniques as we dissect their applications within the MQL5 trading environment. Delve into the nuances of Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA), gaining a profound understanding of their impact on

Data Science and Machine Learning (Part 19): Supercharge Your AI models with AdaBoost MetaTrader 5

AdaBoost, a powerful boosting algorithm designed to elevate the performance of your AI models. AdaBoost, short for Adaptive Boosting, is a sophisticated ensemble learning technique that seamlessly integrates weak learners, enhancing their collective predictive strength