Anton Voropaev
Anton Voropaev
Into business
Anton Voropaev
"I think the public is walking into a trap again as they did in 2007," activist investor and chairman of Icahn Enterprises Carl Icahn told CNBC. "I think it's almost the duty of well-respected investors, like myself I hope, to warn people, to tell people, that really you are making errors...
Anton Voropaev
Greece's fate will be determined in few days, as Monday failed to bring any constructive solution to break the impasse between Greece and its creditors. In the meantime, the global currency-trading infrastructure prepares for any possible outcome the Greek standoff may bring...
Anton Voropaev
Kitco News host interviews Philip Newman, director of Metals Focus, for his forecast for gold and silver, which appears to be positive...
Anton Voropaev
Mitsubishi’s precious metals strategist Jonathan Butler is being interviewed by Kitco News at the 39th annual International Precious Metals Institute conference. He says a rising interest rate environment may not necessarily be bad for precious metals...
Anton Voropaev
A top adviser to the European Court of Justice paved a way for aggressive action by the ECB next Thursday, after he said an earlier and more controversial debt-buying plan lay within the ECB’s mandate...
Anton Voropaev
As the talks between Greece and its partners have come into a dead end, rumors about Greece's default now seem to come true, as EU officials have formally started discussing the country's default...
Anton Voropaev
"It's really what keeps me awake at night ... How is society going to cope with structural unemployment and the envy, hated and the social warfare...
Anton Voropaev
What are the basic differences between the G7 and their rival group BRICS? Why does the "club of the mature" hardly need to include China? Deutsche Welle's columnist Frank Sieren reflects upon these questions shedding light on what role Russia played in underlining the differences...
Anton Voropaev
Although some reports on the U.S. economy suggest it is ready for normalizing monetary policy, Marc Faber, editor and publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report, said Thursday to CNBC that the Fed will have to launch another round of quantitative easing...
Anton Voropaev
Undoubtedly, European turmoils take toll in the euro volatility. But if you want to know what's gonna happen to the currency in the long term, have a look at crude. The euro-dollar rate is tracking crude prices more closely than at any time in the past two years, says Bloomberg...
Anton Voropaev
Now that we are moving into summer months, Kitco News analysts decide to speak about seasonality and what to expect from gold in the second half of the year...
Anton Voropaev
Investment strategist Sara Nunnally was interviewed by Kitco News for her technical outlook on the gold market. Sara has her own projection on when the Federal Reserve is most likely to raise interest rates...
Anton Voropaev
As all attention is attracted by the minutes from the Federal Open Market Committee due later Wednesday, Kitco Metals analyst suggests they will simply be an update for the market as he explains he's not seeing a rate hike until 2016...
Anton Voropaev
Many economists start to believe deflation is getting entrenched in Europe, as it already has been in Japan for more than ten years. The debate regarding the ways it affects the global economy has been going on, while another interesting question is how deflation will change the markets...
Anton Voropaev
Last week, the chief of the International Monetary Fund cautioned that the era of low interest rates risks fueling asset bubbles around the world. She meanwhile called for more central bank easing as there is a bigger threat: the prospect of a long period of weak global growth...
Anton Voropaev
Warren Buffett a famous investor who heads the Berkshire Hathaway (BRKA) empire he created, with over $525 billion in assets was not born a billionaire. But he possesses some features which made him become what he is today...
Anton Voropaev
On Monday, OPEC released a report predicting the U.S. shale oil boom could be over by the end of 2015, almost declaring the "mission accomplished" in its efforts to battle the US shale oil boom...
Anton Voropaev
Greece still needs to come up with a package of reforms that its creditors could accept. A final tranche of funding under the existing bailout will only be released if agreement is reached on reforms...
Anton Voropaev
In a conversation with Kitco News, Peter Hug has suggested that fundamentals look weak for gold. But despite the decline, uncertainty over Grexit was supporting the gold...
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Pankaj D Costa
Pankaj D Costa 2015.03.11
Thanks for sharing
Anton Voropaev
According to the new bull-case price target set Monday by Morgan Stanley, Apple Inc.’s experimentation with car technology could boost the company’s valuation beyond $1 trillion within the next 12 months from nearly $750 billion today...
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