Analyst: Could strong dollar be auspicios for gold? - Video

Analyst: Could strong dollar be auspicios for gold? - Video

2 June 2015, 12:45
Anton Voropaev

Now that we are moving into summer months, Kitco News analysts decide to speak about seasonality and what to expect from gold in the second half of the year.

Frank Holmes, CEO of U.S. Global Investors and Kitco News's analyst, reminds of two sides investors talk about - love trade and fear trade, and that the fear trade is still in action in respect of gold, as the yellow metal is pressured by the strong dollar. However, the seasonality is another important factor for the gold, as it is "going to come in, driven with the love trade, and that usually gets a gold bottoming in May/June…we’ll see if we get the real trough here going into the second half of the year.”

Later on, Holmes describes junior mining sector which now looks very bearish.