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Returns Momentum Oscillator RMO

The Returns Momentum Oscillator (RMO) shows the difference of exponentially weighted volatility. It is used to find market tops and bottoms. Volatility comes in waves, and as the Returns often front run price action it gives directional prediction of market movement.


The Oscillator signal is RMSed (root mean squared) to make the distribution closer to Gaussian distribution. While the traditional RSI indicators are often stuck in overbought or oversold areas for a long time, RMSing of the signal gets rid of this. To support this behaviour a high pass filter is applied to filter out higher periods, which should not be considered.

The mean of the indicator signal is the zero line, because it is zero meaned. This avoids skewness of the underlaying indicator distribution.


After the signal processing steps, the indicator value is smoothed with an advanced technic, which smooths the signal with minimal lag.


A standard deviation band is applied to show significance levels of the indicator, which often act as reversal point. It is like the overbought and oversold levels of RSI indicator, but with statistical significance.


As the indicator is nearly normal distributed, due to the signal processing, it can also be used as divergence indicator.



The Input Settings:

Sample Size: Default 7, length of periods back to calculated Volatility

Smoothing Sample Size: default 8, length of periods back to smooth signal with minimal lag

Multiplier: default 2.00 Standard Deviations, Multiplier in terms of standard deviation, to show outliers/possible reversals (line colour change)

Sample Size Bands: Default 30, length of periods back to calculated SD-Bands of RMO to find outliers

High-pass Filter Sample Size: default 50, sample size of high-pass filter to reduce low-frequency noise of the signal



Remark: Indicator is provided for statistical analysis and showing probabilities only and should not be construed as financial advice.



Seasonal Pattern Trader
Dominik Patrick Doser
Disclaimer : Keep in mind that seasonal patterns are not always reliable. Therefore, thoughtful risk management is crucial to minimize losses.  Seasonal patterns in the financial world are like a well-guarded secret that successful investors use to their advantage. These patterns are recurring price movements that occur during specific periods or around special events. Additionally, there are also intraday patterns that repeat. For example, Uncle Ted from Forex Family suggests examining previou
Markets Heat MT5
Viktor Yatsyshyn
Markets Heat indicator can help you determine correct course of action at current market situation, by calculating market's "heat level". What is market's "heat level"? Well, it's my own way of simplifying complex market conditions to ease decision-making process. How does it work? Most of time market is moving in some narrow range and can't "decide" where to go -> flat market -> cold market. Other times, price goes Up or Down -> making trend movements -> heating the market. More powerful trends
介绍 RSIScalperPro - 这款基于 RSI 指标的革命性交易指标适用于 MetaTrader 5,专为一分钟图表的剖刺交易而设计。借助 RSIScalperPro,您将拥有一个强大的工具箱,用于精确的入场和出场信号,提升您的交易水平。 RSIScalperPro 使用两种不同的 RSI 指标,为超买和超卖区域提供清晰的信号。您可以根据自己的偏好自定义两个 RSI 的时间周期和限制值,以实现您的交易策略的最佳效果。图表上的明显箭头使您可以轻松识别何时进入或退出交易。 RSIScalperPro 的另一个亮点是三个可自定义的移动平均线,帮助您识别趋势方向并确认强大的交易信号。这使您可以早早发现趋势并参与到盈利交易中。 此外,您可以设置 RSIScalperPro 发出每个新交易信号的听觉警报。这样,即使您不经常坐在计算机屏幕前,也不会错过任何重要的交易机会。 RSIScalperPro 提供用户友好的界面,并且在 MetaTrader 5 中很容易插入和配置。您可以根据个人交易偏好自定义指标,并利用其多样化的功能,提高交易成果。 利用 RSIScalperPro 的优势,提高
The chart pattern is automatically drawn. It also automatically tells you the price at which you are most likely to buy or sell according to the pattern. Therefore, there is no need to memorize patterns or draw lines by yourself. * The "WhaleFinder" includes four indicators ("DrawTurningPoint", "DrawHurdle", "DrawChartPattern", "DrawFibonacci").  so, Please be careful not to purchase more than one copy (duplicates). We are live-streaming the actual operation of the system. Please check for yo
Dennis Willi Finimento
如果您有任何問題,歡迎傳送私人訊息給我: https://www.mql5.com/en/users/dennisfinimento 總覽     範圍和突破策略,使用反向波動市場。     由人工智能進行優化和後臺,以識別市場方向。     該策略已使用真實交易數據進行了超過 10 年的測試,並顯示出穩定的性能。     該顧問可在多種帳戶類型上使用,包括微型、標準或 ECN 帳戶。     不使用馬丁式或對沖交易方法;相反,您可以,但真的不需要,使用止盈和止蝕來保護已執行的交易。 技術細節:     策略: 範圍和突破策略,使用反向波動市場。     交易對: XAUUSD (黃金) ; BRENT (石油) ; Forex-Majors     時間框架: M15 - H1 取決於交易工具     最低存款額: $100     如果您的個人電腦是 24 小時開啟的,您可以在個人電腦上運行 EA,但您需要一個 VPS,該 VPS 將全天候運行,以便 EA 穩定工作。     帳戶類型: 任何類型 特點:     根據演算法策略自動執行交易     Take-p
Three Candles Pattern
Edson Cavalca Junior
5 (1)
The patterns of 3 (three) Candles: Three White Soldiers; Three Black Crows; These are reversal patterns widely used by traders, as they have a high probability of showing the inversion of the current market movement. For example, if in a bullish trend there are three black crows, there is a high probability of reversing the current bullish movement. The Three White Soldiers have the following characteristics: There are 3 consecutive candles with a good body, that is, the difference between th
Titan Backup
Elies Noah Siebenpfeiffer
Introducing Titan Backup : Are you ready to enhance your trading game with an automated system built for precision and flexibility? Meet Titan Backup , your expert trading assistant designed to capture high-profit breakouts by identifying accumulation zones . This powerful Expert Advisor (EA) excels in high-volatility markets such as the Nasdaq 100 and Crypto 10 , offering both hands-free automation and manual assistance to support your trading strategies. How Titan Backup Works: Titan Backup ru
Explosive Breakout Hunter 是一款旨在通过捕捉强劲突破来最大化收益的智能交易系统(EA)。 尽管胜率约为50%,且每月的交易次数有限,但它更注重质量而非数量。 耐心等待最佳交易机会,稳步积累大幅获利。 您可以通过回测结果的截图了解该EA的潜在盈利能力。 此外,您还可以免费试用EA的演示版,亲自体验其效果。 安装非常简单,无需更改任何设置。 EA可以在大多数使用GMT+2(包括夏令时)的经纪商服务器上正常运行,且无需额外调整。如果您的经纪商服务器时间不同,也可以通过EA属性轻松调整。 必要条件: 交易货币对:   USDJPY 时间周期:   1小时图 交易时间:   东欧时间(EET)7:00至12:00 推荐条件: 最低初始资金: $1,000 杠杆: 最低1:25(推荐1:100) 使用VPS: 建议通过VPS确保EA全天候稳定运行 中长期策略: 本EA以中长期收益最大化为优势,建议至少运行1年,甚至更长时间! 回测参数: 回测时间: 2014年1月1日至2024年11月30日 初始资金: $5,000 杠杆比例: 1:100 账户资金风险比例: 5% 使用
Jumping and Dumping Candles Detector Also known as Pumping and Dumping Candles Detector. Multi - timeframe. Scans historical candles. For MT5 program. With this amazing indicator, adopt your own strategy. Note: Share your strategy with us and we automate it. Check out my 98% win rate signal : https://www.mql5.com/en/signals/2278767?source=Site +Profile (Expired)
Vitalii Zakharuk
The PriceActionOracle indicator greatly simplifies your trading decision-making process by providing accurate signals about market reversals. It is based on a built-in algorithm that not only recognizes possible reversals, but also confirms them at support and resistance levels. This indicator embodies the concept of market cyclicality in a form of technical analysis. PriceActionOracle tracks the market trend with a high degree of reliability, ignoring short-term fluctuations and noise around
Super Scanner
Li Wei Huang
【Super Scanner】Indicator Introduction : The color of the Super Scanner which is green and climbing up means that the price trend is going up.The color of the Super Scanner is red and going down means that the price trend is going down. It is very simple to use it to judge the market trend! What's even better is that the open parameters of the indicators allow investors to adjust. You can adjust【Super Scanner】according to your needs. Adjust it faster to be closer to short-term market fluctuatio
Expert Market Edge
5 (7)
Expert Market Edge is scalping, trending, reversal indicator, with alerts . You can use it all and fit with your strategy whatever it fits you. My recommendation is to combine with my Colored RSI , and when 2 signals are matched, and pointing same direction (for example buy on this indicator, and green on RSI, you can take a long position, stop loss should be last local low, if you want to be more conservative, add ATR. ) you can take position. If you using moving averages, that's even better i
EverGrowth Pro MT5
Canberk Dogan Denizli
如果您正在為未來的交易尋求一個務實的視角,請允許我介紹 EverGrowth。 您是否對使用成熟的專業 EA(包含大約 6800 行的廣泛代碼庫)進行交易活動的想法著迷? EverGrowth 擁有多種功能和指標,通過在真實市場條件下忠實地複制測試結果來優先考慮真實性。 它利用先進的功能,為交易者提供全面的工具集來增強他們的交易策略。 因此,EverGrowth 是終極 EA,適合在 M1 時間範圍內交易各種貨幣對。 目前,我們的活躍交易涉及美元加元和歐元兌美元貨幣對。 然而,隨著時間的推移,我們將修改這些貨幣對以適應市場,就像在變革的浪潮中衝浪一樣。 我們將根據 EA 的性能調整我們的方法,確保無縫適應。   請放心,我們的客戶服務體驗已經接近完美,因為我們 24/7 都會勤勉地監控我們的收件箱。 我們及時回複查詢和建議,保證最長 24 小時響應時間。 請允許我闡明許多交易者經常忽視的一個關鍵方面:優化。 女士們先生們,優化是關鍵! 交易模式的有效性可能會在一個月之間波動,具體取決於特定的貨幣對。 這一現實仍然是不可否認的。 如果我們的目標是維持盈利能力,我們就必須巧妙地駕馭市
Gold Crazy EA MT5
Gold Crazy EA   is an Expert Advisor designed specifically for trading Gold H1/ EU M15. It use some indicators to find the good Entry. And you can set SL or you can DCA if you want. It can be an Scalping or an Grid/ Martingale depend yours setting. This EA can Auto lot by Balance, set risk per trade. You also can set TP/ SL for earch trade or for basket of trade. - RSI_PERIOD - if = -1, then the default strategy works, if >0, then the RSI strategy works - MAX_ORDERS - to trade with only 1 order,
Dansie Software Limited
Strategy Overview The Ignition EA tries to take advantage of sudden momentum when the Ignition pattern is detected. The final bar in the ignition pattern has a small opening wick, a very little or no closing wick, is large in comparison to recent bars and must start from the lower end of the current range (for a bullish ignition) Quick Testing Use Symbol EURUSD, Timeframe M2, and remove the GBPUSD symbol from the "Symbols" input (stratergy 1 and stratergy 2) Settings The below settings appe
The   ICT Immediate Rebalance Toolkit   is a comprehensive suite of tools crafted to aid traders in pinpointing crucial trading zones and patterns within the market. The ICT Immediate Rebalance, although frequently overlooked, emerges as one of ICT's most influential concepts, particularly when considered within a specific context. The toolkit integrates commonly used price action tools to be utilized in conjunction with the Immediate Rebalance patterns, enriching the capacity to discern conte
Alert Up Down MT5
William Oswaldo Mayorga Urduy
METATRADER 5 的警报向上 - 向下 当价格离开 UP 和 DOWN 线之间的区域时,该指标会生成警报。 您可以生成各种类型的警报,例如: > 声音 > 留言框 > 在专家框中留言 > 邮件(之前配置) > 推送通知(先前配置) 线条必须从指标属性配置,而不是从线条属性配置,因为如果从线条属性完成,finonacci 可能会受到影响。 在这些设置中,您可以更改颜色、线条样式和宽度。 线条必须从指标属性配置,而不是从线条属性配置,因为如果从线条属性完成,finonacci 可能会受到影响。 在这些设置中,您可以更改颜色、线条样式和宽度。 线条必须从指标属性配置,而不是从线条属性配置,因为如果从线条属性完成,finonacci 可能会受到影响。 在这些设置中,您可以更改颜色、线条样式和宽度。
PowerPro Volatility
Tan Christ Boris Boue
Révolutionnez votre trading avec PowerPro Volatility : une précision automatisée à votre service Êtes-vous prêt à transformer votre approche du trading d’indices synthétiques ? Présentation de PowerPro Volatility, la solution ultime pour ceux qui cherchent à maximiser leurs gains tout en minimisant les efforts. Grâce à   Automatisation avancée et technologie de pointe, ce robot de trading est conçu pour offrir des performances exceptionnelles sans aucune intervention humaine. Découvrez les avan
Reverse side scalper
Ekaterina Saltykova
Reverse side scalper is the manual trading system, that works on choppy(anti-trend) market. As a rule markets are on 80% choppy and only 20% is trend phase. System is based on custom step Moving and RSI and reverse pattern. System defines up movement, down movement, trend / choppy phases. Indicator plots Buy signal arrow when current direction is down and phase is trend, Sell signal arrow is plotted when currently is up movement and phase is trend. As a rule it allows to "catch" local maximum/mi
TPO Profile MT5
Kyra Nickaline Watson-gordon
Definition : TPO is a Time Price Opportunity. Instead of using bars or candles with an Open, High, Low, and Close price, each "bar" in a Market Profile is represented by horizontal bars against the price It is called Market Profile terminology. In other words time-price-opportunity (TPO) profiles are histograms of how much time was spent at each price within the span of the profile. By using a TPO chart, you are able to analyze the amount of trading activity, based on time, for each price level
This Indicator adding power to traditional zigzag indicator. With High-Low numbers in vision it will be easier to estimate change of trend by knowing the depth of each wave. Information including points, pips, percentage%, and #bars can be displayed based on configuration. All information is real-time update. This indicator is especially useful in sideway market to buy low sell high.
The indicator identifies critical support and resistance areas. It also can give alerts and notifications to your mobile. A lot of customization options are available: You can have different timeframe on your current chart. For example, if your current chart timeframe is H1, you can assign the indicator timeframe to M15.The indicator identifies critical support and resistance areas. It also can give alerts and notifications to your mobile. A lot of customizations are available. There is an optio
- simple Price Action Indicator - a  3 Candle Pattern (1. Direction-Candle / 2. the TRAP / 3. Trigger-Candle)    BUT every Signal needs ATTENTION to check for a clean Range - NON Lagging ! the Alert shows instantly whats happening - recommended SETUP is: - there is a VOLUME-Filter (in points for the   1. candle ) to avoid alerts with tiny Candles during a NON-VOLUME-Time - 10% off the Boobietrap-Candle as the ALERT-Level --> can easily be adjusted - user defined - recommended Timeframe: M30 (we
O Alexxander Autotrader é seu robô especialista em trade em minidólar WDO na bolsa brasileira B3. Com estratégia única, o robô já está configurado para operar minidólar na abertura do pregão, operando em fechamentos de gaps principalmente. O robô também pode ser otimizado para operar além do horário de abertura. Alem disso, o robô pode ser configurado com trailling stop, horários de trades e tipo de stop, se fixo ou dinâmico. OBS: alterar o parâmetro BR1 para BR.
β指标,也被称为贝塔指标,作为对冲机构参考指标之一。 允许您测量个别资产(如货币和大宗商品)相对于市场组合、跨货币对、美元指数和股票指数的相对风险。通过了解您的资产与市场基准相比的表现,您将更清晰地了解您的投资风险状况。 显著特点: 准确的风险评估:β指标提供了资产相对于更广泛市场的风险的精确评估,帮助您做出明智的投资选择。 多样化策略:使用该指标优化您的投资组合,探索各种资产类别的多样化机会。 适用于多货币对冲:参与多货币对冲的投资者可以将该指标视为重要参考点。 实时见解:随时了解实时数据分析,以及时做出决策。 通过将β指标融入您的交易工具箱,解锁数据和风险分析的力量。开始做出更明智的选择,减少投资组合暴露于不必要风险。 β = 1:如果β等于1,表示资产的价格波动与市场整体的波动一致,即资产的价格变化与市场一致,通常意味着资产的风险与市场相当。 β > 1:如果β大于1,表示资产的价格波动比市场整体更大,即资产的价格变化波动较大,通常意味着资产更具风险。 β < 1:如果β小于1,表示资产的价格波动比市场整体更小,即资产的价格变化波动较小,通常意味着资产相对较低风险。 β = 0:
FaU lines indicator
Aleksandr Dementev
Top level indicator of exact buy and sell prices. Suitable for all symbols, you just have to choose a convenient trading activity. The indicator shows price rebound levels with the targets for entering and exiting a position. The commentary at each level states: what to do at the level (BUY/SELL); entry price; target exit price. In the parameters you need to select your trading activity: Long term investor Medium term investor Medium-term investor active Short term investor Short-term investor a
- This is an implementation of OCC ==> open close cross - This indicator applies twelve different averaging methods to open and close prices separately to signal the trend switching. - All MA methods are set as input as well as period and different offsets applied to linear regression and ALMA averaging. - Buffers 16 and 17 can be used in EAs to detect trend direction. - You can message in private chat for further changes you need.
Best swing
Winsou Cedric Anicet Kpanou
-- BEST SWING  -- L'indicateur BEST SWING est un indicateur technique personnalisé, un excellent outil pour négocier les cassures en fonction des niveaux de support et de résistance horizontaux. L'indicateur BEST SWING utilise une formule complexe en analysant des données de prix autrement incongrues sur les cours de clôture de chaque période, ainsi que les hauts et les bas du prix, afin de donner un aperçu de la force ou de la faiblesse de la tendance du marché et de sa probabilité
Stormer RSI 2
Ricardo Rodrigues Lucca
This strategy was learned from Stormer to be used on B3. Basically, 15 minutes before closing the market, it will check RSI and decided if it will open an position. This strategy do not define a stop loss. If the take profit reach the entry price it will close at market the position. The same happens if the maximal number of days is reached. It is created to brazilian people, so all configuration are in portuguese. Sorry Activations allowed have been set to 50.
Tucan PullBack
Arlos Elias Rivas Romero
Indicator Type Strategy (Pullback) for all Symbols and Periodicity, preferably from M30. The strategy is based on criteria for the Rsi, Atr and Force indicators. The channel band corresponds to the value of the Atr indicator. The default parameters correspond to : a) Price = Median price b) Method of averaging = Simple c) Period  of averaging =   3 d) Coefficient of the Atr indicator = 1.0 BUY when there is a Green Arrow. StopLoss below the bottom line of the channel.  SELL when there is a Red
Golden Trend Indicator MT5
Noha Mohamed Fathy Younes Badr
4.86 (14)
Golden Trend indicator  is The best indicator for predicting trend movement this indicator never lags and never repaints and never back paints    and give  arrow buy and sell    before the candle appear  and it will help you and  will make your trading decisions clearer its work on all currencies and  gold and crypto and all time frame This unique  indicator uses very secret algorithms to catch the  trends, so you can trade using this indicator and see the trend clear on charts  manual guide and
TPSpro RFI Levels MT5
Roman Podpora
4.53 (19)
指示       俄罗斯 -        英语   建议 与指示器一起使用     -       TPSpro 趋势专业版 -   MT4版本       交易中的一个关键要素是做出买卖交易工具决定的区域或水平。尽管主要参与者试图隐藏他们在市场中的存在,但他们不可避免地会留下痕迹。我们的任务是学习如何识别这些痕迹并正确解释它们。 主要功能: 向卖家和买家显示活跃区域! 该指标显示所有正确的初始买入和卖出脉冲水平/区域。激活这些水平/区域后,开始寻找切入点,水平会改变颜色并填充特定阴影。此外,还会显示箭头,以便更直观地了解情况。 显示更高时间范围内的级别/区域(MTF 模式) 添加了使用更高时间间隔显示级别/区域的功能。此外,该指标还具有自动趋势检测功能(   TPSproTREND PRO   )。 用于交易的单独专业的逐步算法。 该算法专为日内交易而设计,既可顺势交易,也可逆势交易。每个活动模板均提供详细说明。 适用于多种时间范围 。 TPSpro RFI 水平指标可用于图表上的任何时间范围,从一分钟(M1)开始一直到每月(MN)。 图形和声音警报。 该指标提供图形和声音指示,
Quantum TrendPulse
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
5 (12)
介绍 Quantum TrendPulse   ,这是一款终极交易工具,它将 SuperTrend   、   RSI 和 Stochastic 的强大功能整合到一个综合指标中,以最大限度地发挥您的交易潜力。该指标专为追求精准和效率的交易者而设计,可帮助您自信地识别市场趋势、动量变化以及最佳进入和退出点。 主要特点: 超级趋势整合: 轻松跟随当前的市场趋势并乘上盈利浪潮。 RSI 精度: 检测超买和超卖水平,非常适合把握市场逆转时机,可用作 SuperTrend 的过滤器 随机精度: 利用随机振荡在波动的市场中寻找隐藏的机会, 用作超级趋势的过滤器 多时间范围分析: 从 M5 到 H1 或 H4,在不同时间范围内关注市场动态。 可定制的警报: 当您的自定义交易条件得到满足时收到通知,这样您就不会错过任何交易。 无论您是新手还是经验丰富的交易员,   Quantum TrendPulse 都能为您提供所需的优势,帮助您增强策略并自信地进行交易。借助这一强大的指标,将洞察力转化为利润 — 掌控您的交易! ***购买 Quantum TrendPulse,即可免费获得 Quantum Tr
RelicusRoad Pro MT5
Relicus LLC
4.78 (18)
现在$ 147(更新后增加到$ 499) - 无限帐户(PC或Mac) RelicusRoad 用户手册 + 培训视频 + 访问 Private Discord Group + VIP 身份 一种看待市场的新方式 RelicusRoad 是世界上最强大的外汇、期货、加密货币、股票和指数交易指标,为交易者提供保持盈利所需的所有信息和工具。我们提供技术分析和交易计划,帮助每一位交易者取得成功,从初学者到高级。它是一个关键的交易指标,可以提供足够的信息来预测未来的市场。我们相信一个完整的解决方案,而不是图表上几个没有意义的不同指标。这是一个多合一指标,显示无与伦比且非常准确的信号、箭头 + 价格行为信息。 RelicusRoad 基于强大的人工智能,提供缺失的信息和工具来教育您并使您成为交易专家,成为成功的交易者。 几乎所有技术指标都滞后,这意味着它们只能报告已经发生的事情。因此,他们只确认您过去可以看到的价格已经在哪里。我们相信领先指标可以预测未来价格,而无需重新绘制,也不要过度依赖可能改变并导致重新绘制的滞后指标。如果您根据滞后指标进行交易并建立头寸,您就知道您已经大部分时间
Bill Williams Advanced
Siarhei Vashchylka
5 (10)
Bill Williams Advanced is designed for automatic chart analysis using Bill Williams' "Profitunity" system. The indicator analyzes four timeframes at once. Manual (Be sure to read before purchasing) Advantages 1. Automatically analyzes the chart using the "Profitunity" system of Bill Williams. The found signals are placed in a table in the corner of the screen. 2. Equipped with a trend filter based on the Alligator indicator. Most of the system signals are recommended to be used only according t
介绍     Quantum Breakout PRO   ,突破性的 MQL5 指标,正在改变您交易突破区域的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易员团队开发,     量子突破 PRO     旨在通过其创新和动态的突破区域策略将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。 量子突破指标将为您提供带有 5 个利润目标区域的突破区域的信号箭头,以及基于突破框的止损建议。 它既适合新手交易者,也适合专业交易者。 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 重要的!购买后请私信我领取安装手册。 建议: 时间范围:M15 货币对:GBPJPY、EURJPY、USDJPY、NZDUSD、XAUUSD 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低 经纪商时间:GMT +3 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 规格: 不重漆! 最多 5 个建议利润目标区域 建议止损水平 可定制的盒子。您可以设置自己的 Box Time Start 和 Box Time End。 接触 如果您有任何疑问或需要帮助,请通过私人消息与我联系。
Entry Points Pro for MT5
Yury Orlov
4.46 (129)
这款指标用于 MT5,可提供准确的入场交易信号,且无重绘。 它可应用在任何金融资产:外汇、加密货币、贵金属、股票、指数。 它将提供极其精准的评估,并告诉您何时开仓和平仓的最佳时机。 观看 视频 (6:22),其中包含一个仅处理单一信号的示例,该信号即可值回指标购价! 大多数交易者在 Entry Points Pro 指标的帮助下,在第一个交易周内即改善了他们的交易结果。 订阅我们的 Telegram 群 ! Entry Points Pro 指标的益处。 入场信号无重绘 如果信号出现,并得到确认,则它不会再消失;不像是重绘指标,它会导致重大的财产损失,因为它们可以在显示信号后再将其删除。 无差错开仓 指标算法可令您找到入场交易(买入或卖出资产)的理想时机,从而提高每位交易者的成功率。 Entry Points Pro 可操作任何资产 它允许您在 MT5 平台上交易任何经纪商的加密货币、股票、贵金属、指数、大宗商品和货币。 提供任何方向的信号 Entry Points Pro 指标提供针对任意价格走势的入场交易信号 - 上涨、下跌或横盘(横向)。 最大盈利潜力 离场信号
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M.
CONTACT US  after purchase to get the Indicator Manual. Try Now—Limited 50% Discount for First 10 Buyers! Download the  Metatrader 4 Version Due to regulatory restrictions, our service is unavailable in certain countries such as India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh. William Delbert Gann (W.D. Gann) was an exceptional market analyst, whose trading technique was based on a complex blend of mathematics, geometry, astrology, and ancient mathematics which proved to be extremely accurate. A Note from t
PZ Mean Reversion MT5
3 (2)
采用专业和量化方法进行均值回归交易的独特指标。它利用了价格以可预测和可衡量的方式转移并返回均值这一事实,这允许明确的进入和退出规则大大优于非量化交易策略。 [ Installation Guide | Update Guide | Troubleshooting | FAQ | All Products ] 清晰的交易信号 非常容易交易 可定制的颜色和尺寸 实现性能统计 优于大多数交易策略 显示合适的止损和止盈水平 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 这个怎么运作 该指标从更高的时间范围测量完全可定制的移动平均线的标准偏差,并使用趋势跟踪方法精确地找到交易。交易是通过深入当前图表的价格行为发现的,并在价格返回到平均价格区间时关闭,根据您选择的更高时间范围计算。由于其编码方式,该指标将远离高波动性和强劲趋势市场,并且仅在可预测的情况下进行交易,在可接受的波动性与方向性比率范围内,回归均值是可行的。 指标剖析 绿线是更高时间范围内的移动平均线(也就是平均值) 虚线区域是移动平均线周围的典型价格区间 蓝线是看涨交易的突破价格 红线是看跌交易的突破价格 交易是针对均值进行的,并在典型的价格
Blahtech Supply Demand MT5
Blahtech Limited
4.54 (13)
Was: $299  Now: $149  Supply Demand uses previous price action to identify potential imbalances between buyers and sellers. The key is to identify the better odds zones, not just the untouched ones. Blahtech Supply Demand indicator delivers functionality previously unavailable on any trading platform. This 4-in-1 indicator not only highlights the higher probability zones using a multi-criteria strength engine, but also combines it with multi-timeframe trend analysis, previously confirmed swings
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro
Viktor Weidenthal
2.67 (3)
Elliot Waves Analyzer Pro calculates Elliot Waves to Help Identify Trend direction and Entry Levels. Mainly for Swing Trading Strategies. Usually one would open a Position in trend direction for Wave 3 or a Correction for Wave C . This Indicator draws Target Levels for the current and next wave. Most important Rules for Elliot Wave Analysis are verified by the Indicator.  The Pro version analyzes Multiple Timeframes and shows the Subwaves and Target-Levels.   For an Overview  " Elliot Waves Anal
Blahtech Market Profile MT5
Blahtech Limited
5 (10)
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Inspired by Jim Dalton’s book “Mind Over Markets”, this indicator is designed to suit the
Volume Horizon is a horizontal volume indicator that allows you to observe the density of market participants' volumes across various price and time intervals. Volume histograms can be constructed based on ascending or descending market waves, as well as individual bars. This tool enables more precise determination of entry or exit points, relying on levels of maximum volumes or volume-weighted average prices (VWAP). What makes Volume Horizon unique? 1. Segmentation into ascending and descendi
Quantum Trend Sniper
Bogdan Ion Puscasu
4.73 (51)
介绍   量子趋势狙击指标 ,突破性的 MQL5 指标,正在改变您识别和交易趋势反转的方式!由拥有超过13年交易经验的资深交易员团队开发,     量子趋势狙击指标   旨在通过其创新的方式以极高的准确度识别趋势反转,将您的交易之旅推向新的高度。 ***购买量子趋势狙击指标,即可免费获得量子突破指标!*** 当量子突破指标识别出趋势反转时,它会向您发出警报和信号箭头,并建议您三个止盈水平。 它既适合新手交易者,也适合专业交易者。 量子 EA 通道:       点击这里 MT4版本:       点击这里 建议: 时间范围: 所有时间范围。为了获得最佳结果,我们建议在 M15、M30 和 H1 时间范围内使用它。 货币对:欧元兑美元、英镑兑美元、澳元兑美元、欧元兑英镑、, EURAUD,  XAUUSD 账户类型:ECN、Raw 或 Razor,点差极低 经纪时间:任意 经纪商:IC Markets、Pepperstone with Raw 和 Razor 的点差最低 建议止损:50 点 建议止盈水平:20 点、50 点和 100 点 规格: 不重漆! 最
TPA True Price Action indicator reveals the true price action of the market makers through 100% non-repainting signals strictly at the close of a candle! TPA shows entries and re-entries, every time the bulls are definitely stronger than the bears and vice versa. Not to confuse with red/green candles. The shift of power gets confirmed at the earliest stage and is ONE exit strategy of several. There are available now two free parts of the TPA User Guide for our customers. The first "The Basics"
AT Forex Indicator MT5
Marzena Maria Szmit
5 (5)
The AT Forex Indicator MT5 is a sophisticated trading tool designed to provide traders with a comprehensive analysis of multiple currency pairs. This powerful indicator simplifies the complex nature of the forex market, making it accessible for both novice and experienced traders. AT Forex Indicator uses advanced algorithms to detect trends, patterns and is an essential tool for traders aiming to enhance their forex trading performance. With its robust features, ease of use, and reliable signal
Trend Forecaster
Alexey Minkov
5 (6)
!SPECIAL SALE!  The Trend Forecaster indicator utilizes a unique proprietary algorithm to determine entry points for a breakout trading strategy. The indicator identifies price clusters, analyzes price movement near levels, and provides a signal when the price breaks through a level. The Trend Forecaster indicator is suitable for all financial assets, including currencies (Forex), metals, stocks, indices, and cryptocurrencies. You can also adjust the indicator to work on any time frames, althoug
Berma Bands
Muhammad Elbermawi
5 (3)
Berma 波段 (BBs) 指标对于寻求识别和利用市场趋势的交易者来说是一种有价值的工具。通过分析价格与 BBs 之间的关系,交易者可以辨别市场是处于趋势阶段还是区间波动阶段。 访问[ Berma Home Blog ] 了解更多信息。 Berma 带由三条不同的线组成:上 Berma 带、中 Berma 带和下 Berma 带。这些线围绕价格绘制,直观地表示价格相对于整体趋势的变动。这些带之间的距离可以洞察波动性和潜在的趋势逆转。 当 Berma Bands 线相互分离时,通常表明市场正在进入横盘或区间波动时期。这表明缺乏明确的方向性。交易者可能会发现在这些时期内很难识别趋势,因此可能需要等待更清晰的趋势出现。 当 Berma Bands 线汇聚成一条线时,通常表示趋势环境强劲。这种汇聚表明存在明显的方向性偏差,因为价格波动性足以随趋势而变化。交易者可能会发现在这些时期更容易识别潜在的入场点和出场点,因为趋势的势头可以提供有利的交易机会。然而,重要的是要注意整体趋势中的潜在回调或修正。 Berma 带根据价格蜡烛图与上带和下带的相互作用提供明确的买入和卖出信号。当价格蜡烛图首
Stefano Frisetti
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
The Boom And Crash Spike Entry This Indicator is Also Developed To milk the     BOOM and CRASH indices .   Free EA/Robot Also available based on the indicator DM after purchase of the indicator to get the EA/Robot for free and it's results. You get the EA only if you buy the indicator not rent it. It works On all Boom and Crash pairs (boom 300, 500, 1000 & Crash 300, 500, 1000) I would Highly recommend that you use this indicator to Catch spikes on Boom and Crash for higher win rate and accuracy
Mega Spikes Max
Niccyril Chirindo
5 (1)
Are you tired of missing out on the biggest opportunities in Boom and Crash trading? Mega Spikes Max is your ultimate tool for dominating the markets, giving you the precision and confidence you need to succeed. Why Choose Mega Spikes Max? Stay Ahead with Real-Time Alerts Never miss a profitable trade again. Get instant notifications directly to your mobile or desktop when a spike is imminent, even if you're away from your screen. Accurate Spike Detection Engineered for pinpoint accuracy, Mega
MetaForecast M5
Vahidreza Heidar Gholami
5 (2)
MetaForecast能够根据价格数据中的谐波来预测和可视化任何市场的未来走势。虽然市场不总是可预测的,但如果价格中存在模式,MetaForecast可以尽可能准确地预测未来。与其他类似产品相比,MetaForecast通过分析市场趋势可以生成更精确的结果。 输入参数 Past size (过去的尺寸) 指定MetaForecast用于创建生成未来预测模型的柱数量。该模型以一条黄色线绘制在所选柱上。 Future size (未来的尺寸) 指定应预测的未来柱数量。预测的未来以粉色线表示,并在其上绘制了蓝色回归线。 Degree (程度) 此输入确定了MetaForecast将在市场上进行的分析级别。 Degree 描述  0 对于程度0,建议使用较大的值来设置“过去的尺寸”输入,以覆盖价格中的所有高峰、低谷和细节。  1 (建议的) 对于程度1,MetaForecast可以理解趋势,并通过较小的“过去的尺寸”生成更好的结果。  2 对于程度2,除了趋势,MetaForecast还可以识别反转点。对于大于1的程度,必须使用较高的“细节”和“噪音减少”输入值。  大于2 不建议使用大于
Fxaccurate Trend Trading is a method that focuses on identifying and capitalizing on market trends in the foreign exchange (Forex) market. This strategy is grounded in the principle that once a trend is established, it tends to persist, allowing traders to enter positions that align with the market's prevailing direction. Fxaccurate Trend Trading relies on various tools, indicators, and methodologies to spot, confirm, and trade in the direction of a trend, whether it’s upward (bullish) or downwa
PZ Swing Trading MT5
5 (5)
Swing Trading 是第一个旨在检测趋势方向的波动和可能的反转波动的指标。它使用在交易文献中广泛描述的基准摆动交易方法。该指标研究多个价格和时间向量,以追踪总体趋势方向,并检测市场超卖或超买并准备好进行修正的情况。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 市场波动的利润不会被窃取 指示器始终显示趋势方向 彩色价格带代表机会基准 彩色虚线表示可能的反转波动 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它实现了一个多时间仪表板 可定制的趋势和波动周期 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 指示器为非重涂或重涂 什么是摇摆交易 摇摆交易是一种尝试在一天到一周内从证券中获得收益的交易方式,尽管某些交易最终可以保持更长的寿命。摇摆交易者使用技术分析来买入弱点和卖出力量,并有耐心等待这些机会的发生,因为在发生一波抛售浪潮之后购买证券而不是陷入抛售更有意义。 机会基准 关于历史数据的大量研究证明,适合于波动交易的市场倾向于在基线价格带上下交易,基线价格带由图表显示,使用平均真实区间计算得出。波动交易者使用基线,该策略是购买常态和卖出躁狂,或做空常态并掩盖沮丧。在没有疲
Optimum Points MT5
Yuriy Lyachshenko
该指标在一个窗口中显示多个时间框架的趋势方向。如果多个时间框架的趋势一致,则会画出箭头。 您还可以切换到柱状图,显示当前时间框架的趋势。 该指标在图表上绘制入场点和近似出场点。 警告:由于该指标是多时间框架的,因此在策略测试器中使用时,应提前下载所有必要时间框架的报价。为了避免在测试器中长时间等待下载报价,您可以设置起始日期为 2025.01.01,并选择 “仅开盘价 ”或 “控制点 ”模式。 MT4的指标版本 指标特点     该指标不会重绘。历史图表上显示的内容将实时显示。     可用于交易任何资产:加密货币、股票、金属、指数、商品和货币。     适用于所有时间框架。     进场信号在新蜡烛图打开时出现,不会重新绘制。     退出交易的信号是暂时性的,因为通常情况下你可以用更多的利润完成交易。     左上方有一个详细的交易统计面板,可以将其最小化。     它使用特殊公式计算移动平均线,从而确定趋势方向。     为了不错过进入交易的信号,您可以在 “提醒 ”窗口或通过 “推送 ”接收通知。     适用于从初学者到专家的所有级别用户。 统计面板     记录信
Arman Belassarov
AriMax   – AI-Powered Trading Robot AriMax is a cutting-edge AI-powered trading robot designed to help traders maximize profits while minimizing risk. Utilizing advanced machine learning algorithms and real-time market analysis, AriMax identifies high-probability trade opportunities with precision and speed. Key Features:     AI-Driven Market Analysis   – Analyzes market trends and patterns to make data-driven trading decisions.     Automated Execution   – Places trades seamlessly with optimiz
Wave Anatomy MT5
Trade The Volume Waves Single Member P.C.
Wave Anatomy Visit:  http://www.trafethevolumewaves.com  for more information Construct your own 5 Waves and analyze the price movements stages: Easy Movement Hard time to move Fast move This indicator is based on Wyckoff’s, David’s Weis and my Speed Index Theory. This indicator will you help analyze what is happening in 5 Price Waves that you can construct yourself. This tool is designed for scalpers and swing traders and will help them to analyze any wave on any timeframe at the same time. Fur
Volume by Price MT5
Brian Collard
3.25 (4)
The Volume by Price Indicator for MetaTrader 5 features Volume Profile, Footprint and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity). Volume and TPO histogram bar and line charts. Volume Footprint charts. TPO letter and block marker collapsed and split structure charts. Static, dynamic and flexible range segmentation and compositing methods with relative and absolute visualizations. Session hours filtering and segment concatenation with Market Watch and custom user specifications. Graphical layeri
Percentile of Historical Volatility and Correlation Coefficient shows if the asset is cheap or expensive based on the volatility. It is used to determine a good entry point. It has two indicators built in: Historical Volatility is ranked percentile wise and its correlation to price action which gives an indication of the direction of a possible future move. Together the both indicators can give good entries and direction.   Historical Volatility is a statistical measure of the dispersion of retu
This z-score indicator shows the correct z-score of an asset, as it uses the normalized price data for calculation, which is the only correct way. Z-score is only applicable for normal distributed data, therefore not the actual price is considered, but the normalised returns, which were assumed to follow a normal distribution. Returns are mean reverting and assumed to follow a normal distribution, therefore z-score calculation of returns is more reliable than z-score on price, as price is NOT m
The RSI2.0 indicator uses normalized price data and signal processing steps to get a normal distributed oscillator with no skew (mean is zero). Therefore, it can give much better reads than the traditional RSI.   Areas/Levels of reversal: Overbought or oversold levels from traditional RSI have no statistical significance, therefore the standard deviation bands are implemented here, which can be used in similar way as possible reversal points.   Divergence: As the indicator is nearly normal dist
Florian Nuebling
This Oscillator describes the drift of an asset, as part of the geometric Brownian Motion (GBM). As a data basis the mean reverting log returns of the asset price is considered. It gives the percentile of drift directional. For instance, a value of 0.05 means a drift of 5%, based on the selected sample size. If the value is positive, drift to higher asset values is determined.  This indicator should be used in confluence with other indicators based on volatility, probability and statistics. Li
The indicator ‘Probability Range Bands’ gives a prediction of the amount, how much the asset is moving from its current price. The range bands give probabilities, that the candle close will not exceed this certain price level. It is also called the expected move for the current candle close.   This Indicator is based on statistical methods, probabilities and volatility. Asset price is assumed to follow a log-normal distribution. Therefore, log returns are used in this indicator to determine the
Bollinger Bands based on Returns   This indicator characterizes the price and volatility by providing a channel/band of standard deviations like the Bollinger Bands. In contrary to standard Bollinger Bands which uses price directly, this indicator uses returns due to normalization.   The standard Bollinger Bands based on price directly, were one of the first quant or statistical methods for retail traders available. The issue with these bands, standard deviations can only be calculated, if the u