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  • 评论 (20)
  • 评论 (234)
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Moving Average Currency Strength Meter

(目前 三十% 折扣)


移动平均线 - 仅基于一张图表的典型移动平均线。

货币强度线 - 某一货币对的移动平均线,其强度基于 二十八 对。可以说是真正的移动平均线。






  • 设置
    • 调整时间框架
    • 移动平均时间帧 - 从 M1 到 MN 选择您想要的时间帧
    • 货币行周期 - 货币行的输入周期 *注意:输入“零”表示当前蜡烛。示例:周期为 0 的 D1 表示当前 D1 蜡烛的强度
    • 移动平均线周期 - 移动平均线周期
    • 方法 - 移动平均法
    • 移动平均线移动 - 移动平均线的移动
    • 价格 - 选择要使用的价格类型
    •  点子交叉 - 移动平均线 和 货币强度线 之间的区别,用于判断货币对是趋势还是交叉

  • 显示设置
    • 字体 - 编辑字体
    • 显示或隐藏优势、趋势和移动平均线
    • 货币颜色
    • 信号颜色
    • 线条颜色
    • 对象的 X 和 Y 轴

  • 警报设置
    • 警报基于 - 在基于时间间隔或基于方向变化的警报之间进行选择。
    • 警报类型 - 选择从市场方向、货币强度或两者中获取警报
    • 市场方向警报 - 仅对趋势对、交叉对、等待对或所有方向发出警报
    • 计算机警报 - 这是一个图表警报。选择是仅按图表对还是按所有对获得警报
    • 电子邮件警报 - 这是一个 MAIL 通知警报。选择是仅按图表对还是按所有对获取报告
    • 移动警报 - 这是 元交易者应用程序 电话警报。选择是仅按图表对还是按所有对获取警报/报告
    • 提醒我时间 - 选择您希望收到提醒的时间。
    • 警报间隔 - 您将收到下一个警报的时间间隔
    • 最大蜡烛 - 这将限制或控制要分析的最大蜡烛。限制蜡烛的数量是为了避免延迟或挂在你的蜡烛上。这将防止您的 MT4 由于高负载而挂起。想象一下该指标对 28 对 2500 根蜡烛进行了多少计算。

评论 20
Najseattle7 2022.06.06 04:45 

This is a fun indicator. I made a nice strategy using envelopes around the blue MA and angles of both the MAs. This indicator can do some cool things

Frank Paetsch
Frank Paetsch 2021.09.22 00:33 

good Indicator

4example 2020.12.18 01:12 

I am still yet to find a loosing trade in testing. Will put to work tonight on VPS. From now one this little guy is working, I will rest. I test it on several pairs in both trending and consolidating markets. If real time entry is used and active money management, there is simply no loosing trade, but break even in consolidation. In trending market it is amazing. Now I know, there are here some negative reviews. Of course. They have no patience to test nor willingness to ask the author about help with strategy. Not all time frames are equal guys. Emir is one of a kind. His indicator is simply fantastic. Please have the diligence to test it properly before posting your review and help others with an honest opinion.

Love Trend
Maryna Shulzhenko
Love Trend indicator showing buy and sell areas. The indicator follows the price movement around the opening price. It also displays information about the trend following the breakout of the low and high. The indicator has a very simple but effective graphic: an orange dot is displayed above the open price, and a blue dot is displayed below the open price. The indicator also includes an audible alert and a pop-up window to alert you when the candle closes at these important levels. The indicator
Hua Manh Hung
DracoAI is a revolutionary automated forex trading robot based on neural network.  Loss coverage is our premium exclusive feature. DracoAI IS: THE BEST MONEY MAKING SERVICE & STABLE PASSIVE INCOME PROFIT, EVEN IF YOU DO NOT PARTICIPATE IN BIDDING FINANCIAL INDEPENDENCE AND STABILITY DracoAI IS SAFE, BECAUSE: WE GUARANTEE THE SAFETY OF YOUR FUNDS NEGATIVE RESULTS OF TRADING ARE COVERED BY OUR RESERVE FUND 100% CONFIDENTIALITY Monitoring  - most popular signal at MQL5 :  https://www.mql5.com/en/s
The Advanced Bands Squeeze indicator is a custom indicator based on the classic Bollinger Bands as created by John Bollinger. The Bollinger Band Squeeze occurs when volatility falls to low levels and the Bollinger Bands narrow. This low volatility level is called a “Squeeze”.  According to John Bollinger, periods of low volatility are often followed by periods of high volatility, where prices tend to move a lot in either direction. Therefore, a volatility contraction or narrowing of the bands
Darko Licardo
TrendXplorer indicator is designed to provide valuable insights into market trends, helping you navigate the dynamic world of trading with confidence. Key Features: Accurate Trend Analysis: TrendXplorer utilizes a special algorithm to analyze trends combined with price action. This enables easier trend detection and is less prone to change during price manipulation. Built-in Risk Calculator: Take control of your risk management with TrendXplorer's built-in risk calculator. This feature assesses
Market Structure Zig Zag
Lesedi Oliver Seilane
4.63 (27)
Free Market structure zig zag to assist in price action trading the screenshots describe how to use and how to spot patterns new version comes with alerts, email alert and  push notification alert can be used on all pairs  can be used on all timeframes  you can add additional confirmation indicators the indicator shows you your higher high and low highs as well as your lower lows and lower highs  the indication makes price action analysis easier to spot.
Telos Dashboard MT4
Justine Kelechi Ekweh
Introducing Telos Dashboard Indicator – Your Ultimate Trading Companion Optimized For Forex! Note: This is a dashboard indicator and won't work on the strategy tester, demoing it there is a waste. Instead get the main indicator or, use the demo of DynamicCOG to see how it works with arrows, although Telos is a more refined and filtered version than the DynamicCOG indicator.  Never Miss a Trading Opportunity Again! Welcome to the future of trading with the Telos Dashboard Indicator ! Inspired b
缠中说禅 “缠论”是网络名人“缠中说禅”关于证券市场的一种投资理论,他这个理论似乎适合一切具有波动走势的投资市场,比如股票、权证和期货等 。 “缠论” 是基于形态学,几何学的一种技术分析理论。 任何投资市场的走势,本质就像两片叶子一样不可复制,不会完全相同,但是走势的绝妙之处,就在于不相同的走势却有着相同的结构。 “缠论” 就是从走势中抽丝剥茧,注重走势结构的技术分析理论。 即使是再好的指标,可以抓到准确的买卖点。但市场始终是概率市场,如果不能做到100%准确,那么仓位管理,即时止损,心态问题等就会变的非常的重要。 学缠之人要懂得客观看待市场与行情,要自律,永远敬畏市场。 本指标就的作用:自动绘制缠论中最基础的形态:笔。
A "Volume Profile" is an advanced charting indicator that displays total volume traded at every price level over a user specified time period. The main components of the volume profile are POC ( Point Of Control - the price level, at which the maximum number of contracts were executed during a selected period), VAH ( Value Area High - the highest price in the Value Area) and VAL ( Value Area Low - the lowest price in the Value Area). When we settled on the original indicator, we spent a lot of
Blahtech Market Profile
Blahtech Limited
4.53 (15)
Was: $249  Now: $149   Market Profile defines a number of day types that can help the trader to determine market behaviour. A key feature is the Value Area, representing the range of price action where 70% of trading took place. Understanding the Value Area can give traders valuable insight into market direction and establish the higher odds trade. It is an excellent addition to any system you may be using. Blahtech Limited presents their Market Profile indicator for the MetaTrader community. In
MaxProfitDz v4
Hafis Mohamed Yacine
MaxProfitDZ Expert adviser MaxProfitDz v1.4     Recommendations Symbol: ALL PAIRS ..i Recommended    EURUSD. Time Frame:1M. Brokers: ALL brokers .  low spread/commission, 1:500 leverage Minimum Deposit Recommended :   $500 USD  Lot Size for 500$   : 0.01  Use a broker with good execution and with a spread of 0.1-2 points. A very fast VPS is required Parameters EA TrendON=true (Read the  note ) MMType = 2 LotMultiplikator = 1 LotConst_or_not = TRUE Take profit :5-10 pips  for accounts with five
Forex Gump
Andrey Kozak
2.4 (5)
Forex Gump is a fully finished semi-automatic trading system. In the form of arrows, signals are displayed on the screen for opening and closing deals. All you need is to follow the instructions of the indicator. When the indicator shows a blue arrow, you need to open a buy order. When the indicator shows a red arrow, you need to open a sell order. Close orders when the indicator draws a yellow cross. In order to get the most effective result, we recommend using the timeframes H1, H4, D1. There
ndicador ADX Crossing Alertby Mr Beast El Indicador ADX Crossing Alert v1.0 es una herramienta avanzada diseñada para potenciar tu análisis técnico en MetaTrader, centrándose en las señales generadas por el cruce del Indicador de Dirección del Movimiento (ADX). Este indicador ofrece alertas visuales en el gráfico y la conveniencia de alertas via email, permitiéndote estar siempre al tanto de las oportunidades de trading. Características Destacadas: ADX Crossing Signals: El indicador utiliza el c
This may just look like another indicator for identifying and displaying supply and demand, but dig-in further and you will discover it has much more to offer. In addition to the complete flexibility for displaying zones, consider the identification of recent support or resistance, the back-testing capability to help you learn how to identify the best supply and demand zones to trader from, the continuously updated trend information for all time frames, times from around the world displayed on
Owl smart levels
Sergey Ermolov
4.28 (36)
MT5版本  |  FAQ Owl Smart Levels Indicator   是一個完整的交易系統,包含   Bill Williams   的高級分形、構建正確的市場波浪結構的 Valable ZigZag 以及標記準確入場水平的斐波那契水平等流行的市場分析工具 進入市場和地方獲利。 策略的详细说明 指示灯使用说明 顾问-贸易猫头鹰助手助理 私人用户聊天 ->购买后写信给我,我会将您添加到私人聊天中,您可以在那里下载所有奖金 力量在於簡單! Owl Smart Levels   交易系統非常易於使用,因此適合專業人士和剛開始研究市場並為自己選擇交易策略的人。 策略和指標中沒有隱藏的秘密公式和計算方法,所有策略指標都是公開的。 Owl Smart Levels 允許您快速查看進入交易的信號,突出顯示下訂單的水平並向您發送有關已出現信號的通知。 優點很明顯: 清楚地顯示主要和更高時間框架的趨勢方向。 指示儀器信號的出現。 標記開單、止損設置和固定利潤的水平。 沒有多餘的,只有必要的結構! ZigZag   表示全球趨勢的方向,因此也表示貿易方向。 市場反轉點的短線清楚地表明在什
Effect Volume
Ivan Simonika
Volume indicator Effect Volume , in the Forex market volumes are unique (tick). This volume indicator demonstrates the level of financial and emotional involvement. When the indicator forms a new top, it indicates that buyers are stronger than sellers over a certain period of time. If the indicator decreases, this indicates that the bears are stronger. Why is it impossible to track normal volumes in Forex? The fact is that this is an over-the-counter market. Consequently, it is practically imp
El indicador "MR BEAST ALERTAS DE LIQUIDEZ" es una herramienta avanzada diseñada para proporcionar señales y alertas sobre la liquidez del mercado basándose en una serie de indicadores técnicos y análisis de tendencias. Ideal para traders que buscan oportunidades de trading en función de la dinámica de precios y los niveles de volatilidad, este indicador ofrece una visualización clara y detallada en la ventana del gráfico de MetaTrader. Características Principales: Canal ATR Adaptativo: Calcula
Signal trend indicator. Detects the direction of the trend and is coloured accordingly.  Has built in audible and visual alerts when trends change. Can send notifications to your phone or email. Allows Trend and Counter-Trend trading. Works on all timeframes, all currency pairs, metals, indices and cryptocurrencies. Can be used with binary options. Distinctive features No re-drawing; Simple and clear settings; Four types of alerts; Works on all timeframes and all trading tools; Suitable
Georgij Komarov
WPR by Profile, or WPR for Professionals Geo_WprPro is one of the well-known currency profile indicators. It simultaneously displays two WPR indicators with different parameters in the matrix form on all timeframes of multiple currency pairs forming the currency profile . As follows from the description, " WPR is a leading indicator that often goes ahead of the price chart. The oscillator frequently reaches extreme values before the price reversal as if anticipating that event: it almost always
Supreme Commander
Ramon Sobrevals Arce
4.13 (8)
The indicator of the indicators. The Most Powerful Technique to Determine Forex Trend Strength in 2023. We have perfected Supreme Commander that it calculates an average of the selected indicators (up to 16) and the selected timeframe (all) with the result of a single trend that indicates the potential of buying and selling.  It includes the following indicators: Accelerator/Decelerator oscillator Average Directional Movement Index Awesome oscillator; Bulls and Bears  Commodity Channel Index; De
Oni Scalper
Goh Cheng Wai
3.67 (3)
Dear Onis, This Indicator is used for   GBPUSD, US30 and GOLD on 1-Min Chart . For US30 , Depending on your broker, Minimum Lot Size will differ from 0.01 to 1.0 lots. My Current Account is trading at 1.0 lots at $1 per point . Please check with your Broker what's the Margin Required for your Minimum lot sizes before you trade on your Real account. I have Forward Tested the indicator for around 6 months before releasing it to the public. ( No Demo is available for the Indicator, Strategy Teste
Price Detect Volume
Svyatoslav Kucher
Определения текущей тенденции одна из самых важных задач трейдера не зависимо от стиля торговли. Индикатор  Price Detect   Volume поможет с достаточно высокой вероятностью это сделать. Price Detect Volume  - индикатор распознавания тенденции, использующий авторский алгоритм расчета, использующий объемы. Показания индикатора не изменяются не при каких условиях. Также с помощью индикатора можно наблюдать за коррекцией цены в сторону глобального тренда, определять возможные границы окончания отката
Dear traders I am happy to introduce to you my new tool called "Brilliant Oscillator" Indicator. This is one of the indicators that can be used as a stand alone indicator. WHAT I LIKE ABOUT THIS TOOL IS Fast and reliable signals Purpose The purpose of this tool is to assist both newbie and Advanced traders to analyze the market with high level of accuracy in both bearish and bullish market trends. The inputs In the input section you will be able to change colors of the indicator only. Currency p
NAM Order Blocks
5 (1)
MT4多時限訂單塊檢測指示器。 特徵 -在圖表控制面板上完全可自定義,提供完整的交互。 -隨時隨地隱藏和顯示控制面板。 -在多個時間範圍內檢測OB。 -選擇要顯示的OB數量。 -不同的OB用戶界面。 -OB上的不同過濾器。 -OB接近警報。 -ADR高低線。 -通知服務(屏幕警報|推送通知)。 概括 訂單塊是一種市場行為,它指示從金融機構和銀行收取訂單。著名的金融機構和中央銀行帶動了外匯市場。因此,交易者必須知道他們在市場上正在做什麼。當市場建立訂單塊時,它會像發生大多數投資決策的範圍一樣移動。 訂單建立完成後,市場將朝著上升和縮小的方向發展。訂單大宗交易策略的關鍵術語是它包括機構交易者正在做的事情。由於它們是主要的價格驅動因素,因此包括機構交易在內的任何策略都可以。 您將在任何時間範圍內實時看到訂單塊,使用我們的控制面板,您將能夠在所選的歷史記錄週期內檢測常規,拒收和未大寫的訂單塊。 現在您可以接收到訂單塊接近警報,我們在MT4上顯示屏幕通知,並將通知推送到您的手機!
TWO PAIRS SQUARE HEDGE METER INDICATOR Try this brilliant 2 pairs square indicator It draws a square wave of the relation between your two inputs symbols when square wave indicates -1 then it is very great opportunity to SELL pair1 and BUY Pair2 when square wave indicates +1 then it is very great opportunity to BUY pair1 and SELL Pair2 the inputs are : 2 pairs of symbols         then index value : i use 20 for M30 charts ( you can try other values : 40/50 for M15 , : 30 for M30 , : 10 for H1 ,
Pair Spread Indicator
Vladislav Ostashenkov
Pair Spread Indicator The indicator shows the difference in price between the two instruments. : Graph in the form of a histogram of the difference in price between the two instruments in a separate window. Ideal for related tools for example:  BRN -- WTI,   GOLD -- 50* Silver, DJ -- 14*S&P500, etc; Calculation method: closing price (open, high, low) N-bars back; Moving average on the histogram; Averaging options for the moving average: simple, exponential, smoothed, etc; The negative coefficie
Andriy Sydoruk
Matrix is a Forex arrow indicator. Displays signals simply and clearly! The arrows show the direction of the transaction, and are colored accordingly, which can be seen in the screenshots. As you can see, trading with such an indicator is easy. I waited for an arrow to appear in the desired direction - I opened a deal. An arrow formed in the opposite direction - closed the deal. The indicator also displays the lines with the help of which the arrow signals are formed, taking into account the int
This is a new strategy for SUPPLY DEMAND areas It is based on a calculation using the tick volume to detect the big price action in market for both bear /bull actions this smart volume action candles are used to determine the supply and demand areas prices in between main supply and demand lines indicate sideway market  up arrows will be shown when prices moves above the main supply and the secondary supply lines Down arrows will be shown when prices moves below the main demand and the secondary
Weiss Wave
Giordano Gorghetto
If you are a market operator looking for an advanced solution to identify trends and trend reversals in financial markets, the Weiss Wave indicator could be what you need. Based on the principle of Elliott wave analysis and combining multiple indicators, the indicator provides a comprehensive view of the market in an easy and intuitive way, even for less experienced traders. With clear and easy-to-interpret buy/sell signals, the indicator provides reliable guidance for identifying trends and tre
SPV Body
Yvan Musatov
The SPV Body indicator displays the average analysis of the intersection of adjacent bars. The indicator can easily detect unusual market movements which can be used as a filter. For clarity, poke the graphs to the very beginning of the history when the bars were incomplete, and the indicator will easily display this anamaly. A very effective system for building various filters and confirmations of market entry, to exclude anomalies from trading. It also fixes cyclicity, it turns out that the in
Stable Pulse
Ivan Simonika
The work of the Stable Pulse bot is displayed in the form of several key mmoments, which can be seen in the screenshots. This development is a scalping system. You can download and test the bot for free this way by yourself making sure of its capabilities. The bot can be tested on different currency pairs and different periods. The main thing is to set the tester settings as shown in the screenshot, for correct testing. You need to trade on timeframes M1-M15. Expert Advisor is designed to trade
Ivan Stefanov
5 (7)
ENIGMERA: 市场的核心 重要提示:MQL5.com 演示版本在策略测试器中运行,可能无法完全反映 Enigmera 的功能。请查看描述、截图和视频了解详细信息。如有任何问题,请随时联系我! 该指标的代码已完全重写。版本 3.0 增加了新功能并修复了自指标发布以来积累的错误。 简介 这个指标和交易系统是金融市场的一种独特方法。ENIGMERA 使用分形周期来精确计算支撑和阻力水平。它展示了真实的积累阶段,并提供了方向和目标。无论是在趋势中还是在修正中,这个系统都能工作。 它是如何工作的 指标的大部分功能通过图表左侧的按钮控制,使得能够快速响应不同的市场情况。 按钮 ON/OFF – 显示或隐藏整个指标。 Channel – 激活支撑通道,显示可接受的偏差范围。 Dev1 (第一偏差) – 指示价格在支撑偏差内的波动,信号表示市场正在整合或积累力量。 Dev2 (第二偏差) – 显示价格在偏差之间的波动,表示趋势形成和方向。 Dev3 (第三偏差) – 表示趋势的显著加速和高波动性。 45deg (45度) – 显示市场的节奏和相对于 45 度线的运动稳定性。 Tgt1/2
Volume by Price MT4
Brian Collard
4.67 (12)
Volume Profile, Footprint and Market Profile TPO (Time Price Opportunity). Volume and TPO histogram bar and line charts. Volume Footprint charts. TPO letter and block marker collapsed and split structure charts. Static, dynamic and flexible range segmentation and compositing methods with relative and absolute visualizations. Session hours filtering and segment concatenation with Market Watch and custom user specifications. Graphical layering, positioning and styling options to suit the user's a
Quantum Entry PRO
Aleksandr Makarov
Bonus: when you buy  the indicator, 2 any of my indicators for free (of your choice) .(Write in a private message or in telegram in the profile to receive a bonus) Quantum Entry is a powerful price action trading system built on one of the most popular and widely known strategies among traders: the Breakout Strategy! This indicator produces crystal clear buy and sell signals based on breakouts of key support and resistance zones. Unlike typical breakout indicators, it uses advanced calculation
M1 Gold
Abdulkarim Karazon
PTS Precision Index Oscillator V2
5 (1)
精密指数振荡器(Pi-Osc)由Precision Trading Systems的Roger Medcalf开发 版本2经过精心重新编码,以在您的图表上加载速度非常快,还加入了一些其他技术改进,以提高体验。 Pi-Osc旨在提供准确的交易定时信号,旨在找到极端的耗尽点,这些点是市场被迫去触及,以清理每个人的止损单。 该产品解决了一个古老的问题,即知道极端点在哪里,这使得交易员的生活变得更加简单。 这是一个高度复杂的共识指标,与行业标准的振荡器相比,具有一些强大的区别。 它使用的一些特征包括需求指数、资金流动、RSI、随机指标、模式识别、成交量分析、标准偏差极端点以及不同长度上述各种变化的分歧。 乍一看,对于未经培训的人来说,它似乎与任何其他振荡器没有什么不同,但当与其他振荡器(如RSI或动量等)相对比时,这个指标的真正威力开始显现。 据我所知,没有其他振荡器可以频繁地精确指出顶部和底部,具有相同的定期效率。 精密指数振荡器由许多不同的数学方程组成,用于测量多个时间框架采样中的价格和成交量变动,从而高度准确地预测趋势可能发生转折的位置。 PTS Pi-Osc V2非
Order Blocks ICT Multi TF MT4
Diego Arribas Lopez
5 (2)
[ MT5 Version ]  [ Kill Zones ]  [ SMT Divergences ] How to trade using Order Blocks:  Click here User Interface Performance:  During testing in the strategy tester, the UI may experience lag. Rest assured, this issue is specific to the testing environment and does not affect the indicator's performance in live trading. Elevate your trading strategy with the  Order Blocks ICT Multi TF  indicator, a cutting-edge tool designed to enhance your trading decisions through advanced order block analys
Binary Booster
Yaroslav Varankin
5 (1)
Binary Options Trading Indicator: A Reliable Tool for Your Trades This indicator is specifically designed for binary options trading and has proven its high quality, reliability, and adequate accuracy, depending on the dynamics of the chart. Key Points: Signal Interpretation: When a blue cross signal appears, it indicates a potential entry into a trade, though it is considered a weak signal on its own. However, if the blue cross is accompanied by an arrow, it is considered a more reliable buy s
介绍 ON Trade Waves Patterns Harmonic Elliot Wolfe,这是一款高级指标,旨在使用手动和自动方法检测各种市场模式。以下是它的工作原理: 谐波模式: 该指标可以识别出现在您图表上的谐波模式。这些模式对于练习谐波交易理论的交易者非常重要,正如Scott Carney的书《谐波交易第1卷和第2卷》所描述的那样。无论您是手动绘制它们还是依赖自动检测,ON Trade Waves Patterns都可以胜任。 控制面板: 我们配备了一个用户友好的控制面板,它会保存您的图表和时间帧设置,使您可以轻松切换不同配置。您甚至可以最小化它以最大化图表空间。如果您更喜欢使用其他分析工具,只需单击关闭按钮即可隐藏所有指标数据。 模板保存: 当您自定义设置或添加其他指标,如移动平均线或布林带时,该指标会自动保存您的模板。这意味着您可以随时轻松加载您喜欢的设置。 优化显示: 对于Windows 10用户,我们建议调整您的DPI设置以获得高清设备上的最佳屏幕体验。右键单击MetaTrader图标,选择“兼容性”,然后选择“更改高DPI设置”,将其设置为“系统(增强)”。
Hello Dear Trader, Today Im Telling You About The "Golden Scalp System V1 " Metatrader4 Golden Scalp System Scalper with EMA   This is a  Scalper strategy   based on ( Exponential moving average) EMA . Time frame: H1 Pair: EUR/USD, GBP/USD,AUD/USD XAU/USD Platform Mt4   Indicators for Scalper with Ema: 300  EMA (Exponential Moving Average) ; 500 EMA (Expontial Moving Average); Stochastic   (5,3,3)   Long Entry 1) 300  EMA   > 500  EMA . 2) Find significant levels of support. 3) Wait for the c
Bomb Bank Signal
Igor Pereira Calil
5 (1)
炸彈銀行訊號:您對 MetaTrader 4 的信心指標 Bomb Bank Signal 是 MetaTrader 4 的一個強大指標,旨在識別金融市場中最相關的趨勢。如果您正在尋找一種能夠準確預測運動的工具,那麼炸彈庫就是您需要的盟友。 運作原理: 該指標結合了三種不同的方法——成交量分析、蠟燭收盤價和對稱趨勢——來偵測和發出買賣機會訊號。當炸彈銀行識別出買入機會時,它就像一顆「炸彈」;當它偵測到賣出訊號時,它就像一個「頭骨」。 為什麼炸彈銀行不一樣? 完全可靠性:炸彈庫訊號不會刪除訊號。訊號一旦發出,就會一直存在,確保您不會錯過任何機會。 極為準確:炸彈庫不會發出錯誤訊號。它會即時更新您的訊息,隨著市場的變化進行調整,但保持先前訊號的透明度。 即時更新:訊號被即時識別並在必要時更新,使您能夠快速響應市場變化。 最大化您的結果: 炸彈銀行訊號是識別趨勢持續走勢的理想選擇。例如,如果您已經做空並且指標在 M15 發出買入訊號,那麼現在就是平倉或部分下單的最佳時機,反之亦然。 此外,經過仔細分析,我們建議您遵循M30、H1和H4上的訊號,停損僅50點。這使得價格朝著有利
Stefano Frisetti
5 (3)
note: this indicator is for METATRADER4, if you want the version for METATRADER5 this is the link:  https://www.mql5.com/it/market/product/108106 TRENDMAESTRO ver 2.4 TRENDMAESTRO recognizes a new TREND in the bud, he never makes mistakes. The certainty of identifying a new TREND is priceless. DESCRIPTION TRENDMAESTRO identifies a new TREND in the bud, this indicator examines the volatility, volumes and momentum to identify the moment in which there is an explosion of one or more of these data a
PZ Harmonacci Patterns
3.17 (6)
可以说,这是您可以为MetaTrader平台找到的最完整的谐波价格形成自动识别指标。它检测19种不同的模式,像您一样认真对待斐波那契投影,显示潜在的反转区域(PRZ),并找到合适的止损和获利水平。 [ 安装指南 | 更新指南 | 故障排除 | 常见问题 | 所有产品 ] 它检测19种不同的谐波价格形态 它绘制了主要,衍生和互补的斐波那契投影(PRZ) 它评估过去的价格走势并显示每个过去的形态 该指标分析其自身的质量和性能 它显示合适的止损和获利水平 它使用突破来表明合适的交易 它在图表上绘制所有样式比率 它实现了电子邮件/声音/视觉警报 受斯科特·M·卡尼(Scott M. Carney)的书的启发,该指标旨在满足最纯粹和最熟练的交易者的需求。但是,它采取了一种使交易更容易的方式:在向交易发出信号之前,它会等待Donchian朝正确方向突破,从而使交易信号非常可靠。 斐波那契投影与向量无关 它实现了电子邮件/声音/推送警报 它绘制了ABCD投影 重要提示: 为了符合 Scott M. Carney先生 的商标申诉,某些图案名称已重命名为不言自明的替代方式, Scott M.
Gold Channel XAUUSD
Paulo Rocha
5 (4)
Gold Channel is a volatility-based indicator, developed with a specific timing algorithm for the XAUUSD pair, which consists of finding possible corrections in the market. This indicator shows two outer lines, an inner line (retracement line) and an arrow sign, where the theory of the channel is to help identify overbought and oversold conditions in the market. The market price will generally fall between the boundaries of the channel. If prices touch or move outside the channel it is a tradi
Please send me Direct message on MQL5 CHAT after purchasing the Indicator for Training and Installation Support There are some additional files that is important to use with the Indicator . So be sure to contact me after purchasing the Indicator So that I can add you for training and support . If you find any difficulty with installation then send me Direct message here So that I can connect with you via Anydesk or Teamview for the product installation. " Smart Order Block Indicator " to find m
---- Brand New Strategy. Three Month Rent is $30. ONE YEAR RENT ONLY $50. FREE EURUSD VERSION AVAILABLE UNDER << Forecast System Gift >>. NO NEED FOR BACKTEST! Link to the FREE version -->  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/110085?source=Site --- This is a simple strategy based on BREAKOUT and FIBONACCI levels. After a breakout, either, the market: - continues the move directly to the 161, 261 and 423 levels, or - retraces to the 50% level (also called a correction) and thereafter continues
Hidden Cross Binary Options
Ellan Dirgantara Tholkhah
The latest Binary Options arrow indicator in the Garuda Signals product line. Binary options signal based on multiple time frame cross over analysis. Gets confirmation from the most consistent signals known to man; Ichimoku, SMA, Bollinger Bands; and also uses the 1 Hour time frame as trend confirmation , so you don't have to open up multiple chart and waste time. - Can be used for all time frames up to 1 hour, but is most POWERFUL for 1 and 5 min options. - Place your Call/PUT based on the Arro
Please follow the "How To Trade" instructions exactly for best results Wycoff theory is vastly used by institutional traders but when it comes to retail traders the concept isn't well understood by most. It is even more difficult to implement in intraday & swing trading. This No REPAINT indicator helps you in analyzing the market cycles and plots buy/sell signals at the start of trending phase. It studies the market strength of bulls and bears and does a effort Vs reward matrix calculation befor
This is a mini version(One pair) of Advanced Detector of Trend Reversal and Continuance known as TrueTrendStarM(TTSm25). It is a sensitive and Predictive indicator of Price Trends for Professional traders.    It detects high odds changes in Price Trend direction long before other indicator detects it. I have been working on it since 2019.    This is possible due to fractal nature of forex and other financial markets,which this indicator captures it consistently. It can generate Signals for al
这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。 这是最赚钱的指标。它的表现非常出色。无论市场上有什么兴趣,你都能看到。 几乎在所有情况下,它都只会给你一个长期的市场观点,但不要被愚弄,以为它是受事件约束的。不是这样的。它能找到市场上最大的利益所在,并将其展示给你。别忘了,最大的资金(利益)每天都不会在市场上出现。这是您没有遇到过的情况。月租金可能会给您一到两个信号,仅此而已。但当我们谈论大资金时,他们就是这样行事的。 如果您想了解更多,请点击这里。
The Nihilist 5.0 Indicator includes Forexalien and Nihilist Easy Trend trading strategies and systems. It is composed of an MTF Dashboard where you can analyze the different input possibilities of each strategy at a glance. It has an alert system with different types of configurable filters. You can also configure which TF you want to be notified on your Metatrader 4 platform and Mobile application The indicator has the option to view how could be a TP and SL by using ATR or fixed points, even w
RelicusRoad Pro
Relicus LLC
4.64 (103)
RelicusRoad 用户手册 + 培训视频 + 访问 Private Discord Group + VIP 身份 一种看待市场的新方式 RelicusRoad 是世界上最强大的外汇、期货、加密货币、股票和指数交易指标,为交易者提供保持盈利所需的所有信息和工具。我们提供技术分析和交易计划,帮助每一位交易者取得成功,从初学者到高级。它是一个关键的交易指标,可以提供足够的信息来预测未来的市场。我们相信一个完整的解决方案,而不是图表上几个没有意义的不同指标。这是一个多合一指标,显示无与伦比且非常准确的信号、箭头 + 价格行为信息。 RelicusRoad 基于强大的人工智能,提供缺失的信息和工具来教育您并使您成为交易专家,成为成功的交易者。 几乎所有技术指标都滞后,这意味着它们只能报告已经发生的事情。因此,他们只确认您过去可以看到的价格已经在哪里。我们相信领先指标可以预测未来价格,而无需重新绘制,也不要过度依赖可能改变并导致重新绘制的滞后指标。如果您根据滞后指标进行交易并建立头寸,您就知道您已经大部分时间在赌博。我们相信,在您考虑建仓之前,您需要了解市场并了解价格变动的位置和原
This is a trend scanner that uses the Forecast System technology. Link to the FREE version of the   Forecast System  -->  https://www.mql5.com/en/market/product/110085?source=Site It scans up to 30 pairs for having an oversight of trending pairs and reversals. With this system you make every day about 10 profitable trades. The scanning comes with popup alert feature and mobile phone notifications. The scanner is free of charge for those who bought or rented the Forecast System. Please contact m
ZO Trend
Trung Le Hoang
4 (4)
Important!! ZO Trend can't work on MN timeframe. /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ZO Trend an indicator used to search for entry point. With the session candle algorithm on many timeframe, ZO Trend creates an area for traders find good Entry Point. ZO SYSTEM BASIC SETUP :  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qdNOXHWozNw ZO TREND User guide : 
[V 1.00] MTF NRPA 5 RSI RTD 已发布! 非重绘箭头实时仪表板。 如果您厌倦了使用各种 RSI 指标但发现它们不准确,那么试试这个工具。 通常人们只设置 1 个 RSI 来确定一个时间范围内的 OBOS 水平。 坏消息是您无法同时看到不同时间范围内的 OBOS 水平和趋势。 这就是我开发此交易工具的原因。 解释如下: 在这个交易工具上,我使用了五个 RSI。 是的,五个! 默认情况下,我在较大的时间范围内设置 RSI 1 和 RSI 2,即 M30。 RSI 1 和 RSI 2 的交集意味着 M30 时间框架上有趋势变化。 然后我在当前(小)时间范围内设置 RSI 3 和 RSI 4,例如您在 M5 上打开图表。 RSI 3 和 RSI 4 的交集意味着当前时间帧 (M5) 有趋势变化。 然后为了确保趋势运动,我在更高的时间框架 (H1) 上设置了 RSI 5。 当 RSI 5 越过 50 水平(您可以设置时间范围和 OBOS 水平)时,箭头将出现。 这个交易工具有很多令人惊奇的东西: 您可以根据自己的意愿更改五个 RSI 时间范围。 您可以更改线
Trade Invest Pro
Dmitriy Kashevich
Trade Invest Pro - Boss in the world of cryptocurrency! This indicator is ideal for cryptocurrency trading! Work on Trade Invest Pro took us half a year! But not in vain! Now only accurate signals near support - resistance levels! He showed himself well on timeframes m5 m15 for binary options! Optionally, it can be configured for forex for timeframes m30 and more! Reacts well to news! Doesn't paint! and does not disappear from the schedule! As soon as a red arrow appears, open a deal fo
Clever Order Blocks
Carlos Forero
5 (2)
Description Very precise patterns to detect: entry signals as well as breakout, support and resistance reversal patterns. It points out zones in which, with a high probability, institutional orders with the potential to change the price’s direction and keep moving towards it, have been placed.  KEY LINKS:   Indicator Manual  –  How to Install   –  Frequent Questions  -  All Products  How is this indicator useful? It will allow you to trade on the order’s direction, once its direction has been id
Gann Swing Structure
Kirill Borovskii
5 (1)
This indicator is based on the mathematics of the great trader W.D. Ganna. With its help, you can easily find strong levels by analyzing swings to find the optimal entry point. The indicator works on all instruments and all timeframes. The indicator is fully manual and has control buttons. All you need to do is press the NEW button, a segment will appear, which you can place on any movement, swing or even 1 candle that you want to analyze. By placing the segment, press the OK button. A grid (th
Dark Sniper
Dmitriy Kashevich
Dark Sniper pointer indicator.  Complete absence of redrawing   The percentage of correct indicator forecasts depends on your settings; the default is period 7 (performed better) The arrow indicates the direction of the next candle and the possible direction of the trend in the future.  Suitable for small timeframes m1 and m5  It is recommended to open transactions from 1 to 2 candles.  The signal appears on the current candle. Open a trade on the next one since the signal is being generat
[V 1.00] MTF NRPA 5 移动平均 RTD 已发布! 非重绘箭头实时仪表板。 如果您正在寻找最好的移动平均线指标,那么您来对地方了。 通常人们会设置两条移动平均线,因为两条移动平均线的交点(交叉)将决定下一个价格趋势的方向。 如果快速移动平均线与慢速移动平均线相交且快 > 慢则趋势向上。 相反,如果快速移动平均线与慢速移动平均线相交且快 < 慢,则趋势向下。 两条均线的缺点是看不到长期趋势。 这就是我开发此交易工具的原因。 解释如下: 在这个交易工具中,我使用了五个移动平均线。 是的,五个! 默认情况下,我将 MA 1 和 MA 2 设置在较大的时间范围内,即 H1。 MA 1 和 MA 2 的交集意味着 H1 时间帧上有趋势变化。 然后 MA 3 和 MA 4 我在当前时间范围(小)上设置,例如,您在 M5 上打开图表。 MA 3 和 MA 4 的交叉点表示当前时间范围 (M5) 有趋势变化。 然后为了确认趋势运动,我在当前时间范围内设置了 MA 5。 这个交易工具有很多令人惊奇的东西: 您可以根据自己的喜好更改五个 MA 的时间范围。 您可以更改线条样式
Gann Zone Pro
Kirill Borovskii
This indicator identifies and displays zones, as it were areas of strength, where the price will unfold. The indicator can work on any chart, any instrument, at any timeframe. The indicator has two modes. The indicator is equipped with a control panel with buttons for convenience and split into two modes. Manual mode: To work with manual mode, you need to press the NEW button, a segment will appear. This segment is stretched over the movement and the LVL button is pressed. The level is displayed
Think of the rarest pair you can think of. And I assure you that this indicator can compute it is strength. This Currency Meter will literally calculate any currency pairs, either it is a major pair, metal, CFD, commodity, cryptocurrency like Bitcoin/BTC or Ethereum/ETH and even stocks. Just name it and you will get it! There is no currency pair this Currency Meter cannot solve. No matter how rare or exotic is that currency, it will always be solved by this Currency meter on a real-time basis. S
True Currency Strength Meter
Emir Revolledo
4.24 (17)
发生了重大变化。参数说明将被更改。期待 6 月底之前的另一个更新。 最终更新后价格会上涨。 带有电子邮件和短信推送通知的真正货币计! 您有没有想过为什么有些货币对会比其他货币对波动更大,而 EURGBP 的 100 点大于 EURUSD 的 100 点?而在新闻中,有些会移动 200 点,但有些只会移动 150 点?这是新开发的“28对”真实货币强度计的关键。 人们必须知道所有对都是唯一的并且彼此不同。英镑和日元货币对通常移动得如此之快,但其他货币对则不然。这是我的 TRUE CURRENCY METER 的关键,用于平衡这 8 种主要货币的新计算。鉴于每一对都有不同的行为,他们都根据他们的市场走势进行了平衡,这基本上是基于 PIPS。典型的货币强度计甚至没有考虑到“EURGBP”的 100 点值可能与“欧元兑美元”的 100 点值不同。但是这个新的货币强度计将计算提升到一个新的水平,其中所有“28 对”都以相同的基数计算,只是为了获得每种货币的真实强度。其中,真正的货币计的关键是“平衡货币强度计”。 参数 时间范围 - 从 M1 到每月选择您想要的时间范围
Think of the rarest pair you can think of. And I assure you that this indicator can compute it's strength. This Currency Meter will literally calculate any currency pairs, either it is the Major Pairs, Metals, CFD's, Commodities, Crypto Currency like Bitcoin/BTC or Ethereum/ETH and even stocks. Just name it and you will get it! There is no currency pair this Currency Meter can solve. No matter how rare or exotic is that currency, it will always be solved by this Currency meter which on a real-ti
MACD Currency Meter
Emir Revolledo
4.68 (44)
MACD shì zuì shòu huānyíng de dòngliàng hé qūshì zhǐbiāo zhī yī. Huòbì qiángdù jì yěshì jīyú duō zhǒng huòbì de qūshì zhǐbiāo. MACD huòbì qiángdù jì shì jùyǒu MACD hé huòbì qiángdù jìsuàn fǎ de dān túbiǎo zhǐbiāo. Tā hái jùyǒu yī jiàn shì gōngnéng, qízhōng 28 gè zhǔyào hé cì yào duì xiǎnshì zài nín de yíbiǎo bǎn shàng, tōngguò dān jī mǒu gè duì, nín de túbiǎo jiāng zìdòng gēnggǎi wèi nín xuǎnzé de túbiǎo. Chǎnpǐn yōushì lùzhì de guānyú rúhé shǐyòng zhǐbiāo dì wǎngluò yántǎo huì wánzhěng de zījī
Fibonacci CSM
Emir Revolledo
Fibonacci Currency Strength Meter (FCSM) Early Access Sale!! This new product is still in the process of adding new features and settings. For early bird buyers. The Price will be 50% Sale. In a few weeks, the product will be done. Go Grab your copy while it's still cheap. More details will be added soon. Things to be added. Alert Levels Mobile and Email Alert From it's name, Fibonacci Currency Strength Meter is a combination of Fibonacci levels and Currency Strength Meter. The plot of Fibona
Emir Revolledo
*笔记 : 早期购买者可享受 40% 折扣! 免费 EA 将于 11 月第 2 周发布 一旦免费 EA 可用,折扣即结束 RSi 指标是指示某种商品或货币对超买或超卖时最受欢迎的指标之一。 货币强弱计也是一个基于多种货币的趋势指标。 RSi 货币强度计是一款单图表指标,具有 RSi 和货币强度计的算法。 它还具有一键功能,其中 28 个主要和次要对显示在您的仪表板上,通过单击某个对,您的图表将自动更改为您选择的图表。 产品优势: 免费 EA 来管理您的交易。给我留言了解更多详情 输入参数 RSi 设置 - 默认参数为周期 14,电平为 65/35。电平越高或越低,信号会更少但更准确 线图、仪表板和市场趋势的类型 显示设置 - 字体货币颜色、信号颜色、线条颜色以及 X 和 Y 轴对象的位置 计算机、电子邮件和图表警报
Advance Currency Meter is a currency meter that detects strong market trends. This indicator is good for scalping, intraday trading and swing trading. The indicator will detect short term to long term market trends. This will give you good insight which currencies are best to trade as of the moment. Note : Kindly contact me before you make any purchases. This won't work on your account without my permission. Note :   Works well with my MACD Currency Strength Meter
Najseattle7 2022.06.06 04:45 

This is a fun indicator. I made a nice strategy using envelopes around the blue MA and angles of both the MAs. This indicator can do some cool things

Frank Paetsch
Frank Paetsch 2021.09.22 00:33 

good Indicator

4example 2020.12.18 01:12 

I am still yet to find a loosing trade in testing. Will put to work tonight on VPS. From now one this little guy is working, I will rest. I test it on several pairs in both trending and consolidating markets. If real time entry is used and active money management, there is simply no loosing trade, but break even in consolidation. In trending market it is amazing. Now I know, there are here some negative reviews. Of course. They have no patience to test nor willingness to ask the author about help with strategy. Not all time frames are equal guys. Emir is one of a kind. His indicator is simply fantastic. Please have the diligence to test it properly before posting your review and help others with an honest opinion.

Fregatt888 2020.09.23 11:55 

Отличный индикатор очень помогает в торговле. Главное следовать правилам.Спасибо за хорошую работу Эмир

Aravind Kolanupaka
Aravind Kolanupaka 2020.05.18 04:44 


Mahmoud A Kamaleh
Mahmoud A Kamaleh 2019.09.25 22:29 


Yebo Lu
Yebo Lu 2019.09.23 13:10 

bravo !

Henry Setiawan
Henry Setiawan 2019.09.19 11:20 

This indicator is great. Now I trade more safe & confident, without a dangerous technique like martin, averaging, etc. I think Emir should make this forum more live, because everyone in here wanna see & learn what strategy we are using with this indicator.

Qun Li
Qun Li 2019.08.20 05:00 

very good

Forex 101
Forex 101 2019.08.18 13:11 

I'm not sure why people are giving out bad reviews on this one when you can surely earn $$$. I just started last Friday and already paid off the rental amount. I will surely get the permanent license and continue to earn. This system is a lifesaver thank you Emir! God bless you!

AgeTrader 2019.08.18 02:13 


jayosworld 2019.08.16 09:34 

Wow! Just rented for a month a few hours ago and already had valid signals. I am up in profit already! Just watch the videos on how to fix your charts (it's pretty easy) and you'll do just fine! I'll update my review after a month to show how my trades went.

Christopher Christian Kobiela
Christopher Christian Kobiela 2019.08.08 22:03 

Great indicator, already gave me some pips! Would you please add me to your Facebook Group? Thanks!

Hiroaki Takahashi
Hiroaki Takahashi 2019.08.07 04:33 

I want to join your group facebook ! Nice indicator

vollmerama 2019.07.12 21:51 

Im amazed. Today it showed clearly on H1 that EURUSD was going to go Long. And it did Amid some other indicators pointing towards short trade. Good Job!

Ravi Luke
Ravi Luke 2019.07.12 06:08 

Great indicator. With good money management you can get good returns.

sunnychow 2019.07.10 16:34 


[删除] 2019.07.06 08:18 


Mohamed Ah M A A El Gharabawy
Mohamed Ah M A A El Gharabawy 2019.03.22 18:08 

It’s is a very smart system , and if used correctly with correct money management it can be very profitable , the good trades tend to continue for longer times while the bad trades are exited quickly. So the overall is in the positive.

The developer is great , he is always responsive quickly , and he does his best to solve any problem.

I whole heartedly recommend this indicator.

kennyschuble 2019.03.13 22:57 

Full disclosure I am not trading real money yet. But this indicator looks AWESOME in demo and if you get full purchase you get access to the Facebook were people are posting trades and making money. The biggest point from people in the FB group seems like the easy of use and the amount of pips or % they are making ! One person said it correctly that if there ever was a single indicator system this is it! Let me also make this point, and to make a long story short. Emier went way above and out of his way to help me with some technical issues. So you wont get any better service ! Without him I would not be up and running. Let's also not forget the one on one you get with him about the indicator to make you you understand it all. I was already trying to put together a system of currency strength with moving averages but then he came out with this and did the work for me...lol.......Thanks Emir !

版本 1.8 2020.08.21
Arrow signals on charts are now available
版本 1.7 2020.02.26
Button Length and Width can now be edited
版本 1.6 2019.07.07
No major changes. This is just a reminder to DEMO-version users that back test result is not accurate. This means that the lines of backtest is different from forward testing(rented or licensed)

*Note: The limitation of backtest is that it can only test one pair at a time. So if it test a multi-currency indicator like this, results are not accurate.
版本 1.5 2019.06.20
Added Options to Show or Hide Currency strengths, trends or moving average
版本 1.4 2019.03.19
Text Color Added
版本 1.3 2019.01.31
Moving Average and Currency Strength Line can now have different periods.
Shift Parameter is only for Moving Average
版本 1.2 2018.12.19
Back Test can now be used, but only December 2018 onwards won be allowed for back testing
Alerts can now be either Time_Interval or when there's a change in Market Direction
Moving Average Shift is added for Moving Average Line.
版本 1.1 2018.12.13
Minimal change just on comment section when user's mt4 have missing data.